Gamer (3.5e Class)


General Descripion.

Gamers love nothing more than a good game of chance. To wit, as a young Player , many fell ill of an entity,( be it gambling den, a loan shark, or even some town guards) and had to either run or spend some time in a prison. During this time they fall across an older member of the class(or Order if you so choose for your campaign) who showed them how to truly get in touch with their cards and/or dice. the Gamers described in this Class are those who have undergone extensive training under a tutor and have found a way to truly be in touch with their cards or dice, in an almost magical way.

Making a Gamer

Making a gamer is a long, arduous, Process. He began his career as a lover of gambling, but, after falling afoul of an entity, he was taken under the wing of a mentor. His mentor taught him tricks of the trade and, after he felt that he had learned what he needed, gave him a choice. the way of the cards, or the way of the dice. The effects of the cards and the dice are detailed in the Gamer's level 5 ability "Inscribe Cards/ Craft Dice." Along with the other "modifications" the Gamer makes with these cards/dice, he gains a telekinetic bond with them. after using all of his Ammo(cards and/or dice) he may spend a full round action summoning them back to him.


The most important abilities for a Gamer are Charisma, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Charisma will be the cornerstone of many of his skills. Dexterity will decide his combat effectiveness, and will allow him to escape from sticky situations he may fin himself in when the game goes wrong. Intelligence will be key to having many skill points.

Aside from those main three; The strength of a Gamer will affect the bonus damage of his cards, Constitution will allow him to survive a few more blows, And lastly Wisdom will affect a few of his other skills such as Sense Motive.


Many Halflings take up this class to rake in some extra gold for their caravans and to help with the defense while in the wilderness. This race fares particularly well due to their high dexterity and their inherent bonuses to thrown weapons, However any race has the potential to learn the class with no restrictions.



Starting Gold:

As Rogue X2(due to gambling den profits)

Starting Age:

As Rogue

Table: The Gamer

Hit Die: d6

Level BAB Saving Throws Special
1st+0 +0 +1 +0 Legerdemain, Steel Rim, Laced Load
2nd+1 +1 +2 +1 Pair/Snake Eyes, Game of Chance 1d6
3rd+2 +2 +3 +2 Wall of Cards/Shorted Dice, Steel Rim +1
4th+3 +3 +4 +3 Card Counter/Light Load, Game of Chance 2d6
5th+3 +4 +5 +4 Laced Load +1, Merge the Games, Craft Dice/ Inscribe Cards
6th+4 +5 +6 +5 Game of Chance 3d6, Tricks +1
7th+5 +6 +7 +6 Straight, Roulette, Steel Rim +2
8th+6/+1 +7 +8 +7 Game of Chance 4d6, 52-Pick up
9th+6/+1 +8 +9 +8 Laced Load +2, Flick of The Wrist
10th+7/+2 +9 +10 +9 Master Counter, Flawless Load, Game of Chance 5d6
11th+8/+3 +10 +11 +10 Steel Rim +3, Flick of the Wrist +2
12th+9/+4 +11 +12 +11 Game of chance 6d6, Tricks +2
13th+9/+4 +12 +13 +12 Five Card Flush, Laced Load +3
14th+10/+5 +13 +14 +13 Poker Face, Game of Chance 7d6
15th+11/+6/+1 +14 +15 +14 Steel Rim +4, Craps
16th+12/+7/+2 +15 +16 +15 Game of Chance 8d6
17th+12/+7/+2 +16 +17 +16 Laced Load +4
18th+13/+8/+3 +17 +18 +17 Game of Chance 9d6, Tricks +3
19th+14/+9/+4 +18 +19 +18 Steel Rim +5,Laced Load +5
20th+15/+10/+5 +19 +20 +19 Master of the Game, Game of Chance 10d6

Class Skills 8 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Gamer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gamers get Weapon proficiency with simple weapons, and their deck/bag of dice. Gamers get armor proficiency with light armor, but not with any shields.

Legerdemain: The gambler is attuned enough to his cards and dice that he may perform small, nearly psionic, tricks with them. These can be anything from a floating shuffle of the deck, to mentally tapping his dice so that they fall on the preferred face when rolling at the table. This constitutes a standard action, but the only limit to these tricks is the players imagination.

Steel Rim: The Gamer has played with his particular deck long enough that he has found a particular weight he prefers. he adds a steel rim around his cards and sharpens it down to the appropriate weight. this adds a +1 on his attacks with these cards, and adds 1d6 slashing damage. these effects increase as he gains more experience with his deck and sharpens his cards down to an even more perfect weight.

