Feh'a (3.5e Race)

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Feh'a Racial Traits

Feh'a (Desert Elves):

  • +4 Dex -2 Con: Elves have incredible hand-eye coordination, but seem to lack bodily resistance to sickness and have a low pain threshold.
  • Sleepless: Elves only need 4 hours of rest instead of 8. During these 4 hours, they don't sleep, but instead go into a meditative trance, during which they are completely aware of their surroundings. Since Elves do not and cannot sleep, they are Immune to all Sleep spells and effects, and are also immune to spells like Dream and Nightmare.
  • Elven Senses: Elves have heightened senses. As such, they receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, & Spot. At 5th Level, this bonus changes to +4, and at 15th level it becomes +6.
  • -----
  • Feh'as have a +2 racial saving throw bonus against all heat and fire spells, effects, and natural effects.
  • Because of the extreme environments that they have grown up in, Feh'a Elves gain an energy resistance of 5+1 for every 4 HD they have against Fire, Cold, and Electricity.
  • A Feh'a has a +2 racial bonus to all survival checks
  • Survival is considered a class skill for them
  • Feh'a Elves base speed is 40 feet
  • Darkvision at 60 feet
  • Favored class is Rogue.
  • Languages: Common, Elven, and Sub-Species (Hydro, Levan, etc.)
  • Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gith, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblyn, Orc, Sign, Sylvan, Undercommon.
  • ECL: +2 (This might change, it could be a +3)

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gollark: Also, you can use an unstar.
gollark: It's both.
gollark: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqVbqllWAAABn6t?format=jpg&name=medium
gollark: Oh, someone not understanding half-life?
gollark: All the computing is offloaded to Google via a little-known feature in Google Sheets.
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