DBZ Warrior, Variant (3.5e Class)

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DBZ Warrior

Currently editing a balanced version, building this class based on the progressions of Psichic Warrior, Monk, and Warlock classes. please do not edit. Most or all of this page will be updated so as to not duplicate the class that I pulled the idea from. I didn't want to edit someone else's hard work so I created my own so that I could work on a balanced, non overpowered version of a DBZ character. Unfortunately if you built it how they are in the DBZ show, then even deities would be hard pressed to defeat these warriors and it just wouldn't be that fun. So stay tuned for future edits, My friend and I almost have a playable class created, just making some final touches and then I'll edit this page to show you all. Thanks!

Making a DBZ Warrior

Abilities:Wisdom is very Important for the DBZ Warrior, as most of its energy attacks are bases off of wisdom. Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are all key to a DBZ Warrior's success on the battlefield. Intelligence and Charisma are not really important.

Races: Any humanoid

Alignment: Any

Starting Gold: 2d6x5 Gp.

Starting Age: Complex

Table: The DBZ Warrior

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Flurry of Blows
Attack Bonus
Ki Pool Unarmed
1st+0+0+2+0 Unarmed Strike, AC Bonus, Ki Blast, Flurry of Blows-2/-2101d6+0+0
2nd+1+0+3+0 Ki Sense, Ki Surge-1/-1171d6+0+0
3rd+2+1+3+1 Least Ki Power, Fast Movement+0/+0281d6+0+10
4th+3+1+4+1 Ki Strike (Magic), Least Ki Power+1/+1361d8+0+10
5th+3+1+4+1 Least Ki Power+1/+1441d8+1+10
6th+4+2+5+2 Sudden Empower+2/+2561d8+1+20
7th+5+2+5+2 Lesser Ki Power+3/+3641d8+1+20
8th+6/+1+2+6+2 Great Leap, Unbreakable Will+4/+4/-1721d10+1+20
9th+6/+1+3+6+3 Lesser Ki Power+4/+4/-1841d10+1+30
10th+7/+2+3+7+3 Flight, Lesser Ki Power+5/+5/+0921d10+2+30
11th+8/+3+3+7+3 Greater Ki Power+6/+6/+11001d10+2+30
12th+9/+4+4+8+4 Ki Prowess, Greater Flurry+7/+7/+7/+21102d6+2+40
13th+9/+4+4+8+4 Greater Ki Power+7/+7/+7/+21222d6+2+40
14th+10/+5+4+9+4 Sudden Maximize, Greater Ki Power+8/+8/+8/+31342d6+2+40
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+5 Master Ki Power+9/+9/+9/+6/-11462d6+3+40
16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5 Ki Strike (Adamantine), Improved Flight+10/+10/+10/+5/+01522d8+3+50
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5 Master Ki Power+10/+10/+10/+5/+01642d8+3+50
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+6 Flight Mastery, Master Ki Power+11/+11/+11/+6/+11722d8+3+50
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+6 Ki Mastery+12/+12/+12/+7/+21842d8+3+50
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+6 Super Saiyan, Fighting Spirit+13/+13/+13/+8/+31962d10+4+60
  • The Z Warrior gains no Ki points from his class at 1st lvl. However, he does add any bonus Ki points he gains from a high Wisdom score, his race, and feats or other sources to his reserve.

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Perform (Cha), and Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: DBZ Warriors are proficient with no weapon or armor, unless trained by another. However, weighted training clothes do not count as light armor for them, they are counted as regular clothing. Although a DbZ warrior can train in heavy armor they suffer a ki power failure chance as that of the arcane spell failure chance for any otherwise spell using class.

Unarmed Strike: As a monk of equivalent level.

AC Bounus (Ex): a DBZ Warrior adds their wisdom modifier to their AC, and while the DBZ Warrior is unarmored and unencumbered they gain an AC bonus as that of a Monk.

Ki Blast (Sp):
Level: 1st
Manifesting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./Level)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: none/ Reflex (see text)
Ki points: 1/2 class lvl +2 (max 7)

The character can manifest a energy blast from their ki, striking any single opponent in medium range, as a ranged touch attack. This attack deals 1d8+Wis modifier force damage. At every odd level after 1st, the damage increases by 1d8, to a maximum of 5d8 at level 9. This power costs Ki points equal to 1/2 the characters level(round up) +2, maxing out at 7 points at level 9.

