Dragonslayer (3.5e Class)
Dragons, the ultimate masters of the elemental power that courses through the world. Only a select few individuals are ever chosen to learn their power, and they have become known as Dragonslayers. Powerful mages who wield the primal forces of nature as an extension of their own bodies and can generate and manipulate their elements from any part of their bodies.
Making a Dragonslayer
A Dragonslayer is master of magic as well as using his own body as a weapon. They are masters of unarmed combat, amplifying their own natural power with elemental magics. Their power is that of Dragon's, which is where they draw their namesake.
Abilities: The magic and fighting style wielded by a Dragonslayer is very complex, requiring high Dexterity and Intelligence to work the most effectively. Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma are each equally important and will vary between Dragonslayers. Strength has no real bearing on a Dragonslayer's fighting style as their power is purely elemental in nature, it's really just a bonus to have.
Races: Any race capable of magic and on good standing with Dragons is capable of becoming a Dragonslayer. Dragonic races will do exceedingly well due to their close relations.
Alignment: The alignment of a Dragonslayer will tend to be based on that of the Dragons who raised them, but can be anything.
Starting Gold: 4d10x10 gp (220gp)
Starting Age: Moderate
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +2 | +2 | Elemental Mastery, Devour Element, Draconic Bloodline, Natural Finesse, Dragon Form | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Dragon Form II, Fear Bringer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Elemental Aura +1, Main Element, Dragon Form III, Secret Arts Rank I | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Dragon Traits, Dragon Form IV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Dragon's Trust, Dual Element Holder, Dragon Form V, Secret Arts Rank II | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6/+1 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Dragon Form VI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7/+2 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Elemental Aura +2, Dragon Form VII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8/+3 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Dragon Traits, Dragon Form VIII, Secret Arts Rank III | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Unyielding Will, Dragon Form IX | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10/+5 | +7 | +7 | +7 | Dragon Form X, Secret Arts Rank IV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +7 | +7 | Dragon's blessing, Dragon Form XI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +8 | +8 | Dragon Traits, Dragon Form XII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +8 | +8 | Elemental Aura +3, Dragon Form XIII, Secret Arts Rank V | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +9 | +9 | Dragon Form XIV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +9 | +9 | Element Body, Dragon Form XV, Secret Arts Rank VI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +10 | +10 | Dragon Traits, Dragon Form XVI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +10 | +10 | Elemental Aura +4, Dragon Form XVII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +11 | +11 | Dragon Form XVIII, Secret Arts Rank VII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +11 | +11 | Elemental Aura +5, Dragon Form XIX | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +12 | +12 | Dragon Traits, Dragon Release, Dragon Form XX, Secret Arts Rank VIII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (5 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Dragonslayer.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dragonslayers are masters of unarmed combat, preferring martial fighting to weapons. As such they have the Improved Unarmed Feat at 1st level and do an additional HD of damage when not using a weapon. While not requiring additional weapons, each Dragonslayer has the choice of being proficient in one other weapon type of their choice. In the case of armor, a Dragonslayer can only use Light armor as anything heavier will disrupt their fight.
Dragonslayer Special Abilities
Elemental Mastery: What separates a Dragonslayer from other spellcasters is their total devotion to a single element to the near exclusion of the others. This has allowed them total control and synchronization with their chosen element, making their bodies living conduits for the primal forces of nature, all dragon slayers are immune to attacks from their respective elements, the exception being metal dragon slayers, which resist them instead. Their element is determined by the Dragon's who have trained them and grows to completely define the character as whole, changing their appearance, personality, and in some cases the way they live. There are 10 different varieties of Dragonslayers: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Metal, Poison, Light, and Dark. Each could be considered a class all their own and are fully listed below.
