Dark Monk (3.5e Class)

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Dark Monk

A Dark Monk is often found lurking around the local graveyard by travelers. He offers to assist them in exchange for the ability to take the “used parts” of his enemies. Parties may be hesitant to add the somewhat shady character to their party, but they tend to be able to use their silver tongue to find their way into the party.

Making a Dark Monk

The Dark Monk functions best as an opportunistic combatant, using their maneuverability to get around and out of combat quickly, then launching all-out unholy assaults for brief periods of time rather than using slow attrition tactics, though they contain some skills to wear down their foes’ stats. Outside of battle they also function as great negotiators and sometimes scouts.

Abilities: Intelligence powers the Dark Monk’s special offensive and defensive capabilities. Dexterity provides the unarmored Dark Monk with a better defense and bonuses to other class skills. Strength helps a Dark Monk’s unarmed combat ability. Constitution is useful for increasing the health the dark monk has to burn.

Races: Tieflings are by far the most likely race to undertake the path of a Dark Monk, as their ancestors have already made a blood contract, but as it is a class that is a result of a contract with an evil being, the only pre-requisite is making a literate character. This does not apply to Tieflings because the contract could be handed down through the family.

Alignment: A Dark Monk’s training requires strict disciple and a certain type of broken mind. Only those who are lawful evil may undertake it safely.

Starting Gold: 3d4 ×10 gp (75 gp).

Starting Age: As rogue

Table: The Dark Monk

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Skeletal Barrage
Attack Bonus
1st+0+2+2+2 Bonus feat, Skeletal barrage, Rigid strike, Meat Puppet, Dark Pact, Hell’s Wrath 1 -1/-1/-11d6+010 ft.
2nd+1+3+3+3 Bonus Feat, Evasion +0/+0/+01d6+010 ft.
3rd+2+3+3+3 Magic Interference +1/+1/+11d6+020 ft.
4th+3+4+4+4 +2/+2/+21d6+020 ft.
5th+3+4+4+4 Embalmed Body, Hell’s Wrath 2 +3/+3/+3/+01d8+120 ft.
6th+4+5+5+5 Bonus Feat +4/+4/+4/+11d8+130 ft.
7th+5+5+5+5 Soul Stealer +5/+5/+5/+21d8+130 ft.
8th+6/+1+6+6+6 Part Swap +6/+6/+6/+3/+11d8+130 ft.
9th+6/+1+6+6+6 Return Fire +7/+7/+7/+5/+21d8+140 ft.
10th+7/+2+7+7+7 Hell’s Wrath 3 +8/+8/+8/+7/+31d10+240 ft.
11th+8/+3+7+7+7 Dark Contract +9/+9/+9/+9/+4/+21d10+240 ft.
12th+9/+4+8+8+8 Recycled Parts +10/+10/+10/+10+5/+31d10+250 ft.
13th+9/+4+9+9+9 What Is Dead +10/+10/+10/+10/+6/+41d10+250 ft.
14th+10/+5+9+9+9 +11/+11/+11/+11/+7/+5/+22d6+250 ft.
15th+11/+6/+1+9+9+9 Hell’s Wrath 4 +12/+12/+12/+12/+8/+6/+42d6+360 ft.
16th+12/+7/+2+10+10+10 Improved Recycled Parts +13/+13/+13/+13/+9/+7/+52d6+360 ft.
17th+12/+7/+2+10+10+10 Rigor Mortis +13/+13/+13/+13/+10/+8/+6/+42d6+360 ft.
18th+13/+8/+3+11+11+11 Draining Fists +14/+14/+14/+14/+11/+9/+7/+52d8+370 ft.
19th+14/+9/+4+11+11+11 +15/+15/+15/+15/+12/+10/+8/+62d8+370 ft.
20th+15/+10/+5+12+12+12 Hell’s Wrath 5 +15/+15/+15/+15/+15/+12/+10/+72d8+470 ft.

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
The Dark Monk’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (con), Diplomacy (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sleight of hand (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Dark Monk.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark monks are not proficient with any weapons, armor, or shields, and using them generally prevents the Dark Monk from using many of their diverse skills.

AC Bonus (Ex): AC Bonus: A Dark Monk is highly trained at dodging blows, and they have a sixth sense that lets them avoid even unanticipated attacks. When unarmored and unencumbered, the Dark Monk adds their Intelligence modifier (if any) to their AC. In addition, a Dark Monk gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 Dark Monk levels thereafter. These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks and when the Dark Monk is flat-footed. They lose these bonuses when immobilized or helpless, when they wear any armor, carry a shield, or when they carry a medium or heavy load.

