Foxtail Bloodline (5e Subclass)

Sorcerous Origin: Foxtail Bloodline

A sorcerer of the Foxtail Bloodline has a mystical lineage that can be traced back to a resident of the Feywilds. This origin's name is due to the first members of this bloodline being of Kitsune descent, and while sorcerers of this bloodline may lack the same level of inherent magic as their Fey ancestors, they do still share a powerful connection to the Feywilds and its residents, although the form this connection takes differs, as some Feys have a strong affinity for illusions, while others have a greater aptitude for charms and enchantments. They also have a tail or more, increasing by one, every 10 levels, and are covered in fur of your choice of color. You also have the face and muzzle of a fox.

Method of Mischief

At 1st level, you choose which school of magic you were born with a natural aptitude for, which will be referred to in the future as your Method School.

  • [Beguilement] School of Enchantment: You were born with both a natural aptitude for the School of Enchantment and a way with words that ensures a lasting impression is left on everyone you speak to, whether they be friend or foe. You learn the "Vicious Mockery" cantrip and gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you already have proficiency in the Persuasion skill, you gain Expertise in it instead.
  • [Trickery] School of Illusion: You were born with not only an innate gift for the School of Illusion, but also a silver tongue that has gotten you out of just as much trouble as it has gotten you in. You learn the "Minor Illusion" cantrip and gain proficiency in the Deception skill. If you already have proficiency in the Deception skill, you gain Expertise in it instead. Additionally, you can make both a sound and an image with the "Minor Illusion" cantrip.

You learn one additional spell from the Sorcerer's spell list. The spell must belong to your Method School and be of a level you can currently cast. This spell may be changed anytime you gain a level as a Sorcerer. You also gain advantage on Concentration checks made to maintain spells belonging to your Method School.

Fey Ancestor

At 1st level, you learn the "Druidcraft" cantrip and the "Faerie Fire" spell, neither of which count towards your total spells known. You learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan if you did not already know how, and you gain the "Fey Ancestry" racial trait if you did not already have it. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with a Fey creature, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check. This bonus does not apply if you already have Expertise with that particular Charisma check.

Elusive One

At 6th level, your body has become able to manifest the defensive capabilities of your Fey ancestors. You gain a feature that is determined by your Method of Mischief.

  • [Beguilement] Imprinted Image: When you are attacked by a creature you can see, you can use your *Reaction to alter the creature's interpretation of the world. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, succeeding automatically if it is immune to being charmed. If the creature fails its save and there are no other creatures in its attack range, it automatically misses on its attack roll. If the creature fails its save and there is one or more other creatures in its attack range, you can have your attacker target that creature instead, using the same attack roll. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • [Trickery] Escape Artist: When you are attacked, you can spend two sorcery points to use your *Reaction to turn invisible and teleport to an unoccupied space up to 60 feet away from where you where when you were attacked. You remain invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell, unless the spell cast belongs to the School of Illusion. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Additionally, all spells you cast that are from your Method School are considered as being cast with the Subtle Spell Metamagic option at no cost. A spell can gain the Subtle Spell Metamagic option from this feature even if a different Metamagic option is already being used with this spell.


At 6th level, you gain the ability to consume any amount of food and drink without feeling full or gaining weight unless you so choose. You still feel the effects of intoxicants but are able to recollect everything that transpired while under the influence as well as you normally could and you do not suffer any of the drawbacks that come with consuming intoxicants, such as hangovers. This ability has no effect on poisons that inflict the poisoned condition or cause damage.

Awoken Feyblood

At 14th level, your connection with the Feywilds has grown such that the special properties of your blood have reawakened. You gain a feature that is determined by your Method of Mischief.

  • [Beguilement] Fey Veil: You are now immune to being Charmed. Also, if you are the sole target of an effect that would inflict the Charmed condition, you make the source of the effect the target of the effect. If the source of the effect is a creature that is not immune to being Charmed, then it makes the saving throw as though it was the original target of the spell. If the source of the effect is a creature that is immune to being Charmed, then the effect does not succeed.
  • [Trickery] Fey Sight: You can now identify the alignment and disposition of a creature within 20 feet of you, unless the creature is an Undead, a Construct, an Elemental, or an Animal with an Intelligence of 3 or less. An aura will be visible to you depending on the target creature's alignment and disposition. The aura will have the texture of either: water (lawful), cloth (neutral), or fire (chaotic). The aura will appear to be either: transparent (good), semi-transparent (neutral), or not transparent (evil). The aura's color will be either: blue (friendly disposition), green (neutral disposition), or red (hostile disposition). Fey Sight can see through walls of any thickness, natural and magical darkness, and invisible creatures. You automatically succeed on Insight checks made against creatures whose alignment and disposition can be identified by you.

Additionally, you are considered a Fey creature in regards to effects that only target Fey creatures.

Feywild Gate

At 18th level, your connection with the Feywilds has grown to the point were you can use your own body as an anchor in order to summon forth a section of the Feywilds. You gain a feature that is determined by your Method of Mischief.