Fire: Wielders of one of the four Primal elements, Fire Dragonslayers are as blazing and hotheaded as their element. Fire Dragonslayers were trained under the Red Dragons to wield flames as an extension of their own body. Like their Draconic teachers, they are hotheaded and incredibly confident in their power, making excellent fighters. They've inherited the Red Dragon's love of gold and treasure, and as they progress will begin to give a warm glow (+5 resist Cold). They are a fighting class through and through, and due to their association with the Reds have become friends with Githyanki and whatever that brings. They draw their power from elemental fire and can survive the hottest temperatures without effect, but will get queasy around any large body of water. Their spells come from the Fire and Destruction Domains
- Other bonuses: +4 Strength, +3 Constitution, +6 Intimidate, -1 Wisdom
- Attack bonus: All attacks will set the target ablaze for 1d6 damage for 1d4 rounds unless Fortitude 10+Charisma Modifier is rolled.
Water: Wielders of the Primal element of Water, Water Dragonslayers are calm and collected, more apt to think the situation through than their Fire counterparts. Water Dragonslayers were trained by the mighty Gold Dragons to wield the forces of water. They are intelligent and diplomatic people, choosing planning over fighting, as such they are of a more supportive nature when compared to more warrior-like Dragonslayers. As their powers grow they start to have a light blue glow to their bodies with a lightening of the hair and eyes. They are friends of any aquatic creature and have become known as powerful healers. They can survive under the most intense pressures of the ocean floor but will not last long under the harshness of the desert and other volcanic plains. They cast spells from the Water, law and nobility domains.
- Other Bonuses: +4 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +6 Heal, +4 Diplomacy, +2 Constitution, Water Breathing
- Attack Bonus: Weakening unless Fortitude 10+Wisdom Modifier is rolled. Water moves very quickly when he attacks and his attacks deal 1d4 more damage.
Earth: Wielders of the Primal element of Earth, the Earth Dragonslayers are living mountains wih near infinite patience and a love of simplicity and the natural world. Earth Dragonslayers were trained by the Green Dragons within the jungles and forests they call their home. They are wise beings and unlike other Dragonslayers differ from their master's general behavior. They are not the provacative fighters that their Green Dragon masters are, instead being humbled by the element of Earth. They do share their Dragon's close kinship with the natural world, being close friends to the plants and animals. They are powerful beings, if a bit slow moving, but have the force of mountains behind them. Their skin becomes rocky and tough as their bond with the element grows, with green eyes. They can cast spells from the Earth and Plant domains
- Other Bonuses: +3 Wisdom, +3 Constitution, +4 Concentration, +4 Handle Animal, +4 AC, -10ft movement speed
- Attack Bonus: Temporary Petrify unless Fortitude 10+Wisdom Modifier is rolled.
Wind: Wielders of the Primal element of Wind, the Wind Dragonslayers are curious adventure seekers, never staying in one place for long. Wind Dragonslayers were trained under the high flying Silver Dragons, like their masters choosing flight over fight. They are the tricksters, controlling the skies and journeying the world. They have a great love of open spaces and are masters of flight but are generally weaker than most. They slowly gain a lighter sheen to themselves and eventually will be floating continuously above the ground. They can cast spells from the Travel and Weather domains
- Other Bonuses: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, gains Fly as a spell, +10ft Movement Speed, -1 AC
- Attack Bonus: Daze unless Fortitude 10+Intelligence Modifier is rolled. Also deal 1 damage for 1d4 rounds with all his attack (also abilities).
Lightning: Lightning Dragonslayers were trained under the Elder Blue Dragons of the deserts to weild the element of Lightning. the Lightning Dragonslayers like blue dragons are territorial and vain like the dragons they trained under. Lightning Dragonslayers also love the desert and usually reside there, they are also have great knowledge of deserts and gain a +2 to knowledge and spot checks related to the desert. -Spells from the Weather and Destruction domains.
Ice:Ice Dragonslayers were trained under the White Dragons to weild the element of frost. Like the dragons they trained under they love the cold and can always be found where white draongs are. Few Ice Dragonslayers ever venture far from cold places.Ice Dragonslayers gain a bonus when it comes to fighting on snow, as such in deserts it loses that advantage. -Spells from the Air, Water and cold domains.
- Other Bonuses:+2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -1 Intelligence, +1 AC
- Attack Bonus: Freeze for 1d4 rounds unless Fortitude 10+Intelligence Modifier is rolled. unarmed or natural can be slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing. If the enemy is freezed he takes 1d6 damage every round until he his no more freezed.
