Dragonrider of Bahamut (3.5e Prestige Class)

Dragon Rider of Bahamut

"Law and order shall be upheld with stalwart vigilance. And those that disagree may talk to my 'little' friend."
—Malas Xenophorus, Prince of Pythia, Dragonborn Lesser Aasimar, Dragon Rider of Bahamut

While Bahamut has few worshippers among the non-dragon races, those that exist tend to be exceptional individuals. Of those individuals, a select few actively pursue the war against Tiamat, and of those few even fewer are chosen to become Dragon Riders. These Dragon Riders do not dominate good dragons, but partner with them as equals.

Becoming a Dragon Rider of Bahamut

Dragon Rider's of Bahamut typically are Dragonborn Paladin's who have shown exceptional valor in Bahamut's service. In return, Bahamut guides them to a young dragon or half-dragon of a similar alignment, and introduces them. If the paladin and the dragon get along, the dragon will join the Paladin's quest as his companion, serving as his mount in combat.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Lawful Good
BAB: +8
Feats: Mounted Combat, Dragonfriend, Dragon Steed
Patron: Bahamut.
Special: Special Mount Class Feature.
Special: Must have performed an exceptional feat of valor in the name of Bahamut.
Table: The Dragon Rider of Bahamut

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
1st1202 Dragon Mount +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
3rd3313 Dragon Rush +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
5th5414 Dragon Flight +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
7th7525 Dragon Offensive +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
9th9636 Dragon Pounce +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
The Dragon Rider of Bahamut's class skills are Balance, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, knowledge(arcana), Knowledge(religion), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, and Tumble.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Dragonrider of Bahamut.

Spellcasting: At each odd numbered level of Dragon Rider of Bahamut, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the Dragon Rider of Bahamut class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a Dragon Rider of Bahamut, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Dragon Mount: Dragonrider of Bahamut levels stack with other levels that provide a special mount. The Dragonriders effective level for determining the bonus for the special mount is equal to the sum of all class levels that provide a special mount plus 2. Refer to Table 3–15: Dragon Special Mount Availability in the Draconomicon.

Dragon Rush (Ex): At 3rd level the Dragonrider is able to pull every possible ounce of speed out of his mount. The base speed values of every type for his mount increase by 10. This ability does not stack with other class abilities that provide the same benefit, however it does stack with any feats the mount may get, and the improved speed benefit that special mounts get.

Dragon Flight (Ex): At 5th level the maneuverability of the Dragonrider's mount improves by one step, up to a maximum of good. This ability does not stack with other class abilities that provide the same benefit, however it does stack with the improved flight feat.

Dragon Offensive (Ex): At 7th level the Dragonrider can make a full attack on a charge while mounted as long as the mount does not move more than its speed.

Dragon Pounce (Ex): At 9th level the Dragonrider's mount gains pounce as a new special attack.

Ex-Dragon Rider of Bahamut

Worship and Quest Requirements: If the Dragonrider of Bahamut changes alignment such that he is no longer lawful good, abandons the worship of Bahamut, or gives up the quest to hunt evil dragons, he loses all class features gained from the Dragonrider of Bahamut class, including his dragon mount, but not including saves, BAB, Hit Dice, skills or feats gained by increase in character level. Furthermore he may not continue to advance as a Dragonrider of Bahamut until he has returned to the necessary alignment, worship, reaffirmed his vow to the quest, and/or atoned for his failure to complete it (see atonement).

Dragon Mount Notes

If the dragonrider's dragon mount leaves due to mistreatment, or is killed due to negligence on the part dragonrider, then the dragonrider must perform an act of atonement to absolve himself of his crime before he can acquire a new special mount.

However, if the dragonrider and his mount part amiably, say after completing a major quest to which they were both engaged, or if the dragon must attend to other things, the dragonrider may spend 24 hours praying to Bahamut to be guided to a new dragon willing to aid him in his travels, which will join the dragonrider under the typical terms, bringing its own starting horde based on its CR, a maximum CR based on the rules stated above, and acquiring 1/3 of future treasure acquired.

The new intelligence score that would be acquired by a paladin's special mount only applies if the mounts intelligence would otherwise be lower than that. If the mounts intelligence changes, skill points acquired from previous hit dice are not changed, but the skill points acquired from new hit dice (such as bonus hit dice currently being acquired) will have the new skill point total.

Dragon mounts gain feats as appropriate to their hit dice and type. For true dragons this means the 1st hit die and every 3rd hit die, (3, 6, 9 etc).

Playing a Dragon Rider of Bahamut

Combat: The Dragon Rider of Bahamut is primarily a front line tank/charger with the potential for limited casting. (moreso if they took one or more levels of a more powerful spellcasting class than paladin before becoming a Dragon Rider).

Advancement: Dragon Rider's of Bahamut often (and rightly) focus a lot of time and attention on their mounts, and few classes besides Dragon Rider will provide the same sort of unique benefits. However, Dragon Rider's of Bahamut are not precluded from multiclassing, and many find satisfying careers as clerics or other divine servants after reaching the limit of their advancement as Dragon Riders.

Resources: Dragon Riders of Bahamut tend to be solitary, but occasionally will work together to defeat particularly evil servants of Tiamat. Dragon Riders tend to be well-liked by good dragons, and can usually recruit aid from them if necessary, for a price of course.

Dragon Riders of Bahamut in the World

Dragon Riders of Bahamut are rare solitary individuals that quest for the glory of Bahamut and to foil the plots of Tiamat. As such they rarely stay in one place, and a Dragon Rider of Bahamut that isn't adventuring is quite rare. However, on occasion, if a particular location is of particular interest in the war between the Dragon Gods, a Dragon Rider will take up permanent station there to defend it from Tiamat's children or other creatures of evil, assuming they, and by extension their mounts, get well paid for the service.

Their focus on evil dragons does not preclude a Dragon Rider of Bahamut from seeking out and destroying other evil creatures however. If the dragon rider does not currently have an immediate mission from his God he will usually provide willing aid to any who need it. NPC Reactions: If the dragon rider's mount is not around, most NPCs see them as paladins. However, most think twice when they see them with or riding their Dragon companion.

Dragon Rider of Bahamut Lore

Characters with ranks in knowledge(arcana) or knowledge(religion) can research Dragon Rider's of Bahamut to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

knowledge(arcana) or knowledge(religion)
11Dragon Rider's of Bahamut ride powerful good Dragons in service of Bahamut.
16Dragon Rider's of Bahamut are rarely seen unless questing on some mission for Bahamut.
21The Dragon Rider's mount is a companion and friend to the Dragon Rider, rather than a servant, but they are closely bonded nevertheless, and the mount gains additional abilities as a reward for their service.
26Most Dragon Rider's are chosen by Bahamut rather than seeking to become a Dragon Rider.

Dragon Rider's of Bahamut in the Game

Dragon Rider's of Bahamut work best in a dragon-centric campaign setting, where dragon's are fairly common both as allies and enemies. Dragon Rider's work well as PCs in good aligned parties, but will usually balk at working with evil people, and will never willingly work with evil dragons. As NPCs they should be exceptionally rare individuals, and usually of fairly high level (a true dragon mount for a medium character usually requires a level of 13-14 minimum.) Lower level Dragon Rider's will typically be accompanied by half-dragon animals who are less intelligent than true dragons, and are closer to being true mounts than companions.

Adaptation: The most obvious change to make would be to change the God. Since many campaigns use custom or non-standard dieties. However, whatever God it is, it should be regularly worshiped by good dragons and Paladins both, and have a bone to pick.

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPC of this class->

EL whatever: <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter->

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