  • By spending an additional 1 Ki/level and 1 Ki/round you may make it a Guided Ki Blast. The controlled blast moves at double your movement speed, and functions in many ways like the spell Spiritual Weapon, and does not dissipate upon striking a creature. You may control as many Guided Blasts at once up to your Wis modifier. While controlling the blast you may only make a move action with the exception of adding additional guided blasts. Your move speed is halved while maintaining control.
  • By spending 1 Ki point (per ball augmented) you may add a blast radius of 10ft. Creatures within radius may make a Reflex save for half damage.

Ki Pool (Ex): As a DBZ warrior, the character has learned to tap into the mysterious ki energies flowing throughout their body. Learning to channel this power, they can manifest it in many forms, but only as their selection of ki powers allows. Each ki power has a ki point cost that is to be deducted from the character's Ki Pool every time it is used. Starting at first level, the character has a Ki Pool of 0. They gain bonus Ki Points (as a psionisist) for having a high Wisdom score. All Ki powers require a standard action to activate and are considered a Spell-like Ability unless otherwise mentioned. Treat caster level as class level for determining spell penetration, caster level checks, etc.

Ki Sense (Ex): The character is granted awareness of the life energy around him and has the ability to "feel" where things are around him. As a move action, the character can activate this ability (Concentration check required if distracted as a spell of 2nd level). This grants the character Blindsense of 60 ft. Also the character can sense others within 1 mile, with only general direction and distance known, and measure their Ki power. This ability is deactivated if the character suffers any damage and can be reactivated on the following round.

Ki Surge (Ex): At 2nd level, you acquire the ability to regain some of you lost ki through combat. You recover one ki point with each successful unarmed attack that you make in combat, which you can then use to fuel your class abilities. The attack must be unarmed and must score at least one point of damage. The maximum you can regain in one combat is equal to your level plus Wis modifier plus Con modifier, and no more than double this total in one day. You cannot gain more Ki points than your maximum would allow.

Fast Movement (Ex): As a monk of equivalent level.

Ki Powers The DBZ Warrior has access to many abilities and special techniques unique to them. Abilities are ranked (same as a Warlock) as Least, Lesser, Greater, and Master. Upon reaching 3rd level and every four levels thereafter you gain access to a new rank of technique, starting with Least. At any time you would gain a technique, you may may gain it at your highest rank available or at any lower rank. They are usually treated as Spell-like abilities and the save DC for any Technique (if it allows a save) is 10 + equivalent spell level + the Warrior's Wisdom modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not actually spells, a DBZ Warrior cannot benefit from the Spell Focus feat. He can, however, benefit from the Ability Focus feat (see page 303 of the Monster Manual), as well as from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities, such as Quicken Spell-Like Ability and Empower Spell-Like Ability (see pages 303 and 304 of the Monster Manual). They will also most likely have a ki point cost associated with them, instead of number of times a day used (DM's discretion). The DBZ warrior need not meet the prerequisite for any Ki Power that is also a feat.

Flurry of Blows (Ex): At 3rd level the DBZ Warrior gains the Flurry of blows ability as a monk. When unarmored they may strike with a flurry of blows at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, they may make one extra attack in a round at her highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a –2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the DBZ Warrior might make before her next action. The penalty does not lessen as a Monk's does. A DBZ Warrior must use a full attack action to strike with a flurry of blows.

KI Strike (Ex): At 4th level the DBZ Warrior gains Ki Strike as a monk. A DBZ Warriors unarmed attacks are empowered with Ki. Their unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 16th level, Their unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

Sudden Empower (Ex): At 6th level, a DBZ warrior gains the Sudden Empower feat, even if he doesn't have the prerequisites for it. Any power affected by this ability increases its point cost by times 2, and is usable any number of times per day.

Great Leap (Ex): At 8th level, your physical and Ki abilities allow you to perform great athletic feats. The character now receives a +10 to their jump checks and can make running jumps from a standstill.