Poison:Posion Dragonslayers were trained under the Black dragons to use the element of acid. Posion Dragonslaters are Chaotic Evil like the dragons they trained under, and as such these Dragonslayers are evil-tempered, cunning, and malevolent. like the Black dragons, they also are extremly greedy and will often captute humans and interrogate people on the location of stockpiles of treasure before killing them.These dragon slayers are usually found where back dragons are found, and rarely leave their treasures unguarded. these Dragonslayers also have no regard for life and will splash acid at anyone that attacks their treasure or other dragon companions. -Spells from the Death, Trickery and Mind domains.
Metal:Metal Dragonslayers were trained by the Copper dragons to use the metals of earth to their advantage. these Dragonslayers are pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers, they easily fit in to any group and are charasmatic and outgoing. Through years of intense training they have trained their skin to have the metalic coat of the copper dragons and are highly resillient to most metal weapons. These Dragonslayers tend to have eyes of turquiose like the copper dragons. -Spells from the War and Artifice domains.
- Other Bonuses: +2 Charisma, +3Wisdom, +2 Diplomacy,+2Gather Information
- Attack Bonus: extra x2 to criticals, unarmed or natural can be slashing or bludgeoning
Light: Wielders of the very life force of the universe, the element of Light, the Light Dragonslayers are the most powerful spellcasters of all the Dragonslayers. They were trained under the powerful Prismatic Dragons and the light loving Fairy Dragons to wield one of the most primal forces of nature. They are Lawful beings as Light is Order and will tend to be of a more uptight nature than most. Physically they are weaker than other Dragonslayers but are masters of healing and the most powerful of spellcasters. As they power up they will give off a light glow, and their hair and eyes will gain a silvery color. They are fundamentally linked to Darkness as well as Light and should they fall towards Evil they can become Dark Dragonslayers. They can cast spells from the Healing, Liberation, luck and Protection domains.
- Other Bonuses: +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, Their touch functions as heal light wounds to friendly targets, Detect Evil as a spell-Like ability and they also have +4 to heal
- Attack Bonus: Blind unless Fortitude 10+Intelligence Modifier is rolled. His attacks burn the target for 1 damage every round for 1d4 rounds.
Dark: Wielders of death, the counterpoints to life, Darkness, the Dark Dragonslayers move unseen throughout the world wielding powerful magics to fuel their own ends. Trained by the evil Lethus Dragons and the demons they call friends, they have become masters of death and shadows. They are Evil at heart, a result of their training, and move unbeknownst to the world rivaling Assassins in their art. They don not wield the powerful magics of their Light brethren but are masters of curses and the controlling of others. They are fundamentally linked to Light, and should they drift towards Good they may rise to the Light. They can cast spells from the Darkness, Death, and Destruction domains
Devour Element: Dragonslayers are masters of their element, and due to their close affinity for it they are able to absorb it into themselves to heal or strengthen themselves. A Dragonslayer has the ability to consume their elemental type, whether from a magical source or not it doesn't matter. Doing this will heal the Dragonslayer proportionally to the amount consumed. Small: Max HD X 1/2 + Dragon Slayer level, Medium: Max HD X 2/3 + Dragon Slayer level, Large: Max HD + Dragon Slayer level, Huge+: Max HD X 4/3 + Dragon Slayer level. Magical sources will also replenish the Dragonslayers Dragon Form: Dragon Roar and any used spells based on the size consumed Small: 1, Medium: 2, Large: 3, Huge+: 4.
- In the case of Light and Dark Dragonslayers, their element doesn't appear naturally and their only source comes from 2 places: Divine/Necrotic spell, and the actual life force of living creatures. They have the ability to drain the energy of others they come in contact with if they succeed in Will vs. Fortitude, draining an amount equal to 1d6 . If the resulting drain will kill the target, the soul is consumed as well. These are inherently Evil acts and will push the character towards that side of the spectrum and whatever consequences that brings. This energy can also heal others, pushing towards the Good end. There is the potential for a Light Dragonslayer to turn to Dark and Vice Versa.
