Evarras (5e Campaign Setting)

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"He stared into his vast creation, and all the wonder and glory, and the rage and the loss, and he saw the truth of why reality came to be. And he let out a breath, and that breath formed a spark, and from that spark arose the first soul."

-The Creation of the Lands, Saukenaf the Wise.

Evarras is a vast world of adventure, rebellion, war, and tranquility. It is a place of great variety. From the rough mountains of Rangrim to the benevolent forests of Dayereth, there are all types of environments, philosophies, cultures, and technologies. There is a lot of depth in the different political and geographical areas, so if you want a lot of travel in your campaign, then this is the setting for you. The areas in this multiverse are defined by most scholars in 4 categories:

  • The Familiar (The normal surface world of the material plane)
  • The Exotic (The Underdark and other unusual areas of the material plane, and many small demiplanes)
  • The Extraplanar (The inner and outer planes, and any in between planes)
  • The Beyond (The Far Realm, and other places no mortal has ever dared go)

Even places like The Exotic and The Extraplanar are fairly well researched by the more adventurous of academics, which makes Evarras in general a great setting for Mythic Fantasy, Planescape, or other high-magic campaign types.


Evarras, from the view of the common people, has a fairly simple plane layout. To an experienced scholar, however, there is a wealth of information that can be gathered from planar studies. In the world of Evarras, there are 8 different plane groups, listed here:

  • Matter World
  • Eternal Wilderness
  • Dark Wastes
  • The Primordial Quartet
  • Etherium
  • The Blessed Circles
  • The Agonizing Depths
  • The Opposing Aspects

For a more detailed account of the cosmology in the Evarras setting refer to Cosmology (Evarras Supplement).


While there can be any number of gods in existence because of worshippers, there are 3 "true" pantheons:

  • The Originals, the creators of the multiverse. Viewing the true form of an Original would overload any mortal's spirit with cosmic energy.
  • The Elder Gods, powerful abstract beings that represent the fundamental truths of the whole of reality. They can manifest into semi-physical forms to rich the souls of truly awakened mortals.
  • The Forsaken Ones, Originals whose power was mostly consumed in the Divine Wars. They took on mortal forms that fit their ideals when they fell from true godhood.

There are also many Demigods and Wild gods (semi-coporeal entities that arose from worship of an abstract concept). Some of the more powerful Wild gods are actually flesh-and-blood beings that used to be mortal, but ascended (or descended) when the need for a deity of a concept arose.

<For a more detailed account of the gods and other deities in the Evarras setting refer to Religion (Evarras Supplement).


There are many different types of places in the land, sea, and sky of Evarras. There are 5 main continents, each with their own nation. Each nation varies widely in culture, politics, power, and terrain. The nations are named after their founders. They are listed as follows:

  • Rangrim, a mountainous region ruled mainly by dwarves. Craftsmanship and honor are important concepts here. There is a deep distrust of arcane magic here, so it is a good place for S&S campaigns.
  • Dayereth, the massive forest ruled almost entirely by wood elves and their close relatives. Art, song, magic, and nature are the main tenets of life in the Great Woodlands. These elves have a deep connection to the Feywild and the Elemental planes, making Dayereth a good setting for a Planescape campaign.
  • Baozhai, the many towns and cities watched over by the ancestors of the human rulers. Tradition, honor, and religion are the most important aspects of this empire. The Asian cultural flavor makes this an ideal Wuxia setting.
  • Mahavir, the wetlands watched over by human and elf guardians. Spirits, tradition, nature and equality are the foundations of this society. The strong spiritual and magical connections make this continent a great Mythic Fantasy setting.
  • Musharraf, the great empty desert in which reigns a monarchy of humans and lizardfolk. Order, efficiency, and military are all important aspects of the Musharrian lifestyle. The strong conflict here makes for a good Epic or Dark Fantasy.

For a more detailed account of the geography in the Evarras setting refer to Geography and Nations (Evarras Supplement).


The history of Evarras is as rich, intriguing, and full of variety as its people. The known history goes all the way back to the first worship of a new deity, but the true history as told by the Originals, is glorious in its entirety, with events like the Divine Wars lost to even the most knowledgeable of scholars. Only the high priests of the Originals know the past from an unchanging perspective.

For a timeline of events in the Evarras setting refer to Timeline (Evarras Supplement).

For DMs and Players

Artifacts (Evarras Supplement)

Magic Items (Evarras Supplement)

Classes (Evarras Supplement)

Equipment (Evarras Supplement)

Magic (Evarras Supplement)

Monsters (Evarras Supplement)

Optional Rules (Evarras Supplement)

Races (Evarras Supplement)

Character Options (Evarras Supplement)

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gollark: Trendiness? It's also got GC.
gollark: Yes, and user code should be able to do the same stuff.
gollark: Apparently.
gollark: Yes, a type which gets operator support.
gollark: So it *does* have operator overloading, but only as builtin magic.
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