Unbreakable Will (Ex): At 8th level,your iron will and unwavering focus allows you to resist attempts to subvert your willpower. Starting at 8th level, when you are required to roll a Will save, you may spend two points of ki to make a Concentration check in addition to your Will save and use the better result of the two checks. You must declare this ability before you roll your attempt. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your bonus Constitution modifier, but only once per save attempt. At 13th level, you may spend 4 Ki to attempt a new save to break free of any current debilitation that would require a Will save. You may attempt this each round on you turn by spending 4 ki points each time.

Flight (Su):
Level: 4th
Manifesting time: Swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Sustained
Saving throw: none (harmless)
Ki points: 2/1/0 Sustained

At 10th level the Z Warrior gains the ability to fly at a speed equal to double their land speed at an average maneuverability, for 2 ki points a round. Able to spend an additional 4 ki points a round to double their speed. Increases to good maneuverability at level 16 and the cost decreases to only 1 ki point a round, and and are now able to make a free tumble check to avoid being knocked prone, DC the total damage taken +10, or the previous save that was failed in order to avoid knockdown. Are also able to now spend an additional 2 ki points (instead of 4) a round to double their speed, and spend an additional (cumulative) 4 ki pints to triple it. Increases to perfect maneuverability at 18th plus gains immunity to being knocked prone (while conscious) and the base ki point cost is reduced to 0. Are able to pay 2 ki point a round to double their speed, and an additional (cumulative) 3 points a round to triple it, and and additional (cumulative) 6 points a round to quadruple it.

Ki Prowess (Ex): At 12th level, you can no longer be detected arbitrarily by Blindsense, Ki Sense, or Psychic Detection. If the defender is being directly “tracked” or targeted by any of the above or similar means, then a resisted Will save is allowed, DM’s discretion.

Greater Flurry (Ex): At 12th level, the DBZ Warrior flurry of blows ability improves. In addition to the standard single extra attack he gets from flurry of blows, he gets a second extra attack at his full base attack bonus.

Sudden Maximize (Ex): At 14th level, a DBZ warrior gains the Sudden Maximize feat, even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. Any power affected by this ability increases its point cost by times 3, and is usable any number of times per day. It can be used in conjunction with Sudden Empower, but with a total ki point cost of times four.

Ki Mastery (Ex): Upon reaching 19th level the DBZ Warrior has gained mastery over his ki. He now has the ability to manipulate his ki with more fluidity. This gives him more options to choose from when using his ki powers. He may now combine two ki powers into one casting (ie: Kamehameha and Final Flash). Casting cost is the same as if both powers were used but it is still one standard action. Both powers must have a casting time of no more than one standard action and may still be augmented and/or enhanced with metamagic feats. He may also combine multiple guided blasts at any time he controls more than one, colliding them into one ball, causing it to detonate in a 20 foot radius dealing their total collective damage, reflex save for half. Your Ki Surge ability improves as well. You now gain 2 point of ki per unarmed strike, and have no daily maximum on ki points recovered. Your per combat limit remains the same, and you can still only reach your maximum daily amount for your Ki Pool.

Super Saiyan (Su): 10 In, 10 Sus: As a swift action, the character may cross all physical boundaries and explode with an inner power. The character's hair sticks up vertically and glows bright blond, but this effect is merely visual. While in super saiyan form, you gain an enhancement bonus of plus 8 to Strength and Dexterity, and a plus 4 Deflection bonus to AC (can stack with Ki shield), DR 5/magic, SR equal to half character level + Wis modifier (round down). You continuously shed light as a 5th level light spell. Can be used in conjunction with Bulk Up and/or Kaioken.

Fighting Spirit (Ex): At 20th level, your willpower lets you scorn death itself. If you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by an attack or effect that otherwise leaves your body intact, you can expend two points of ki, per round, to remain conscious and continue to act for 1 more round before dying. You can use this ability even if your hit point total is -10 or lower. If your body is somehow destroyed before your next action you fall dead. You can continue to expend points of ki from round to round until you run out. Each subsequent round requires that you spend an additional cumulative 2 points of ki. So in the first round you must spend 2 points, in the second round it increases to 4, then 6, then 8, 10, etc. If you receive healing that leaves you with more than -10 hit points, you survive when you stop using this ability. If otherwise left unhealed after the ability deactivates or the character runs out of ki to spend, you die as normal.

