Firearms and Other Equipment (Herregor Supplement)

The World now stands at the beginning of an industrial revolution (again). In the grand port city of Pembroke, huge cranes powered by chugging diesel engines hoist mighty loads onto the decks of the ships docked there and the work continues even into the night thanks to the gaslights that line the streets. The dwarves of Ostlo and Alrik ferry ore out of the mountains via steam engine and are laying track for what will be the first passenger line the new world will have seen. Gentlemen keep the time on pocket watches, and the precision of machine ground glass means that even poor vision is to be a thing of the past for those with the coin to buy glasses.

Fashion is changing as well, the cloaks, robes, tunics, and other anachronistic clothing has given way to spun linen shirts, sturdy denim dungarees, long coats, and wide brimmed hats for most travelers.

Weapons of war are changing too. The days of bow and arrow are nearly at an end. Whether hunting man or beast one of the fine rifles manufactured by Gildenhammer Ltd. shoot farther and more accurately than any arrow. Dangerous men are marked not just by the sword at their back, but the six shooters on their belt. Cost is the major factor keeping guns out of more hands. The methods that produce powder are expensive, and quality firearms are worth their weight in gold.

3.5 Firearms

I really enjoy the flavor of firearms for this game. However, for D&D they are often a pitfall when folks try to include them in the game for many reasons. I prefer an abstract approach as opposed to a simulationist approach. I am not going to concern myself overmuch with their effects against armor types or things like that. If that bothers you let's just say that armor smiths manufacture their wares with guns in mind and the same technology that produces pistols also produces more resilient alloys.

The fact remains, however, that guns are a "big deal". They break a few rules in weapon conventions, and they should. Folks prefer them nowadays to swords for a reason. They deal high damage, have a good threat range, and bigger than normal critical modifier in most instances. This is offset by high cost to purchase, expensive ammunition, rarity, and relative fragility. Due to the composite nature of firearms they have a hardness of 5 and 10 to 15 hit points on average. Ammunition from this era is fragile, if it is submerged it is usually ruined. They are also loud. Shoot a gun outside and folks can hear it for miles. Shoot one inside and you might even damage your own hearing.

All firearms listed are for medium sized varieties. No one is currently making large firearms on a commercial scale and small firearms are uncommon. For weapons sized for small users decrease the damage dice by 1 step. The cost is the same due to their semi-custom nature. Shells and bullets sized for small weapons will also be more expensive and only uncommonly available.

Full Load refers to the amount of shells or cartridges that a gun holds when fully loaded.

Reload Action is the amount of time it takes a proficient user to reload the weapon. For non-proficient wielders increase a move action to a standard action, a standard to a full round, and a full round action to two full rounds. Loading a firearm provokes an attack of opportunity.

The Ammo Cost listed is per 50 rounds.

Commonly Available Firearms:

Firearm Cost Damage Critical Range Full Load Reload Action Ammo Cost
Light Pistol 150g 2d6 19-20 x3 40' 6 Standard 2g
Heavy Pistol 200g 2d8 19-20 x3 30' 6 Standard 2g
Light Rifle 250g 2d8 18-20 x3 120' 5 +Full Round 5g
Heavy Rifle 350g 2d10 19-20 x3 400' 4 +Full Round 5g
Scattergun 90g 2d12 x3 20' ++1 or 2 Move 7g

+Some rifles are designed in breach loading styles. These guns hold only a single round, but may be reloaded as a move action.

++Some shotguns come in a double barreled variety two allow two shots before needing a reload. Both barrels can be fired simultaneously causing a -2 to hit, but adding an additional die to damage.

