Book of Exalted Deeds

Book of Exalted Deeds
Abbreviation: BE, BoED
Author: James Wyatt, Darrin Drader, Christopher Perkins
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Item Code: 880260000
Release Date: October 2003
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 192
ISBN-10: 0-7869-3136-1
Price: $32.95 ; C$48.95
Product Blurb:
As the Book of Vile Darkness was a resource book on the most evil elements of campaign play, the Book of Exalted Deeds focuses instead on the availability of good resources and features in the D&D spectrum.

Included are new exalted feats, prestige classes, races, spells, magic items, and descriptions and statistics for a host of creatures and celestial paragons to ally with virtuous characters. The Book of Exalted Deeds also provides descriptions and statistics for a host of creatures and celestial paragons to ally with virtuous characters.

Book of Exalted Deeds is the second title in the line of Dungeons & Dragons products specifically aimed at a mature audience.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.


There are no new player races in this supplement.

Base Classes

There are no new Basic Character Classes in this supplement.

New Spells

The Book of Exalted Deeds contains a section of new spells. All of the spells are in the (good) subtype, meaning they can only be used by good characters. The Book of Exalted Deeds also introduces the concept of "Sanctified Spells", a subset of spells that requires the caster to make a personal sacrifice to cast the spell.

New Powers

There are no new powers available in this supplement.

Prestige Classes

Below is a table listing all available prestige classes as well as a brief summary provided for play from this supplement.

