Dragoon (4e Class)

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Your death shall come from above!
Class Traits
Role: Defender. Your ability to move easily in heavy armor can easily put you on the front lines before they even have chance to target your allies.
Power Source: Shadow. You emulate the power of fallen dragons, utilizing their fallen ghosts as your strength.
Key Abilities: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale; light shield, heavy shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, military ranged
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex
Hit Points at 1st Level: 14 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 6
Healing Surges per Day: 8 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Athletics.  From the class skills list below, choose 3 more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), Endurance (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Religion (Int)
Build Options: Draconic Defender, Dragon Marauder
Class Features: Dragon's Sigil, Dismount, Natural Scale, Dragon's Call

Lore of the Dragoons

Many different stories have been told about the Dragoons. In some they are premier dragon slayers, charged with protecting castles, hoards, towns and citizens from the capriciousness of all dragons. In other tales they are draconic warriors, emulating dragons with their awe-inspiring leaps, revering dragons as majestic lords. Legends of them say they could leap thousands of feet into the sky and crash upon their foes like ballista spears. It has been said they were trained by dragons, warriors that were taken under the aegis of a dragon, or dragons, given otherworldly skills and served as retainers and defenders. Or, they trained to slay dragons, studying them, training to make incredible jumps in order to bring down flying dragons.

As with most legends, there is a modicum truth in every accounting. The Dragoons were originally warriors trained by lesser dragons to serve as troops in combat, which dragons first began this is lost to history. They were imbued with a small amount of the dragons power and were shuttled into combat on the backs of dragons. One of the powers that they were given was the ability to fall from great heights without suffering damage, so they could leap from the backs of dragons as they circled high overhead. As time progressed other dragons picked up this practice, and, as with all things, conflicts arose.

Dragoons were now trained by all manner of dragons, chromatics, metallics even the occasional catastrophic, scourge and planar. Soon enough there were troops of Dragoons that were trained to hunt dragons. New abilities were added to their repertoire so that they might fight against dragons, instead of just for them. In order to strike down flying dragons, they developed the ability to make fantastical leaps into the air. They were trained primarily in the use of spears and javelins, though many still used other weapons, axes, swords, staves, etc. And some of the more fantastical tales speak of renowned dragoons emulating the characteristics of their patron dragon. This included, but was not limited to, imbuing their weapon with breath attack of their patron.

Now, there rose among many of the ranks a contempt for dragons, seeing in them a temperamental and fickle nature and so they defected. For many years afterward, the dragoons warred and were decimated by opposing troops and by the dragons. A short time into the conflict, discontented contingents from all of the dragoon troops met in a secret enclave and decided to depart. Although they still revered dragons, they believed that their current benefactors had gotten lost in the conflict. They knew that the loyal troops and the dragons could never suffer them to leave, and so they retreated to the shadowfell and faded from the world, living on only in legend. Those troops that did not retreated were eventually destroyed, if they did not fall to other dragoons they were killed by furious dragons.

Thus, the legend of dragoons was born as the true dragoons disappeared. As the true dragoons lived on in the shadowfell they undoubtedly changed. They never lost their reverence for dragons, but took on the characteristics of the shadow. Their armor was slowly blackened by the darkness, many of the powers became characterized by shadow and they began to merge slowly with the darkness. Some of the contingents banded together and established cities and an occasional castle. They still practice their skills and organize staged raids to keep sharp. Their society has remained stable and small over the many eons that they have been in exile, through strict discipline and an elective aristocracy.

Dragoon Overview

Characteristics: Like any front-line fighter, you are durable, strong and know who to take a hit. Even though you wear heavy armor your natural abilities allow you to move as quickly as if you wearing cloth. You are not skilled at performing ranged attacks, but with your incredible jumping ability you can close the distance between you and an attacker almost as fast as the arrow from a Ranger's bow.
Religion: The most obvious deities that Dragoons worship are Tiamat and Bahamut, indeed many revere both deities as aspects of Io even if they follow the path of one or the other. Many also follow the tenets of Moradin, who demands loyalty, and the Raven Queen, whose dark visage and residence in the Shadowfell reflects them.
Races: All Dragoons rely on Strength and Constitution, and, depending on the path you choose, may rely on Dexterity and/or Charisma. Dragonborn are a natural choice for Dragoons, Goliaths, Half-Elves, Halfling, Human and Half-Orc are the most common races seen in Dragoon settlements.

Creating a Dragoon

You can choose any dragoon powers you like for your character, but dragoons naturally fall into two basic groups: the draconic defender and the dragon marauder. All dragoons rely on Strength. Dragoons also need some Dexterity and/or Charisma, depending on what abilities and skills you choose. All dragoons rely on Constitution as well.