  • Light Pistol: A common small or medium caliber revolver. Found on the belts of both lawmen and outlaws. Usually holds 6 rounds, though occasionally less. It's not a hunting weapon, these guns are worn purely for personal protection or for killing. Anyone with a pair at their belt is making a statement.
  • Heavy Pistol: These guns are a natural evolution from their smaller caliber cousins. Bigger, heavier, more expensive and with better stopping power. It is much more common for these guns to be equipped with a cylinder that holds less than the standard six shots (usually found on shoddy knock-offs). They kick a lot harder than their smaller counterparts and need a bit more practice to use effectively. If wearing a light pistol is a statement of intent, these guns are an outright challenge to "bring it on".
  • Light Rifle: Common small to medium caliber hunting rifle. Long range and good accuracy make these guns popular with anyone who can afford them. They come commonly in single shot breech loading, and 3 to 5 shot bolt action varieties.
  • Heavy Rifle: Large caliber rifles for hunting big game. Guns like these are also commonly issued to military units. They are commonly manufactured in a 4 shot bolt action version, but some older, single shot, breech loading varieties are still in circulation.
  • Scattergun: Scatterguns (also known as "shotguns") are currently produced only in breech loading varieties. Some are equipped with a second barrel to grant another shot before reloading. Alternatively the wielder may fire both barrels, taking a -2 to hit from the kick, and deal an additional die of damage of the same type. They are very popular with hunters as well as for protection. Their range is short, but the damage they inflict is devastating.
  • Scattergun, "Stingshot Loads": It's common to see some innovation in shell loads. While most are loaded with lead shot of various sizes, it's popular amongst some gunsmiths to sell shells loaded with coarse sand, salt, and other irritants. The idea being to cause the blast to be terribly painful and debilitating, but not deadly. On a successful attack roll with "stingshot" the target takes nonlethal damage equal to 1/2 the normal amount and must attempt a fortitude save with a DC equal 10 + 1/2 the character level + the wielder's dexterity modifier. Failure indicates they are sickened for 1d6 rounds from the terrible pain. On a critical hit with stingshot the target is instead nauseated for the duration.

Exotic & Rare Firearms:

Firearm Cost Damage Critical Range Full Load Reload Action Ammo Cost
Blackstone Palmer 150g 2d4 19-20 x3 20' 2 Standard 20g
Durven Boomshot 450g 3d12 x2 20' 1 n/a 80g
Gildenhammer Repeater 600g 2d4 19-20 x3 30' 12 Move 25g
The Hogleg 100g 3d10 x4 10' 1 Move 70g
Military Carbine 900+g 3d8 19-20 x3 60' 6 Move 60g

  • Blackstone Palmer: Made famous around the gambling tables of the lawless town of Blackstone, these are tiny one or two shot pistols small enough to be easily palmed (hence "palmer"). They are popular as both hidden weapons of self defense as well as assassin's weapons. They can also be wielded by small characters without penalty.
  • Durven Boomshot: The Boomshot is a weapon occasionally found in the hands of elite dwarven soldiers. It is similar to a three barreled shotgun, but all three barrels are designed to fire at the same time. It is a fire and forget weapon designed to aid dwarven infantry in breaking formations of opposing warriors. It take some time to be reloaded and cannot be done in combat. The actual ammunition of the weapon is a small explosive charge. It is designed to accept any number of small objects held within special chambers as a source of damage such as pebbles, lead shot, shards of glass, and metal filings. The Boomshot can attack up to 3 adjacent targets due to the wide spread of shrapnel it fires. Attacking multiple targets levies a -2 to hit for each one after the first. Due to the nature of the Boomshot, it cannot be reloaded in combat as it can take up to five minutes to pack the charges.
  • Gildenhammer Repeater: Produced by the esteemed Gildenhammer LTD., the repeater is a small caliber pistol (akin to a .22) that is currently in development. A few prototype models have made it into circulation. What makes the repeater special is the magazine it has been designed around in an attempt to miniaturize the mechanism found in the carbines they produce for the military. Very different than the revolvers, this weapon can fire 12 shots in rapid succession. Unfortunately, for the time being, it is prohibitively expensive and prone to jamming.
  • The Hogleg: A Hogleg is the name given to a sort of shotgun cut down to pistol size. Most of the barrel is gone and the stock is cut down and worked into a pistol grip. They are usually double barreled, but are designed for both to fire at once (keep this in mind when tracking ammo). Their range and accuracy is atrocious, but they can deal some very nasty wounds to close targets. They are popular amongst dwarves, as their mass and low center of gravity is able to absorb the kick more readily than some races. Non dwarves take a -2 to hit with a hogleg.
  • Military Carbine: Similar to a heavy rifle, the standard issue military carbine employed by some units of the Arad royal guard comes equipped with a newly designed 6 shot magazine. They're currently very expensive to produce and not for sale to the general public, it's a crime to own them in the major cities of Arad unless you are a member of the military. Bullets fired from these guns are designed to tumble upon leaving the barrel. This grants them better stopping power, but decreases their range a bit. The listed cost assumes that one can be found for purchase on the black market.