Least Ki Powers Combat Casting: As the feat.

Combat Reflexes: As the feat.

Evasion (Ex): As a monk.

Healing Touch (Sp):
Level: 3rd, 7th, 11th
Manifesting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: none (harmless)
Ki points: 3/6/9
As cure light wounds, but is not a positive energy effect and cannot be used on undead to deal damage. Only functions on corporeal creatures with a discernible anatomy. Upon reaching 7th level, functions as cure moderate wounds. Upon reaching 11th level, functions as cure serious wounds. It can be used at lower levels for the reduced cost.

  • Spending 12 Ki points you may neutralize poison, required to be level seven.
  • Spending 12 Ki points heals one point of ability damage, required to be level seven.
  • Spending 20 Ki points restore one negative level, required to be level ten.

Focus: Grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with either unarmed strike or Ki Blast. Temporarily unavailable if flat footed, or under the effects of any negative mental effects, such as a compulsion or charm, or if Wis modifier drops below a +1. Can be gained multiple times (3 max), the effects stack.

Ki Shield (Sp):
Level: 3rd
Manifesting time: 1 move action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Sustained
Saving throw: none (harmless)
Ki points: 2 + 1 Sustained

You surround yourself in a semi opaque sheen with your ki in order to protect yourself. Grants a plus 4 deflection bonus to AC. At 7th lvl, you can extend the shield to a 5 foot radius around yourself, grants +4 Deflection to AC for anyone inside from attacks made from the outside. At 10th level, you can extend to a 10 foot radius and is increased to a total of a plus 6 bonus, whether made personal or spherical.

  • By spending 2 Ki points you may use Ki Shield as an Immediate action.
  • By spending 2 Ki points and 2 Ki/round you are granted DR 1/- (Personal only), for every extra Ki spent to sustain you may increase the DR by +1, but not more than ⅕ your class level rounded down (max DR 5/-).

Ki Skill Bonus (Ex): Cost: 1 Initial, 1 Sustained, Swift Action. You can focus your ki energy into preforming mundane tasks. This adds an enhancement bonus equal to their class level to any Strength or Dexterity related skill check while activated.

Power Lend (Sp):
Level: 1st
Manifesting time: Full round
Range: Close
Target: 1 creature
Duration: instant/sustained
Saving throw: non (harmless)
Ki points: 10/round

The character points his hand at a fellow ally, and lines of ki power flow into them. He can transfer up to ten points of ki a round to another creature that has a ki pool, in order to restore theirs. Alternatively, he can boost someone's abilities by sending them ki. For every 10 points you send, they gain a temporary +1 cumulative bonus to Strength and Dexterity, for a number of rounds equal to your Wis modifier after you have ceased the transfer. After lending power to another, the character is fatigued (Max bonus is equal to half your class level) for the remainder of combat.

Solar Flare (Sp):
Level: 2nd
Manifesting time: standard action
Range: personal
Target: 30ft burst centered on you
Duration: instantaneous
Saving throw: Reflex to avoid/half
Ki points: 4

The character brings his hands to his forehead and shines blinding light all around him. Solar Flare requires both hands free to use it. Anyone that can see is affected by Solar Flare (30ft radius around you). Reflex save vs 10 + half character level plus Wis modifier. A failed save means they are blinded for 1d4 rounds, and dazed for an additional 1d2 rounds after. If a creature that would be affected by it knows to ready themselves, they receive a plus 4 insight bonus.

  • By spending an additional 1 ki per die (maximum of your wisdom modifier), you can add 1d4+1 fire damage dealt to the attack. Creatures that make their save are not blinded, but take half fire damage.

Lesser Ki Power

Destructo Disc (Sp):
Level: 3rd
Manifesting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: none
Ki points: 2/level

The character throws a sharp disc of pure energy at the target as a ranged touch attack. This deals 1d10/3lvls (max 6d10) plus your wisdom modifier in force damage, threat range 15-20 x3. Ignores half object hardness. Does a bonus %50 extra (rounded down) damage to creatures normally immune to critical hits.

