Cursed Soul (3.5e Prestige Class)

Cursed Soul

I've come to the conclusion that I exist only to prove the apathy of the Gods.
—Gazardiel, Aasimar cursed soul

When a God grants a favored soul with great power, a certain dark energy is released into the world as well. Usually, this energy dissipates harmlessly, but on rare occasion the energy binds itself to a mortal soul. This mortal is given great power, but at the cost of a great evil within his being.

Becoming a Cursed Soul

No one ever chooses to become a Cursed Soul, but a cursed soul is not chosen either. Rather, a cursed soul is created purely by chance. A cursed soul's dark energy prevents it from becoming a cleric, favored soul, druid, or otherwise divine casting class, but otherwise cursed souls may come from any path of life. Those who pursue the cursed soul do so to wield powerful magic and demonic powers. This is a warrior/cleric subclass.

Entry Requirements
Abilities: 20 strength 18 Constitution and above 14 Wisdom
Base Attack Bonus: +3
- Alignment: Anything
Spellcasting: Must be unable to cast divine spells from any other class (spell-like abilities can still be available if any).
Special: Must have been made by something evil.
Table: The Cursed Soul

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Class Features Spells per Day Power
Maximum Power
Level Known
FortRefWill 01st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+1+2+0+2 Bonus Domain, Nightmares Bonus feat +1 level of existing class43
2nd+2+3+0+3 Deadly Touch Animal Companion +1 level of existing class532
3rd+3+3+1+3 Demonic Form (6 Trait) Bonus feat +1 level of existing class5432
4th+4+4+1+4 Demonic Form (7 traits), Murderous +1 level of existing class64322
5th+5+4+1+4 Cursed Companion, Demonic Form (9 traits) Bonus feat +0 level of existing class653322
6th+6/+1+5+2+5 Bonus Domain, Demonic Form (11 traits), No Turning Back = +1 level of existing class7533322
7th+7/+2+5+2+5 Demonic Form (13 traits) Fear or Dispair, Bonus Feat +1 level of existing class76433322
8th+8/+3+6+2+6 Death's Missing Hand, Demonic Form (10 traits) +1 level of existing class864433222
9th+9/+4+6+3+6 Demonic Form (14 traits) Legion Bonus feat +1 level of existing class8754443222
10th+10/+5+7+3+7 Cursed Eternity, Demonic Form (15 traits) +0 level of existing class9765544433

Class Skills (10 + Int modifier per level)

Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge(Arcana),Knowledge(Religion), Profession, Scry, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Swim

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the cursed soul.

Class Features: At every level except levels 5 and 10, you gain class features (including spellcasting ability) and an increase in effective level as if you had also gained a level in a class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain the benefit of your previous class’s Hit Dice, attack progression, skill points, or saving throws. If you had more than one class before becoming a cursed soul, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining class features. All exp will go into this class until finished.

Class Features: Gain a bonus feat at first level and every other level.

Spellcasting: A cursed soul casts divine spells, which are drawn from the cleric spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To cast a spell, a cursed soul must have a Constitution score of 10 + the spell’s level (Con 10 for 0-level spells, Con 11 for 1st-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a cursed soul’s spell is 14 + the spell’s level + the cursed soul’s Constitution modifier. Like other spellcasters, a cursed soul can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Cursed Soul. In addition, he receives bonus spells for a high Constitution. Unlike a cleric, a cursed soul’s selection of spells is limited. A cursed soul begins play knowing five 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of your choice. At each new cursed soul level, he gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table: Cursed Soul Spells Known. (Just like spells per day, his Constitution score does affect the number of spells a cursed soul knows; the numbers on Table 1–2 are not fixed.) A cursed Soul casts spells as an evil cleric, regardless of alignment.

Upon reaching 3rd level, you may cast any spell without using materials. However, you must pay the amount of gold equal to the material costs.

