Craftsman (3.5e Prestige Class)


"It is the old experience that a rude instrument in the hand of a master craftsman will achieve more than the finest tool wielded by the uninspired journeyman."

While anyone can just pick up some tools and make what they need, to truly make great works you need training. Those who pursue this path will find wonderful things can be made, if one only tries. Even that which is normally the domain of magic can be done, if you learn how.

Becoming a Craftsman

A member of any class can become a craftsman- because, after all, anyone can create. The easiest path is through the rogue or expert class, since the large number of skill points makes meeting the skill requirements easy.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Any 2 Craft Skills 6 ranks.
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft (any))
Table: The Craftsman

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+0+0+2 Crafter's Edge, Alchemist, Special Techniques
2nd+1+0+0+3 Swift Craftsman, Maker’s Knowledge, Power of Gems
3rd+2+1+1+3 Greater Alchemist, Special Techniques
4th+3+1+1+4 Power of Gems, Lightning Craftsman
5th+3+1+1+4 Greater Alchemist, Special Techniques
6th+4+2+2+5 Pure Skill, Unmake
7th+5+2+2+5 Expanded Studies
8th+6/+1+2+2+6 Perfect Alchemist, Special Techniques
9th+6/+1+3+3+6 Power of Gems
10th+7/+2+3+3+7 Perfect Craftsman

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier) per level.
Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Any), Ride

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Craftsman.

Alchemist (Ex): Craftsmen may craft alchemical items, even if they are not spellcasters.

Crafter's Edge (Ex): The Craftsman gains a +1 bonus per craftsman class level to all Craft checks and all Appraise checks.

Special Techniques (Ex): The Craftsman can apply special modifiers to weapons and armor they craft. Applying one of these effects increases the value of the item by 300 gp, and increases the Craft DC by 4. Only one effect can be applied to any given item. An item with a special effect cannot be made masterwork, but can be made magical as if it was masterwork. These effects are non-magical.

• Destroying weapon: Weapon only. This modifier gives the weapon a +1 to all damage rolls.

• Flowing armor: Armor only. This modifier reduces the Arcane Spell Failure chance of the armor by 5%.

• Lightly formed: Weapon or Armor. This modifier reduces the weight of the item by 10%.

These modifiers can be used starting at level 3. Applying one of these effects increases the value of the item by 600 gp, and increases the Craft DC by 7.

• Piercing weapon: Weapon only. This modifier causes half the damage from the weapon to ignore damage reduction.

• Padded armor: Armor only. This modifier grants the wearer of the armor DR 2/-.

These modifiers can be used starting at level 5. Applying one of these effects increases the value of the item by 1000 gp, and increases the Craft DC by 10. Before each check in crafting an item with one of these effects, you must make a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check. Failure of that check means no progress was made on the item for that time span. Items with one of these 3 modifiers pierce DR as if they were magic.

• Flaming weapon: Weapon only. The weapon is treated as having the Flaming effect.

• Fortified armor: Armor only. The armor is treated as having the Fortification, Light effect.

• Finely made: Weapon or Armor. The item is treated as having a +1 enhancement bonus, stacking with any other enhancement bonus the item may have.

These modifiers can be used starting at level 8. Applying one of these effects increases the value of the item by 4000 gp, and increases the Craft DC by 20. Before each check in crafting an item with one of these effects, you must make a DC 30 Craft (Alchemy) check. Failure of that check means no progress was made on the item for that time span. Items with one of these modifiers pierce DR as if they were magic.

• Blazing weapon: Weapon/Bow only. The weapon is treated as having the Flaming Burst effect.

• Spell guard armor: Armor only. The armor grants its wearer SR 13.

• Perfectly made: Weapon/Bow or Armor. The item is treated as having a +2 enhancement bonus, stacking with any other enhancement bonus the item may have.

Maker’s Knowledge (Ex): At level 2, the Craftsman is treated as proficient with any weapon or armor that they crafted on their own. This does not grant proficiency with the type of weapon or armor, but with that individual item.

Swift Craftsman (Ex): At level 2, the Craftsman gains the ability to craft items faster then normal. Whenever you spend a day crafting, a successful check result multiplied by the DC gives you progress in sp (instead of cp), likewise a week's crafting is now measured in gp (not sp). In addition, you can craft by the hour. Whenever you spend a hour crafting, a successful check result multiplied by the DC gives you progress in cp.

Power of Gems (Ex): At level 2, the Craftsman gains the ability to create jewelry that grants the wearer greater levels of skill and power. Each of these items has a value of 1500 gp, and is made with the Craft (Gemcutting) skill with a Craft DC of 20. Before each check in crafting one of these items, you must make a DC 15 Craft (Alchemy) check. Failure of that check means no progress was made on the item for that time span. The item created is a ring that grants one of the following effects, chosen by the craftsman upon completion of the item. These items are non-magical, but do take up the ring slot as if they were.