  • Add "Guided Ki Blast" ability for 15 Ki and 7 Ki per round sustained. Required to be 15th level or higher.

Flying Kick: As the feat (Complete Warrior).

Giant Growth (Sp):
Level: 3rd
Manifesting time: Full Round
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Sustained
Saving throw: none (harmless)
Ki points: 5/10 Initial, 1-2/rd sustained

Using your ki energy, you may increase your size category by one step. You become one size category larger and gains a plus 4 strength bonus. At 11th level, you can increase up to two size categories larger and gain a total bonus of plus 8 to your strength, for the increased costs of 10 initial and 2 sustained, max size colossal.

  • By spending an additional 7 ki for one size increase, or 15 for two sizes upon activation, you can perform this ability as move action instead.

Improved Sunder: Usable with unarmed strikes only.

Kaioken (Sp):
Level: 4th
Manifesting time: Move Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous/Sustained
Saving throw: none (harmless)
Ki points: 2 initial, 2 sustained

As long as Kaioken is active you gain a plus 2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, plus 10 movement speed, plus 1 bonus to all saves, and can make an additional attack a round as though hasted (doesn't stack with haste). You continuously shed light as a first level light spell. You take 1 point of damage per round (not subject to damage reduction), taken at the end of the Kaioken attack. Every amount of damage equal to half your level, you must make either Fort or Will (players choice, one only, not subject to Unbreakable Will) save equal to Kaioken damage taken total plus 10. At every damage increment, equal to half your level, you are either fatigue, exhausted, paralyzed, or dead upon a failed save. Each status modifier must be saved against starting with the highest. Once a save is failed, or all modifiers have been passed, you stop making saves. For example: Fred is a 12th level DBZ warrior and has been Kaiokening x3 for 8 rounds and has now deactivated Kaioken. This means he now takes 24 points of damage and must make four possible saving throws each at DC 34. He makes the first one so he doesn't die immediately, makes the second one so he is not paralyzed, but fails the third and is now exhausted and need not make the fourth save. These effects last (besides death) for double the total number of rounds spent in Kaioken. You may increase the benefits as you gain levels, multiplying both bonuses (not including extra attacks) and cost to x2 at 9th lvl, x3 at 11th, x4 at 13th, x5 at 15th, and x10 at 17th.

Kamehameha (Sp):
Level: 4
Manifesting time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 Levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: none
Ki points: 1/Level

You make a ranged touch attack against one creature within range. Deals 1d6 Force damage per level + double you wisdom modifier (max 10d6). Can be used at a reduced level for reduced cost.

  • By spending an additional 2 ki/lvl, you can increase the damage increment from d6 to d8, 4/lvl for d10, and maximum of 6/lvl for d12.
  • 10 ki to add sudden quicken, may use as part of a full attack action with more than one attack.
  • For each round the Kamehameha is charged, add 2d6 to the max damage output.

Stunning Fist: As a Monk of equivalent level.

Weapon Specialization: Unarmed strike only.

Wolf Fang Fist (Ex):
Level: 3rd
Manifesting time: Swift or Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: Creature or object struck
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: none
Ki points: 6 or 10

You add your wisdom modifier to the attack and damage roll made in an unarmed strike. You must declare using this power before any rolls are made. It cost 10 points if used as part of a full attack action with more than one attack, or as an attack of opportunity. Can be used only once per round.

  • Pay an additional 5 more ki points to use an additional time that round, maximum of your dexterity modifier

Greater Ki Power Bulk Up (Ex):
Level: 6th
Manifesting time: Full round
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Sustained
Saving throw: none (harmless)
Ki points: 2/round

The character uses their Ki to increase the power output of their muscles. You are able to lower your dexterity score by an amount equal to up to double that of your wisdom modifier. Each point lowered adds a plus 2 bonus to your strength. For every 4 points of strength gained, you suffer -10 ft movement speed penalty. The amount of points adjusted is determined upon activation and cannot be changed while activated. You must first deactivate and then reactivate this power in order to readjust.

