Forgemaster (3.5e Prestige Class)
To become a forgemaster is not to become a creator of magic. It means instead to understand truly the spirit of a weapon and to make of it the perfect expression if its creator's and its wielder's wills. The works of these dedicated few are not arcane contrivances of brimstone and starfire, but are instead simple and elegant pieces made with conviction, to be used with conviction.
Most forgemasters start as experts, being exceptional artisans. Most are apprenticed to other forgemasters.
To qualify to become a forgemaster, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Lawful good
Skills: Craft (Weaponsmith) 8 ranks
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special | |
1st | +0 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Maker for Virtue, Forge Blessing | |
2nd | +1 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Forge blessing | |
3rd | +2 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Turn/rebuke constructs | |
4th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Forge blessing | |
5th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Weapon link | |
6th | +4 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Forge blessing | |
7th | +5 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Weapon union | |
8th | +6 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Forge Blessing | |
9th | +6 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Physical Antipathy | |
10th | +7 | +7 | +4 | +7 | Forge blessing, investiture | |
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int Modifier Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Profession (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis). |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the forgemaster prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Forgemasters are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor and shields.
Maker of Virtue (Su): Items made by a forgemaster carry within them the divine spark. They become good, and will suffer not the touch of evil. Evil-aligned creatures suffer 1 point of damage every round they hold the item.
Forge Blessing (Ex/Su): The anointed of good, forgemasters are granted a small complement of abilities, which allow them to transcend mortal failings. As his skill increases, so too do the forgemaster's options. At first and second level, and at every alternate level thereafter, the forgemaster may choose one of the following abilities. His forgemaster level and Wisdom determine the secrets he can choose—he may not choose from those secrets with a number greater than the sum of his level and Wisdom modifier. No blessing can be taken more than once, unless noted otherwise.
Level + Wisdom Modifier | Blessing |
1 | Master of the Smithy |
2 | Catchcraft |
3 | Vigilance by the Fire |
4 | Grandmaster Craftsman |
5 | Divine Tool |
6 | Personalize Creation |
7 | Aesthetic Touch |
8 | Enduring Creation |
9 | Iron Body |
10 | Friend of the Flame |
11+ | Flawless Body |
- Master of the Smithy: Characters aiding the forgemaster in his creation endeavors gain a +2 competence bonus to their skill rolls. Note that this only applies to skill rolls made to give the forgemaster an aiding bonus to his own Craft roll.
- Catchcraft: The forgemaster can stud his works with barbs and spurs, improving their ability to snag other weapons and even people. Such weapons have a +2 circumstance bonus to all disarm and trip attempts.
- Vigilance by the Fire: The forgemaster needs no rest while working at the forge and suffers no ill affects from this exertion afterwards. This effectively doubles the forgemaster's Craft roll when creating items, but only for the purpose of determining how many silver pieces towards completion the item is.
- Grandmaster Craftsman: The forgemaster has the ability to create grand-masterwork items. Such items are costlier than masterwork items, though this additional cost is not figured in for the forgemaster—every time he creates a masterwork items, the item is simply grand-masterwork. Grand-masterwork weapons are like masterwork weapons, save that they have either an additional +1 to attack (for a total of +2), or a +1 to damage; these items cost 700 gp over the cost of the weapon. Grand-masterwork armors have their armor-check penalties reduced by two: these items cost 300 gp over the cost of the armor. Grand-masterwork tools grant a +4 competency bonus to the use of any associated skill, and these items cost 100 gp over the normal cost of the tool.
- Divine Tools: The forgemaster needs but one tool, a unique item forevermore attuned to him alone, in order to work his arts (a fire is still needed, though it need only be a bonfire).
- Personalize Creation: The forgemaster may designate an owner for each item he crafts. It will only bear the use of that person for her heir(s), all others receive a -1 penalty to all rolls while using it. The heir to such an item is chosen my by the owner, and need not be a member of the her family.
- Aesthetic Touch: The forgemaster may create items of such beauty that they bias other in favor of the wielder. Those who possess or use such items gain a +2 circumstance bonus to a specific Charisma based skill, specified at the time of creation. This may be used on any item that is worn, including weapons and armor. Note that these items count towards the limit on magic items that a character can wear.
- Enduring Creation: The forgemaster may spend extra time to imbue his items with extra lives. Each time the item would normally be destroyed, it instead loses one of its lives. The number of total lives an item will have is determined at item creation, and creation time is multiplied by that total. An items with three lives, for examples, takes three times longer to create than a ordinary item.
- Iron Body: The forgemaster's body hardens like well-worked steel, becoming immune to nonlethal damage.
- Friend of the Flame: The forgemaster gains immunity to non-magical fire, up to the intensity of a blacksmith's forge (non-magical-fire resistance 20).
- Flawless Body: The forgmaster's body gains the perfection of his own creations, becoming immune to critical strikes.
Turn of Rebuke Constructs (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the forgemaster gains the ability to turn constructs. This ability is identical to the cleric's ability to turn/rebuke undead but applies to constructs instead.
Weapon Link (Sp): The attunement between creator and creation becomes manifest, allowing the forgemaster to flawlessly wield weapons that she herself created. When wielding a weapon that she created, the forgemaster receives a +1 divine bonus to all attacks and damage rolls. This bonus is in addition to any that the weapon might already have for being masterwork or grand-masterwork, but does not stack with magical bonuses, making it useless on enchanted weapons.
Weapon Union (Sp): The forgemaster's link to the spirit of her weapon is further increased (divine bonus increased to +2, applies to all weapons made by the character; this bonus is in addition to any that the weapon might already have for being masterwork or grand-masterwork). Once per day, the forgemaster can also use this ability to convert intelligence evil weapons. To do this, the forgemaster makes a will check, against a DC equal to 10 plus the weapons' ego, a. If the forgemaster's Will roll is unsuccessful, he is instantly knocked unconscious and may not be awakened for one full day except by magical means. Otherwise, the weapon permanently becomes of good alignment, inflicting a negative level on any evil being who tries to use it. This negative level never actually results in permanent level loss, but cannot be lifted by any means until the weapon is relinquished.
Physical Antipathy (Ex): Able to grasp the flaws in all things, the forgemaster becomes as skilled at destruction as she is at creation. Hardness is never applies against damage dealt by the forgemaster. The only exception occurs with magic items, which retain their bonus to hardness granted by their enhancement bonus.
Investiture (Su): The noblest of forgemasters are granted up death the choice of serving good once more. These few become To Be Added, shedding whatever mortal form they once possessed to don the sacred armor of good. They retain all the experience and abilities of their former lives and gain one level in the fighter class. From then on, the character may only take additional levels as a fighter.
Scarred Land Campaign Setting: Ghelspad Copyright 2002, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Permission to use this content granted via "Designation of Open Game Content", page 1, Scarred Lands Campaign Setting: Ghelspad. Alterations were made to this entry to avoid items designated as product identity or to bring the entry in line with the 3.5 rules set.
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