Fantastic Terrain (4e Index)

This is an index of fantastic terrain in 4e. A summary of the mechanics is provided: refer to the appropriate book for a full description and usage guide.

Name Source Summary
Abyssal WellspringMotP 21A wellspring fills 4 contiguous squares. A chaotic evil creature starting its turn in this space takes 5 damage per tier, but it gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per tier and +2 bonus to damage rolls per tier until the end of its turn.
Angelic LanternMotP 21Floats in a square, shedding bright light in a radius of 20 squares. Any character standing in a space containing an angelic lantern and using an attack with the either the divine or the radiant keyword gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per tier. An angelic lantern winks out of existence at the end of the turn that it first grants a bonus to such attacks.
Astral FlameMotP 21Fiery liquid that sheds bright light in a radius of 20 squares. The astral flame completely fills a square; costs 1 square of movement to enter; any creature entering an astral flame square or starting his or her turn in a square containing astral flame takes 10 radiant damage per tier. However, a character adjacent to this space can coat his or her weapon or implement with the stuff as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, all attacks using that weapon or implement gain the radiant keyword.
Blast CloudDMG2 58The squares containing the cloud are lightly obscured. When a burst or a blast created by a fire, force, lightning, psychic, or thunder power touches a square ofblast cloud, the size of the burst or blast is increased by 1.
Blood Midge CloudDMG2 58The squares occupied by the cloud are lightly obscured, and the cloud is difficult terrain. If no creature is in the cloud when a creature starts its turn within 3 squares of a blood midge cloud, the cloud moves 5 squares and attempts to cover as many living creatures as possible. If an area or close attack includes squares occupied by the cloud, the cloud is destroyed in those squares. If a cloud is broken into smaller pieces by an attack, each piece acts as a separate terrain feature.
Blood RockDMG 67A creature standing in a square of blood rock can score a critical hit on a natural die roll of 19 or 20.
Bolt StoneDMG2 58When a creature enters a square of bolt stone, it takes 5 lightning damage per tier. Roll a d20; on a 10 or higher, the bolt stone's energy is discharged, and the stone becomes inert. Otherwise, the lightning energy is transferred to all unoccupied squares adjacent to the origin square, and those squares become bolt stone.
Cave SlimeDMG 67A creature that enters a square filled with cave slime must succeed at an Acrobatics check or fall prone.
Choke FrostDMG 67Each time a creature enters a square of choke frost, it takes a –1 penalty to speed. As a move action, a creature can negate this penalty. Creatures that have the cold keyword are immune to this effect.
CloudsporeDMG 67As soon as a creature enters a square of these mushrooms, the mushrooms create a thick cloud of spores. The square provides concealment for 5 minutes. Once a square has discharged a cloud, it cannot do so again for 24 hours.
Creeping IceDMG2 58Any creature that starts and ends its turn in any square of creeping ice takes 5 cold damage per tier.
Defiled GroundDMG2 59Undead gain a +1 bonus to rolls to recharge their powers while on defiled ground. In addition, if an undead creature is reduced to 0 hit points while on defiled ground, roll a d20; on a 10 or higher, the undead creature rises with 1 hit point on its next turn. If radiant damage reduces an undead creature to 0 hit points, it can't rise again in this manner.
Dimensional TurbulenceDMG2 59A creature that teleports into a square of dimensional turbulence slides 1d4 squares in a random direction after teleporting.
Divine BloodMotP 22Any character who ends his or her move in the pool gains 5 temporary hit points per tier, but takes a –1 penalty to attack rolls and checks from the confusing visions and memories assailing his or her mind. This penalty remains until the temporary hit points are lost. Although the visions are random and seemingly nonsensical, occasionally the visions impart important information that is useful to the character experiencing them.
Doomlight CrystalDMG2 59A fist-sized doomlight crystal emits dim yellow light in a 3-square radius. If a character in a square with a doomlight crystal is hit by a close or an area attack, the crystal is destroyed as well - and the gas inside it explodes, dealing 5 damage per tier to the character in its square.
Eldritch InfluxDMG2 59As a standard action, a character in a square of eldritch influx can channel its energy to recharge an expended magic item power. Recharging a power in this way does not grant the item's wielder the ability to make use ofmore daily magic item powers between milestones. Using an eldritch influx for this purpose depletes its energy, and it can't be used again until 24 hours have passed.
Elemental SeepageMotP 22Fills up to 4 contiguous squares. An attack power with one or more keywords corresponding to the types of energy comprising the seepage and used within 5 squares of the elemental seepage gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per tier. The seepage is harmless, though some areas of elemental seepage are known to hide one-way directional and wildly imprecise portals to locations on the Elemental Chaos.
Elemental WindchurnDMG2 59An area of elemental windchurn is difficult terrain for creatures that are flying, and a creature that ends its turn aloft in the area slides 1d6 squares in a random direction.
Ember MossDMG 67A character in a square with ember moss takes an extra 5 damage from all fire attacks and takes a –4 penalty to saving throws to end ongoing fire damage.
Energy CrystalsMotP 22An energy crystal takes up 1 square, is considered difficult terrain, and has AC 5 and Fortitude 10. It has 20 hit points per tier. Whenever an energy crystal is attacked by a power with the cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder keyword, it takes no damage from the effects of those energy types. Until the end of the next turn of the creature making the attack, any creature entering or starting its turn adjacent to the crystal takes 5 damage per tier of the energy type(s) absorbed by the crystal. If the energy crystal is destroyed after absorbing energy but before the end of its attacker’s next turn, it explodes, dealing 10 damage per tier of the