Laced Load: The Gamer has improved the mixture inside of his dice. this empowers the effects of the different faces and further balances the dice, Adding a +1 to attack with them and adds one die to each effect(1d6 more damage, 1d4 longer effects, ETC.)

Game of Chance: The Gamer knows that Fortune favors the prepared. due to his preparation, anytime he catches an opponent unprepared for his strike he adds bonus damage with his thrown weapons. This functions exactly the same as the Rogue ability "Sneak Attack" and can apply for feats and character progression.

Pair: At-Will a Gamer may draw a Pair from the deck and throw the cards at a chosen target, be it two cards at one target, or one card at two targets. the targets of this ability must be selected before the Gamer rolls to attack. This becomes an easier choice once the Gamer has mastered counting his cards.

Snake Eyes: At-Will a Gamer can choose to throw two Dice from his bag, both of which will land on the same face be it two dice at one target, or one dice at two targets. the targets of this ability must be selected before the Gamer rolls to attack. This becomes an easier choice once the Gamer has mastered loading his dice.

Wall of Cards: The Gamer choose to sacrifice one set of face cards(Fire, Frost, Sun, ETC.) which then floats slowly around the Gamer and fires short bursts of energy at incoming attacks. This increases the Gamers AC by +1 when active. This ability cannot stack( i.e. sacrificing two faces for +2) and cannot be used with the Joker face.

Shorted Dice: The Gamer choose to sacrifice one face of his dice(Shock Wave, Boomer, Blurred, ETC.) After doing so his dice begin to float around him, the shorted face firing off sporadically, deflecting attacks away from the Gamer. This increases the Gamers AC by +1 when active. This ability cannot stack( i.e. sacrificing two faces for +2) and cannot be used with the Fizzle face.

Card Counter: The Gamer has been playing long enough that he has learned how to count his cards. At any given time he has an insight bonus into what his next card will be, allowing him choose his next attack(or his next bet at the table) more wisely.

Light Load: The Gamer has loaded his Dice, albeit lightly, in such a way that prior to throwing the dice he will be able to recognize which face the dice will land on. This will allow him to choose his next attack(or his next bet at the table) more wisely.

Tricks: The Gamer has grown increasingly experienced at playing the right hand at the Right time. the effects of all tricks are increased by 1 die( or +1 ac in the case of shorted dice and wall of cards.)

Merge the Game: Once a Gamer has reached this point in his career, he gains a deeper reservoir of knowledge. over time his expertise has shifted and he has mastered the tricks of his fellow gamers. He gains the abilities that up to this point were blocked off to him by his choice of weapon at the beginning of his gaming career.

Inscribe Cards: The Gamer has studied the cards of his opponent, and has learned to make them in his own way. He creates a 30 card deck. This deck consists of 5 Spades, 5 Hearts, 5 clubs, 5 diamonds, 5 Royal Family, and 5 Jokers. with each face(barring the joker) having a Special effect.

On strike a Spade will create a fiery effect, dealing 1d6 points of damage and burning the target for 1d4 damage over 1d4 turns(maximum of 12.) A Heart will create a frost effect, dealing 1d6 points of damage and chilling the target slowing him 1d4 places in the initiative order. a Club will create a shock effect, dealing 1d6 points of damage and electrocuting the target dealing 1d6 extra damage(1d8 if he is in metal armor.) A Diamond will create a poison effect, dealing 1d6 points of damage and reducing the Targets AC by 2. A card of the royal family(king, Queen, Or Jack) will have a healing effect, Removing one negative status effect and healing them for 1d3 damage. This card wil strike undead for 1d6 damage with an additional 1d8 holy damge. Lastly a joker will have no effect, bouncing harmlessly off the target.

When drawing a card to attack the player may choose to use a standard 52 card deck, or roll a d6 to decide which card he gets.

After learning to count his cards, he may draw(or roll) prior to deciding his attack.

Once he has become a Master Counter he may forgo these methods of deciding his attacks, as he can choose whichever card he pleases from the deck.

Craft Dice: The gamer has studied the dice in his opponents bag, and has learned to make them in his own way. He crafts 6 dice, with each face loaded full of powders that create different effects.

A one will roll The Boomer face. This has an explosive effect, dealing 2D6 Damage in a 3X3 area. A two will roll the Star-struck face. This has a dazzling effect, blinding all targets in a 3X3 area for 1d4 turns. Rolling a 3 will roll the Burning Man face. This has a fiery effect, creating a blazing explosion dealing 1d6 damage to all targets in a 3X3 area and setting them ablaze, dealing 1d4 damage over 1d4 turns. Rolling a 4 will roll the Shock Wave face. This creates a concussive effect, stunning all target in a 3X3 area for 1d4 turns. Rolling a five will roll the Blurred face. This has an obscuring effect, creating a 5X5 wall of smoke granting concealment to all within the area for 1d4 turns. Rolling a six will roll the Fizzle face. This has no effect and land harmlessly on the ground.

the effects of the Dice may be resisted by a DC10+Gamer level Fortitude save. Area damage is affected normally by feats such as Evasion and Improved Evasion.