Table: Cursed Soul Spells Known
LevelSpells Known

Bonus Domain: Upon adopting the cursed soul class, and again at 6th and 9th level, a cursed soul gains access to a 4 bonus domain of his choice. The cursed soul can choose any domain associated with the God who inadvertently gave him his powers. You may select a different domain if you surpass the number of domains the God possesses. The cursed soul gains the granted power associated with the domain he chooses and learns the spells in that domain. A cursed soul can cast domain spells regardless of alignment, as he does not learn these spells through a God's favor but possesses the powers innately.

Nightmares: A cursed soul is in inner torment, which manifests when he sleeps. A cursed soul is ridden with constant nightmares, and as such takes a -4 on checks to resist fatigue.

Dark Blessing: A cursed soul at level one gains one unique relic from the God who accidentally gave the cursed soul power. He may use it without any requirements, since he his bestowed this by the unintentionally power of the God. This counts as a True Believer feat and may use the items as he wishes. At 5th level you may choose to sacrifice a follower you gained to receive another relic, but you lose the benefit of Cursed companion for that follower. This relic however does not come from the god you inadvertently got your power from but from one god you believe in, if any. If you do not believe in a god then you gain nothing.

Animal Companion: A Cursed soul at second level gains an animal companion selected from the following list: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the Cursed soul on her adventures as appropriate for its kind. If his intelligence his higher than 15 he may obtain a Darkness animal, they consist of shadows but have to be either a wolf or a hawk. They have the same stats but can be summoned at will or disappear into the cursed soul's Shadow at will. Unlike regular animal companions these do not take exp, they are set to level 5 when you obtain them. They do not grow with you over time. Thus any experience you gain is not shared with them.

Deadly Touch (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a cursed soul can cause wounds with a successful touch attack. Each day he can deal a total number of hit points of damage equal to his Constitution bonus x (his cursed soul level + 2). An opponent subjected to this attack can make a Will save (DC 16 + cursed soul level + cursed soul’s Constitution modifier) to halve the damage dealt. Furthermore, whenever a cursed soul deals at least 20 damage with a single deadly touch, the target takes 1d8 per two cursed soul levels of strength damage.

Demonic Form (Su): Upon reaching 3rd level, a cursed soul gains a demonic form. The cursed soul can switch between this form and his standard form at will, though changing takes a full round action. The exact powers bestowed onto a cursed soul varies among individuals. A demonic form behaves exactly like the standard form, but with added abilities (and added physical changes) as determined by the chosen traits, add 6 traits from the list below. At 4th level, the cursed soul is also one size larger as well as an Aberration type, and a cursed soul selects one trait from the below list. He can then access the ability associated with that trait whenever in demonic form. He can pick a 2 new traits each following level. Once a cursed soul's traits are chosen, it cannot be changed.

Aura of Discourse: You gain an aura of negative energy. Any creature (friend or foe) with an intelligence of 3 or higher who comes within 30 feet of you must make a will save. If they fail the save, they enter a rage as a first level barbarian (unless they have a rage or frenzy of their own, in which they enter a rage or frenzy as they do normally.) This trait can only be taken by those with at least 7 levels of cursed soul.

Aura of Fear: You gain an aura that emits fear to anyone who is within 20 feet of the cursed soul. Anyone who steps within twenty feet of are already in the area must make a wisdom save to not be feared. Dc save half your HD + Intimidate skill. Gain an additional +2 intimidate.

Terrifying Stare: You lose 2 in all charisma skill checks, but not intimidate. Gain a plus 4 to intimidate skill. If you have a intimidate of 18 you may cast the ability Terrifying Stare. You may only cast it twice per day, but those who you use this ability on must roll a wisdom save to avoid being struck with fear, they will be unable to move once in this fear, for 1d4 rounds. The dc save is beating the cursed souls intimidate roll.

Camoflage: Your skin adapts to its environment, granting you a +4 bonus on hide checks.

Greed: You gain the ability to sense secret doors 20 feet away from you, and you may make a search check as if you were actively searching for it.

