Demi-Fiend (5e Race)

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Embodiments of mortal terrors and evil, demi-fiends are creatures that draw strength from suffering around them. They are created for the torture of the dead, and they rarely can resist their calling. Created by Asmodeus himself, they wander the planes until summoned back to fulfill their purpose.

Physical Description

Physical manifestations of sin and evil, their appearances vary depending on the nature of the evil from which they spawned. Some are exquisite, masterpieces, beautiful in ways that cannot be denied, but are indescribable in nature. Others are hideous, gluttonous creatures that people cannot help but gape at in horror. For demi-fiends, grotesque disfigurements are common, ranging from scars, discolored or rotting flesh, deformed appendages, or even entirely new ones. One thing they all have in common, however, is a look in their eyes that brings back horrible memories. Some demi-fiends do not even have eyes. Some have hollow sockets, some have faces sealed over, as if there was nothing ever there, and some have haunting lights, burning into the souls of their victims. These creatures often grace the extremes of beauty and horror with their presence, some being immeasurably terrifying, and some being equally as gorgeous. The demi-fiend will often bear some common characteristics with the being whose evil created them, and they often can sense the presence of their creator, and vice versa. When a demi-fiend dies, its soul returns to Avernus, along with all its comrades in the great war.


Demi-fiends are the result of every sin and evil act performed by mortals. Every time a creature performs such an act, a tailored Demi-fiend forms in the lower planes, particular to that evil. Demi-fiends are summoned by Asmodeus and other archdevils as punishment for wayward souls. Each one reminds the soul of a particular memory, a particular failing, and their mere presence incites regret and pain in those from whose evil they were created.


Most demi-fiends simply wander the 9 hells, occasionally making their way to other planes. Outside the 9 hells, they do not form much of a society, as their summons to torture prevents most long-term relationships or plans. They are loners, and while some enjoy solitude, those who try to join society are often shunned, feared, and driven out. As such, those that do succeed in the material plane or others besides the 9 hells are seen as powerful, rare, and not one to be trifled with. These assumptions are correct. Born with an infernal aptitude for pain and torture, these creatures are often malevolent, merciless, ravenous beasts, with little or no conscience. In the 9 hells, however, demi-fiends are social and often compete and battle against each other, the only reason why their numbers do not overflow and cover all of existence. The different types of demi-fiends will amass in Avernus and battle each other nigh endlessly, their fallen comrades replaced by new ones with every passing moment. When they die, their souls simply reform bodies, making their way back to the fray. Demi-fiends also battle in the great war, and any demon unfortunate enough to wander amongst their presence finds themselves swarmed by endless legions of demi-fiends.

Demi-Fiend Names

Demi-fiends have names similar to the names of those from whose evil they spawned, but not quite the same. Demi-fiends' names are often harsher, and tend to reflect the type of evil from which they spawned, usually adding a devilish twist. Additions of K's and S's are common, along with breaking up the names of their creators with breaks.