Draconic Bloodline: For all purposes pertaining to it, the character now has a Draconic heritage. The character also gains the Feat Draconic Rage as a bonus, their breath weapon becomes that of the chosen Dragon unless they naturally possess one already. Draconic now becomes a base language for the character. This give Dragon Slayer a acute sense like that of a Dragon giving a +4 to Listen and Spot to them. They also gain immunity to the Frightful Presence of Dragons.
- Draconic rage: you enter in a furious rage that allows you to fight also under 0 HP (to a limit of -5 HP), your attacks are empowered for 1d6 + (1d6-1)x character lvl (max 5d6-1) + your breath weapon damage but you can attack only once per turn, you gain +5 to Strength and + 5 to Constitution but lose -3 to Wisdom and Intelligence. While you are in this form you MUST fight with unarmed attacks and you critical during this form are 16 - 20, at double damage. You can stay in this form for 1d4*Constitution modifier rounds. After you exit this form you need to do a Fortitude save of 16 to don’t faint. Prerequisite: Ally death in battle or faced with allies or friends killer. You are the only one in your team that is able to fight, or you are fighting vs a Hostile dragon or dragonslayer. You are 50% or lower health.
Natural Finesse: A Dragonslayer is a master of unarmed combat and has turned his body into a living weapon. This has the same effect as the Feat Weapon Finesse which allows you to switch Strength in attacks with Dexterity. This also provides an extra 10ft to movement speed and grants a bonus +1 to attack while unarmed or using natural weapons and you add your Wisdom modifier to your AC. Any natural or unarmed attack will do an extra 1d6 damage. Also you can use your bonus action to make an extra attack, at level 5 you can do two extra attacks, three at level 10, four at level 15, and five at level 20.
Fear Bringer: As their Draconic nature begins to emerge, the same wariness given towards Dragons starts to be shown to the Dragonslayer. The Dragonslayer gains a Frightful Presence equal to their Level+Strength modifier. This will also give a bonus +4 to Intimidate but a -4 to Diplomacy.
Premature Dragon Force Dragon Force normally cannot be achieved until a Dragonslayer activates their Dragon Rage at level 21 or higher but there are two ways around this. If a dragon slayer can consume a rare and powerful variant of their element (Example: A fire dragon slayer consuming the flames of a Phoenix) they can enter dragon force that way.
Or they can roll a D20 then add 1/3 their Dragon Slayer level to it while in Dragon Rage, if the result is 20 or higher, then the Dragon Rage will transform into Dragon Force, if it is lower than 20, the Dragon Slayer can not move for 6 seconds, times the difference between the roll and 20.
Draconian Advantage Dragon Slayer magic was designed to slay Dragons, therefore they have an advantage over draconian enemies. Any elemental damage that a Dragon Slayer deals to a draconian foe that would be ineffective, is instead resisted, any resisted elemental damage instead is dealt as normal damage, and any normal elemental damage is multiplied by 1.5.
Dragon Form: The main defining aspect of a Dragonslayers magic is their ability to incorporate it into their martial fighting style. They can become living magical weapons, wrapping magic around themselves to increase their physical attack power, as such these attacks are considered unarmed or natural weapon for the Dragonslayer. They effects of the various Dragon attacks vary by element and grow stronger as the Dragonslayer trains with them. At each rank of this ability the Dragonslayer is allowed to further acquire/train one these abilities making them stronger and more versatile.
Dragon Claw: Elemental energy is wrapped around the limbs of the Dragonslayer in the form of a claw in order to strengthen a punch or kick. This attack functions as the character's basic unarmed strike with whatever bonuses attributed to it. The attack does the same damage as the normal unarmed strike with an additional 2d6 element damage. The damage increases by 1d6 for every rank in this ability, the elemental effect is also compounded with each further rank.
Dragon's Roar:The character fires a burst of elemental energy from their mouth, much like a Dragon's breath weapon. The burst is a 25ft(+5ft per Rank) line of whatever element used, the line width can be willfully increased by +1 for every other rank after the first is putting Dragon's Roar. This attack does 3d8 damage +1d8 for each additional rank. Unlike the other abilities this one can only be used once per day for every 3 character levels.