  • By spending an additional 5 ki points initially you may activate this as a move action instead.
  • By spending an additional 2 ki points a round you may also sacrifice constitution(?) the same way. Any HP lost as a result of reduced constitution are not regained once the power ends.

Fists of Iron: As the Feat (Complete Warrior).

Energy Barrier (Sp):
Level: 5th
Manifesting time: 1 Move Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Sustained
Saving throw:
Ki points: 3/rd

Creates a visible, tangible globe of force around the warrior. This field absorbs all incoming attacks and grants immunity to being touched. The field has HP equal to 3 times the characters class level (max 60), and an AC of 11 + Wis Mod. All physical attacks made against the character must be instead made against the barrier. The character cannot move from his current position without dissipating the barrier, but he can be moved by an external force, such as a bull rush. The only attacks he can make outwardly are Ki Blasts, but can take personal actions normally inside the barrier, such as drinking a potion. Any effect that disrupt the warrior mentally, such a a charm person or psychich attack, will require the warrior to make a concentration check each round to maintain the barrier, DC equal to that of the spell save. If effected by a damaging spell or AOE, such as a Fireball or Magic Missile, the barrier absorbs damage up to it’s HP, and the rest of the damage is taken by the character. Saving throws, resistances, and SR still apply.

  • By spending an additional 5 ki points a round you may move as normal, up to and including Flight and your total move speed.
  • By spending an additional 5 ki points a round you may extend the barrier to a 10ft radius. Area attacks and effects that damage and destroy the barrier, such as a fireball, only affect the character afterwards if they are in the area of effect.

Improved Evasion (Ex): As the Monk ability. Prerequisite: Evasion.

Instant Transmission (Sp)
Level: 5th
Manifesting time: Standard Action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None and Will negates (object)
Ki points: 10 + 2 per passenger

The character brings his index finger and middle finger to his forehead and, after a few seconds, disappears to hundreds of miles away. Instant Transmission is unique from other ki powers, as it takes a successful concentration check to use. Concentration DC 30 (-10 DC if you've been there before, -5 if someone you know is already there,+2 DC per additional passenger). If you fail the concentration check you must roll on the Teleport table in the players handbook (pg. 293) as if it's a false destination to see how close you are to your desired location. You must be able to have clear line of site to your destination, and can carry up to you maximum load (see also Dimension Door for additional carrying restrictions).

  • By spending an additional 5 ki points you may activate this power as an Immediate Action.
  • By spending an additional 5 ki points this technique may be used like a Teleport spell, in as such you need not have line of sight.
  • By spending an additional 10 ki points this technique may be used like a Greater Teleport spell, in as such there is no chance to fail, prerequisite: level 15.

Ki Flurry (Ex): Allows you to fire Ki Blasts as part of a full attack, up to the amount of attacks you could normally make, including Flurry of Blows and Kaioken. You can interchange between unarmed attacks and Ki Blasts. Each Ki Blast fired during a full attack action costs an additional 2 base points. You receive a -2 penalty to attack for all attacks made during that round (as Flurry of Blows).

Ki Focus (Ex): You learn to better conserve you ki reserves by taking time to concentrate. You can make a Concentration (DC 25) check as a move action to reduce all of your ki costs on the following round by ¼ (rounded up), until your next turn.

Transformation (Ex):
Level: 6th
Manifesting time: Full Round
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Until Canceled
Saving throw: none (harmless)
Ki points: 12/6

You can now transform yourself into an improved fighting form at the cost of charisma. Grants a plus 4 bonus to strength, dexterity, constitution, natural armor (stacks with any current), and a minus 6 penalty to charisma, although the intimidate skill is unaffected. Anyone within 10 feet and having 6 HD or fewer, must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the DBX class levels rounded down) against fear or become frightened for as long as they are within sight of the transformed character for 24 hrs. Creatures between 7 and 12 HD, are only shaken if a failed save. 13th level and above are immune. Creatures must be equal to or below character’s HD to be affected. The change last indefinitely, or until the transformation is reverted by spending 6 ki points.