Anointed Knight49The anointed knight is a holy soldier who has taken great pains to learn the intricacies of alchemy in order to become a more capable combatant. Armed with an ancestral weapon, she searches for obscure lore, consults with alchemists and sages, and communes with the powers of good. Her unquenchable thirst for knowledge is matched only by her extraordinary combat prowess.
Apostle of Peace51In a world where conflict usually means violence, where good and evil meet regularly on the field of battle, where might too often makes right and power is measured in gold peaces, the apostle of peace is a lone voice crying in the wilderness, calling for a change of heart. Having completely forsworn violence in any form, the apostle of peace is an advocate for nonviolent resolution of conflict. He is a powerful font of divine magic, but his spells are all aimed toward healing, calming hostility, and aiding his allies.
Beloved of Valarian53The beloved of Valarian (also called Valarian’s beloved) are women who have foresworn the love of mortals to dedicate themselves entirely to the unicorn deity Valarian, thus fostering a close bond with unicorns. They normally come from the ranks of exalted rangers or druids, although there have been paladins and even fighters who have chosen this path. Most of Valarian’s beloved are humans, elves, and half-elves, but halflings, gnomes, and dwarves are not prohibited.
Celestial Mystic55The mysteries of the seventh mounting heaven, the celestial layer of Chronias, are unplumbed even by the archons who inhabit Celestia’s lower layers. Tales say that those who enter have their inherent goodness magnified until their essence joins with Celestia itself. From their homes and studies on the Material Plane, celestial mystics strive to attain this ultimate unity with the perfect good. By contemplating the mystery of the Illuminated Heaven, they believe that they become more pure, more good, and more perfect. As they improve themselves, they become suited—after long effort and much meditation— to ascend to the seventh heaven and find what they describe as simultaneously a perfect extinction and a perfect immortality, a oneness with the highest good in all the planes.
Champion of Gwynharwyf56Gwynharwyf is the celestial patron of barbarians, the model for how rage and righteousness can coexist in a single being. Her champions are mortal barbarians who strive to emulate her sublime balance of fury and reserve, using their rage to smite implacably evil foes while retaining their focus on good, with its demands for mercy and respect for life. They are among the fiercest warriors for the cause of good on the Material Plane, armed with spells they can actually cast while raging, ironwilled resistance to compulsions, and eladrinlike resistance to attacks in addition to their fearsome rage.
Defender of Sealtiel58Sealtiel is the celestial paragon who serves as patron of defenders—those who protect the weak from the depredations of the strong, fight off the forces of evil when they assault the good, and defend the ideals of goodness and truth from evil deception and lies. His mortal champions are the defenders of Sealtiel, a knightly order sworn to uphold those ideals. While the fists of Raziel take the fight against evil onto evil’s home ground, the defenders of Sealtiel remain at home, guarding against evil’s counterassault.
Emissary of Barachiel59Ruler of the first heaven of Celestia, Barachiel is patron of lawful good heralds and messengers. He is charged with the defense of Celestia and the promulgation of law and goodness on the Material Plane, and his emissaries help him carry out this latter mission. The emissaries of Barachiel are peacemakers, diplomats, and evangelists, as well as staunch opponents of evil and corruption.
Exalted Arcanist61Tales say that sorcerers gain their innate magical ability from draconic blood, and many sorcerers (especially kobold sorcerers) loudly champion this legend. Aasimar sorcerers, meanwhile, smile to themselves, knowing that dragons are not the only source of spontaneous arcane power. Among both sorcerers and bards, some trace the source of their power back to celestial influence, either bloodline or simply favor. These are the exalted arcanists, spontaneous spellcasters who gain access to spells that channel celestial energy.
Fist of Raziel62The fists of Raziel represent a knightly order dedicated to the celestial patron of holy warfare against evil. Its members include large numbers of paladins, as well as lawful good clerics, fighters, rangers, and occasionally warriors. While Sealtiel champions those who defend good communities from evil assault, Raziel’s crusaders lead the charge against evil wherever it is found. Smiting evil is their mission and their specialty
Initiate of Pistis Sophia64Pistis Sophia is the monk of the Celestial Hebdomad, a contemplative, mystic, and ascetic patron for those who follow similar spiritual paths. The path of her initiates requires great sacrifices (in the form of at least three sacred vows), but brings great rewards of spiritual power.
