Elemental Knight (Disorderley Satyr)

Elemental Knight

The Elemental Knight is a very versatile fighter taking on one or many different elements in their quest for order. There exists an order of Elemental Knights that try to keep balance and monitor the world. They keep watch for struggles and strife threw out the land and try to help in any way they can. This also allows them to easily and quickly find anyone who shows the signs of being able to control the elements in a way no mage ever could, as this usually happens when they are under great stress or during a traumatic experience, this could be a calamity of some kind or even just a bully pushing him or her to far. Once someone starts to show any signs it doesn't take long before the order recruits the new potential Elemental Knight into training. Most Elemental Knights begin training as children. A child destined to be an Elemental Knight usually shows the signs by the time they are ten years old. Methods for their training have varied from training in the temple until their awakening happens or they're given knowledge and then sent out into the world on a quest with the mission of gaining experience and unlocking their awakening themselves, of course the children are first taught how to control and suppress there powers and also how to survive on there own. The Elemental knight is eventually able to transform into an Elemental with which they have the strongest connection they retain a humanoid shape mostly but it is not at all necessary most Elemental Knights walk on two legs and have two arms, although the Elemental Knight could have as many arms as she had room for in her Elemental form, it is very difficult to learn to use more arms or legs than she would normally live with. After a certain amount of experience is attained in her abilities she is able to attain the next ascension becoming closer to her element or going astray from it and allowing another Elemental into her being and gaining its power also. Eventually she can have an Elemental form that allows her to become a very powerful Omnimental Knight, a very powerful Primal Elemental Knight, a wise Weird Elemental Knight, or a versatile Dual Elemental Knight.

Making a Elemental Knight

Constitution is very important to the Elemental Knight, it determines their power points per day which sustains its elemental form. They can be many things from a raging Fire Knight who uses speed, rage and devastating fire attacks to destroy enemies, a Water Knight who is a solid tank on land and unstoppable in the water and with powerful water attacks as well, a swift Air Knight who can fly around their opponent and with powerful wind and lightning abilities, or an Earth Knight, while slow, can form into any rock surface and gain the jump on most enemies. Then there is the powerful Omnimental who can combine these elements. While powerful the Knight does have it's weaknesses, not being too powerful outside of their form and limited Power points. Each element also comes with its own weaknesses. When in elemental form, their soul is coming to the surface so if they die while using it their soul is destroyed and cannot be brought back easily.

Abilities: The Elemental Knight uses forms and spell like abilities that cost power points. You gain 2 off the bat and then gain more equal to half your constitution every level.

Races: Any Humanoid. Cannot be a Lycanthrope (the Elemental force needed to transform overpowers the Lycans inherent ability's and destroys the disease even if born a Lycan.

Alignment: Any, the order rather train an evil Knight to learn order and balance then run loose with their powers evolving

Starting Gold: 6d4 x 10gp Starting Age: "As fighter"

Table: The Elemental Knight

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+2+2+0+0 Elemental Blade, Bonus Feat
2nd+3+3+0+0 Endure Elements
3rd+4+3+1+1 Bonus Feat
4th+5+4+1+1 Awakening, DR 5/Elements
5th+6/+1+4+1+1 Bonus Feat
8th+9/+4+6+2+2 Ascension
12th+13/+8/+3+8+4+4 Ascension, DR 10/Elements
16th+17/+12/+7/+2+10+5+5 Ascension
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+6+6 Ascension, DR 15/Elements

Class Skills (3 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Elemental) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Elemental Knight.

Bonus Feats: The Elemental Knight may only take these feats from the list of Fighter bonus feats.

Caster Level: The Elemental Knights caster level is equal to there Elemental Knight levels.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Elemental Knight is proficient with all simple, martial and 1 Exotic weapon of there choosing. She is also proficient with Light and Medium armour and all shields except tower shields.

Elemental Blade (Ex): The Elemental Knight can imbue her weapon with one of the following; Shock, Fire, Cold, Sonic, or Acid. This grants and additional 1d6 damage with an additional 1d6 every 3 CL. Costs 1pp per minute and a standard action to use.

Endure Elements: The Elemental knight is always effected by Endure elements as the spell and spend 1pp to cast on party members.

Power Points/Day: A Elemental Knight’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. The Elemental Knight gains power points equal to half his constitution modifier per level. He may gain power points from no other source. These Powers are treated as Arcane or Divine spells not Psionics and may gain benefit from metamagic feats.

Powers Known: All Powers known are element specific. All the Elemental Knights save DC's are Constitution based (10 + 1/2CL + con mod for special abilities/qualities such as burn and vortex, 10 + con mod + spell level for any spell cast regardless of form). Any powers used outside of Elemental form cost PP as follows; Spell levels 1-2 cost 1PP/cast, spell levels 3-4 Cost 2PP/cast, spell levels 5-6 cost 3PP/cast, Spell levels 7-8 cost 4PP/day, Spell level 9 is lost to the Elemental Knight when not in Elemental form.

Damage Resistance Elements: At 4th level gain a 5/DR to Fire, Cold, Acid, Sonic, and Shock damage. At 12th level this becomes a 10/DR and at 20th level a 15/DR.