Dark Pact (Ex): Dark Pact: When not in combat, the Dark Monk’s Intelligence score switches with its Charisma score and the Dark Monk’s Dexterity score switches with its Constitution score. When the Dark Monk enters a combat these values are returned to normal as a free action. Any racial modifiers or magical modifiers are applied to the Dark Monk’s combat form and are switched as well when stats are switched, so a +4 Dexterity magical enhancement would grant +4 Constitution outside of battle.

Skeletal Barrage (Su): Skeletal Barrage: When unarmored, a dark monk may use their demonic powers to summon skeletal arms from their own arm to unleash a barrage of attacks against the opponent. When doing so they make two additional attacks, but all attacks suffer a -1 penalty. Additionally, when rolling for damage the Dark Monk’s Intelligence modifier is used instead of strength, and any die that rolls its largest denomination immediately inflicts that much damage + the Dark Monk’s Strength modifier to the Dark Monk. If this knocks out or kills the Dark Monk, all attacks in the barrage are still resolved and any additional damage from these attacks still rebounds to hurt the Dark Monk further. The -1 attack penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the monk might make before their next action. The penalty disappears when the monk reaches 5th level and becomes a +1 bonus at 9th level. However, this bonus disappears at 20th level. When using skeletal barrage, a Dark Monk may attack only with unarmed strikes. This ability improves at level 5, 11, and 17 to allow additional strikes, consult Table: The Dark Monk for the attack bonuses

Rigid Strike (Ex): Dark Monks use dead bodies where Rigor Mortis has set in, granting them considerable advantages when fighting unarmed. At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A Dark Monk may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes. Usually a monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but they can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on their attack roll. They have the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling. A Dark Monk’s unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons (such as the magic fang and magic weapon spells). A Dark Monk also deals more damage with their unarmed strikes than a normal person would, as shown on Table: The Dark Monk. The unarmed damage on Table: The Dark Monk is for Medium Dark Monks. A Small Dark Monk deals less damage than the amount given there with her unarmed attacks, while a Large Dark Monk deals more damage; see Table: Small or Large Dark Monk Unarmed Damage.

Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage
LevelDamage (Small Dark Monk)Damage (Large Dark Monk)

Shadow Slip (Su): When unarmored, a Dark Monk may assume a shadow form and slip past obstacles and opponents. The Dark Monk does this instead of making a movement action and moves the amount indicated on the table. When moving in this manner, a Dark Monk may pass through any non-solid objects and cannot be damaged for the duration of the move. Moving in this manner does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If a Dark Monk moves next to an opponent that was not engaged in close combat they may make an attack of opportunity against the opponent, as the opponent was not expecting any enemies to engage it and did not see the Dark Monk coming. For the purpose of this move, “non-solid” is defined as any objects that do not take up the full square that the Dark Monk moves through. If a breeze could be felt blowing through or around the object within the area it occupies, the Dark Monk can move through it. For example, a Dark Monk can move through a square occupied by an enemy or through a loosely assembled stone or brick wall without mortar, but cannot move through a mortared or solid stone wall nor through a solid door, as the gaps are too small or non-existent. This movement cannot be made in well-lit areas or churches, but movement range is doubled in unlit or dimly lit areas.

Meat Puppet (Su): If a Dark Monk reduces an enemy’s constitution to zero, they may use a move action to convert the enemy to their puppet. An enemy that has been converted to a puppet has their constitution set to 3d6 + Intelligence modifier +1/2 Dark Monk level and any penalties to Intelligence or Strength suffered from the Dark Monk instead become bonuses of the same amount that they were penalties. The Dark Monk must use their actions to control their puppet instead of on themselves and they drain energy from their puppet each round, inflicting them with 5 damage that cannot be nullified. When controlling a Meat Puppet the Dark Monk enters a meditative state and is surrounded by the necrotic energies they use to manipulate their puppet. This grants them +4 Dexterity and increases their armor rating by 2, causing a total AC increase of 4. Additionally, any enemies that attacks the Dark Monk provoke an attack of opportunity from the Meat Puppet. The puppet cannot be healed in between rounds, but when its HP reaches -5, the puppet disintegrates into a pile of ashes and cannot be resurrected. If the Dark Monk has the skill Persuasive Contractor, at 0 HP the monk may spend a round making a contract with the puppet, and when it disintegrates he may claim his reward.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, a Dark Monk may select either Death Grip or Sapping Fist as a bonus feat. At 2nd level, they may select either Opportunist or Dispel Magic as a bonus feat. At 6th level, they may select either Claim Weapon or Arms of the Damned as a bonus feat. (See Dark Monk exclusive feats for descriptions) A Dark Monk does not need to have the prerequisites for these feats when selecting them as bonus feats.

