Cybernetic Ape (3.5e Race)
Cybernetic Apes
Very up going, they tend to be hoarders of metal so that they can grow bigger and bigger
Physical Description
They commonly start out very small and light and resemble that of a small metallic monkey wearing a silver mask.
They tend to get along well with other species.
They tend to stay good but never are lawful and tend to avoid any law enforcement due to their tendinitis to steal metal so they can grow.
Any but they like staying in city's commonly or with large groups.
The creators like most other android like species.
Data, common, uncommon are just what they are commonly heard speaking due to there habit of staying around prominent groups.
Any they are not a picky race and tend to go with what ever they feel like but sometimes they will appear with series of numbers and letters which sometimes becomes there name.
Racial Traits
- :
- Animal Construct:
- : size modifier will vary as the character grows
- Cybernetic Ape base land speed is 30 feet:
- Hack: any form of mechanical device is instantly disabled for 1 round
- Fuse: used to fuse iron, silver, steel, and stone to grow larger 20ib for each
- Scrape: they can remove limbs without taking damage
- Clump: used as way to hide curling into a small ball to add a +10 to stealth checks
- Robotic Decay: as an they grow older they begin to sort of die due to their use of fuse but fusing adds on to that time
- Sudden Unnatural Growth: after 9 years of life the character will have a sudden growth due to a strange device implanted by the creators which will take a random 1 round to finish but come out deformed. There AC and hit points gains +10.
- Low-Light Vision:
- Animal Instincts: -4 against sense motive checks
- Automatic Languages: . data, common Bonus Languages: . under common
- Favored Class: Any non magic class
- Level Adjustment:
Vital Statistics
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
years | + | + | + |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
years | years | years | + years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | ' " | + | lb. | × () lb. |
Female | ' " | + | lb. | × () lb. |
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