Awakening (Su): At 4th level the Elemental Knight's true abilities start to waken with her element appearing on her skin and being unable to control her powers (The moment an Elemental Knight reaches level 4 she must choose and element and she immediately has all the benefits of the first rank but is unable to control it). She must spend 24 hours in meditation thinking of everything that element embodies. Reflecting on everything they have learned about said element and urging one to lend her it's power. After the 24 hours is up the Elemental Knight's latent powers are exposed and enhanced by an elemental that appears. It joins with her and she can use its power at her will. The elemental Knight upgrades this power every 4 levels after 4 using the same process for a stronger elemental. If she so chooses she may take a new element instead of upgrading her current elemental form, she retains her old form and gains the first rank of the new form as well. Her original form does not upgrade. Only one element may be called during the awakening and only one awakening can be preformed every 4 levels. If the Elemental Knight takes the first rank in each of the 4 elements before the 20th level, at the 20th level they may become an Omnimental. Her spell like abilities do not cost Power points while in elemental form but you cannot use the abilities of one element while in another elemental form (can`t use fire abilities in a water form, or earth, or air). Takes a standard action to transform and when transformed she is subject to "Elemental traits" (as the MM describes) she is also considered her elemental subtype at all times (if you chose water elemental you would be the water subtype). The Elemental Knight may only be in one elemental form at a time and costs 1pp/30min. The Elemental Knight retains her ability to wield weapons and wear armour while in this form but is also subject to all penalties and restrictions applied by the armour. Armour is absorbed during transformation and is not visible for all intents and purposes you look like an elemental with a weapon. Weapons gain benefits to damage as listed below. She also gains the ability to speak the language of the elemental so Fire would speak Ignan, Earth would speak Terran, Water would speak Aquan, and Air would speak Auran. The elements are listed below.

Dualist (Su): If the Elemental Knight gains 3 ranks in one element and 2 ranks in another element she may use the spell-like abilities of the lesser element while in the form of the greater element at normal PP cost outside of form. (example: A 3rd rank Fire Elemental Knight can use the abilities of a 2nd rank Air Elemental Knight for the PP cost it takes outside of form)

Water Elemental:

Table: The Elemental Knight

Hit Die: d8

Rank Ability Scores Special Natural Armour Grapple Checks MoveSpeed PowerPoint Cost/30min Spell-like ability Spells per Day
StrDexCon 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+6+2+7 Water Mastery, Vortex, Drench, Darkvision 60ft, Cleave, Power Attack, Auquan (language) 8320ft land, 90ft swim1Obscuring Mist, Sound Burst42
2nd+10+4+9 Great Cleave 9720ft land, 90ft swim1Water Breathing, Freedom of Movementat will742
3rd+14+8+11 Alertness, Iron will, Improved Bullrush 91330ft land, 120ft swim2Ice Storm, Cone of Coldat willat willat willat will42
4th+16+10+11 Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes 91530ft land, 120ft swim2Waterspout, Horrid Witheringat willat willat willat will9742
5th+18+12+11 Improved Critical (exotic weapon), Iron Will 91730ft land, 120ft swim3Elemental Swarm (Water)at willat willat willat will99741
Primal+32+28+21 Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Weapon Focus (E.W), Devastating Critical (E.W), Epic Prowess (x2), Epic Toughness (x6), Epic Will, Overwhelming Critical (E.W) 484020ft land, 900ft swim600-at willat willat willat willat willat willat willat will-

1st Rank: The Elemental Knight has fused with a Water Element. Fin like protrusions that appear on her body permanently raising her swim speed by 20ft when not in form. In form, Her skin becomes like water.

Water Mastery: This form receives a -4 to attack and damage rolls if the enemy is on "Dry" (rain, unless enough to pool on the ground does not constitute as "wet") ground but receives a +1 to attack and damage rolls if both her and her enemy are touching water. Can also conceal herself in a body of water large enough to contain her. Can be a serious threat to ships overturning small crafts, stopping larger vessels and slowing huge ships to half speed.

Vortex: The Knight can transform herself into a whirlpool every 10min provided its underwater and lasts 1RD for every 2HD she has. 5ft wide at the base and 30ft wide at the top and with 10ft height the vortex can move at full swim speed and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures one size category or small get trapped if a reflex is not made. (see water elemental abilities for details.)

Drench: The Elemental Knight`s touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. Can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic.

Obscuring Mist(Sp): Send a rolling mist up to 20ft away with a 20ft radius and 20ft height. Obscures all vision including Darkvision beyond 5ft. A creature 5ft away has concealment while a creature 10ft away has total concealment. Vulnerable to wind. Can be used 4x per day at first rank. Costs 1PP per use outside of form.

Sound Burst (Sp): Send out a loud shriek up to 25ft + 5ft/2lvls away in a 10ft radius dealing 1D8 sonic damage. Creature must make a fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round. Costs 1PP per use outside of form.

2nd Rank: The Elemental Knight`s form gets the power of a Large Elemental, her water form stats being upgraded.

Water Breathing (Sp): A touched creature can breathe underwater for 2hrs/lvl, divides evenly if more then one creature touched. Can use 4x per day at 2nd rank and costs 2PP outside of Elemental form.