Hell's Wrath (Su): A Dark Monk can use an assortment of necrotic energies to attack at the expense of the health. At level one they can use Necrotic Strike and their choice of one other group of techniques, and learn a new cluster of techniques at level 5 and every 5th level after. (See Hell’s Wrath abilities for clusters and descriptions)

Evasion (Ex): A Dark Monk of 2nd Level or higher can avoid attacks with great agility. If they make a successful reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead take no damage. This can only be used when unarmored and cannot be used by helpless (such as when unconscious or paralyzed) Dark Monks.

Magic Interference (Ex): A Dark Monk’s body courses with necrotic energies, which interfere with hostile magic. A Dark Monk of 3rd level or higher gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.

Embalmed Body (Ex): At 5th level the necrotic energies flowing through the Dark Monk’s body reach such a point that they kill any diseases, granting the Dark Monk immunity to all diseases except supernatural and magical diseases.

Soul Stealer (Su): At level 7, when a Dark Monk slays an enemy they may heal themselves an amount equal to twice the number of hit dice the enemy had. This may be used a number of times per day equal to their Intelligence modifier.

Part Swap (Ex): At level 8, a Dark Monk gains the ability to exchange injured limbs with parts found on the battlefield. The Dark Monk may use a move action to remove a fallen enemy’s limb and replace his own with it. The Dark Monk immediately regains 2d6 health but suffers d3 damage to a random stat (decide by rolling a d6) that lasts for 10 minutes. This can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + the Dark Monk’s Constitution modifier.

Return Fire (Ex): Starting at level 9, when a Dark Monk makes a successful reflex save they may immediately make an attack of opportunity against the opponent who launched the attack. If the enemy is not in melee range then the Dark Monk may strike as if using Necrotic Pulse if the enemy is within range of it.

Recycled Parts (Ex): At level 12, a Dark Monk gains the ability to augment their body using skeletal limbs. The Dark Monk can choose between the following options: Skeletal arms- the Dark Monk gains two extra arms either above or below their current set. This allows them to make two additional attacks at their lowest base attack modifier – 2. At level 16 they use the normal lowest base attack modifier. Skeletal shell- the Dark Monk gains a protective exoskeleton constructed of various bone. This grants them a +3 to their armor rating but reduces their Dexterity by two. Their Dexterity returns to normal at level 16. Skeletal wings- the Dark Monk gains a pair of skeletal wings that allows them to glide slowly downward and maneuver to a small degree. At level 16 they become more maneuverable and can gain height enough to allow for continuous flight, but not much more than that. Skeletal Tail- grants the Dark Monk the ability to make attacks of opportunity against people taking attacks of opportunity against them. These attacks are resolved with a -2 attack bonus penalty and count as unarmed strikes. The Dark Monk also gains a +2 modifier to balance checks. At level 16 the attack bonus penalty no longer applies.

What Is Dead (Ex): at 13th level, a Dark Monk gains spell resistance equal to their current Dark Monk level + 15. In order to affect the Dark Monk with a spell a spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceed the monk’s spell resistance.

Persuasive Contractor (Su): Starting at 11th level, a Dark Monk may make a contract with a non-aggressive creature or person. In order to resist the contract, any creature that can hear the bargain must pass a Will test (DC 10+ Charisma modifier + ½ Dark Monk level). This deal can be made for either: a) a large sum of gold, b) a single temporary stat boost of up to +5 that lasts up to one day, or c) the service of a demon for non-combat purposes. After establishing the contract, if any party fails to uphold their side of it, then they must pass a Fortitude save of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or have their soul forcefully ripped away and die instantly. This automatically happens after a pre-determined amount of time for up to 24 years after the establishment of the contract. For each contractor that dies this way the Dark Monk may store their soul and at any time consume it as a move action to return to full health OR sell the collected soul to the devil, allowing them to claim the reward for the contract.