Wings of the Dragon: Energy is formed into a pair of dragon wings on the players back. These wings are fully functional and allow 50ft of flight(average) +10ft for each rank. These wings can fold around the character in the form of a shield providing a bonus to Armor Class and Spell Resistance equal to 2xrank in ability. The player cannot move while in this mode.
Tail Whip: A long chain of elemental energy is created off of the Dragonslayer. The chain is equal to 5ftxLevel in length and is made of whatever element they wield. The chain can be used as a grapple hook to pull the character up or pull objects in. In the case of an attack it functions as a whip dealing 1d6 element damage per rank and can wrap around the target providing a +4 to Grapple and dealing the effect of the element as long as they are trapped.
Dragon Brilliant Energy: *Requires Dragon Roar* The user generates elemental energy on both of their hands and then joins them, creating a unique, larger form of elemental energy as a result. When such energy collides with the enemy, it creates a very massive and destructive explosion. This destructive blast is 4x4 blast(+1x1 per rank) with double your current Dragon's Roar damage worth of dices and for the purpose of a Reflex DC you treat your Constitution Modifier in a second time over. However, you can only use this form once for every 1 character levels.
Armor of Scales: Elemental energy is wrapped around the player in the form of armor, providing a +3(+1 per rank) bonus to AC and Spell Resistance of 1(+3 per Rank). While in this state the Dragonslayer is given a specific effect based on element type and is restricted to only Dragonslayer type magic and normal attacks. This form stands for 10*Intelligence rounds. The effects are as followed:
- Fire: Immunity to Cold and 1d6 Fire on contact
- Water: Immunity to Fire and a +2/rank on Reflex saves +2d4 damage.
- Wind: 2x Movement speed, Flight(good) and bleeding the enemies for 2 damage every round for 1d4 rounds on contact (melee attacks only).
- Earth: 1/2 Movement speed, +6 AC and +6 to Strength
- Ice: +4 AC and 1d6 Cold on contact
- Lightning: 3x Movement Speed and paralysis on contact unless a Fortitude Save DC 10(Wisdom Modifier+1 per Rank) is rolled.
- Poison: Weaken on contact and Acid touch.
- Weaken: -4 Constitution and -2 AC
- Acid Touch: Poison the enemy for 1d4 damage every round for 2 rounds on contact.
- Metal: 1/2 Movement Speed, +6 AC and +6 to Strength
- Light: 2x Movement Speed, +2 AC and counter mind control + purification on contat.
- Purification: ally: purificate any disease. Against enemy: your attacks deal + 1d6 damage
- Dark: Invisibility and Control on contact unless a Will Save DC 10(Charisma Modifier+1 per Rank) is rolled or the target person or creature is immune to Mind-Effecting.
Main Element: The dragonslayer have been trained from two drakes that he considers as his parents. At this time the player has to choose if take the element and it’s bonus from his “dad” or from his “mom”. This is a permanent change that you can only do at lvl 3. Before this change you were using your father elemental type.
Secret Arts: These are the Dragonslayer finishing moves when needed. Like the Dragon Form for each rank you get you can acquire/train yourself in the Secret Art. However unlike Dragon Forms they can only once a day per each other rank that has been put in them.
Dragon Sword Horn: The user engulfs their entire body in their elemental energy and then propels themselves against the opponent at high speed, hitting them with a powerful forward thrust. The user then proceeds to send the enemy flying 10(+5 per rank) feet up in the air and they must make Reflex Save of 10+1/2 Level+Strength Mod to not fall prone on landing with a pillar of the elemental energy produced from their body. The damage dealt is the normal unarmed strike damage with an additional 2d8, while the user must make a Fortitude check of 15+1/2 opponents con modifier, rounded down, or take the half damage and be stunned for 1 round. (With each rank placed after the first in this form add a damage dice to the added damage.)
Exploding Blade: The user generates their arms and generates long torrents of elemental energy from them, which move to hit the enemy in a spiraling formation. The connecting strike seems to generate a powerful, rippling explosion for normal unarmed strike damage plus 5d8 elemental energy damage. (With each rank placed after the first in this form add a damage dice to the added damage.)