Draconic Defender

You're not as quick as other Dragoons but you are durable and excel in close combat. You are highly resilient and hard to hit. You need Strength in order to perform most of your attacks and Constitution in order to take hits. You will also want to have a high Charisma as it can offer beneficial effects with your attacks.

Suggested Feat: Toughness (Human Feat:Tough as Dragon's Hide)
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Dungeoneering, Endurance
Suggested At-Will Powers: Lunge, Hidden Strike
Suggested Encounter Power: Parry, Thrust
Suggested Daily Power: Vitality Blow
Dragon Marauder

The first respondent when a crises occurs, you are the quickest to strike. All Dragoons use their strength to attack, so that should be your highest ability score. Since many of your attacks focus on jumping, you should make Dexterity a priority, and all Dragoons need Constitution.

Suggested Feat: Long-Jump (Human Feat:Defensive Mobility)
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidate
Suggested At-Will Powers: Dragon's Jump, Rake
Suggested Encounter Power: Shadowleap
Suggested Daily Power: Darkened Lance

Dragoon Class Features

All Dragoons share these class features.


During your hay-day as dragoons you were invested with the ability to suffer no damage from any fall, no matter how high. Though the power has waned you still suffer little damage from great falls. You can fall an additional 10 feet without taking any damage. Increase to 20 feet at level 11 and 30 feet at level 21.

Natural Scale

Historically you were armored with dragon scale armor, supplied by your patron. This armor is like a second skin to you now. When wearing scale armor you do not take armor penalties.

Dragon's Call

The call of a dragon is a menacing roar that grabs the attention of your foes. You can use the dragon's call power to mark an enemy of your choice.

Dragon's Call Dragoon variant Class Feature
You call out a deafening roar at your foe. Regardless of race, size or courage, any creature can tell this is a challenge to the death.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Shadow
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Close burst 10
Trigger: You or an Ally is Attacked
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked until you use this power against another target or if you fail to attack the target on your turn. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place.
While a target is marked, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn't include you as a target.

Dragon's Guard Dragoon variant Class Feature
As your ally is struck, you let lose an angry slash, punishing your enemy for ignoring your might.
4e Power Usage::At-Will
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt Melee Weapon
Trigger: An enemy marked by you attacks an ally, and you aren't considered a part of that attack.
Target: Triggering enemy.
Attack: Strength Vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Str mod.
Special: If the target is within range of a Jump attack, but not your weapon, you may make a Jump attack.

Unique Dragoon Abilities

The introduction of the dragoon introduces the Impale keyword.


If an attack has the impale keyword you can choose to attempt to impale the target if you are currently wielding a spear or polearm. Impaling a target functions similarly to a grab, in as much as the creature must be within melee reach (don't count extra reach from a weapon), and it requires a Strength vs. Reflex check. The target is considered grabbed and the use of your weapon is restricted until the impaling action is ended. You can choose to either maintain a one-handed grip on weapon, in which case the target is considered restrained, or let go of your weapon and the target is simply immobilized.

You can only use impale abilities if the attack hits. The impaled creature can attempt to make an escape check in order to free itself. You can end an impaling action at any time as a minor action.

Additional powers other than your at-will lunge will be able to impale targets, and some will have additional effects if the target is already impaled.


Chromatic dragons are generally followers of the evil deity Tiamat, and delight in wealth, greed and envy. However, not all chromatics follow the path of Tiamat, and among those that do there is variety.

Perhaps you worship a chromatic who still follows the ways of Tiamat and you yourself are envious and greedy. Or you worship a chromatic dragon that follows out of pure convenience, they do not particularly care for the teachings of Tiamat, nor do they care otherwise. Or perhaps you worship one of the very few chromatics who reject the teachings of Tiamat. You do not have to be evil to have reverence for the power of a chromatic dragon, but you would be hard pressed to be lawful good and revere any but the rarest chromatic dragon. (Requires: unaligned or below alignment)

Chromatic dragons include black, blue, green, red, white, the lesser known chromatics include brown, purple and gray dragons.


Metallic dragons revere the Platinum Dragon Bahamut as their originator. As followers of Bahamut, metallic dragons uphold the values of justice, protection, nobility, honor. Thus, they are nearly always good and lawful.There are certainly those that have turned away from Bahamut but they are few and far between. It is very rare to find a dragoon that is not unaligned, good or lawful good to revere a metallic dragon. (Requires: unaligned or above alignment)

Metallic dragons include gold, silver, copper, iron, and adamantite, the lesser known metallics include brass and bronze.