Rigor Mortis (Ex): At 17th level, the energies coursing through the Dark Monk’s body still their development and preserve their current appearance. When a Dark Monk reaches this level their appearance will no longer change with age, but they will still accrue the normal bonuses and penalties that occur with aging, and will die of old age as normal.

Draining Fists (Su): At 18th level, the Dark Monk has honed their skills with the energies they wield to the point that anyone who touches them will have their health drained. For each attack that beats the opponent’s AC the monk recovers 3 health. For every turn spent grappling an opponent the opponent loses 5 health and the Dark Monk recovers 5 health.

Full Necrotic Integration (Su): At 20th level a Dark Monk has tuned their body with the necrotic energies that flow through it to the point that the two become one entity and the Dark Monk becomes a magical creature. They are forevermore treated as an outsider (an extraplanar creature) rather than as a humanoid for the purpose of spells and magical effects. However, the Dark Monk can only be brought back from the dead when using True Resurrection as if they were a creature of their previous type. Additionally, a number of times per day equal to the Dark Monk’s Intelligence modifier, when the Dark Monk’s health is reduced to zero or less, they may have their body disintegrate and assume a form of pure necrotic energy. This form will dissipate if the Dark Monk’s health reaches less than the negative value of their maximum health. While in this form, all attacks by the Dark Monk made will heal the Dark Monk by the amount of damage that they deal. Skills that require a cost in health to activate can no longer be used in this form. In this form, the Dark Monk may play dead, an enemies who attack him must make a DC 25 Will save to deal half damage or a DC 35 Will save to deal full damage. The Dark Monk may not attack while playing dead. If the Dark Monk reaches ¼ of their maximum health, their body reforms around them and they return to their normal form. If combat ends while still in this form, the Dark Monk returns to their normal form with however much health they currently have. If this happens to be -10 or less, the Dark Monk dies instantly.

Ex-Dark Monks

A Dark monk who becomes nonlawful or good cannot gain new levels as a Dark Monk but retains all Dark Monk abilities.


Like a member of any class, a Dark Monk may be a multiclass character, but multiclass Dark Monks face a special restriction. A Dark Monk who gains a new class or raises another class by a level may never again raise their Dark Monk level or exchange a soul for contract completion, but still retains all Dark Monk abilities and can consume souls still.

Tiefling Dark Monk Starting Package

Weapons: None.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Sleight of hand4Dex
Move Silently4Dex0
Knowledge (religion)4Int
Knowledge (arcana)4Int
Escape Artist4Dex
Sense Motive4Wis

Feat: Combat Expertise.

Bonus Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike.

Gear: 10 days of rations, a waterskin filled with water, a backpack, a torch, flint and steal, 50 ft. of hempen rope, and a grappling hook.

Gold: 34.

Hell's Wrath Abilities

Necrotic Strike:

Cost: 1 hp

Benefit: 1st level: Unarmed strikes this round are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.

5th level: Unarmed strikes this round are also treated as evil weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.

10th level: Unarmed strikes this round also force the target to pass a Fortitude save of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d3 points of Constitution damage.

15th level: Unarmed strikes this round also force the target to pass a Fortitude save of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d3 points of Strength damage.

20th level: Unarmed strikes this round also force the target to pass a Fortitude save of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d3 points of Intelligence damage.

Constant Cluster:

Dying Force:

Cost: 4 hp

Benefit: Unarmed strikes this round also add the Dark Monk’s Intelligence modifier to damage, or if Intelligence is already added to damage adds the Dark Monk’s Strength modifier to damage. If both are already added has no effect.

Necrotic Pulse:

Cost: 8 hp

Benefit: Can make unarmed strikes at up to 10 x (1/2 Dark Monk level + 1) foot range this round.

Corpse Shield:

Cost: 12 hp

Benefit: +4 AC this round, any enemies using a melee that fail to beat the Dark Monk’s AC suffer 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage and must pass a Fortitude test of DC 10 + Intelligence Modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d6 + Intelligence modifier Strength and Constitution damage.


Cost: 24 hp

Benefit: Replaces all the Dark Monk’s attacks this round. Uses the opponent’s Touch AC to determine if it hit, attack modifier is equal to the Dark Monk’s base attack modifier + Intelligence modifier + number of attacks Dark Monk normally can make. Deals (2 x number of attacks) d8 + Intelligence modifier damage to target, and pushes the target back 50 feet. The target must pass a Fortitude test of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + Strength modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d6 + Intelligence modifier damage to Strength, Intelligence, and Constitution.