Phoenix Blade: *Requires Dragon Force and damage isn't modified by it* While in Dragon Force, the user surrounds their entire body with elemental and then propels themselves toward the target, leaving behind a long wake of flames, and hitting them with a devastating headbutt for 10d10 damage (With each rank placed after the first in this form add a damage dice to the added damage).
Elemental Aura: As Dragonslayers become further attuned to there element, they begin emitting a magical aura around themselves. This aura bestows different effects based on the Dragonslayer's chosen element and can be turned off at will. This form is vert tiring for this it cannot be used for over 1 hour per day.
- Fire: Intense heat surrounds the player granting 1/2 to cold damage, a +(rank) to AC, and anything that makes contact with the player must make a Fortitude save of 12+Intelligence or else be set ablaze for 1d6xrank in ability for 1d4 rounds. Basic metal weapons and armor have a 25% chance of melting.
- Water: Blue light surrounds the player granting 1/2 to Fire damage, a +(rank) to AC, His water attacks become hot and deal +1d6 damage
- Earth: Green light surrounds the player and their skin appears made of stone, it grants a 2x(rank) bonus to AC, an immunity to physical missles (arrows), and earth walking
- Earth Walking: travel a distance equal to movement speed underground in any direction, reappearance next to enemy is considered a surprise attack unless they can detect you through magical means.
- Wind: Wind begins spiraling around the player providing a x2 to movement speed, a Reflex bonus equal to rank in ability, and his attacks tear the enemies for 1d6xrank in ability for 1d4 rounds unless a Fortitude save of 10+Constitution is rolled.
- Ice: Frigid air courses around the player granting 1/2 Water damage, a +(rank) bonus to AC, and the chance to freeze an incoming attacker should the fail a Fortitude check of 12+Intelligence if the enemy lose he take also 2d6 cold damage.
- Lightning: Electrical energy begins coursing around the player it provides x2 bonus to Movement Speed, 100ft Teleport, and can conduct onto metal objects resulting in a 1d6xrank burst of shock damage to whoever is wielding or wearing it (range 15ft).
- Metal: The Dragonslayers skin becomes metallic in nature and will absorb incoming Lightning attacks without harm, provide 2xrank bonus to AC. Metal weapons used against the player are absorbed on contact unless a Fortitude save of 10+Level+Strength is made. Movement is halved.
- Poison: No aura is visible around the player but any plant or animal life within 5ft of the player begin to wither or die if weak enough. Weapons that touch the Dragonslayer will begin melting as if touched by acid, and the wielder must make a Fortitude save of 12+Constitution or else be inflicted with a random Disease.
- Light: A white light emanates from the Dragonslayer, all enemies around the player (10ft) are blinded. Player's movment speed is doubled and he can completely block an enemy for 1d4 rounds by touching him unless a Will vs Fortitude save is rolled. It also deal 2d8 more damage with his special abilities.
- Dark: The Dragonslayer's body becomes wrapped in veil of shadows, obscuring their face. Every attack in this form is considered as surprise attack and allows the user to travel between shadows within 100ftxrank of eachother.It grants a +(rank) bonus to Dexterity.
Dual Element Holder: This is a advance Slayer Art that is used to further enhance the Dragonslayer's elemental attack power. To use this Form you must be able to have accuse to the elemental source you wish to take as a secondary element and then consume the element and make a Constitution saving throw. If the result is higher than 18 the Slayer takes in the element and adds the bonus that they would get naturally from Elemental Mastery, Elemental Aura, and Dragon Form. However, then applying elemental damage from any Dragon Form move you use only half of the elemental damage die to a minimum of 1 die (Ex: A Rank 3 Dragon Claw with the Element of Fire and Lighting will only do 3d6 Fire Damage and 1d6 Lighting Damage). Also, your Dragon Roar range doubles and the line's width increases by one. Once you have gained a second element you can not use this Feature again to take another element and you are permanently stuck with the element you have chosen to take in one the first successful check.
