Eoptera (3.5e Race)

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Eoptera have only recently learned the basics of life, and as such aren't the best communicators. They desire to protect their teammates and friends, and, although aren't the best looking, are well-liked and good to be around.

Physical Description

Eoptera are insectoid creatures, and are quite tall, around 8-9 feet. They have a black underskin that is covered by a Black brown, green, red or yellow chitin, including over their heads, like a helmet, with slots for eyes and feelers. Under this is their mouth. Their eyes are white with the iris the same colour as their chitin. They weigh roughly 145 pounds.


They do not get along well with spider and bird-like races such as Arachnia and Avians, as these are their natural predators.


Mainly lawful.


Swamp lands, and large, grassy lands


Only small local religions.


They speak Common and Insect.


Exotic names, such as Aurata.

Racial Traits

  • +4 Constitution, +4 Wisdom, 4 Charisma, 2 Dexterity: Tough and taught by surviving, they, unfortunately, aren't the best looking and aren't very flexible.
  • Humanoid(Insect): An insect on its hind legs.
  • Large: +2 to grab checks, -4 to hide checks.
  • Eoptera base land speed is 40 feet: 50 in the air with perfect flight.
  • Hidden Wings: Wings hide under their backs, allowing flight.
  • Extra Limbs: They have 6 limbs, four arms and two legs. This allows them to wield twice the amount of weapons.
  • Hard Chitin: +2 Natural Armour Class.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Insect. Bonus Languages: Terran, Sylveon, Elven, Draconic, Dwarven
  • Favored Class: Ranger, Psion
  • Level Adjustment: +2

Vital Statistics

Table: Eoptera Random Starting Ages
16 years+2+4+9
Table: Eoptera Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
25 years45 years60 years+75 years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +2 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Eoptera Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male8' 8"+5"145 lb.× (1) lb.
Female8' 3"+2"130 lb.× (1) lb.

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gollark: `/usr/bin/awk -f`.
gollark: Yes, because that's just one argument.
gollark: Due to something something shebang limitations.
gollark: It interprets it as `/usr/bin/env "awk -f"`.
gollark: Oh, that's not an env problem, that's a Linux problem.
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