Goblin (4e Racial Trait Variant)
Racial Traits |
Average Height: 3'0" - 4'5" |
Average Weight: 60 – 90 lb |
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma |
Size: Small |
Speed: 6 squares |
Vision: Low-light |
Languages: Goblin, Common |
Skill Bonuses: +2 Thievery, +2 Nature |
Resilient: Goblins have a +5 bonus on saving throws against poison and disease |
Goblin Shift: You can use Goblin tactics as an encounter power. |
Goblins are the most common of the goblinoids. They are small, ill-tempered and mean-spirited.
Play a Goblin if you want...
- To be tricky
- To be a short and tough character
- To be a member of a race that favors the Rogue, Warlock and Ranger classes.
Physical Qualities
Goblin are small humanoid monsters. They vary in height from about 3 to 4 ½ feet and weigh 60 to 90 pounds. They walk upright even though their arms nearly reach their knees. Their eyes vary from red to yellow and are usually dull and glazed. They have a broad nose that sits on a flat face with pointed ears and a wide mouth. Their mouth contains small, but sharp fangs. Their skin pigment ranges from a deep red through nearly any shade of orange to yellow. Members of the same tribe tend to have the same skin color.
Playing a Goblin
Goblins never make commitments. They are selfish and do what ever they can to please themselves. Goblins form tribes, each ruled by a chieftain. The chieftain is usually the strongest member of the tribe, though some chieftains rely on guile more than martial strength. Hobgoblins rule the most civilized goblin tribes, sometimes building small settlements and fortresses that rival those of human construction.
Goblin Characteristics:'
Male Names: Griz, Gobber, Toby, Berk, Btas, Dnuzeg, Dten, Gras, Nbus, Noregz, Rath, Sgaz, Xoganm
Female Names: Gretta, Gertie
Adventurers: Rath is a famous goblin rogue in the city of Ravnica. Born in the lawless 10th district, he was captured as a whelp by the Boros Legion, and turned in an heroic (if somewhat Chaotic) explorer. Rath was a central figure in uncovering the Dimir Guild during the Decamillennial Festival.
Srax is a goblin beastmaster ranger who delights in tearing through the forest on her dire wolf mount, indiscriminately picking off wild animals with her bow.
Ubiabi is a goblin witch.
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