Planar dragons are the most recent addition to the array of dragon families. They are dragons that migrated from the natural world to other planes and were dramatically changed by their new environments. This includes the Abyss, the Astral Plane, the Elemental Planes (or Elemental Chaos), the Feywild, and the Shadowfell (or Plane of Shadow). Chromatic dragons seem to be the most susceptible to the off-world energies, but planar dragons come from all different types. Neither abyssal dragons nor elemental dragons are revered by dragoons.

Dragons of the Astral Plane that are revered by dragoons include mithral dragons, pact dragons and battle dragons.

Pact dragons are descendents of red dragons that formed a pact with the Githyanki. They are smaller and darker than red dragons, and their eyes are silvery-white like the Astral Sea. Pact dragons are generally considered evil. No dragoon that considers himself good or lawful would revere a pact dragon. (Requires: unaligned or below alignment)

Battle dragons, however, are mostly unaligned, thirsting for battle for its own sake. They resemble a powerful cross between a red dragon and a gold dragon. They are found serving deities on all sides, but especially those whose servants are actively attacking or defending. More than one battle dragon stood alongside a powerful devil or demon during the Blood War. And many battle dragons have defended the heavens against infernal incursions.(Requires: none)

Mirage and wretch dragons are the only dragons of the Feywild that are esteemed by dragoons. The tiny yet potently charming faerie dragons just don't have what it takes to be a symbol of power to a dragoon. Mirage dragons live in pristine Feywild forests and consider the Eladrin to be kindred spirits. To that end, only those with a fey origin gain any favor with mirage dragons. (Requires: Eladrin, Elf or Half-Elf race) Wretch dragons are twisted, gruesome echoes of purple dragons that dwell in the Feydark. They serve as guards and even slaves to the Fomorians and are the natural enemy of fey folk. Only evil, non-fey dragoons revere them. (Requires: evil or chaotic evil alignment and cannot be Eladrin, Elf or Half-Elf)

Within the Shadowfell dwell the blight dragons, harbingers of disease and destruction who closely mirror the visage of the brown dragons. Blight dragons are generally considered to be evil, leaving a transformed desolate waste in their wake. However, some blight dragons are more disinterested than actively destructive.

Also within the Shadowfell abide the shadow dragons. Often treacherous and skulking, they are shadowy stalkers whose dark hide and translucent scales often make them appear insubstantial, if they are seen at all.

Everything within the Shadowfell is seen by the outside world to be dark and evil, and while this is very often the case, everything has a dark side and the Shadowfell is the dark side of the world. However, there are a very few "bright" spots even there. Well, perhaps not bright, but much less dark. It is the same with blight dragons and shadow dragons. Though rarely good, there are many that are not purely evil. They are simply, dark. (Requires: unaligned or below alignment)

Lastly, are the dracolichs which can arise from any dragon. They are intensely evil creatures. Many dracoliches have had the unholy rites inflicted upon them and their wills subverted in the process. Others entered into dracolichdom by choice as a path to immortality. Often these are the more dangerous of the breed. (Requires: evil or chaotic evil alignment)

Acid: Black Dragons, Copper Dragons, Gray Dragons
Cold: Cobalt Dragons, Silver Dragons, White Dragons
Fire: Blight Dragons, Brass Dragons, Brown Dragons, Gold Dragons, Pact Dragons, Red Dragons
"'Force:'" Amethyst Dragons, Steel Dragons
Lightning: Blue Dragons, Bronze Dragons, Iron Dragons
Necrotic: Dracoliches, Shadow Dragons, Wretch Dragons
Poison: Green Dragons, Mercury Dragons
Psychic: Mirage Dragons, Purple Dragons
Radiant: Battle Dragons, Mithral Dragons
Thunder: Adamantine Dragons

"'Cold <> Fire; Necrotic <> Radiant; Acid <> Lightning/Thunder; Poison <> Psychic'"


A Dragoons powers are called <!- power name -> and are <!- fluff text ->. A list can be found here.

Paragon Paths

Shadow of the Dragon
Dragon's Wing


Heroic Tier Class Feats
Conflicting Origin You put your effort into training your body more than your mind.
Dragonsbane Your strikes on your favored prey increase in ferocity.
Fantastic Leap Your height poses no difficulty for your attacks.
Group Challenge You can rally allies to see the advantage you mark.
Long-Jump You master the footwork necessary to achieve heights previously more arduous.
Natural Heritage Channeling the dragons you slew with your resonant origin, you power your sigil.
Natural Resistance Your infernal heritage bolsters your defenses.
Second Skin Your body tempers to carry more heft but still move with grace.
Spry Step Your jumps become so nimble that attacks fail to reach you as much.
Tough as Dragon's Hide Your skin absorbs the dead dragon blood you bathe in to harden your defense.
Paragon Tier Class Feats
Epic Tier Class Feats

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