Freedom Of Movement (Sp): Enables a touched creature to move freely even if under movement impairing abilities and makes them automatically succeed on and grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt. Also allows them to move and attack normally underwater. Costs 2PP to use outside of form.

3rd Rank: The Elemental Knight fuses with a Huge Elemental and her power and knowledge of water has deepened. It now costs 2PP/30 mins to sustain this form.

Ice Storm (Sp): Send an Ice Storm up to 400ft + 40ft/lvl away in a 20ft radius. For 1 round deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 cold damage to everything in the area, everything moves at half speed as well. Costs 3PP to use outside of form. Can use 4x per day at 3rd rank.

Cone of Cold (Sp): Create a cone of extreme cold ranging 60ft. Drains all heat and deals 1d6/lvl. Can reflex for half damage. Costs 3PP per day outside of form and can use 2x per day at 3rd rank.

4th Rank: The Elemental Knight now fuses with a Greater Huge Elemental and her water form has been upgraded.

Waterspout (Sp): Causes water to rise up in a whirling cylinder 5ft wide and 80ft high up to 400ft + 40ft/lvl away. Lasts 1rd/lvl and can move with a move action up to 30ft. Creatures that come in conntact must make a reflex or take 3d8 damage. Medium or smaller creatures that fail the save are sucked into the sprout and trapped for 1d3 rounds (no save) and suffer 2d6 each round before being thrown from the top 1d8 x 5ft and taking 8d6 fall damage. Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 4x per day at 4th rank.

Horrid Withering (Sp): Up to 400ft + 40ft/lvl, evaporate all moisture from the body of a living creature dealing 1d6/lvl. Water and plant creatures suffer 1d8/lvl. Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 2x per day at 4th rank.

5th Rank: The Elemental Knight has 2 options here she can fuse with an Elder Huge Elemental to upgrade her elemental form to its fullest and is now considered a Large creature (-1 Size AC, weapons and armour scale with the Knight).

The Elemental Knight may instead choose to become a Weird Elemental (that can leave its pool). Doing so removes any benefits you have gained from your other elemental form and instead grants the Elemental Knight the ability to cast Aracne and divine spells from the Water, and Healing Domains. Spells known 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2/1. Spells/day 9/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/5/3. She also gains in total: +11 Str, +7 Con, +4 Dex, +10 Int, +13 Wis, +12 Cha, +4 Natural Armor, Land speed of 30ft, Swim speed of 30ft, DR20/+2, Prescience( As the Special Quality), Regeneration 10, SR25, Elemental Command (as the special attack). She also gains +10 to concentration checks, +15 to Intimidation, +17 Diplomacy, +12 Knowledge(any 3), +8 Listen, +14 Scry, +13 Sense Motive, +8 Spot, and +13 Swim. She also gains as the feats: Alertness, Dodge, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflex's, Maximize Spell. 3pp/hour.

Elemental Swarm (water) (Sp): Take 10min to summon 2d4 large water elementals, another 10min to summon 1d4 huge water elementals, and another 10min to summon one greater water elemental. Can summon up to 100ft +10ft/lvl and last 10min/lvl. They have max hit points and will not attack you even if taken control of. May only be used once per day.

Primal Rank: Refer to Epic Elemental Knight.

Fire Elemental:

Table: The Fire Elemental Knight

Hit Die: d8

Rank Ability Scores Special Natural Armour Grapple Checks MoveSpeed PowerPoint Cost/30min Spell-like ability Spells per Day
StrDexCon 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+2+7+4 Fire Mastery, Burn, Darkvision, Dodge, Improved initiative, Mobility, Weapon finesse, Ignan (language) 3250st1Flaming rush, Produce flame42
2nd+4+11+6 Spring Attack 4650ft1Rage, Fire Shieldat will842
3rd+8+13+8 Iron will, Combat reflexes 41260ft2Flame strike, Roar of discordat willat willat will842
4th+10+15+8 Weapon focus (exotic weapon), Blind-fight 81460ft2Fire storm, Incendiary cloudat willat willat willat will9742
5th+12+19+8 Large/Weird Elemental, Great fortitude 81660ft3Elemental swarm (fire)at willat willat willat will99741
Primal+22+29+18 Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Blinding speed, Dire Charge, Epic Prowess(x2), Epic Toughness(x4), Epic Will, Superior Intitiative, SR 42 483850ft600-at willat willat willat willat willat willat willat will-

1st Rank: The Elemental knight has fused with a Fire Element. Outside of her form, Her body temperature rises to a level that would make metal armour glow with a slightly reddish hue (this does not damage the armour, nor does it act as a way to endure elements if anything she is effected more by extreme colds). This does not harm leather armour but a slight tinge of burning leather constantly hangs in the air, clothe armour or paper armour will burn if put on(They can however pick up paper and clothe without igniting it if they so wish. The Elemental Knight does 1d6 fire damage on successful grapple checks outside of form and 1d8 fire damage in her form. While in form, her skin becomes like magma and she is surrounded in flames (not effecting equipment).

Fire Mastery: Gain an immunity to fire while in form but become vulnerable to cold and you cannot enter any kind of body of water. The Elemental Knight does 1d6 fire damage on successful grapple checks outside of form and 1d8 fire damage in her form.