  • By spending an additional 2 ki points you may also grow claws, which will add the option of dealing piercing or slashing with your unarmed strikes; horns, which will allow you to deal size appropriate damage on a successful charge and add +2 bonus to any bull rush attempt; and/or a tail, which will allow you to make an extra off hand attack or be used in trip attempt with a +4 bonus. Each trait must be paid for separately.
  • By spending an additional 4 ki points you may gain a additional plus 2 to your natural armor, limit once.

Tri-Beam (Sp):
Level: 6th
Manifesting time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 Levels)
Area: Cylinder (10-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)
Duration: Sustained
Saving throw: Reflex for half
Ki points: 8

You focus ki into a concentrated area, damaging anything within the radius. Creates a cylinder of downward, slamming force that deals continuous damage in the area, does not affect objects, only creatures. The maximum number of sustained rounds are equal to half the characters class levels. The damage is a force effect and equal to 4d4 at 11th level, and increasing by 2d4/2 levels after. (max 12d4 at 19th). Reflex save for half damage, DC 15 plus your wisdom modifier. Creatures that fail the initial save must make a secondary save (same DC) or be knocked prone. They may reattempt the save for each round they are in the area.

Master Ki Powers

Death Beam (Sp):
Level: 9th
Manifesting time: Swift action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: none
Ki points: 15

The character fires a dark purple or red beam from his index finger, through the targets chest. This beam is a ranged touch attack. It deals damage equal to 1d4/level (max 20d4), with a critical multiplier of times 4.

Final Flash (Sp):
Level: 8th
Manifesting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: 1 Creature
Area: 20ft Radius around creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: none and Reflex for half
Ki points: 13

The character fires a yellow beam of pure energy at a target, and if it hits, it explodes in a 20ft radius, dealing damage to all those in its radius. The character makes a ranged touch attack against a target, and if it hits, the target takes 3d6 plus your wisdom modifier in damage, and everyone in the blast radius (including the initial creature struck) takes 7d6 plus your wisdom modifier in damage, reflex save for half in the radius. Each creature hit now must make an opposing bull rush check. The bull rush has strength of 25, is treated as a large creature, and adds an additional +1 bonus to the opposed check for every 5 points of damage dealt with the blast. If the creature struck wins this opposed check, they are simply knocked prone. If they fail, they are sent flying back from point of impact for 10ft for every 5 points difference in the opposed strength check, and take falling damage as normal. If they hit a solid object, such as a wall, before the distance is met, they take an additional 1d6 points of falling damage and end there movement in an adjacent legal square within 5 feet, or the nearest legal square. If they hit another creature before the distance is met, that struck creature takes half of the falling damage the original creature would take, rolled separately. If the struck creature is an equal size or smaller than the original knocked back creature, they must also succeed in an opposed bull rush check, using the same result already determined but minus 10, or be knocked prone.

  • By spending an additional 3 ki points you may add one elemental damage type to the power.

Special Beam Cannon (Sp):
Level: 8th
Manifesting time: Full Round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 Levels)
Area: 5ft wide Line
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Reflex for half
Ki points: 15

The character briefly focuses energy and then fires it out in a line attack. The character may make a ranged touch attack against all enemies within the line's area of effect. All enemies that are hit take damage equal to 5d6 plus 5 times the character's wisdom modifier, reflex save for half damage. This attacks critical threat range is 18-20 and has a x3 multiplier.

  • By spending an additional 6 ki points you may perform this technique as a standard action instead.
  • By spending an additional 5 ki points you can increase the width to 10ft.

Spirit Bomb (Sp):
Level: 9th
Manifesting time: Full Round, Varies
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: See text
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Reflex for half, see text
Ki points: 5/rd charged

You create an enormous globe of ki energy by gathering all the latent energy around you. This attack deals 1d10 + Wis Modifier in a 10ft Radius. For every additional round that the Spirit Bomb is charged, it deals an additional 1d10 + wisdom modifier in damage (max 20d10+20xWis mod), and increases by 10 feet in radius (max 100ft). The DBZ Warrior cannot move while charging the spirit bomb. Creatures attacked can make a reflex save for half damage. If the radius is equal to or greater than the creatures movement speed, no save is allowed. Only affects creatures, not objects.