energy type(s) it has absorbed to all creatures within 3 squares of the energy crystal.

Energy NodeDMG2 59A creature that starts its turn in an energy node's square can spend a minor action while in the square to regain a single encounter or recharge power. Using a node for this purpose depletes its energy, and it can't be used again until 24 hours have passed.
Erratic PortalMotP 22When a creature ends its move on an erratic portal square, it makes an immediate saving throw. On a save, that creature can teleport up to 5 squares per tier as a free action. On a failed saving throw, the creature can teleport up to 2 squares per tier as a free action, and it takes 10 lightning damage per tier. If the creature chooses not to teleport, it still takes the lightning damage.
Fey CircleDMG2 60A creature can spend a minor action while in a fey circle's square to teleport 5 squares.
Font of PowerDMG 68Pick one power keyword. Attacks that have that keyword gain a +5 bonus per tier to damage.
Grab GrassDMG 68A creature that falls prone in a square of grab grass must make a Strength check to stand up.
Grasping BogDMG2 60A grasping bog is difficult terrain. In addition, a creature that falls prone in a square of

grasping bog is restrained (save ends).

Grasping SlimeDMG 68Grasping slime is difficult terrain.An Athletics check is required to pass through the slime. On a failed check, the creature enters the slime, but its move ends immediately.
Healing GroundDMG2 60If a creature in this terrain spends a healing surge, it regains an additional 2 hit points per tier. Healing ground is also difficult terrain due to the abundant plant life.
HellfireMotP 22A square of hellfire sheds bright light in a radius of 20 squares; adjacent creatures add the fire keyword to their ranged attacks; a creature entering or starting a turn in hellfire takes ongoing 5 fire damage per tier. A failed saving throw against hellfire ongoing fire damage also increases the ongoing fire damage by 5

per tier (up to a limit of three times the original ongoing damage).