Demi-Fiend Traits

You are cunning and vicious, using your wits to brutally torture your creator. Your creature type is humanoid fiend.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. demi-fiends are created mature, but just like a newborn baby, they take time to adjust to the world and understand it. They age around the same rate as a human, but cannot die of old age. When they do die, their body is reformed in avernus as if it were their first, but their mind remains intact.
Alignment. Demi fiends, unlike most devils, are not bound to being lawful evil. They can be any alignment, but even so, they tend to remain close to the alignment of most devils. Good demi-fiends are extremely rare. Chaotic ones, however, are surprisingly common. Their constant battle and resurrection leads many to try and break free from the cycle, abandoning the endless combat and venturing out to other planes and other levels of the 9 hells.
Size. You are built akin to the creature whose evil spawned you. Most creatures are no larger than large, and no smaller than small, and large and small creatures are also not as common as medium. Most demi-fiends ar medium-sized, akin to most humans.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, but can vary. If you are small, your speed is 25. If you are large, your speed is 35.
Darkvision. Due to your infernal nature, you are accustomed to darkness. You have darkvision to a range of 60ft, and can see dimly lit areas as if they were brightly lit, and see darkness as if it were dimly lit. You cannot discern colors in darkness, only shades of grey.
Infernal Cycle. Due to your infernal nature, you have resistance to fire damage. You also reform in the 9 hells 1d4+3 days after you die, and any attempt to resurrect you fails after this time, unless accomplished by a 'wish' spell or a 'reincarnate' spell. 'Reincarnate' only has a 1 in 9 chance of working, however, and if it is successful, your soul returns to that body, and your physical form is not changed. If it fails, however, the spell rebounds, and the caster becomes reincarnated into another race.
Torturous Nature. You gain proficiency in the intimidation skill. You also have advantage on checks against being frightened.
Sinful Presence. When a creature within 30ft of you that can see your eyes makes a saving throw against the charmed, frightened, or madness conditions, you may use your reaction to impose disadvantage on their roll. You may not use this feature again until you complete a long rest.
Original Sin. Once per month, you may attempt to connect to your creator. Roll a d20. On a 20, you know the direction of your creator, and will continue knowing this until the next month. On a 1, you cannot attempt to connect to your creator in the following month. When you find your creator, you can kill them, and you will be transported back to Avernus, and you will be free from your duties of torturing them.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, one language your creator knew, and Infernal.
Subrace. You may choose from the Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth subclasses.


Ability Score Increase. Pride demi-fiends are demi-fiends born from the pride of mortals. They sew doubt and manipulate their enemies. Pride demi-fiends are generally taller in appearance.
Maddening Visage. You can now use your Sinful Presence feature to force a creature within 30ft of you that can see your eyes to make a wisdom saving throw or succumb to madness for a number of minutes equal to half the difference between your DC and their roll, unless they succeed, in which case they become immune to madness for 1 day. A creature has advantage on this save if they are currently fighting you. Your DC is determined like a spellcasting save, with intelligence as your spellcasting modifier.
Sew Doubt. You become proficient in the deception and persuasion skills


Ability Score Increase. Greed demi-fiends are demi-fiends born from the greed of mortals. They use the weak will and money of their enemies against them. Greed demi-fiends are generally metallic in appearance.
Sticky Fingers. When making a dexterity check to steal something, you may give yourself advantage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any spent uses after a long rest. A use of the Charitable or Riches to Rags feature expends a use of this feature.
Charitable. When making a charisma check to get money, you may give yourself advantage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any spent uses after a long rest. A use of the Sticky Fingers or Riches to Rags feature expends a use of this feature.
Riches to Rags. When you touch money, you may cause it to become completely devalued, giving it a monetary value of 0. You may do this to up to 25gp at a time. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any spent uses after a long rest. A use of the Charitable or Sticky Fingers feature expends a use of this feature.


Ability Score Increase. Lust demi-fiends are demi-fiends born from the lust of mortals. They seduce and charm their enemies to weaken them. Lust demi-fiends are generally attractive in appearance.
Charming Visage. You can now use your Sinful Presence feature to force a creature within 30ft of you that can see your eyes to make a wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for a number of minutes equal to half the difference between your DC and their roll, unless they succeed, in which case they become immune to the charmed condition for 1 day. A creature has advantage on this save if they are currently fighting you. Your DC is determined like a spellcasting save, with charisma as your spellcasting ability.
Vengeful Seduction. When you charm a creature, all attacks against them have advantage, and attacks that hit within 5ft of the creature are critical hits.
Torturous Kiss. You may kiss a charmed or otherwise incapacitated creature, dealing 1d8+cha+prof necrotic damage, and reducing their max hp by the damage dealt. If this reduces a creature to 0 HP, you regain HP equal to the damage dealt.