Burn: The Elemental Knights attacks are imbued by the fire elementals Special Attack granting 1d6 fire damage whenever you hit a target or a target hits you with natural weapons. The target must make a Reflex save based on your Special ability constitution based saving throw.

Flaming Rush(Sp): (As the spell Rhino Rush) This ability propels you forward in a single deadly flaming charge dealing double damage on a successful hit. Used as a swift action. Can be used 4x per day at first rank and costs 1PP per use outside of form.

Produce Flame (Sp): Produce flames in your hands that can be thrown or touched dealing 1d6+1/lvl (max 5). Lasts 1min/lvl and each flaming ball used drains 1min off ability. Can be used 2x per day at rank 1 and costs 1PP per use outside of form.

2nd Rank: The Elemental Knight`s form gets the power of a Large Elemental, her fire form stats being upgraded.

Burn: The Elemental Knights attacks are imbued by the fire elementals Special Attack granting 2d6 fire damage whenever you hit a target or a target hits you with natural weapons. The target must make a Reflex save based on your Special ability constitution based saving throw.

Rage (Sp): Can turn 3 creatures up to 30ft apart raged granting +2 morale to strength & constitution, +1 to will saves but -2 to AC. Lasts your concentration + 1rd/lvl. Can use 4x per day at 2nd rank and costs 2PP outside of Elemental form.

Fire Shield (Sp): Surrounds yourself in an orb of swirling fire. Any creature attacking you takes 1d6 + 1/lvl(max 15). Protects from fire and frost damage. Can use 2x per day at 2nd rank and costs 2PP to use outside of form.

3rd Rank: The Elemental Knight fuses with a Huge Elemental and her power and knowledge of fire has deepened. It now costs 2PP/30 mins to sustain this form.

Burn: The Elemental Knights attacks are imbued by the fire elementals Special Attack granting 2d8 fire damage whenever you hit a target or a target hits you with natural weapons. The target must make a Reflex save based on your Special ability constitution based saving throw.

Flame Strike (Sp): Create a cylinder of roaring flames with a 10ft radius and 40ft high up to 100ft + 10ft/lvl. Causes 1d6/lvl (max 15d6) fire damage but can reflex for half. Costs 3PP to use outside of form. Can use 4x per day at 3rd rank.

Roar of Discord (Sp): Knight lets out a bellowing roar inducing a flaming rage inside their enemies. In a 20ft radius, all enemies have a 50% chance to attack nearest target. Rage lasts 1min/lvl. Costs 3PP per day outside of form and can use 2x per day at 3rd rank. (As the spell Song of Discord).

4th Rank: The Elemental Knight now fuses with a Greater Huge Elemental and her fire form has been upgraded.

Fire Storm (Sp): As a full round action, throw multiple (2 10ft cubes/lvl) fire storms up to 100ft + 10ft/lvl away. Any creature within takes 1d6/lvl (max 20d6) fire damage. Reflex for half. Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 4x per day at 4th rank.

Incendiary Cloud (Sp): Summon a cloud of embers in a 20ft radius up to 100ft + 10ft/lvl. Obscures vision beyond 5ft and does 4d6 damage. Lasts 1rd/lvl. Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 2x per day at 4th rank.

5th Rank: The Elemental Knight has 2 options here she can fuse with an Elder Huge Elemental to upgrade her elemental form to its fullest and is now considered a Large creature (-1 Size AC, weapons and armour scale with the Knight).

The Elemental Knight may instead choose to become a Weird Elemental (that can leave its pool). Doing so grants the Elemental Knight the ability to cast Aracne and divine spells from the Fire, and Sun Domains. Spells known 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2/1. Spells/day 6/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/5/3. She also gains in total: +11 Str, +7 Con, +4 Dex, +10 Int, +13 Wis, +12 Cha, +4 Natural Armour, move speed of 30ft, 60ft Perfect Flight, DR20/+2, Prescience( As the Special Quality), Regeneration 10, SR25 Burn(as the Special Attack 2d6 fire damage). She also gains +10 to concentration checks, +15 to Intimidation, +17 Diplomacy, +12 Knowledge(any 3), +8 Listen, +14 Scry, +13 Sense Motive, +8 Spot, and +13 Swim. She also gains as the feats: Alertness, Dodge, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflex's, Maximize Spell. 3pp/hour.

Elemental Swarm (fire) (Sp): Take 10min to summon 2d4 large fire elementals, another 10min to summon 1d4 huge fire elementals, and another 10min to summon one greater fire elemental. Can summon up to 100ft +10ft/lvl and last 10min/lvl. They have max hit points and will not attack you even if taken control of. May only be used once per day.