  • [Beguilement] Gate of Spring: You summon forth a portion of the Summer Court from the Feywilds, transforming the landscape around you. The land within 60 feet of you becomes difficult terrain to all creatures except for you, and is treated as forest, as it becomes overgrown with flowers, trees, and other such foliage. The environment's climate treated as Extreme Hot for all creatures except yourself, who finds it temperate. Creatures inside the Gate are considered as having full cover against ranged attacks made by creatures outside the gate, and half-cover against ranged attacks made by other creatures inside the Gate. While you are within the Gate of Spring, creatures that enter the Gate or start their turn in the Gate while hostile towards you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become Charmed by you for one minute. Creatures that are Charmed in this way may attempt a saving throw at the end of their turn. Once a creature that has been Charmed by this effect is no longer Charmed, that creature can not be Charmed by this effect again until they have left the forest and reenter it. The Gate of Spring remains on this plane of existence for 1d4+3 days, half as long if the transformed land's original climate was Extreme Cold, or immediately disappears when you are no longer on the same plane of existence at it. While the Gate of Spring remains on this plane of existence, the terrain of the land transformed by it is unaffected by effects that alter the terrain, the land cannot be destroyed by physical or magical means, and the shape of the land cannot be changed. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
  • [Trickery] Gate of Autumn: You summon forth a portion of the Summer Court from the Feywilds, transforming the landscape around you. The land within 60 feet of you becomes difficult terrain to all creatures except for you, and is treated as tundra, as it becomes snow-covered and frozen. The environment is also treated as Extreme Cold for all creatures except yourself, who finds it temperate. Creatures inside the Gate are considered as being concealed from creatures outside the gate, and the inside of the Gate is considered natural darkness. While you are within the Gate of Autumn, creatures that enter the Gate or start their turn in the Gate while hostile towards you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become Frightened by you for one minute. Creatures that are Frightened in this way may attempt a saving throw at the end of their turn. Once a creature that has been Frightened by this effect is no longer Frightened, that creature can not be Frightened by this effect again until they have left the tundra and reenter it. The Gate of Autumn remains on this plane of existence for 1d4+3 days, half as long if the transformed land's original climate was Extreme Hot, or immediately disappears when you are no longer on the same plane of existence at it. While the Gate of Autumn remains on this plane of existence, the terrain of the land transformed by it is unaffected by effects that alter the terrain, the land cannot be destroyed by physical or magical means, and the shape of the land cannot be changed. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

All creatures within the Feywild Gate are considered to be in the Feywilds for the purposes of effects and spells. However, the Feywild Gate cannot be used when your current plane of existence is already the Feywild.

Feywild Anchor

At 18th level, while you are in the Feywilds you have advantage on Survival checks. You also have advantage on saving throws against effects that would move you to a different plane of existence, if your current plane of existence is the Feywilds.

Notes for Play-Testing

(*) I am unsure whether I should have the effects of the 6th level ability "Elusive One" use the player's Reaction or cost a number of Sorcery Points ranging from 2 to 3. Further play-testing will be required in order to determine what is the more balanced choice. The arguments that can be made are as follows:

  • Reaction: Making these effects cost the one Reaction players get each turn forces players to view these effects as once per turn effects that are only to be used in emergencies. This argument takes the stance of sacrificing the effect's availability in order to strengthen the importance of the effect as being "a big, red button that should only be pressed in emergencies". This means that the player will always be able to use their 6th level effect once per turn. This choice benefits players initially, but becomes problematic in the long run, as the number of times the player can use it each turn doesn't change, therefore if this is the version preferred, then adjustments will need to be made in order to give it more usage at the later levels.
  • Sorcery Points Making these effects cost Sorcery Points gives players more flexibility in when and how they can use these effects, at the cost of using their finite supply of Sorcery Points. This choice allows players to show off their character as being a "ghostly prankster who is there one moment, then gone the next" or an "untouchable beauty who can turn their enemies against each other". This means that, depending on the cost, the player will only be able to use their 6th level effect two or three times before needing a long rest, when they first get it at 6th level. This choice doesn't benefit the player initially, but in the long run, as players will then have more Sorcery Points with which to spend on this ability. I personally would like to see this as the preferred version, as 6th level is the point where most Sorcerer subclasses gain an ability that involves using their Sorcery Points.

Credits & Influences

coolswordorroth's Fey-Blooded Sorcerer: Found [here]

  • Implemented his "Fey Ancestor" feature, although I limited the number of spells learned, as I feel the only spell-focused class that should have its spell list increased by its subclass to any major extent is the Cleric with their Domain Spells.
  • Implemented the alternate effect of his "Otherworldly Presence" in the "Elusive One" feature as the Beguilement version, although I modified it to do more than just give the attacker disadvantage, as I felt it didn't present itself as an equal to the feature's Trickery version, which is taken straight from the Archfey patron of the Warlock.
  • Implemented his "Revelry" feature, almost word for word, as I believe it to be an enjoyable ribbon that many players can get behind.
  • Implemented his "Festivities of the Court" feature as the "Feywild Gate" feature, although with some adjustments so that the effect is noticeably different between the Beguilement version and the Trickery version.

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gollark: My profile picture is DEFINITELY NOT subliminal pizza advertising.
gollark: FINALLY someone who doesn't assume it's pizza.
gollark: What?
gollark: ... no, that is probably not true.
gollark: This is more <#645777807275851776>-y.
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