IllusionsDMG 68
Illusory WallDMG 68
Infernal FumesDMG2 60Squares filled with infernal fumes are lightly obscured. The fumes can move up to 4 squares each round. A creature that ends its turn in a square of infernal fumes takes 5 fire and poison damage per tier and is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Jade FlameDMG2 60A creature that enters a square of jade flame or that starts its turn adjacent to such a square takes ongoing 5 radiant damage per tier (save ends). However, until the creature saves against the ongoing damage, it has resist fire equal to 10 per tier.
Martyr's MonumentDMG2 60The monument grants a +2 bonus to saving throws to all creatures within 5 squares of it. In addition, a creature adjacent to the monument can touch it as a minor action to make a saving throw. Each time a creature touches the monument to make a saving throw, roll a d20; on a 5 or lower, the monument loses all its magical properties for 24 hours.
LoadstoneDMG 68It is difficult terrain, and ranged attacks that trace line of sight through it take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
Mirror CrystalDMG 68A creature standing on mirror crystal can look down and see all the other mirror crystal spaces within 20 squares. Creatures can make ranged attacks through mirror crystal, targeting any creature on or adjacent to another square of mirror crystal. The range to a creature attacked through mirror crystal is 1 square.
Necrotic GroundDMG2 60A creature that spends a healing surge in an area of necrotic ground recovers only half the normal number of hit points.
Needle HedgeDMG2 61A needle hedge is difficult terrain, and it grants cover to a creature within it or behind it. If a creature moves through more than 1 square of needle hedge during a single move action or incident of forced movement, that creature takes 5 damage per tier.
Pillar of LifeDMG 68Any creature that begins its turn adjacent to it regains 5 hit points per tier.
Phase MistDMG2 61A square of phase mist is lightly obscured. A creature that starts its turn in a square of phase mist gains phasing until the end of its turn.
Phase RockMotP 22When a creature ends its move in a square of phase rock, that creature is insubstantial and gains phasing until it moves out of the phase rock.
Quick SearDMG2 61A creature that starts its turn in a square of quick sear or adjacent to such a square takes 5 acid damage per tier. If a square of quick sear is within the area of effect of a close or an area attack, it moves 1d6 squares in a random direction.
Rage StoneDMG2 61A creature that starts its turn in a square of rage stone must make a melee attack on that turn or takes 5 psychic damage per tier.
RazorvineMotP 22Razorvine comes in clumps of 10 contiguous squares. It counts as difficult terrain, and a creature entering or starting its turn in a square of razorvine takes 10 damage per tier.
Sacred CircleDMG 68A creature that shares that deity’s alignment gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls while standing in the circle. A sacred circle typically fills an area 3 squares by 3 squares.
SlidesDMG 68A slide is difficult terrain. A character who enters a slide square must make an Acrobatics check. A creature that fails immediately moves to the end of the slide, falls prone, and ends its move.
SpiderwebsDMG 69The webs of giant spiders are difficult terrain. A character who enters a spiderweb must make an Athletics check or Acrobatics check or become immobilized. Trapped creatures can use the escape action to free themselves from the web. Spiderwebs also provide concealment.
TeleportersDMG 69A creature that enters a teleporter’s space immediately moves to the teleporter’s destination square. The square can be another teleporter to allow for two‑way travel. In that case, the creature automatically moves adjacent to the destination teleporter.
Thunder ShardsDMG2 61Squares of thunder shards are difficult terrain. If a creature makes a melee attack against a target in a thunder shard square, roll a d20; on a 10 or higher, both the attacker and the target take 5 thunder damage and are pushed 1d4 squares from each other.
WhirlwindDMG 69A creature that enters a whirlwind moves a distance and direction determined by the strength of the whirlwind. An affected creature can fight against the wind by spending squares of movement to reduce the distance the wind slides it. Only one whirlwind square can affect a creature at a time. If the wind slides the creature through or into another whirlwind square, that square has no effect. A whirlwind can also move creatures upward. A creature that ends its turn outside of a whirlwind square and aloft falls to the ground.

  • DMG - Dungeon Master's Guide
  • DMG2 - Dungeon Master's Guide 2
  • MotP - Manual of the Planes

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