The most common form of "combat ready" explosives are grenades. They come with a built in clockwork timer or fuse and are generally thrown at your enemies. They come in many shapes and sizes, but generally come in four types: explosive, flash, smoke, and incendiary.

All grenades require a DC 10 Craft (Demolitions) check to prime and set the timer, and the timer can be set from 1 to 3 rounds (about 5 to 15 seconds). A DC 18 Reflex save is allowed for half damage. It takes a standard action to prime and set the grenade, and it can be tossed the next round. If the check to prime is a natural 1, the grenade explodes in the character's hand.

Grenades are heavily restricted to military organizations. It is illegal to own them in most civilized nations unless you are a member of that nation's military, or a mercenary licensed by the accord. In general grenades are never purchased, they are issued by one's military organization. The cost below is an estimated amount if found on the black market.

Type Cost Damage Blast Radius
Explosive 75g 6d6 10'
Flash 50g None 15'
Smoke 50g None 10'
Incendiary 60g Special 10'
  • Explosive: Explosive grenades deal damage from metal shrapnel in a 10'. A successful DC 18 Reflex save denotes half damage.
  • Flash: Individuals caught in the radius of this grenade must make a DC 18 Reflex save to avert their eyes from the brilliant flash. Those who fail are blinded for one round, then suffer a -1 attack penalty for one minute.
  • Smoke: When this grenade ignites it spews for thick, billowing clouds of smoke in a 10' radius.
  • Incendiary: When an incendiary grenade explodes it sprays a thick, burning goo in a 10' radius. In addition to causing incidental fires, those caught in the blast radius must make a DC 18 Reflex save or take 2d6 fire damage (those who save take 1/2). The goo continues to burn, igniting clothing and other gear and dealing 1d6 fire damage on consecutive turns. Those who failed the save must spend a full round action batting out the flames and scraping off the goo to put out the fire.

Other Equipment

Item Cost Weight
Black Powder, per lb 50g 1 lb
Cartridge Loading Kit Varies 6 lbs
Cigarette Kit 15s Neg.
Field Surgeon's Kit 15g 4 lbs
Goggles 25s Neg.
Gunbelt / Bandoleer 3g 2 lbs
Gun Cleaning Kit 15g 4 lbs
Inflatable Raft 20g 15 lbs
Lighter 5g Neg.
Matches 12s Neg.
Pocket Watch 100g+ Neg.
Powder Scales 25g 2 lbs
Reading Glasses 20g Neg.
Shaving Kit 5g 2 lbs
Syringe 1g Neg.

Black Powder, lb - 50g - 1lb.

This is standard, cartridge grade, black powder. It is used primarily to load spent cartridges or to serve as an explosive by itself.

Black powder is very stable compared to most explosives, but will readily burn. To explode it must be firmly packed into some rigid or semi-rigid container, otherwise it will burn very hot and produce a lot of smoke. If black powder gets wet it is ruined.

Cartridge Loading Kit - varies - 6 lbs.