Dragon's Trust: At this point in the Dragonslayers training, he has become proficient enough to become the caretaker of a Dragon Egg. The baby dragon feeds off the Dragonslayers magic and will hatch at the next level gained. The Dragon that is born is of the type that trained the Dragonslayer (list below) and will have the normal stats for those of that race. Due to feeding on the magic they form a bond and the Dragon may be considered a partner able to communicate over long distances telepathically. It can speak all languages the player can. The Dragon grows with the player with accelerated growth due to the bond, every three levels of player growth is equivalent to one age category on the Dragon. The Dragon types are as follows.
Fire: Red Dragon Water: Gold Dragon Earth: Green Dragon Wind: Silver Dragon Lightning: Blue Dragon Ice: White Dragon Metal: Copper Dragon Poison: Black Dragon Light: Prismatic Dragon Darkness: Shadow Dragon
Dragon Traits: As a Dragonslayer becomes more attuned to the Dragon Magic they wield, they begin to take on the traits and abilities of their aligned dragon. Each time this ability is taken the Dragonslayer may choose one of their dragon's special abilities and make it their own, these abilities become a natural part of the player. These can be substituted for a Bonus Feat.
Unyielding Will: Your exposure to Dragonic magic has altered you further, aligning your mind and your very presence with the power of Dragons. You gain a permanent +2 bonus to Charisma and Wisdom, a bonus +2 to Will saves and an immunity to mind-altering effects.
Dragon's blessing: The Dragonslayer is protected by his "father" and he gains +2 AC, +2 Listen and +2 to Will saves.
Element Body: As they continue merging with there element, a Dragonslayers body will actually begin transforming into it. They maintain there original form and can still interact normally but can shift into an elemental form at will. This creates a powerful defense but doubles damage received from their opposing element. This provides an AC bonus equal to Intelligence as well as bonuses depending on element.
- Earth, Metal, and Ice gain an additional +3 to AC
- Wind, Water, and Light will become semi-incorporeal, requiring a Will vs. Will save for a successful hit.
- Fire, Poison, and Lightning will provide an elemental kickback dealing appropriate damage and possible destruction of weapon.
- Darkness loses all AC but becomes Incorporeal in nature (the shadow can be attacked) and every attack vs them has 50% chance to miss. His attacks deal + 1d6.
Dragon Release: A Dragonslayer becomes more attuned to his true Dragon nature and so can take on the form of an actual Dragon. This is not a shapeshift or polymorph, it is all the elemental energy in the Dragonslayer being released at once and taking the form of a large Dragon. This form can be considered a Construct of an Wyrm Dragon of the Dragonslayer's type. The form has all the traits of constructs that do not interfere with the scores and abilities of the chosen dragon. However, you get a total number of Hit Die in the form equal to your current level. Any abilities of the Dragonslayer are carried over into this form and gain a increase as when using your Dragon Roar the amount of dice rolled for damaged is doubled. This can be used only once daily and will last until dispelled by choice or by depletion of Hp. When exiting this form, all the Dragonslayer's abilities or spells cannot be used again that day.
Epic Dragonslayer
Level | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21st | Dragonic Force, Elemental Aura +6, Epic Dragon Magic, Secret Arts Rank IX, Dragon Form XXI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22nd | Dragon Traits, Dragon Form XXII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23rd | Dragon Form XXIII, Elemental Aura +7, Secret Arts Rank X | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24th | Dragon Form XXIV, Secret Arts Rank XI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25th | Dragon God's Blessing, Elemental Aura +8, Dragon Form XXV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26th | Dragon Traits, Dragon Form XXVI, Secret Arts Rank XII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27th | Dragon Form XXVII, Secret Arts Rank XIII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28th | Dragon Form XXVIII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29th | Elemental Aura +9, Dragon Traits, Dragon Form XXIV, Secret Arts Rank XIV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30th | Dragon Ascension, Dragon Form XXX, Secret Arts Rank XV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 + Int modifier skill points per level. |
Dragon Traits: The character continues to gain Dragonic abilities, but they can now be chosen from any age category of the Dragon.
Elemental Aura: The Dragonslayers Aura becomes even more powerful. Ac bonus increases to 4x(rank), and spell resist increases to 7x(rank).