Lion of Talisid65The undisputed ruler of the guardinals, Talisid the Celestial Lion is an enormously powerful force for good—and good alone, undiluted by concerns of law or chaos. He is also a mighty druid, and his mortal and guardinal champions are druids and rangers who share both his fierce hatred of evil and his passionate love of the natural world and its creatures. Called the lions of Talisid, these protectors of nature and champions of good emulate their celestial patron in more concrete ways: adopting feline animal companions, assuming great cat forms with their wild shape ability, and eventually roaring like a leonal. Druids and rangers most commonly become lions of Talisid, and only a character with an animal companion can enter the class. Multiclass druid/rangers also commonly adopt the class, and less commonly, fighter/druids or cleric/rangers.
Prophet of Erathaol66The prophet of Erathaol is a seer and visionary, a medium of the heavenly will, pronouncing judgment on corruption and evil in the world, speaking words of comfort to the oppressed and downtrodden, and announcing the work of the archons in the world. She channels celestial spirits and allows them to use her body for their purposes on the Material Plane. Insofar as these celestials have knowledge of future events, the prophet may speak authoritatively about events to come, but her primary focus is on changing the present world into a better world for the future, a place where law and good might reign supreme.
Risen Martyr68Characters driven by revenge, greed, or other base desires may return from death as ghosts, revenants, or other undead. By contrast, a risen martyr is an exalted character who continues in his earthly existence after his martyrdom, rather than entering the ranks of the petitioners on the celestial planes, in order to finish some unfulfilled task. Within a short time of his martyrdom (usually 1d4+1 days), a risen martyr returns in a spiritual body to complete the holy task that led to his martyrdom.
Sentinel of Bharrai69Respect for the power of nature, the desire to further the ends of good, and the resolve to destroy evil are the core beliefs of the sentinels of Bharrai, strongwilled spellcasters who venerate “The Great Bear of Elysium.” Their initiates hail primarily from the ranks of wizards, although sorcerers, druids, and clerics may also become sentinels.
Skylord71An elf crusader, the skylord uses his kinship with creatures of the sky and the power of the winds to fight evil. His ties with the elven community are generally loose at best, since he sees much more urgency in the day-to-day events of the world. This point of view is often lost on the elven lords who would prefer to insulate themselves from the affairs of the shorter-lived races. Elves who become skylords often come from the ranks of barbarians, fighters, druids, and rangers.
Slayer of Domiel73Assassins, of course, are evil by their nature and the nature of what they do: committing murder for money is a completely evil act. However, sometimes the skill set of an assassin is required for more noble purposes. Claiming the power of the paragon archon Domiel, the slayers of Domiel are a disciplined, secretive order of stealthy spies and—when the need arises—assassins who serve the cause of law and good. Rather than relying entirely on stealth and poison, the slayers of Domiel use supernatural means to dispatch evil foes.
Stalker of Kharash75Kharash, one of the Five Companions of Talisid, is the greatest of the wolflike lupinal guardinals. As a fierce opponent of evil, Kharash acts as patron to those who use stealth to track and hunt evildoers. The stalkers of Kharash are a loose-knit order of rangers, rogues, and other characters devoted to fighting evil under Kharash’s patronage.
Swanmay76Swanmays are members of a secretive order sworn to protect wilderness areas from evil. Their most distinctive feature is their ability to adopt the form of a swan, which they use primarily for mobility. The order accepts only women who are committed to the cause of good and who already possess a strong affinity for the natural world.
Sword of Righteousness77The call of exalted deeds does not exclude the path of the warrior. Though few in number, warriors of every stripe devote themselves to good, choosing a higher calling than their fellows. Even among paladins, some pursue a commitment to righteousness and purity that exceeds the norm, truly exalting them above their peers. These men and women are called swords of righteousness.
Troubadour of Stars78With the exception of Gwynharwyf, who holds her barbarian champions in special regard, the various lords and knights of the eladrin Court of Stars do not sponsor individual orders of followers. Rather, as a group they offer their patronage to certain mortal bards, granting them the ability to channel their celestial music through their mortal voices and instruments. These blessed bards are the troubadours of stars, gifted musicians and champions of good.
Vassal of Bahamut80Most of Bahamut’s emissaries and champions are dutiful and mighty metallic dragons. Occasionally, however, Bahamut finds a nondraconic champion whose reverence of good dragons is unshakable, and whose hatred of evil dragons rivals that of the purest gold dragons—a force of good so strong that Bahamut feels moved to offer this champion a place in his court.
Wonderworker82Among spellcasters of all kinds, some are so devoted to the cause of good that they sacrifice some of their spellcasting ability in order to grow closer to the ideal of goodness they revere. These are wonderworkers, practitioners of arcane or divine magic (or even psionics) whose righteousness and purity sets them apart from others—even from other good clerics.