Earth Elemental

Table: The Earth Elemental Knight

Hit Die: d8

Level Ability Scores Special Natural Armour Grapple Checks MoveSpeed PowerPoint Cost/30min Spell-like ability Spells per Day
StrDexCon 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+11-2+7 Earth Mastery, Push, Earth Glide, Darkvision, Cleave, Power Attack, Terran (language) 9420st1Magic stones, Shatter42
2nd+15-2+9 Great Cleave 10820ft1Stone shape, Spike stonesat will842
3rd+19-2+11 Awesome blow, Improved bullrush, Iron will 111430ft2Wall of stone, Stoneskinat willat willat will842
4th+21-2+11 Alertness, Improved sunder 131630ft2Earthquake, Iron bodyat willat willat willat will9742
5th+23-2+11 Large/Weird Elemental, Improved critical (exotic weapon) 151830ft3Elemental swarm (earth)at willat willat willat will99741
Primal+33-2+21 Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (E.W), Devastating Critical (E.W), Epic Prowess(x3), Epic Toughness(x6), Epic Will, Overwhelming Critical (E.W), SR 42 484020ft, Burrow 40ft600-at willat willat willat willat willat willat willat will-

1st Rank: The Elemental knight has fused with an Earth Element. Outside of her form, her skin becomes grey and scaly in parts and she gains a permanent +1 natural armor. While in her form, her skin becomes like rock with spikes and jagged edges protruding out.

Earth Mastery: An Earth Elemental Knight gains a +1 on attack and damage rolls if both it and it`s opponent are touching the ground. If its foes is airborne or waterborne, the Knight takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. Cannot go through a body of water, must walk around or go through the ground beneath it.

Push: Can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifier from Earth mastery applies to opposed strength checks.

Earth Glide: The Earth Elemental Knight can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any type of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. It`s burrowing leaves behind no tunnel nor does it create any ripple or other signs of presence. A move earth spell flings the knight back 30ft and stuns her unless a 15 DC fortitude save is made.

Magic Stones(Sp): Up to 3 pebbles float around you for 30min or until thrown up yo 20ft dealing 1d6 + 1, +1 to attack roll, normal ranged attack. Can be used 4x per day at first rank and costs 1PP per use outside of form.

Shatter (Sp): Slam the ground with enough force to break brittle, non-magical objects or damages chrystalline creatures 1d6/lvl (max 10d6) sonic damage. Can be used 2x per day at rank 1 and costs 1PP per use outside of form.

2nd Rank: The Elemental Knight`s form gets the power of a Large Elemental, her earth form stats being upgraded.

Stone Shape (Sp): Form an existing stone into any shape that suits your purpose. Fine detail isn`t possible and a 30% chance that any shape involving moving parts fails. Can use 4x per day at 2nd rank and costs 2PP outside of Elemental form.

Spike Stones (Sp): Create an area (20ft square/lvl) up to 100ft + 10ft/lvl away full of jagged stone spikes. Any creature moving on foot through the area takes 1d8/5ft and make a reflex save or move half speed till healed. Can use 2x per day at 2nd rank and costs 2PP to use outside of form.

3rd Rank: The Elemental Knight fuses with a Huge Elemental and her power and knowledge of earth has deepened. It now costs 2PP/30 mins to sustain this form.

Wall of Stone (Sp): Create a wall of stone 5ft/lvl long and 1 inch thick/4 lvls up to 100ft + 10ft/lvl way. Can creat in any shape but vulnerable to disintegrate. Costs 3PP to use outside of form. Can use 4x per day at 3rd rank.

Stoneskin (Sp): Touched creature gains 10/DR Adamantium. Lasts 10min/lvl or until 10 damage/lvl taken. Costs 3PP per day outside of form and can use 2x per day at 3rd rank.

4th Rank: The Elemental Knight now fuses with a Greater Huge Elemental and her earth form has been upgraded.

Earthquake (Sp): Slam the earth and cause an earthquake with an 80ft radius up to 400ft + 40ft/lvl away. Devastates the area causing different effects depending where you are (see spell for details). Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 4x per day at 4th rank.

Iron Body (Sp): Coat your body in living iron for 1min/lvl. Gain 15DR Adamantium, immunity to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison and stunning. Take half damage from fire and acid, gain +6 str but suffer -6 dex and move at half speed. Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 2x per day at 4th rank.

5th Rank: The Elemental Knight has 2 options here she can fuse with an Elder Huge Elemental to upgrade her elemental form to its fullest and is now considered a Large creature (-1 Size AC, weapons and armour scale with the Knight).

The Elemental Knight may instead choose to become a Weird Elemental (that can leave its pool). Doing so grants the Elemental Knight the ability to cast Aracne and divine spells from the Earth, and Destruction Domains. Spells known 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2/1. Spells/day 6/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/5/3. She also gains in total: +11 Str, +7 Con, +4 Dex, +10 Int, +13 Wis, +12 Cha, +4 Natural Armour, move speed of 30ft, Burrow 30ft, DR20/+2, Prescience( As the Special Quality), Regeneration 10, SR25, and Tremorsense. She also gains +10 to concentration checks, +15 to Intimidation, +17 Diplomacy, +12 Knowledge(any 3), +8 Listen, +14 Scry, +13 Sense Motive, +8 Spot, and +13 Swim. She also gains as the feats: Alertness, Dodge, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflex's, Maximize Spell. 3pp/hour

Elemental Swarm (earth) (Sp): Take 10min to summon 2d4 large earth elementals, another 10min to summon 1d4 huge earth elementals, and another 10min to summon one greater earth elemental. Can summon up to 100ft +10ft/lvl and last 10min/lvl. They have max hit points and will not attack you even if taken control of. May only be used once per day.