Electric Impale: Must take arch spine in order to take this and must have wings. You are now able to shoot your spines onto any surface, once done these spines can be used to make traps or impale many enemies with lightning rods. If the cursed would choose to impale many people he can at will cause the spines to connect to each other forming a constant electric volt frying the enemies for 4d8 per 2 people connected. This ability shoots 2 volleys of spines coming off the user's wings, hitting anyone within 30 feet. Impale damage is 2d4.

Electron bomb: You gain an ability that can be channeled four 3 rounds, this cannot be stopped after declaring this. The only way to stop the channel is by death or by knocking him out. During the three rounds electric, shadow, and ice form around the user. Once the third round hits anyone within 50 feet around the cursed soul will take 7d10 damage of electric, shadow and ice damage. After being completed the user is stunned for two rounds. This can only be used twice per day. This can only be taken after taking arch spine, ice breath, and shadow pit abilities and must be a cursed soul level of 14.

Claws: Your hands become large grotesque talons, gaining you a natural claw attack for 1d8 points of damage. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 5 levels of cursed soul. (If you already have a Claw attack add an additional damage die.)

Darkvision: You gain darkvision (If you already have darkvision gain double your sight.)

Shadow Being: Any time you cast Shadow pit you no longer have a physical form. You become one with the shadows until you decide to leave. While in the shadows the cursed stone can attack anyone who is in his domain of shadows. Any who step in or try to leave the Shadows to provoke an attack of opportunity. Enemies must make a will save in order to not be feared by the incoming attacks from the shadows. The only way to strike the cursed soul will be if you have true sight or you roll a spot check of 24. Cursed level of 8.

Shadow Stalker: You gain the ability to enter shadows and path through them to other areas. You may also enter other people’s shadow and sit there dormant until you wish to edit. To enter someone’s shadow all that needs to be done is know their true name. You must say it before entering the shadow. You may enter or exit at will after you say it once.

Subjugate: You gain the ability to cast Subjugate 2+Con per day. This spell is like Charm person except they fear you as if you are death itself. They will follow any command you ask of them as long as it does not hurt them by any means. This lasts for 1 hour, spell dc of 10+Intimidate skill+Con. Level 5 cursed level

Swear Loyalty: If you cast subjugate successfully you may order them to swear their loyalty towards you. If this is done, they are bounded to you until you die. They may not go against any wish you desire, nor do they conspire against you, may do no harm, and they lose any thought you were an enemy. You may only use this 2 times a day. For the sake of followers this gives you the Leadership feat but is no longer based on cha and level, but Con and level. You may only take this at cursed level 12.

Deadly Reach: Your reach extends by +10 feet. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 7 levels of cursed soul.

Devil's Flesh: Your flesh resonates with dark energy, granting you damage reduction 5/Holy. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 9 levels of cursed soul.

Fangs: You grow deadly fangs and an elongated snout, gaining you a natural bite attack for 1d10 damage. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 5 levels of cursed soul. (If you already have a Bite attack add an additional damage die.)

Magma Body: The cursed soul's body turns scorching hot add an additional 1d10 damage of temperature natural weapons.

Ferocity: You can continue to fight without penalty even when disabled or dying. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 7 levels of cursed soul.

Gills: You sprout fishlike gills, allowing you to breathe both air and water.

Hellfire: Your natural attacks deal fire damage like that of a Nightmare. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 9 levels of cursed soul.

Archspine: You gain spines all along your body across your arms legs back and chest. These act as rods for electricity, allowing the cursed soul to heal off of electric attacks made against him 2d8, and conduct them into addition energy of 1d4 strength and Dex. Your natural attacks including grapple attacks deal an addition 2d8 Electric damage. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 9 levels of cursed soul.

Ice Breath:: You gain the ability of a breath attack. It deals 2d8 damage, has a range of 60 feet in a line, and has a fortitude dc of 22 in order to not be frozen by the attack. (If you already have a breath attack add the damage, range of a addition 10 feet, and fortitude save to avoid being frozen, Dc of 15+Con+2/HD. Merge the breath attacks any infront of the user takes damage instead of rolling dc to take damage.)

Acid Skin: You can release acid from your natural weapons, dealing an additional 1d4 acid damage. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 7 levels of cursed soul.