• Swift Step: +1 Alchemical bonus to AC (Applies to touch, but not to flatfooted)

• Sure Aim: +1 Alchemical bonus on To-Hit rolls

• Striking Fury: +1 Alchemical bonus on Damage rolls.

• Sturdy Truth: +1 Alchemical bonus to saving throws.

These effects can be used starting at level 5. A ring with one of these effects has a value of 4000 gp, and is made with the Craft (Gemcutting) skill with a Craft DC of 25. Before each check in crafting one of these items, you must make a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check. Failure of that check means no progress was made on the item for that time span.

• Bull Soul: +2 Enhancement bonus to Str

• Cat Soul: +2 Enhancement bonus to Dex

• Bear Soul: +2 Enhancement bonus to Con

• Fox Soul: +2 Enhancement bonus to Int

• Owl Soul: +2 Enhancement bonus to Wis

• Eagle Soul: +2 Enhancement bonus to Cha

These effects can be used starting at level 9. A ring with one of these effects has a value of 10000 gp, and is made with the Craft (Gemcutting) skill with a Craft DC of 35. Before each check in crafting one of these items, they must make a DC 25 Craft (Alchemy) check. Failure of that check means no progress was made on the item for that time span.

• Flame Shield: Fire Resistance 10

• Animal Heart: Charm Animal at will

• Unseen Body: +10 competence to Hide

Greater Alchemist (Ex): At level 3, the Craftsman gains the ability to create non-magical versions of certain potions. They can create a potion of any spell from the Craftsman spell list. Doing this requires a DC 20 + (Spell Level * 5) Craft (Alchemy) check, and is crafted like any other non-magical crafting, using a base value that is the normal price for a potion of that spell. The caster level of the potion is equal to your Craftsman level.

Lightning Craftsman (Ex): At level 4, the Craftsman has complete control of his craft. They can always take 10 on Craft checks, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent them from doing so. Furthermore, they may voluntarily increase the DC of a Craft check by increments of 1 instead of 10.

Master Alchemist (Ex): At level 5, the Craftsman gains the ability to create non-magical devices that mimic certain wands. They can create any wand of any spell from the Craftsman spell list. Doing this requires a DC 25 + (Spell Level * 10) Craft (Alchemy) check, and is crafted like any other non-magical crafting, using a base value that is 20% of the normal price for a wand of that spell. The caster level of the wand is equal to your Craftsman level. Wands crafted with this ability have 10 charges, rather then the normal 50. The wands produced are Use Activated, via a small button on the side (standard action to use).

Pure Skill (Ex) At level 6, the Craftsman grows yet more skilled in their craft, able to expend energy to speed up the crafting process. By spending XP equal to the Craft DC * 10 as part of a craft check, the progress made for that craft check is multiplied by 10 and they get a +4 untyped bonus to that craft check. Sources that grant bonus XP for making magic items can have that XP used for this ability.

Unmake (Ex) At level 6, the Craftsman knows how to destroy that which has been created. They gain Improved Sunder as bonus feat. They need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them. In addition, they automatically win the opposed roll to strike at any weapon they crafted on their own. This does not apply with the type of weapon, but with that individual item.

Expanded Studies (Ex) At level 7, the Craftsman devises a new mix of effects. They may add the spells from the Expanded Craftsman spell list to the main Craftsman spell list. They can use Greater Alchemist with the 4th level spells given by this ability, despite potions not going to 4th level.

Perfect Alchemist (Ex) At level 8, the Craftsman gains the ability to create non-magical devices and concoctions that mimic certain wondrous items. They can create any wondrous item on the Craftsman wondrous item list. Doing this requires a DC 25 + (Caster Level *10) Craft (Alchemy) check, and is crafted like any other non-magical crafting. You do not need the Craft Wondrous Item feat to use this ability, nor do you need to meet any prerequisites to craft the item. The caster level of the wondrous item is equal to the normal caster level for that item.

Perfect Craftsman (Ex) At level 10, the craftsman finds even faster ways of working. Whenever you spend a day crafting, a successful check result multiplied by the DC gives you progress in gp, likewise a week's crafting is now measured in pp. Whenever you spend an hour crafting, a successful check result multiplied by the DC gives you progress in sp. Furthermore, you can divide you time into smaller parts, crafting in just 10 minutes. Whenever you spend 10 minutes crafting, a successful check result multiplied by the DC gives you progress in cp.

Craftsman Spell List: Craftsman can create potions/wands of spells from this list.

Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Burning Hands, Expeditious Retreat.

Level 2: Cat’s Grace, Bull’s Strength, Cure Moderate Wounds, Scorching Ray.

Level 3: Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic Vestment.

Expanded Craftsman Spell List Higher level Craftsman can use this list for their potions/wands as well. If they have spells known from other classes, those spells cannot be used here.

1st Level: Silent Image

2nd Level: Touch of Idiocy

3rd Level: Fireball

4th Level: Summon Monster IV (always summons Fire Elemental, Large), Divine Power, Stoneskin

Craftsman Wondrous Item List Craftsman can make the following wondrous items using Perfect Alchemist. Other classes cannot add to this list.