Air Elemental

Table: The Air Elemental Knight

Hit Die: d8

Level Ability Scores Special Natural Armour Grapple Checks MoveSpeed PowerPoint Cost/30min Spell-like ability Spells per Day
StrDexCon 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+2+11+4 Air Mastery, Whirlwind, Darkvision, Dodge, Flyby attack, Improved initiative, Weapon finesse 313100ft fly(perfect)1Wind shield, Gust of wind42
2nd+4+15+6 Combat reflexes 416100ft fly(perfect)1Call lightning, Airwalkat will742
3rd+6+19+8 Alertness, Mobility, Spring attack 422100ft fly(perfect)2Arc of lightning, Cloud-walkersat willat willat will742
4th+10+21+8 Blind-fight, Iron will 825100ft fly(perfect)2Control weather, Whirlwindat willat willat willat will9742
5th+12+23+8 Perfect/Weird Elemental, Cleave 828100ft fly(perfect)3Elemental swarm (air)at willat willat willat will99741
Primal+22+33+18 Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (exotic weapon), Blinding Speed(x2), Epic Prowess(x2), Epic Toughness(x4), Epic Will, Superior Inititative, SR 42 4838100ft fly(perfect)600-at willat willat willat willat willat willat willat will-

1st Rank: The Elemental knight has fused with an Air Element. Outside of her form, her skin becomes like vapour leaving small smoke trails and gaining +2 to reflex saves. While in her form, a strong wind current constantly swirls around her with sparks flashing and no longer touches the ground gaining 100ft perfect flight movement. Form costs 1PP/30min at 1st rank.

Air Mastery: Airborne creatures take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against the Air Elemental Knight.

Whirlwind: The Air Elemental Knight can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2HD she has. The whirlwind is 5ft wide at base and 30 ft wide at top and can be between 10-50ft high and moves at its flight speed not provoking any attacks of opportunity. Smaller creatures take 1d6 damage and are lifted into the air. Medium creatures must make a reflex save (see chart) or suffer 1d6 damage and must make a second save or be picked up into the air as well and must take damage on each round held. Trapped creatures cannot move but otherwise act normally attacking and casting spells although must beat a concentration check 15+spell lvl to cast and all creatures suffer -4 dex and -2 on attack rolls. The Knight can only hold as many creatures that can fill its volume and can drop them whenever she wishes in the spot she occupies.

Wind Shield(Sp): A wind shield appears around yourself, any ranged attack that hits has a 20% chance to miss (like Entropic shield spell). Lasts 1min/lvl. Can be used 4x per day at first rank and costs 1PP per use outside of form.

Gust of Wind (Sp): Creates a 50mph wind in a 60ft line from your hand. Smaller creatures are knocked to the ground and thrown back 1d4x10ft and take 1d4/10ft. Medium creatures cannot move and large creatures move at half speed. Can be used 2x per day at rank 1 and costs 1PP per use outside of form.

2nd Rank: The Elemental Knight`s form gets the power of a Large Elemental, her air form stats being upgraded. Whirlwind now deals 2d6, Gains a DR5/- and the Combat reflexes feat. All bonus feats and special abilities from the lesser tiers still apply. Wind shield is now treated as an at will ability and Gust of wind can be used 7/day.

Call lightning (Sp): Take a full turn to bring lightning to the battlefield. Every turn afterwards for 1min/lvl you can cast a 5ft wide lightning bolt dealing 3d6, if outdoors it is 3d10. Can reflex for half. Can use 4x per day at 2nd rank and costs 2PP outside of Elemental form.

Air walk (Sp): A touched creature can walk on air as if it were ground for 10min/lvl. If ability expires while in use the subject falls slowly at 60ft for 1d6 rounds. If it lands in that span, it lands safetly, if not it takes 1d6/10ft. Can use 2x per day at 2nd rank and costs 2PP to use outside of form.

3rd Rank: The Elemental Knight fuses with a Huge Elemental and her power and knowledge of air has deepened. Whirlwind now does 2d8 damage and gains the Alertness, Mobility, and Spring attack feats. She can also now use Gust of wind and Call lightning as at will abilities and now use Air walk 7/day. It now costs 2PP/30 minutes to sustain this form.

Arc of Lightning (Sp): Two creatures within 25ft + 5ft/2lvls are stuck by an arc of electricity taking 1d6/lvl (max 15d6) as well as anything between them. Can reflex for half. Costs 3PP to use outside of form. Can use 4x per day at 3rd rank.

Cloud-walkers (Sp): Touch 1 creautre/lvl and they can fly 60ft perfectly for 10min/lvl. Costs 3PP per day outside of form and can use 2x per day at 3rd rank.

4th Rank: The Elemental Knight now fuses with a Greater Huge Elemental and her air form has been upgraded. DR is now 10, She also gains the Blind-fight and Iron will feats. Air walk is now an at will ability, Arc of lightning can now be used 9/day, Cloud-walkers can be used 7/day

Control Weather (Sp): Take 10min to control the weather around you in a 2 mile radius. Season effects what weather you can summon and lasts 4d12 hours. Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 4x per day at 4th rank.

