Elementalist, Variant (3.5e Class)

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The Elementalist is a shamanistic path that involves communing with the elements and the spirits of the world to gain access to their powers

Making an Elementalist

Mix of a powerful caster and steadfast warrior. Has to perform a wisdom check before every combat to see if the elements will help them in combat. If they don't the Elementalist has to use melee combat or diplomatic solutions to resolve conflict.

Abilities: The Elementalist benefits greatly from Wisdom and Dexterity.

Races: Any race the can create a connection with the elements of the world. Works well with Kalari.

Alignment: Usually good or neutral. Rarely evil.

Starting Gold: 4d6x10

Table: The Elementalist

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells per Day
FortRefWill 01st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+0+0+2+2 Elemental Sense, Rain Dance, Elemental Strife, Spiritual Communion 31
2nd+1+3+0+3 Earthen Stride, Healing Rains, Energy Resistance 3 42
3rd+1+3+1+3 Resist Earthly Pleasures 421
4th+2+4+1+4 Energy Resistance 5 432
5th+2+4+1+4 Bonus Feat 4321
6th+3+5+2+5 Energy Resistance 10 (two types) 4332
7th+3+5+2+5 Overcome Energy Resistance 10 54321
8th+4+6+2+6 Energy Resistance 15 (three types) 54332
9th+4+6+3+6 Bonus Feat 544321
10th+5+7+3+7 Energy Resistance 20 (three types) 544332
11th+5+7+3+7 Overcome Energy Resistance 20 5544321
12th+6/+1+8+4+8 Energy Resistance 30 (three types) 5544332
13th+6/+1+8+4+8 Bonus Feat 65544321
14th+7+2+9+4+9 Energy Resistance 30 (all) 65544332
15th+7/+2+9+5+9 Overcome Energy Resistance 30 655544321
16th+8/+3+10+5+10 Energy Immunity (two types) 655544332
17th+8/+3+10+5+10 Bonus Feat 6555544321
18th+9/+4+11+6+11 Energy Immunity (three types) 6555544332
19th+9/+4+11+6+11 Overcome Energy Resistance 40 6555554433
20th+10/+5+12+6+12 Energy Immunity (all) 6555554444

Class Skills (6+int)x2 at first and 6+int at other levels.

Class Features

Elemental Sense: at 1st level the Elementalist gains +2 bonus on Nature and Religion checks.

Rain Dance: at 1st level the Elementalist can call rains to cure minor disease and heal 1d4 hit points.

Elemental Strife: The Elementalist can call upon the elements and confirm the elements aid in combat (Can only be used twice per day).

Spiritual Communion: The Elementalist communes with the spirits of the land to grant advantage on the next combat to a selected player in the party (Can only be used once per day).

Elemental Stride: At second level the Elementalist can walk through areas of high spiritual energy without detection.

Healing Rain: At second level the Elementalist can call upon healing rains to heal the party for 1d4 + level hitpoints in a 30ft area (Can only be used twice per day).

Energy resistance: an elementalist gains limited resistance to energy types (fire, cold, acid, or electricity) this resistance improves every two levels after.

Resist Earthly Temptations: At 3rd level the Elementalist gains a +3 to saves against charms and persuasion checks.

Bonus feat: At 4th level the Elementalist can select another trait from the Druid feat list.

Overcome Energy Resistance: At 7th level the Elementalist calls upon both the spirits and the elements to be able to overcome a creatures energy resistance or immunity.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple weapons, light and medium armor and shields. The Elementalist is able to use metal armor.

Spells: Uses the Elementalist spell list.

Ex-<-pluralized class name->

<-Describe what happens when a character violates the alignment restrictions of any other class restrictions. If there are no behavior or alignment restrictions delete this section->.

Epic <-class name->

Table: The Epic <-class name->

Hit Die: d<-Die size for Hit Die->

21st<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
22nd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
23rd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
24th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
25th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
26th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
27th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
28th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
29th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
30th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

<-existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-another existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-Lather, rinse...->

<-... repeat.->

Bonus Feats: The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-number of feats per level-> levels after 20th.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.

<-Sample race of your choice-> <-class name-> Starting Package

Weapons: <-Weapon selection for starting at 1st level with this class.->.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

<-Skill name-><-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-><-Abbreviated key ability-><-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If inapplicable put ""->
<-Skill name-><-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-><-Abbreviated key ability-><-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If inapplicable put ""->

<-copy and paste the rows as necessary.->

Feat: <-1st-level feat selection->.

Bonus Feats: <-1st-level feat bonus feats due to class or sample race. remove this section if this sample doesn't get any bonus feats at 1st level. ->.

Gear: <-Starting armor and other equipment outside of weapons.->.

Gold: <-Starting gold using this package.->.

Playing a <-class name->

Religion: <-description of how this class typically (but no exclusively) approaches religion including likely portfolios it would worship->.

Other Classes: <-How this class typically interacts with other classes and how characters of this class interact with characters of other classes->.

Combat: <-Typical role in combat->.

Advancement: <-Typical advancement options for characters with this class. Include desirable multiclass options->.

<-pluralized class name-> in the World

<-Some quote from a character of this class->
—<-NPC name->, <-race-> <-class->

<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world.->

Daily Life: <-day in the life of a character of this class->.

Notables: <-notable NPCs of this class->.

Organizations: <-info on what, where, when, and how characters of this class congregate and assemble->.

NPC Reactions: <-How NPCs react to PCs of this class->.

<-class name-> Lore

Characters with ranks in <-the appropriate skills-> can research <-pluralized class name-> to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
5<-common knowledge->.
10<-not so common knowledge->.
15<-rare information->.
20<-very rare information->.

<-pluralized class name-> in the Game

<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play.->

Adaptation: <-Possible variant conceptions of this class.->.

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPCs of this class.->.

EL : <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter.->.

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gollark: As such, we reserve the right to apply arbitrary affine transforms in your general area.
gollark: It seems very objectificational of you.
gollark: CONSUME ironic metal.
gollark: File extensions are so irritating.
gollark: Bee.
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