Great Musket, Heavy (3.5e Equipment)

Loading a heavy great musket is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Normally, operating a heavy great musket requires two hands. However, you can shoot, but not load, a heavy great musket with one hand at a -4 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a heavy great musket with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two one-handed weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.

Great Musket, heavy
Exotic Two-Handed Projectile
Critical: ×3
Range Increment: 120 ft
Type: Piercing
Hardness: 5
Fine25 gp1d61/2 lb1
Diminutive50 gp1d81 lb1
Tiny100 gp1d103 lbs1
Small200 gp2d66 lbs2
Medium200 gp2d812 lbs5
Large400 gp3d824 lbs10
Huge800 gp4d848 lbs20
Gargantuan1600 gp6d896 lbs40
Colossal3200 gp8d8192 lbs80
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

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