Throw Whirlwind (Sp): Throw a whirlwind 10ft wide at base up to 400ft + 40ft/lvl away. Moves 60ft and always moves on your turn by using a standard action. Large or smaller creatures must make a reflex or suffer 3d6 damage, medium or smaller creatures must make a second reflex save or be picked up and suffer 1d8 damage with no chance to escape. Lasts 1 round/lvl. Costs 4PP outside of form and can use 2x per day at 4th rank.

5th Rank: The Elemental Knight has 2 options here she can fuse with an Elder Huge Elemental to upgrade her elemental form to its fullest and is now considered a Large creature (-1 Size AC, weapons and armour scale with the Knight).

The Elemental Knight may instead choose to become a Weird Elemental (that can leave its pool). Doing so grants the Elemental Knight the ability to cast Aracne and divine spells from the Air, and Travel Domains. Spells known 9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/2/1. Spells/day 9/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/5/3. She also gains in total: +11 Str, +7 Con, +4 Dex, +10 Int, +13 Wis, +12 Cha, +4 Natural Armour, 30ft movespeed, 60ft perfect flight speed, DR20/+2, Prescience( As the Special Quality), Regeneration 10, SR25, and Breathsense. She also gains +10 to concentration checks, +15 to Intimidation, +17 Diplomacy, +12 Knowledge(any 3), +8 Listen, +14 Scry, +13 Sense Motive, +8 Spot, and +13 Swim. She also gains as the feats: Alertness, Dodge, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflex's, Maximize Spell. 3PP/hour

Elemental Swarm (air) (Sp): Take 10min to summon 2d4 large air elementals, another 10min to summon 1d4 huge air elementals, and another 10min to summon one greater air elemental. Can summon up to 100ft +10ft/lvl and last 10min/lvl. They have max hit points and will not attack you even if taken control of. May only be used once per day


Table: The Omnimental Knight

Hit Die: d8

Level Ability Scores Special Natural Armour Grapple Checks MoveSpeed PowerPoint Cost/30min
1st+250+18 Death Birth, Elemental Ball, Darkvision 60ft, Alertness, Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural Attack (Slam), Iron Will, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, DR 10/-, Blindsight, immunity to electricity/fire, vulnerability to cold, Aquan (language), Auran (Language), Ignan (language), Terran (language) 132450ft land, 50ft swim, 50ft fly(perfect)4

Omnimental: The moment you become an Omnimental you must make a Concentration check of DC 35 or go into a rage for 24 hours. During this rage you cannot discern friends from foe you will attack anything that you come across be it a civilian or another Omnimental or even a god. If you make the Concentration check you must begin to meditate within the next hour if you fail to do so you must make another concentration check this time of DC 40 or go into a rage. For every hour this is put off the Concentration check goes up by 5. The Elemental Knight becomes a coruscating being, shimmering with fire, electricity, water, earth and whirling air devastating all in its path. This combination of elements lacks several of the attack forms of the specific elementals, but also does not have many of their limitations. For instance, unlike a Fire Elemental Knight, an Omnimental can enter water and nonflammable liquids; when it does so, the water, air, and earth aspects of the Knight form protective layers around its body’s fire aspect. An Omnimental Knight is a huge creature and suffers -2 to AC for size but her weapons and armour scale with her and she is able to use all Spell like abilities known at will and at no PP cost.

Death Birth (Sp): When an Omnimental reaches 0 hit points, it bursts into its component elemental parts, creating four 1st rank Elemental Knights, one each of air, earth, fire, and water (see above charts). As long as one Elemental survives the Elemental Knight survives but must spend 24 hours in meditation to regain each form lost including the Omnimental.

Elemental Ball (Sp): As a standard action, an Omnimental can detach part of itself to create a clod of flaming earth that it can fling at an opponent up to 100 feet away. Deals 4d6+12 + 1d8 fire damage. Using this ability reduces the omnimental’s current hit points by 10.

Skills: An omnimental has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line

Ex-Elemental Knight

An Elemental Knight who chooses to forsake his elemental ways and set on a new path lose touch of their elemental form(s) and cease gaining power points while retaining its abilities such as Elemental blade, it`s DR/elements and Spell like abitities. The only way to bypass this is to become a Pure Elemental or Omnimental.

Epic Elemental Knight

Table: The Epic Elemental Knight

Hit Die: d8

22ndEpic Bonus Feat
24thEpic Bonus Feat
26thEpic Bonus Feat
28thEpic Bonus Feat
30thEpic Bonus Feat, Soul Shield, Primal Ascension.

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

Epic Bonus Feats: The Feats can also be taken from the list of monster Feats.