Ability Score Increase. Envy demi-fiends are demi-fiends born from the envy of mortals. They pit their enemies against each other to destroy their opposition. Envy demi-fiends are generally shorter in appearance.
Envious Visage. You can now use your Sinful Presence feature to cast suggestion at base level on a creature within 30ft of you that can see your eyes. A creature has advantage on this save if they are currently fighting you. Your DC is determined like a spellcasting save, with charisma as your spellcasting ability.
Turn Foe. You gain proficiency in persuasion against creatures that are hostile to you.
Sew Envy. When another creature makes a persuasion check, you may use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that check. If the creature fails, all creatures they were attempting to persuade must make a wisdom saving throw or become hostile to that creature.


Ability Score Increase. Gluttony demi-fiends are demi-fiends born from the gluttony of mortals. They entice their enemies and play to their weaknesses. Gluttony demi-fiends are generally overweight in appearance.
Gluttonous Visage. You can now use your Sinful Presence feature to force a creature within 30ft of you that can see your eyes to make a wisdom saving throw or succumb to madness for a number of minutes equal to half the difference between your DC and their roll, attempting to kill the closest creature and devour them. If they succeed, they become immune to madness for 1 day. A creature has advantage on this save if they are not currently in combat. Your DC is determined like a spellcasting save, with charisma as your spellcasting ability.
Innate Sustenance. You now only need to eat and drink half as often
Gluttonous Feast. You can cast Create Food and Water at will. At 10th level, you may cast Heroes' Feast at will instead, but only once a week. Casting either of these requires 10 minutes, and you must not be restrained. You have one use of this feature, regaining one use with a 50% chance after a long rest.


Ability Score Increase. Wrath demi-fiends are demi-fiends born from the wrath of mortals. They are the most vicious of demi-fiends and use sheer power to overcome enemies. Wrath demi-fiends are generally bleak and gaunt in appearance, sometimes assuming a nearly skeletal form.
Terrifying Visage. You can now use your Sinful Presence feature to force a creature within 60ft of you that can see your eyes to make a wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you for a number of minutes equal to half the difference between your DC and their roll, unless they succeed, in which case they become immune to the frightened condition for 1 day. A creature has disadvantage on this save if they are currently fighting you. Your DC is determined like a spellcasting save, with charisma as your spellcasting ability.
Terrifying Aura. Once per long rest, you may activate this aura for 1 minute. This aura is 30ft in radius, and creatures must be able to see your eyes for the effect to take place. When you activate this, and at the start of each of a creature's turns while they are within its influence, hostile creatures must make a wisdom saving throw against your save DC, which is determined like a spellcasting save, with charisma as your spellcasting modifier
Fearful Power. You deal 1 additional psychic damage per die rolled against targets that are frightened
Wrathful Strike. You may max out the damage die on an attack. You have a 10% chance to recover your use of this ability after a short or long rest.


Ability Score Increase. Sloth demi-fiends are demi-fiends born from the sloth of mortals. They exhaust their opponents and slow them down. Sloth demi-fiends are generally hairy in appearance, with long flowing hair that is suspended as in a slow-motion wind, even when there isn't any.
Stunning Visage. You can now use your Sinful Presence feature to force a creature within 30ft of you that can see your eyes to make a wisdom saving throw or be stunned for a number of rounds equal to half the difference between your DC and their roll (min 1), unless they succeed, in which case they become immune to the stunned condition for 1 day. A creature has advantage on this save if they are currently fighting you. Your DC is determined like a spellcasting save, with charisma as your spellcasting ability.
Slowing Aura. The area within 30ft of you is treated as difficult terrain for hostile creatures, and such creatures within it cannot take bonus actions.
Exhausting Strike. You may inflict one level of exhaustion on a creature you hit with an unarmed strike. You have a 20% chance to regain your use of this feature after a short or long rest.

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a Demi-Fiend character, design your character's personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws around the type of sin you embody. Use this in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

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gollark: ```cint main(void void) { printf("%s", "Helo, World", malloc(3));}```
gollark: tio!debug
gollark: ```cint main(void void, void) { printf("%s", "Helo, World", malloc(3));}```
gollark: Sad.
gollark: ```phprobot is make silent cyan property```
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