  • By spending an additional 2 ki points during any round whilst charging, you may move at half you speed, including basic flight.
  • By spending an additional 4 ki points per charge level, you can affect objects also.

Time Stop (Sp):
Level: 9th
Manifesting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Sustained
Saving throw: none
Ki points: 25/rd

You gain a small mastery of time itself. Functions as the spell, usable a maximum number of rounds per day equal to your wisdom modifier.

Weapon Supremacy: As the Feat (Players Handbook 2) but only for your unarmed strikes. You gain the plus 4 bonus against being disarmed for anything held.




Table: The Epic

Hit Die: d

+ Int modifier skill points per level.



Bonus Feats: The epic gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic bonus feats) every levels after 20th.

Epic Bonus Feat List: .

Human DBZ Warrior Starting Package

Armor: Dbz warrior have no need for armor.

Weapons: Some DBZ Warriors carry staffs, swords, or quarterstaves, but this is rare and appropriate weapon feats will need to be selected.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 + Int modifier.


Feat: Improved Disarm.

Bonus Feats: Combat Expertise.

Gear: Backpack with water skin, bedroll, one day's trail rations, sack, flint and steel, traveler's clothes.

Gold: 2d6x5 gp.

Playing a DBZ warrior

Religion: Any. Dbz warriors tend to honor gods of strength or brawling.

Other Classes: Appreciates a fellow fighter and is curious by nature to see true depths of power.

Combat: Front man In combat,But if Heath Gets low, They revert back towards the middle line for ki recharging .

Advancement: Dbz warriors dont have much to advance in, usually staying in this class into epic levels.

DBZ Warriors in the World

From Most DBZ Warriors Hail From Earth, Rare ones from other planets/planes.

"Release it Gohan! Release Everything! Remember all the pain he's caused...the people he's hurt...NOW MAKE THAT YOUR POWER!!"
—Goku's spirit (Talking to his son fighting Cell), Saiyan Dbz warrior

How they Fit in the World Dbz warriors tend to be outcasts. They enjoy training their powers to their full extent, making their training areas deadly to be in. Not to mention how powerfull they become, while it's not impossible to fight on par with a dbz warrior, they can terrify commoners with their power.

Daily Life: Besides traveling, or cleaning if they have a home, a dbz warrior is always training. They use their spare time to destroy target dummies, and when they arnt doing that theyre hunting their favorite fish, which usually dragon eel.

Notables: Goku The Super Saiyan, Goku lives in isolation with his wife and two sons. He's saved the world many times, but he rarely boasts about it.

Piccollo The Namekian, Piccollo is an outcast on earth. Their was a time when he wanted to rule the earth, but now he lives in isolation as well, honing his skills for when the next threat appears.

Organizations: The only real organization that exists doesnt really have a name, it's a close knit group of friends that, over time, have saved the world a dozen times from different threats.

NPC Reactions: At first people dont know what to think, flying and shooting balls of light points to a sorceror or psion, but thats not what a Dbz warrior is. If the dbz warrior decides to keep his class a secret that only makes the players more confused.

DBZ Warrior Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge(History) or Knowledge(Arcana) can research Dbz Warriors to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge(History) or Knowledge(Arcana)
5A Dbz warrior usually lives in isolation.
10Dbz warriors are monks who can use Ki differently.
15Dbz warriors can fly and shoot energy from their hands.
20Dbz warriors can attain higher levels of power, but using them drains their power. Which makes them vulnerable after.

Dbz Warriors in the Game

Dbz warriors tend to fight the front lines, but back up when they run low on Ki.

Adaptation: Dbz warriors that no longer want to level in this class tend to take levels in Fighter or Warlock. As theyre are no specific prestige classes available for them.

Sample Encounter: Jeffrey Alverez is a bandit on his own, robbing coaches by blasting the wheels with Ki and attacking the passengers. He's not too powerful, but he tends to rob people just by intimidating them.

EL : .

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gollark: Also dash.
gollark: `zsh` is, though.
gollark: It's not POSIX-compliant.
gollark: fish isn't a *sh clone.
gollark: https://elv.sh/ is cool, but I also don't use that.
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