Elemental Uprgrade: At the 25th level the Elemental Knight may continue to gain another rank in any elemental she chooses. To gain the Omnimental form she must still have 1 rank in each elemental or may gain Dualist if the prerequisites are met. She may also choose to upgrade her primary element again, this grants no improvement to your current form but it is a prerequisite to attaining a primal form

Soul Shield (Ex): At the 30th level the Elemental Knight gains a Soul Shield, this allows the Elemental Knight to shield there soul from damage while in there Elemental Form. This means when the Elemental Knight is in her Elemental form and would have effectively been killed she simply regains her humanoid form at full HP. Her Elemental Form may not be used for 48 hours thereafter as it needs to repair in its native Plane of Existence. In the case of an Omnimental form she would still be effected by Death Birth, when the final Elemental that she split into falls then she is reverts back to humanoid at full HP, an Omnimental must wait 1 full week before being able to take Omnimental form again. The Elemental Knight is in no other way inhibited by the loss of there form she may still cast spells with the appropriate PP cost applied. In the case of a Dualist if one form dies it takes 48 to be able to use it again, she may however use her other form, if that form also dies the timer is reset on both forms to 72 hours before she would be able to use it again.

Primal Ascension (Ex): This can only be taken if the Elemental Knight has taken all 6 previous Ascensions in the same Element. For 1 minute/20PP spent the Elemental Knight can become a Primal Elemental of there specific Element. The Elemental Knight that takes this does not have to transform into a Primal Elemental but instead can choose to use this form or her Fifth rank form. If the Elemental Knight has not taken all 6 previous ascensions in but a single Element it is treated as a normal Ascension.

Playing an Elemental Knight

Religion: Any.

Other Classes: <-How this class typically interacts with other classes and how characters of this class interact with characters of other classes->.

Combat: Dependent on the Elemental Chosen, Could be a front line fighter or a strong spell caster/Support Healer, or an agile ranged unit.

Advancement: Most Elemental Knights do not multi-class but some helpful classes may be sorc/wizard for additional spell casting prowess, a monk for its improved Unarmed damage, movespeed, and armour, some have also been known to take up the symbol of there god and become Paladins that can achieve remarkable things.

Elemental Knight in the World

<-Some quote from a character of this class->
—<-NPC name->, <-race-> <-class->

<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world.->

Daily Life: <-day in the life of a character of this class->.

Notables: There was once an Elemental Knight that could not be swayed into walking the path of a single Elemental. Other Elemental Knights considered him weak as he would take but a single rank into any one Element. This Knight traveled with a small group for a time but was found lacking and so abandoned. Once he had achieved his fourth form he wasn't sure which one he would prefer to have at its second rank. He decided he would use each form equally until the time was almost upon him and then make his decision. He found so much benefit from each form even as the time was drawing near he could not decide. He decided he would cast his decision to fate. Whichever Element took hold of him when he recieved his final ascention. Leaving it to fate was the best and worst decision he ever made. Instead of a single element taking hold of him they all did, his body twisted and contorted and nothing but pain fills his memories of that day. He became the first and last Elemental Knight to become an omnimental. When he transformed he could not control the raw power that flooded him he could not concentrate he couldn't even think, he wasn't himself he was a monster for 24 hours after those elements took hold of him he ravage the landscape burning and drowning most victims, some he buried alive or stole the air from a whole village for so long that none survived. He was fast, he was strong, he was ruthless. Once he finally came out of the trance he could not remember what he had done but the trail of destruction was leading to him. As he walked back along the path of ruination he had wrought he wept. Despair filled his whole being. "Why should I live when so many have died by my hand" he cried out to any god that would listen. It was not a god at all that stayed his hand as he was about to end his own life. It was the hand of a little girl. She touched his hand and looked up at him with the innocence only a child could have. He looked around there were more children now standing staring at him. He had not harmed a single child. He spent the rest of his life trying to make amends for his actions. He set up many orphanages and he is the reason that the Elemental Knights guild donates a percentage of every contract they complete to keep poor or orphaned kids fed and clothed. Through this they have found many children with an elemental affiliation. That Omnimental Knight went on to lead the guild to prosperity and balance. All the children around when he had become an Omnimental the first time absorbed some of the massive amount of Elemental energy from all the planes coliding uncontrollably. They became the next generation Elemental Knights and continue his work. Some held a grudge but most forgave him when they first got a taste for the raw power that that form provides.

Organizations: Elemental Knight Guild takes in young ones showing signs of being an Elemental Knight.

NPC Reactions: Varies can be treated as one would treat a Lycanthrope or they could be beloved by the people in general.

<-class name-> Lore

Characters with ranks in <-the appropriate skills-> can research <-pluralized class name-> to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
5They can use elemental powers.
10They can transform into powerful Elemental Hybrids.
15Elemental Knights can become a Weird Elemental that has no pool.
20Some Elemental Knights have become so powerful they can turn into all the elements at once.

Elemental Knight in the Game

This class as a character is very versatile he can be a seeker of justice and general do gooder, or she could be an evil vengance fueled monster stopping at nothing to achieve her own goals. In general though the Elemental Knights in the world ten to lean towards the side of good but there elemental nature pulls them to chaos. They seek freedom above all else. They are sometimes shunned as a lycanthrope would be.

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPCs of this class.->.

EL : <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter.->.

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gollark: Oh, my friend wrote a thing to scan ngrok (popular tunneling thing as an alternative to port forwarding) for MC servers.
gollark: It apparently had other issues, like very slow memory access in the cell-y bit.
gollark: I see.
gollark: Isn't that basically GPUs?
gollark: ARM isn't very RISC any more. RISC-V is maybe sort of going to be usable for that eventually.
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