Powerful Build: You gain the powerful build special ability. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 9 levels of cursed soul.

Poisonous: You gain poisonous natural attacks of 1d6 Str when you bite, 1d4 Con for claw attacks.

Scent: You gain scent as a bonus feat. If you already have a scent ability then you gain improved scent which allows the user to track the smell without having to use the track feet.

Shadow Pit: You can release shadows as a spell-like ability around yourself with a radius of 30 feet for one round as a swift action. Those within these shadows suffer the effects of total darkness, even if they have darkvision. They as well must make a wisdom save to not be frightened of 24 You do not suffer such ill effects. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 7 levels of cursed soul.

Wild attacker: Gain improved multi-attack feat.

Swift Predator: Your speed increases by +15 feet.

Necrosis Bite: You may make a swift action to bite your enemies with a necrotic bite. It does an extra 3d8 damage, and the enemy must make a fort save of (15 + Cursed Level + HD + Str). If they fail the save the limb that was bitten becomes paralyzed, after 3 hours the limb starts to rot take 1d8 damage every minute, after 5 hours it starts to paralyze the rest of the body, taking 1d8 necrosis damage every 5 minutes to each limb. This will only be lethal if five hours pass, before that take damage as non-lethal. The only way this bite can be cured is by casting the spell Neutralize Poison, or by cutting the limb off. If the head of a victim is biten all damage is lethal and must cast the previous mentioned spell to live. This ability bypasses regenerative abilities. This is not considered a poison but a curse. Must be a cursed level of 10

Tempter: You can cast suggestion as a spell-like ability at will. Your caster level is equal to your cursed soul level. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 7 levels of cursed soul.

Thick Blood: You bleed much more slowly than most humanoids, taking half damage from wounding.

Thorns: small needles protrude from your flesh, causing your unarmed or natural attacks to deal +1d3 points of piercing damage. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 5 levels of cursed soul.

Tough Hide: Your skin becomes hardened, granting a +5 natural armor bonus to Armor Class. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 9 levels of cursed soul.

Wings: You grow wings, gaining you a flight speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. The exact appearance of your wings varies by individual. This trait can only be taken by those with at least 9 levels of cursed soul. (If you have wings add the total of your original flight speed with this.)

Murderous: A cursed soul is overcome with a powerful innate blood-lust, Starting at level 4. a cursed soul must commit a coup de gras whenever the option is available, including on teammates. a will save (DC 10+ Cursed Soul Level) can be made to resist this temptation. A cursed soul also takes a -2 to attack rolls with nonlethal weapons.

Cursed Companion: At 5th level, If a cursed soul has an animal companion, familiar, or special mount, at level five it grows dangerously sick. It cannot be healed by any means, and within 24 hours it dies. The severed bond grants a cursed soul a +3 to his cursed soul level for the sake of dealing deadly touch damage and traits, and he cannot obtain a new companion for as long as he lives. If the cursed soul has more than one companion and or a follower then they as well will die and grant bonuses. If the cursed soul does not have a companion, he gains no benefits, but still may not obtain a new companion.

No Turning Back: At 6th level, a cursed soul's dark powers become hard to control. If he fails any will save he bursts into his demonic form attacking any near him for 1d4 rounds, sleep effects and anything else that would prevent him from moving is canceled in this rage like mode. This is canceled at level 10. His alignment now flips and whatever alignment he had is gone.

Fear or Despair: At 7th level, a cursed soul may select two options of class abilities. 1. Fear pulse: Any enemy within 30 feet must roll a dc save of 10 + intimidate skill + Con. If they do not pass the save they are feared for 1d5 rounds, if you have subjugate and Swear Loyalty, your enemies may roll another save to not be turned into your followers. Max of your leadership feat will allow. This will tie into another power down the line. 2. Despair: gain 2 more traits and another god's power enter you as well gain 2 more domains that you qualify for and one relic from the new god.

Death's Missing Hand: At 8th level, a cursed soul's demonic form is able to absorb the energy of death all around him up to 40 feet, for each person who just recently died gain half a point of strength and con for the duration of 1d4 rounds.