Epic Dragon Magic: As they rise to the ranks of the epic beings, so too do their dragon powers. Now, all HD for Dragonslayer abilities and spells are increased by one rank.
Dragon Force: The Dragon's Rage inside reaches it's peak, merging with the elemental magic of a dragon and the host to unleash the ultimate form of the Dragon Slayer. The Dragonslayer can now use magic within the rage state, and now gains +10 to all Stats, +5 attack bonus, +5 damage to attacks, and a +30 ft. Movement increase. The Balance, Climb, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Tumble Skills get a +15 increase. The Dragon Slayer gets a increase to a single full-attack punch with a damage output of Unarmed Damage+10d8+ the Breath Weapon of the Dragonslayer and forces the user out of Dragon Force. This form can be used only once a day or after a Huge+ amount of magical energy is adsorbed by the Devour Element ability. The Constitution check must be made regardless of whether or not the massive attack was used, and must now succeed a Constitution DC of 25 out of the Dragon Force state.
Dragon God's Blessing: The character has been noticed by the Dragon Gods and recieves several bonuses from their given blessing. The Dragonslayer gains a permanent +4 bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence and allows the casting of Wish as a one per day spell.
Dragon Ascension: You have reached the epidemy of Dragonic magic, You are an Elemental Dragon. You gain the power of an Wyrm Dragon of your type, and proceed with the same life span and powers of one. Your growth continues, the limits of growth are yours to choose.
Bonus Feats: The epic Dragonslayer gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Dragonslayer, Monk, or Sorceror bonus feats) every 2 levels after 20th.
Epic Dragonslayer Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.
Drow Dragonslayer Starting Package
Weapons: None.
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 + Int modifier.
Skill | Ranks | Ability | Armor Check Penalty |
Spot | 4 | Wis | - |
Balance | 4 | Dex | 0 |
Escape Artist Skill | 4 | Dex | 0 |
Feat: Improved Initiative.
Gear: None.
Gold: 220gp.
Playing a Dragonslayer
Religion: Most Dragonslayers do not follow a religion, choosing instead to feel the power of the universe firsthand. But any of the elemental or dragon gods could be an appropriate choice.
Other Classes: Spellcasters see them as points of interest, Fighters as a challenge.
Combat: Their roles will range from support, to healer, to heavy fighter depending on their element.
Advancement: Usually dragonslayers multiclass into prestige classes that combine arcane spellcasting and combat.
Dragonslayers in the World
“ | You shouldn't mess with a Dragon, you probably won't live to do it again. | ” |
—Veran Ixthan, Githzerai Lightning Dragonslayer |
A Dragon-Slayer fits in pretty much eveywhere... Although there aint many of them. Although that would depend on the setting. In a world with lots of Magical beasts and dragons, you might be able to find quite afew.
Daily Life: Typicaly they seach for there Dragon Parent who has gone missing, Which often leads them to join a group of adventures.
Notables: No matter how you look at them, they somehow stand out in a crowd. Mostly becouse they dont know how to interact with other people in the world. Having always lived with there Parent.
Organizations: They dont really have any Organizations... Although multiple Dragon-Slayers may assemble in order to look for clues regarding there parents together.
NPC Reactions: "You're the son of a dragon? Yeah right.."
Dragon-Slayer Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge(Arcane) can research Dragon-Slayers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
DC | Result |
15 | They call themselves childrend of dragons, become highly offended if you claim them to be liars, which will surely result in hostile actions from the Dragon-Slayers side. |
25 | Depending on their personality, you can easily guess what Dragon 'Parent' they had. |
35 | Dragon-Slayer's may seem of like an awful hostile lot, they're however quite friendly, and would even die for their friends. |
45 | Dragon-Slayer: Bahamut has a good right punch.... ...... ......... |
Dragonslayer in the Game
The Draconic nature of a Dragonslayer makes most people wary of them, while animals and spirits see them as kin due to their elemental closeness to nature.
Adaptation: Any element or force can be used as a Dragonslayer's focus, and any magical creature could potentially train them in their art for different paths.
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