Random cluster:

Magic Disrupting Shell:

Cost: d6 hp

Benefit: Grants the Dark Monk spell resistance +10 for one round. Can only be used twice per round

Skeletal Grapple:

Cost: d8 hp

Benefit: Summons a skeleton that immediately grapples the target (touch range). The skeleton’s grapple bonus is equal to the Dark Monk’s base attack bonus. Can be added to a grapple the Dark Monk is in to give them a +2 bonus to their grapple rolls. For each turn the opponent remains in a grapple with a skeleton they must pass a Fortitude save of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d3 damage to strength and constitution. Uses a move action.

Ghastly Exploitation:

Cost: d10 hp

Benefit: For each successful attack of opportunity made this round the target must pass a Fortitude save of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d6 + Intelligence modifier constitution damage.

Wendigo Strike:

Cost: d20 hp

Benefit: Unarmed attacks made this round restore health equal ½ of the damage done.

Demonic Fists:

Cost: 2d20 hp

Benefit: Unarmed attacks made this round roll damage using twice as many dice as they normally could. Can only be used once per round.

Variable cluster:

Living Voodoo Doll:

Cost: ¼ current hp (rounded down)

Benefit: Opponent must pass a DC 15 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level Fortitude test or suffer Constitution damage equal to the amount of health used to activate this ability.

Dampening Field:

Cost: 1/3 current hp (rounded down)

Benefit: All opponents within 15 feet must pass a DC 15 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level Fortitude test or suffer Strength and Intelligence damage equal to ½ the health used to activate this ability

Exploding Leeches:

Cost: ½ current hp (rounded down)

Benefit: Replaces all attacks, all opponents that have taken physical damage from the Dark Monk must pass a Fortitude test of DC 15 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or lose health equal to 2/3 of the health used to activate this ability rounded down and suffer ½ of that amount of damage to Constitution, Strength, and Intelligence.

Percentage cluster:

Devil’s Advocacy:

Cost: ¼ maximum hp (rounded up)

Benefit: adds +10 to DC of all effects that cause the enemy to take a Fortitude test

Debilitating Graveyard:

A spectral graveyard full of unholy energies and undead minions springs up around the Dark Monk and his assailants

Cost: 1/3 maximum hp (rounded up)

Benefit: All enemies within 30 feet must pass a Fortitude test of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or have their Strength and Intelligence halved for any action they take within the field. Enemies must also pass a Will test of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier or be unable to use any special abilities or spells of casting level over ¼ of their current level, rounded down. Enemies ending their round in the graveyard must pass a Fortitude test of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or lose health equal to 1/12th of their maximum HP, rounded down.

Funeral Bells:

Cost: ½ maximum hp (rounded up)

Benefit: Target enemy must pass a Will test of DC 20 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer damage equal to ¼ of the health spent activating this ability (rounded down) every round at the start of their turn and suffer d3 damage to Strength, Intelligence, and Constitution.

Burn All cluster:

Early Burial:

Cost: all but one hp (must have at least 2 hp)

Benefit: d3 enemies with fewer hit dice than the Dark Monk die instantly if they fail a DC 20 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level Fortitude test. If targeted enemies have the same or fewer hit dice they must pass a DC 5 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level Fortitude test.

Drag Me to Hell:

Cost: all hp + 10 (kills user, can only be activated if Dark Monk has at least 5 hp)

Benefit: Target enemy must be grappled to activate this ability. This takes up all of the Dark Monk’s actions each round the ability is active. If, during the ability, any of the required rolls fail, the target may make a Will save of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer 5 damage to Dexterity and Constitution and lose health equal to ¼ of their max HP. After this ability has been activated the target cannot exit the grapple unless they have a grapple result 5 higher than the Dark Monk’s and successfully pass a Fortitude save of DC 20 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level. If the target exits the successfully exits the grapple then on the Dark Monk’s turn they must pass a Reflex save of DC 15 + Dexterity Modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or become grappled again. If they pass this save then the Dark Monk dies and the effect ends. For each turn the target remains in the grapple they must make a Reflex save of DC 20 + Dexterity Modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer Dexterity damage equal to ¼ of their normal Dexterity rounded down. When the target’s Dexterity is zero and at least 4 turns have passed, both the Dark Monk and the target are instantly killed. No effects can prevent this. If either the Dark Monk or the target are resurrected they are treated as an ex-monk and locked at level 1 until either redemption is cast or the patron demon is vanquished or otherwise is made to nullify their contract with the Dark Monk. A Dark Monk killed this way cannot return to being Dark Monks but must be reincarnated as normal monks and lose all their feats.