Legion: At 9th level, any who pledge their loyalty or life to a Cursed soul must roll a wisdom save, if they fail the wisdom saving roll, the person who swore his allegiance becomes a Bebilith that is bound and controlled by the Cursed soul. Anywho dare follow a Cursed soul beware of its dangers. With this, a cursed soul can speak telepathically with other bebiliths he controls or sees. Any friends or allies he makes he will lose to this curse, so may luck be on his side and his allies strong or may they fall victim to his curse.

Cursed Eternity: Once A cursed soul has made it to the tenth level he can no longer die due to old age or natural means. A cursed soul will age normally until he is about to enter old age. He can only die through combat, or by suicide. Suffer -3 to all will saves, is immune to all diseases including magical ones, aging effects, curses, and poisons.

One with the Demon: You no longer transform into your demon form, but now merge with the demon form you once had. Gaining all the improvements of that form, as well as a +3 to four stats of your choice. However do to this form people no longer know what you are, and as such lose 4 ranks to all charisma skills, but plus 4 to intimidate. Forever cursed with the new found form you have.

Playing a Cursed Soul

Combat: A cursed soul serves primarily as a combat spellcaster, using his magic to augment his demonic form. Because his powers can be problematic for those around him, the cursed soul works best with those who can protect themselves. The cursed soul may also serve by primarily boosting his teammates with his magic, or might perhaps take a summoning or necromancy route and serve to fill these roles. Cursed Souls cannot usually cast healing spells, but those with access to the healing domain can serve as a healer as well.

Advancement: Cursed Souls find themselves completely in terms of magic, and as such most advance as fighters or otherwise martial classes. Those who wish to repent for their dark nature may attempt to take levels in classes which allow them to augment their dark powers with less harmful ones. On rarest of occasions, a god may recognize his cursed soul creation and give them his blessing, allowing them to take levels in contemplative, boosting their domain powers and augmenting their demonic powers with holy ones.

Resources: The cursed soul is very much misunderstood by the world around him, and as such he will find little support from others, particularly divine casters. Among evil, a cursed soul might be hired and sent on tasks, but there is very little trust in such arrangements. The cursed soul gets along best with neutral characters, who more often do not concern themselves with good or evil.

Cursed Souls in the World

The Gods never expected me to be so powerful, never expected me to be at all. I will make them pay for their insolence.

Cursed Souls are generally found wandering the world, not entirely certain of what they search for. Most cursed souls simply wish to find a way to end their destined pains, though many admit this is very unlikely to happen. Cursed souls can often be seen wandering near holy lands and holy temples, perhaps wondering how they might be perceived by the gods. Certain evil cursed souls will often form a vendetta against the good aligned and perhaps the evil-aligned gods, tearing down temples and killing worshipers, and certain good cursed souls will be secretly working within the lands of their Gods, attempting to wash the bloodstains from their souls.

NPC Reactions: Most NPCs will look onto a cursed soul with terror, thinking they have come across a being of vile evil (which very well could be true.) Those who are themselves of vilest darkness might be more welcoming, though they themselves are confused by how the cursed soul seems to have dark powers as well as good powers (if their domains grant them) so innately.

Cursed Soul Lore

These people are misunderstood and thought to be harbingers of death and destruction. Those who know anything about them can tell you that this is a hit or miss. Some abuse this power and use it to destroy their enemies and others use this power to protect themselves. Many gods and beings have called these beings the false priests, and others call these beings heretics. What many know for a fact about these cursed soul's is the strength they emit and the danger they present. Beware and be cautious or befall the cursed soul's trap.

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Religion) can research cursed souls to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
11A cursed soul is a being who can control dark energy naturally.
16A cursed soul's spirit is linked to the spirit of a god, allowing him to perform a wide array of magic.
21The gods might be unaware of the cursed soul's existence.
26Only death can ever separate a cursed soul from his dark energies. Cursed souls are destined for a life of eternal suffering.

