Frag Tube (3.5e Equipment)

Frag Tube: Frag Tube: This one use wonderous item is a brass tube, two feet long and weighing five pounds. At a command word, it releases a 60-foot cone of shrapnel doing 9d6 points of physical damage (DC 17, Reflex Save for half) in the direction that it is pointed. Creatures with DR count their DR against each die of this effect. In all other ways, this item is treated as a Cone of Cold. If used from a kneeling position, the DC for this item is increased by +2.

Moderate; (DC 19) Evocation;CL 9th; Create Magic Arms and Armor, Create Wonderous Item, Energy Substitution, cone of cold; Cost 1125 gp, 90 xp, 3 Days; Activation: Standard; Weight: 5 lb. lb.; Market Price: 2,250 gp

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