This kit contains enough primers, wadding, lead, and powder to load about 50 cartridges or shells. The cost for the kit is about half the cost of the ammunition you intend to load, but that is assuming you are saving spent cartridges. If you purchase empty cartridges as well the cost of the kit is approximately 75% of the cost of similar ammunition. Just like black powder it must be kept dry or the kit is ruined.

Cigarette Kit - 15s - negligible weight

This kit contains dried, shredded tobacco and special papers for rolling cigarettes. A kit produces about 3 dozen cigarettes.

Field Surgeon's Kit - 15g - 4 lbs.

This kit contains surgical and first aid tools for use with the healing skill. It also contains some simple medicines such as primitive antibiotics in pill and creme versions, as well as antiseptics, and common antivenoms. It can be used to treat mundane diseases and poisonings, and prevent infections.

Goggles - 25s - negligible weight

These are simple goggles of metal, leather, or rubber frames with glass lenses. They are used primarily to protect the eyes while working or from dust while riding. They are also available in tinted and smoked varieties to protect the eyes from exposure to bright lights.

Gunbelt / Bandoleer - 3g - 2 lbs.

A special belt with holsters for pistols and loops for ammunition, or a bandoleer with loops for shells and a sheath on the back for a rifle / shotgun. It typically includes loops for 12 - 36 cartridges / shells depending on the size of the ammunition it is intended to carry.

Gun Cleaning Kit - 15g - 4 lbs.

This kit is required to clean and maintain a firearm. It includes oil, rags, and wax along with special brushes and tools to keep all parts of the weapon clean and maintained.

Inflatable Raft - 20g - 15 lbs.

This is a large, inflatable raft designed from rubberized canvas. It fits inside its own bag, and may include a collapsible oar (adding 5g and 3 lbs. to the cost and weight). It can seat up to 4 medium creatures, less with large amounts of armor or gear. It takes about 5 minutes to inflate with it's own included bellows. Any amount of damage inflicted to the raft will cause it to begin to lose air and sink.

Lighter - 5g - negligible weight

This is a small, hand-held, metal device constructed with a bit of flint, a metal striker, and a wick soaked with flammable fluid. It quickly and reliably produces flame with the flick of a thumb.

Matches - 12s - negligible weight

Another option in hand held flame production, matches are small wooden sticks that may be struck against the provided bit of sandpaper causing them to ignite. They burn for one round, and are ruined if they get wet. The listed price is for a small box of 2 dozen.

Pocket Watch - 100g+ - negligible weight

A small, pocket sized clockwork object that reliably tells the time. It must be wound daily. Pocket watches have become a sign of status and fashion, and many are very ornate little works of art that can become very expensive.

Powder Scales - 25g - 2lbs.

This is a small set of very accurate scales used for measuring grains of black powder in loading cartridges. They are very fragile. If they are jarred or damaged the accuracy is affected and they are ruined for manufacturing ammunition.

Reading Glasses - 20g - negligible weight

Thanks to the precision of machine-ground glass, old age no longer means that folks must forgo the ability to read (if they can afford glasses). Some craftsmen have also had success in producing glasses that aid individuals with naturally weak eyes.

Shaving Kit - 5g - 2 lbs.

A shaving kit consists of a small leather or canvas satchel containing a straight razor, a razor strop, a cake of soap, a shaving brush, a small mirror, and a ceramic or metal cup.

Syringe - 1g - negligible weight

Usually part of a first aid kit, some adventurers have taken to purchasing syringes individually. Some potions can be injected, rather than drank. This is of particular use when a fellow is unconscious and trying to feed him a healing potion might cause him to choke on it. Individuals require some knowledge in medicine before making an injection or they run the risk of inadvertently causing harm by using a syringe.

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gollark: I will NOT name a price, as it would be DISHONEST to sell you things which DO NOT exist.
gollark: Well, economics says I should charge you as much money as you're willing to pay, hypothetically.
gollark: You said £100 earlιer.
gollark: Consider also "frogs".
gollark: Hypothetical.
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