When rolling his dice the Gamer may roll a d6 to decide which face his dice will land on.

After learning how to load his dice he may roll his d6 prior to deciding the target of his attack.

Once he has become a Flawless Loader, he may forgo this method of deciding his attack as he will always know what dice he is about to draw from his bag.

Straight: A Gamer may draw a straight from his deck, and throw them in a cone in front of him. A 15 ft. Cone in front of the Gamer is doused in Fire, Frost, Shock, and Poison and any creature struck must roll a fortitude save of DC10+Gamer's level or roll a percentage die and receive 4d6 damage plus the result of the d100.

1-24 will result in a burning effect of 4 damage per round for 4 rounds.

25-49 will result in a frost effect slowing him 4 places in the initiative order.

50-74 will result in a shock effect, dealing 6 bonus damage(8 damage if the target is in heavy armor.

75-100 will result in a poison effect resulting in the targets AC being reduced by 2 points.

Roulette: The Gamer flings a dice, with a circular twist to his wrist. This results in the dice rolling in a conical area, striking different faces, and creating a dazzling, concussive, burning, and explosive effect.any creature struck must roll a fortitude save of DC10+Gamer's level or roll a percentage die and receive 4d6 damage plus the result of the d100.

1-24 will result in a burning effect of 4 damage per round for 4 rounds.

25-49 will result in a dazzling effect blinding him for 4 rounds.

50-74 will result in a concussive effect stunning the target for 4 rounds.

75-100 will result in an explosive effect dealing an extra 2d6 points of damage.

Flick of the Wrist: the Gamer has further perfected his throwing technique giving him +1 on any thrown attack. this ability improves as he gains more experience.

Master Counter: The Gamer has truly perfected the art of counting the cards. he can now pull any card from his deck at any time.

Flawless Load: The Gamer has perfected the weight distribution of his dice, ensuring that each of the 6 will now land on an individual face. He can tell these cards apart by feel, so he can now choose a dice of any effect from his bag.

52-Pick Up: The Gamer flings his whole deck in the air before catching them all with his mind. they then hover over targeted 10X10 area and begin raining down. all creatures must succeed on a DC15+Gamer's level or be struck by four cards. if struck the target rolls four D100's and takes the result

1-24 will result in a burning effect of 4 damage per round for 4 rounds.

25-49 will result in a frost effect slowing him 4 places in the initiative order.

50-74 will result in a shock effect, dealing 6 bonus damage(8 damage if the target is in heavy armor.

75-100 will result in a poison effect resulting in the targets AC being reduced by 2 points.

These effects will not stack if rolled more than once, however the creature will suffer the results of multiple effects. (i.e. the target rolls [22, 12, 53, and 94] he will receive 4 burning damage for 4 turns, 6 bonus shock damage(8 if in heavy armor) and have his AC reduced by 2 points.)

Five Card Flush: The Gamer draws a Five card flush from his deck and throws it at his target enemy. This counts as one attack roll, and if the Gamer succeeds, he strikes the target five times with the same suit of card. This applies the effects five times over.

Poker Face: The Gamer has mastered his poker face, giving him a +10 bonus on bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate checks.

Craps: The Gamer draws five dice from his bag, dropping the blurred dice in front of himself and throwing the Shock-wave, Star-struck, Boomer, and Burning-man faces at a target enemy. this counts as a single attack roll, and offers only a single save. if the target fails he is affected by all four faces. However, The Star-struck face applies after the Shock-wave face, leaving the target incapacitated for 3 rounds, then blind for another 3.

Tricks: The Gamer has grown increasingly experienced at playing the right hand at the Right time. the effects of all tricks are increased by 1 die( or +1 ac in the case of shorted dice and wall of cards.)

Master of the Game: The Gamer has truly mastered his craft, Adding another level of "Tricks," "Steel Rim," "flick of the Wrist," and "Laced Load." Additionally he gains a +10 bonus to any roll which involves a game of chance.

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gollark: Presumably, it efficientizes™ it like that in some scenarios.
gollark: It takes an optional string, reads the length if it does exist, and invokes awful UB if it does not.
gollark: What a wondrous optimization.
gollark: No, just remove the bit connected to your ear.
gollark: Your ear has betrayed you; remove it.
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