Ancestral Relic39You own an ancestral heirloom and can invest it with increasing power.
Animal Friend41Animals respond favorably to the aura of goodness that exudes from you.
Celestial Familiar41As long as you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may receive a celestial as a familiar.
Celestial Mount42Your special mount is a true creature of the heavens.
Consecrate Spell42You can imbue your spells with the raw energy of good, by the grace of a celestial power.
Consecrate Spell Trigger42You can channel holy power through a spell trigger item, such as a wand or staff.
Consecrate Spell-Like Ability42You can channel holy power into your spell-like abilities.
Exalted Companion42Instead of an animal companion, you have a magical beast of good alignment.
Exalted Smite42Your smite ability is empowered with holy energy.
Exalted Spell Resistance42You are particularly resistant to evil spells.
Exalted Turning42You turn undead with such power that affected undead take damage.
Exalted Wild Shape42You can use your wild shape ability to take the form of a good-aligned magical beast.
Favored of the Companions43You swear allegiance to the Talisid or one of the Five Companions, the paragons of the guardinals, and in exchange gain power to act on their behalf.
Fist of the Heavens43Your stunning attack is empowered by celestial might.
Gift of Faith43You have an unusual capacity to trust in divine providence working all things for the good.
Gift of Grace43You can improve the saving throws of your allies by sharing some of your divine grace.
Hands of a Healer43You can heal more damage than normal by laying on hands.
Holy Ki Strike44Your unarmed attacks deal extra damage to evil creatures.
Holy Radiance44You can increase the intensity of the light surrounding you to damage undead creatures.
Holy Subdual44You can turn bonus damage into nonlethal damage.
Intuitive Attack44You fight by faith more than brute strength.
Knight of Stars44You swear allegiance to the Court of Stars, the paragons of the eladrin, and in exchange gain power to acton their behalf.
Nemesis44You are the holy bane of creatures of a particular type.
Nimbus of Light44You are cloaked in the radiant light that marks you as a servant of the purest ideals.
Nonlethal Substitution44You can modify a spell that uses energy to deal damage to deal nonlethal damage instead.
Nymph's Kiss44By maintaining an intimate relationship with a good-aligned fey, you gain some of the characteristics of fey.
Purify Spell44You can charge your damaging spells with celestial energy that leaves good creatures unharmed.
Purify Spell Trigger45You can channel holy power through a spell trigger item, such as a wand or staff.
Purify Spell-Like Ability45You can charge your damaging spell-like abilities with celestial energy that leaves good creatures unharmed.
Quell the Profane45Your mightiest attacks weaken evil foes.
Ranged Smite Evil45You smite ability can be channeled through your ranged weapon.
Resounding Blow45Your mightiest attacks cause your foes to tremble before you.
Righteous Wrath45Your rage is empowered with divine fury.
Sacred Strike45Your sneak attack is enhanced by your unshakable faith in a good-aligned deity.
Sacred Vow45You have willingly given yourself to the service of a good deity or cause, denying yourself an ordinary life to better serve you highest ideals.
Sanctify Ki Strike46Sacred power suffuses your unarmed strikes.
Sanctify Martial Strike46Sacred power suffuses your attacks with a certain kind of weapon.
Sanctify Natural Attack46You can focus holy power into your natural attacks.
Sanctify Weapon46You can focus holy power into your weapon.
Servant of the Heavens46You swear allegiance to one of the Tome Archons who rules the Seven Heavens, and in exchange gain power to act on their behalf.
Spell Focus (Good)46Your spells with the good descriptor are more potent than normal due to your relationship with the powers of good.
Stigmata46You bear the marks of wounds on your body, as sort of a living martyrdom.
Subduing Strike46You are adept at striking to deal nonlethal damage even with normal weapons.
Touch of Golden Ice47Your touch is poisonous to evil creatures.
Vow of Abstinence47You have taken a sacred vow to abstain from alcoholic beverages, drugs, stimulants such as caffeine, and intoxication.
Vow of Chastity47You have taken a sacred vow to refrain from marriage and sexual intercourse.
Vow of Nonviolence47You have taken a sacred vow to avoid violence against humanoids.
Vow of Obedience48You have taken a sacred vow to live according to the dictates of another, generally your superior in a religious order or similar organization.
Vow of Peace48You have taken a sacred vow to abstain from harming any living creature.
Vow of Poverty48You have taken a sacred vow to forswear material possessions.
Vow of Purity48You have taken a sacred vow to avoid contact with dead flesh.
Words of Creation48You have learned a few of the words that were spoken to create the world.

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gollark: Unfortunately, nobody knows what ideal human morals are - or, well, everyone knows different ones - and they'd be hard to implement anyway.
gollark: That will* work.
gollark: Empathy is insensitive to scale and focuses on emotionally salient issues. This is undesirable.
gollark: That's during training - after this you can just use the giant matrices of inscrutable data to process an input directly.
gollark: It uses gradient descent. It basically nudges the parameters slightly in the direction that makes it do better on the current input.
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