Dark Monk Exclusive Feats

Death Grip

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you make a touch attack to start a grapple. You also gain a +2 bonus on all grapple checks, regardless of whether you started the grapple. For every turn the opponent remains in a grapple they must pass a Fortitude test of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or take d3 Strength and Constitution damage.

Sapping Fist

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8

Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll. A foe damaged by your attack must make a Fortitude test of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer d6 Strength damage in addition to normal damage. A successful attack with this feat also heals the user the amount dealt to the enemy. You may attempt this a number of times per day equal to your Dark Monk level.


Benefit: When foes leave themselves open, you may make an additional number of attacks of opportunity equal to your Intelligence modifier. For each successful attack made with this feat the foe must make a Fortitude test of DC 10 + Intelligence modifier + ½ Dark Monk level or suffer your choice of d6 Strength or Intelligence damage in addition to normal damage.

Dispel Magic

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Int 13, Improved Unarmed Strike

Benefit: You must have at least one hand free to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with a ranged spell, you may dispel it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to dispel a ranged spell does not count as an action. Spells of level over ½ your Dark Monk level cannot be dispelled.

Claim Weapon

Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when attempting to disarm an opponent, nor does the opponent have a chance to disarm you. If you succeed the weapon serves you as a Spiritual Weapon would for a number of turns equal to your Dark Monk level + Intelligence modifier.

Arms of the Damned

Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise

Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to trip an opponent while unarmed. A successful trip causes the opponent to be bound to the ground for d3 + 1 rounds and suffer 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage per turn bound. A character affected by this cannot be hit by other attacks. This can only be done a number of times per day equal to your Dark Monk level. You no longer get to make an immediate melee attack after a successful trip.

Playing a Dark Monk

Religion: A Dark Monk believes in themselves far more than the power of any gods that loaf around lording themselves over people, and instead choose to worship the devil-figures of most religions, from whom they believe they derive their power. If no devil figures exist, then they tend to worship gods of Chaos.

Other Classes: Dark Monks often seem distant and unsociable due to their strange self-harming ways and a strange obsession with the dead, but often have friendly personalities in order to seduce others to their cause, often offering to contract others work for their deity. They do not get along with Paladins, Crusaders, or anybody who has a large amount of respect for the dead.

Combat: The Dark Monk functions best as an opportunistic combatant, using their maneuverability to get around and out of combat quickly, then launching all-out unholy assaults for brief periods of time rather than using slow attrition tactics, though they contain some skills to wear down their foes’ stats. Outside of battle they also function as great negotiators and sometimes scouts.

Advancement: Typically staying as a Dark Monk is best since they can no longer level up as a Dark Monk once they take a level in another class.

Dark Monks in the World

That looks like a nice skull you have there. Would you mind ...lending it to me?
—Xerrous the Collector, Human Dark Monk

Dark Monks are very rare and have no regular interactions with the world, so are somewhat of a mystery. Most live in a secluded area where they might sometimes interact with passerby... for better or for worse.

Daily Life: Most Dark Monks are content with living a rather normal life, but are easily attracted to any opportunity to use their skills in combat. Only fights to the death, mind you.

Notables: ...

Organizations: Dark Monks rarely assembly due to the clashing of their strong personalities, but small groups of Dark Monks whose personalities click may form, and often are best avoided.

NPC Reactions: Most NPCs have not heard of Dark Monks and are far less likely to be able to recognize them. However, due to their grim nature the few NPCs who do know of them greatly distrust Dark Monks and always keep a careful eye on them

Dark Monk Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can research Dark Monks to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

10Basic information on what Dark Monks are like.
15Information on the fighting style of Dark Monks.
20Information on Dark Monks' pacts and some of the effects of them

Dark Monks in the Game

Adaptation: .

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gollark: The alpha way is to just directly edit the memory of the terminal program to make it do what you want.
gollark: No.
gollark: No, it's not.
gollark: `libcurses` just helps generate the escape sequences which control the terminal.
gollark: Those who pronounce SQL as sequel must be... *corrected*.
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