Future (4e Sourcebook)/Origins
These are Origins for use with Future (4e Sourcebook). Each player character has two origins, a primary and a secondary.
Origins can represent races, professions, archetypes, mutations or just themed power sets. There is no restriction on which origins can be combined.
Power Source is either Bio, Fusion or Psi. The abilities for Bio and Psi origins are based largely on the character's own inner strength. Characters with the Fusion source are assumed to have some signature piece of technology that drives their abilities; for example, the Field Medic has a medical probe; the Baby a robot suit. The character can either never be parted from her signature gear, or can always scavenge items from the environment to act as a proxy.
Depending on your campaign, you may get to pick two origins; pick your primary and roll for your secondary; or roll randomly for both origins.
Name | Power Source | Ability | Skill | Description
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}}|} Back to Main Page → 4e Homebrew → Sourcebooks → Future |