Elixir of Truth, Elixir of Vision, Elixir of Hiding, Elixir of Fire Breath

Dust of Dryness, Dust of Illusion, Dust of Tracelessness

Bag of Tricks, Grey; Pearl of Power, 1st; Handy Haversack

Eyes of the Eagle, Cloak of Elvenkind

Feather Token, Tree; Silversheen

Marvelous Pigments

Playing a Craftsman

Combat: A Craftsman's role in combat will likely vary depending on what class they were before becoming a craftsman, but their biggest job (gearing everyone up) is over before the battle even begins.

Advancement: Craftsmen might want to consider either levels in Rogue (for the 8+int skill points) or Wizard (to get and use Item Creation Feats).

Resources: Most Craftsmen work on their own, with maybe an apprentice or two, therefore they don't have much in the way of resources to call on.

Craftsmen in the World

When a work lifts your spirits and inspires bold and noble thoughts in you, do not look for any other standard to judge by: the work is good, the product of a master craftsman

Craftsmen are the source of the best arms and armor short of magic in the world. Hence almost any city would welcome a craftsman to ply their craft.

Organization: Craftsmen have no real network or connection to other craftsman. The closest thing you will find to organization is one master craftsman (at least Craftsman 5, likely around 7) and a few apprentices (around Craftsman 2 or 3).

NPC Reactions: Most NPC’s have no reaction to a lower level craftsman, as they just seem to be an above average crafter. As the craftsman uses their more complex abilities, reactions change. People tend to want these better tools. Word spreads, as people start traveling to see, and to buy.

Craftsman Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Local) can research Craftsmen to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Local)
11Craftsmen are artisans of great skill.
16They can create weapons and armor with unusual properties, that might be of use in battle.
21The greatest of them can recreate magical effects with alchemy.
26Those that reach this level of success can research specific craftsmen, their legends, motives, whereabouts, and plans.

Craftsmen in the Game

Craftsman can really fit into any campaign, as almost any story has room for the guy who makes the powerful weapons. The variety of things they can make ensures that something useful is almost always possible; while the speed abilities make sure the abilities can be used, even in a group with low down time. Craftsmen can be fun to play, but are intended for those who are fine with playing a support role. As long as there is some down time (even just the casters needed time to prepare spells) the craftsman can do its job.

Adaptation: In lower magic campaigns, this class goes up in power greatly. To combat this, if you are running a low magic campaign, shorten this class to 5 levels, just dropping any abilities gained after that point.

Sample Encounter: While on the road, the PC’s come across a wandering salesperson, with great things for sale, if they’d like to take a look…

EL 6: Aldath Vesem: Male human expert 3/craftsman 3; CR 6; Medium humanoid HD 6d6; hp 24; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11; DR 2/-; Base Atk +4; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee (1d6+1, short sword [destroying weapon]); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6+1, short sword [destroying weapon]); SQ Crafter's Edge, Alchemist, Special Techniques, Swift Craftsman, Maker’s Knowledge, Power of Gems, Greater Alchemist; AL NG; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Craft (Armorsmithing) +17, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +17, Craft (Alchemy) +17, Craft (Bowmaking) +14, Craft (Gemcutting) +14, Appraise +17, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (Local) +11. Skill Focus (Craft [Armorsmithing]), Skill Focus (Craft [Weaponsmithing]), Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]), Skill Focus (Appraise)

Crafter's Edge (Ex): Aldath gains a +3 bonus to all Craft checks and all Appraise checks.

Alchemist (Ex): Aldath may craft alchemical items, even though he isn't a spellcaster.

Special Techniques (Ex): Aldath can apply special modifiers to weapons and armor he crafts.

Maker’s Knowledge (Ex): Aldath is treated as proficient with any weapon (including bows) or armor that he crafted on his own.

Swift Craftsman (Ex): Aldath has the ability to craft items faster than normal.

Power of Gems (Ex): Aldath has the ability to create jewelry that grants the wearer greater levels of skill and power.

Greater Alchemist (Ex): Aldath has the ability to create non-magical versions of certain potions.

Possessions: Padded armor [padded armor effect], short sword [destroying weapon effect], 2 alchemist fires, potion of cure light wounds [non-magical], ring of sustain core, 2 thunderstones, various wares.

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gollark: I mean, that doesn't make it simpler unless you drop the cross-server aspect.
gollark: Basically:- messaging between computers within CC (via modems) is easy- adding security to that is hard- for messaging between servers, you need to use an HTTP server of some sort to relay messages- you can program one yourself or use an existing service- programming one yourself allows you to handle stuff like user accounts on the server, making security easier
gollark: ... do you want me to simplify my explanations, or something?
gollark: Plus, you can't get discussion between multiple people like this.
gollark: Yes, the different style of interaction is also problematic.
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