Cursed Souls in the Game

Cursed souls generally play the role of the misfit hero, a character who struggles with inner darkness. Cursed souls acting as villains will often be seen as the most extreme of evils, working to possess powers above the very gods that cursed them. Cursed souls possess great powers, and may be seen using those powers for either others or themselves, always to drastic results.

Adaptation: Cursed souls can be adapted to fit any world with favored souls. However, including a cursed soul forces some aspects commonly associated with the deities to change. The deities in this situation must be at least somewhat apathetic, and for one to be all-knowing completely nullifies the cursed soul's possibilities of entering the world. A cursed soul of an evil deity could quite possibly be made as well, by simply modifying the spell access to that of a good cleric, though demonic form would most likely remain the same.

Sample Encounter: Gazardiel had always wondered if there was something unholy about him. Though raised among aasimar, the paladin calling never came to him, and any attempt he had at casting divine magic fell flat. As he aged, Gazardiel compromised by taking up the mantle of the knight and worshiping the gods in spirit rather than in practice. However, all that changed upon meeting the favored soul of Pelor, a classmate only a few years his junior. Upon shaking his hand, Gazardiel felt an unusual feeling of hatred within himself, a strong unprecedented desire to tear at the man's throat. And the next day, Gazardiel found he had gained divine powers as his colleagues could, but with a terrorizing taint of evil. Terrified at this development, Gazardiel escaped from his homeland, his powers quickly growing greater beyond his will. He found himself haunted in the night, and what's more, found his mind filling with terrifying thoughts. And though for a long time he resisted, he eventually let himself break free, becoming a terror to all who crossed his path. Gazardiel still hopes to vanquish the darkness inside of him, but every day this seems less likely to be possible.

EL 14:

Gazardiel The Damn CR 24

Male Human Fighter 14, Cursed Soul 10

LE HF Medium Humanoid(Human)

DF Large Aberration

Initiative +5, Listen +14, Spot +14

Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common

AC HF:25 = 10+8(Full Palte)+2(Heavy Steel)+1(Dex)+4(Armor Skin), Touch 11, Flat-Footed 24

DF: 16 = 10+1(Dex)-1(size)+4(Armor Skin)+2(NA)

(HF)HP 207

(DF)HP 253

Fort 19 = 14(base)+2(epic)+3(Con), Ref 10 = 7(base)+2(epic)+1(Dex), Will 15 = 11(base)+2(epic)+2(Iron will)

Speed HF 20 ft. (4 sq) DF 35 ft. (7 sq)

Melee Long Sword +27/+22/+17/+12 Melee (1d8+9/17-20*2)

DF Melee Claw 1d8, Fangs 1d10

Reach HF 5/5, DF 15/15

(HF)BAB 25/20/15/10

(DF)BAB 32/27/22/17

Grapple HF 25/20/15/10 DF 29/24/19/14

Special Actions: Deadly Touch, Demonic Form

Flew: Murderous, Nightmares

spells: I do it later.

Abilities: Str20, Dex12, Con16, Int14, Wis11,Cha14

SQ: Demonic Form (Claws, Darkvision, Deadly Reach, Fangs, Ferocity, Swift Predator, Tough Hide, and Wings)

Feats: Improved Critical Long sword, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush,Improved Overrun, Improved Shield Bash, Armor Skin*2, Toughness*4, Weapon Focus Long Sword, Weapon Specialization Long Sword, Greater Weapon Focus Long Sword, Greater Weapon Specialization Long Sword

Skills: Bluff +10, Climb +27, Diplomacy +16, Disguise +10, Hide +10, Intimidate +10, Jump +13, Knowledge (religion) +13, Listen +14, Spot +14

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gollark: I, personally, breed most of my stuff for no reason weekly.
gollark: Are random junk, I mean.
gollark: Let's be honest, they mostly are.
gollark: I really need to stop getting any hatchlings which come up on the notice board.
gollark: "NyxityToday at 18:37"Ezio - King of NebsToday at 12:02 PMgrabs, stabs n runs" <Proof. :P"
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