Hag Bloodline (5e Subclass)

You can trace your Sorcerer lineage to one of the many hag races. You might be a child that was rescued from a hag, but some of their dark powers rubbed off on you. You may somehow be the offspring of a hag and a mortal being, and once again through luck and fate where somehow rescued from the clutches of evil. A surprisingly common origin is that you are just a normal mortal whom grew up in a region dominated by a power coven of hags. Their influence twisting the landscape and creatures in strange ways, including you.

As a Sorcerer with the bloodline of a hag, you are not necessarily evil, you might even consider yourself a hag hunter of sorts, seeking payback for your current lot in life. You are often brash, if not hot headed, and if pushed can become quite sadistic.

While hags may seem female, to call them that is quite disingenuous to their monstrous natures. Sorcerers with the hag bloodline can be of any gender.

Basic Hag-Like Abilities

At 1st level, you must pick one of the following hag-like abilities:

  • Death and Madness: you gain the cantrips of chill touch, vicious mockery and the spell ray of sickness, in addition to your normal cantrip and spells selection.
  • Disguise Visage: You add the spell disguise self to your known spell list without counting towards your normal maximum. You may cast this spell without using a spell slot, but must take a short or long rest between each use of this feature.
  • Ill Illusions: You gain minor illusion and dancing lights as bonus cantrips, and add the illusionary script and silent image spells to your known spell list without counting towards your normal maximum.
  • Mimicry: You gain proficiency in the Persuasion and Performance skills. You may use these skills to convince a creature (usually opposed with a Wisdom (Insight) check) you sound like another humanoid, beast, or monstrosity you are familiar with. The GM and group may determine the outcome of such opposed checks, perhaps granting advantage on another ability check, such as Dexterity (Stealth) or Charisma (Intimidation), or even granting you a surprise round of combat at the start of combat.

Improved Hag-Like Abilities

At 6th level, you may either choose one Basic Hag-Like Ability you have not taken yet, or one of the following upgrades:

  • Beyond Death and Madness: Requires Death and Madness feature. Whenever you do necrotic, poison, or psychic damage to a creature as a die roll, you do one extra die of rolled damage and add your proficiency bonus to the damage as well.
  • Altered Visage: Requires Disguise Visage feature. You add the spell alter self to your known spell list without counting towards your normal maximum. You may cast this spell without using a spell slot, but must take a short or long rest between each use of this feature.
  • Warped Illusions: Requires Ill Illusions feature. You gain additional known spells as a sorcerer equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), but these must be spells from the illusion school of magic. You may also take any spell from the school of illusion regardless of what class it is from.
  • Frightfully Charming. Require Mimicry feature. You add the spells fear and charm person to your known spell list without counting towards your normal maximum. Also, any creature within 10 feet of your that you can see and that can see you will have disadvantage on their saving throws against being frightened or charmed.

Hag Wares

At 14th level, you must pick one of the following special items:

  • Hag's Sack: You gain a special magical sack about the size of a pillowcase for a typical human. You must have it in one hand to use its effects. When a creature within 10 feet of you dies, you can use your reaction to capture its soul in the sack. The creature is allowed a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. If it fails the save, its soul is collected in the bag. Only one soul can be in the bag at time. The body of the trapped soul cannot be brought back to life or animated by any means. Otherwise the effects of your Hag Sack works exactly like the spell magic jar, though it does not target you, and you get to control where the trapped soul goes. Your Hag Sack has an AC 10 + your Charisma modifier, and hit points equal to your Charisma score + Sorcerer's level, immunity to poison damage, and resistance to all damage, except fire and radiant damage. If the hag sack is destroyed, the soul inside is freed, and you will have to wait one week (7 days) before forming a new sack beside you.
  • Hag's Eye: You gain a floating round fleshy orb that may look like an eye, a twisted mutated creature, a shrunken head, or any tiny strange thing your heart desires. This acts exactly like the spell arcane eye, except that is permanent, does not require concentration, and it cannot be dispelled or affected by anti-magic fields. If somehow your hag's eye is destroyed or lost, you may reform it next you after taking a long rest.
  • Red Heartstone: This a small gem that can be worm as an amulet or ring instead of being held in hand. If somehow you loose or have your red heartstone destroyed, you will have to wait one month (30 days), or until you level up as a sorcerer before you can replace it. The Red Heartstone has a number of charges equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), with 1d4 charges recovering at the start of each dawn (up to its normal maximum). You may spend the charges in the following manner:
    • Spending 1 charge will allow you to apply the effects of cure wounds or healing word spells at their base spell level.
    • Spending 2 charges will allow you to apply the effects of lesser restoration or remove curse at their base spell level.
    • Spending 3 charges will allow to activate the effects of the spell dimension door at its base spell level.
    • Spending 4 charges will allow you to activate the effects of the spell etherealness, though its duration is measured in hours equal to your positive charisma modifier instead of its normal duration (minimum 1 hour).

Ultimate Hag

At 18th level, you must add the tag "hag" to your racial descriptor. This means in the very unlikely chance an item, power, spell, trait or any other effect that targets a hag, will also target you for good or for ill.

Also, at 18th level, depending on your pick of Hag Ware you gain one of the following features:

  • Sack of Death: Requires Hag's Sack feature. If an enemy soul is in your hag sack, you may open the sack and reach in to grab it. The enemy's soul, makes an Charisma saving throw against your spell saving throw with advantage. If it succeeds, its soul is freed to return its body (though this will not bring the creature back to life), or to leave the mortal plane to whatever fate awaits it. If it fails the save, its soul is utterly destroyed (can never be brought back to life or reincarnated through conventional means), and you heal back 6d6+6 hit points, with any excess becoming temporary hit points until they are replaced or depleted.
  • All Seeing Eye: Requires Hag's Eye feature. Your Hag's Eye will now have truesight 20 feet. Also, after taking a long rest, if you are at your maximum hit points and hit dice, you may activate the effects of the spell foresight. When you use this feature, you may not activate the spell foresight again during the same day.
  • Purple Heartstone: Require Red Heartstone. Your red heartstone has 4 additional charges above its normal maximum, and when you use it to activate cure wounds, healing word, or dimension door, you may do so as if those spells where 1 spell level slot higher than normal. Etherealness will lasts is full normal duration.

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