
Age. much more than human relatives, much less than dragon relatives. up to 2100 years.

Ability Score Increase. depends on the subrace

Alignmentall Alignment.

Size depends on the subrace

SpeedYour base walking speed is 30 feet.

Keen Senses.You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Draconic Resistance. Choose one type of dragon from the Draconic Ancestry table. You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.

Half dragon immunity.All half-dragons were immune to sleep and paralysis effects.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and Draconic.

Subrace.Choose between "More Human" or "More Dragon".

More Human

Ability Scores. Cha +2; Choose any other two unique +1

Size. Half-Dragon are about the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Skill Versatility.You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.

Dragon magic.Choose a cantrip from the sorcerer's list of spells, the charisma, and the trait for these spells.

More Dragon

Ability Score Increase.Str +2; Con +1

Flight of the dragon.Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the dragon energy within yourself, wings to sprout from your back. Your flight resistence lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you have a flying speed of 30 feet, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra damage are determined by the dragon type, to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra dragon type damage equals your level.Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest..when you reach 12th level you can fly without limits but the extra damage dealt is nullified. you can switch between these 2 possibilities after a long rest.

Draconic Ancestry You have draconic ancestry. Choose one type of dragon from the Draconic Ancestry table. Your breath weapon and damage resistance are determined by the dragon type, as shown in the table.

Draconic Ancestry

Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon Black Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save) Blue Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save) Brass Fire 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save) Bronze Lightning 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save) Copper Acid 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save) Gold Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex. save) Green Poison 15 ft. cone (Con. save) Red Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex. save) Silver Cold 15 ft. cone (Con. save) White Cold 15 ft. cone (Con. save)

Breath Weapon

You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation. When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your draconic ancestry. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

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