Cosmic Dragon (5e Race)

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Cosmic Dragon

Long ago when the earth gods were new thier lived a peaceful but strong and intelligent race, living on distant dying star were the Cosmic Dragons, no one knows who the first one was or how they were created but one thing was for sure they were born unique as well with powers with limitless potential, some gods saw this and thought nothing of it but their are some who did not hesitate to kill this new race acting as if they were friends few of the gods sought to take these dragons lives and now with a world in dismay no one knows where to find these special dragons.

Physical Description

Cosmic Dragons are dragons who stand erect and on average stand 10feet tall. Males are typically 12 to 13 feet as well females 11 to 12 feet their scales are a dark and blue sheen with tiny stars that sprinkled around them. Cosmic Dragons are also born with a set of horns each unique in its own way durable are sharp they make doable weapons. Lastly are the dragons claws and wings vast wings aid in flying and a cosmic dragon is at its happiness flying at midnight with their wings stretched out.


The Cosmic Dragons lived for generations on thier own planet, when the gods of the mortal realms visited the Comic Dragons and quickly befriend them but what seems with no warning the gods attacked, rumors state that there was a trickster god who toyed with others gods saying that no mere mortal race can posses god like potential. The attacking gods launched a genocide on the planet with nowhere to turn the oldest as well as the most powerful of the Cosmic Dragons Arkanos fought back against them bringing with him the strongest of warriors after what seemed like forever Akrkanos fell but not before ordering his kin to hide with the other mortals and hide their identity for their own safety. Do to the what happened the Cosmic Dragons traversed the space and found themselves on a new planet and quickly became friends with the other mortals of the realm but little do they know the gods that almost exterminated them rule over this world.

Family Houses

The Cosmic Dragons pride themselves with how close and how important family is, although the house system was fairly new to the Cosmic Dragons they have used it before on their home planet but now it is more important now then ever before. The Comic Dragon of household is always representing their clan at all times although they do not strive to be perfect in every way, failing in anything is absolutely devastating to these dragons especially when it comes to holding up to their families discipline. Comic Dragons houses started back on their planet but after arriving here they started over, a house is started when male and female Cosmic Dragon are married and has their first child and owns their own patch of land, once a house is created all Cosmic Dragons born into that house cannot start there own unless they receive permission from the primary authority of the house they belong to (the mother and father) if such a Cosmic Dragon does receive permission their family crest changes into something completely unique to them mostly pertaining to something the dragon believes in the most such as force of personality or strength that the dragon has. Those who do not get married are not necessarily bullied or looked down upon but have no sway in political decisions made by other houses because they are still seen as children, say if two families were to trade land for cattle, food, or even battle for it the unmarried Cosmic Dragons have no voice in how things are played out no matter how much they agree or disagree. Cosmic Dragons view of love is most different from other races their view on the matter comes from self worth as well as honor and loyalty to one’s partner and it’s no secret when two dragons begin to court just about everyone in the culture make it easier for them mostly by asking the couple to go hunting together or gather together and once a bond is made with the couple both houses arrange a feast as well as a marriage where a Comic Dragon dance is performed. The Cosmic Dragon last for roughly 5 minutes where both the male and female dragon interlock their arms and fly straight up and try to stay aloft if they are not in sync they will plummet to the earth. A failed dragon dance is seen has a great failure in Cosmic Dragon culture, when the two dragons court they are free to practice the dance as many times as they want but no amount of practice means they are right for each other, after a successful dance is complete they are given the blessing of both families and are now married as the female family crest changes to match the males, from there they live their lives as any other but this time they do everything thing together even if it means going into combat.


Cosmic Dragon society consists of mostly gathering while primitive the tools they use are proficient in getting jobs done, the joy of gathering is something that other races do not understand from the biggest trees to the small amount of dirt Cosmic Dragons will find use for it. Cosmic Dragons are in the least amount of ways greedy especially when it comes to money and apparel, money is how much a person owns such as house,cattle,land etc. If a Cosmic Dragon wishes to gain land he must first find it and claim it or battle for it. The Males in Cosmic Dragon society gain with a Crest like mark on there chest when they enter manhood each one is unique and resembles so kind action the dragon did and each crest closely resembles the OmniCrest an infinity loop with a small line through it only Arkanos had this crest. The women of a household are born their fathers crest on their left palm until they are married off at which the crest will glow and transform into there husbands crest signifying union ship. While Cosmic Dragon society is male dominated due to there adept fighting style and well as large build the male dragons are primarily protesters,hunters and providers for instance if a Cosmic Dragon wants to impress a female they do so by finding the biggest game he could find or by someway of showing their potential mate will be well guarded. The females also have a roll in Cosmic Dragon society the females are caregivers, nurtures, and teachers. They mostly teach the short history of what they have as well as the other culture of the many races. Both male and female have a goal and that’s to keep their dying race alive a mother lays one to two eggs every generation and do not move from that spot until the eggs have hatched due to this she cannot care for herself, the males when there mate lays eggs spends his days looking for food as well as the ghost of Arkanos. The one belief that all Cosmic Dragons have is of the first recorded Cosmic Dragon named Arkanos he stood taller than the average kin and was stronger than a giant so they say, Arkanos died fighting the gods but his soul dwells in a plane of existence that only dead Cosmic Dragons can enter but Arkanos can slip out of this space for a small amount of time to talk to the new fathers that are hunting. If a dragon is lucky enough to find Arkanos they have until sundown to talk to him, Arkanos will converse with them as well as offer a advice as well as a blessing of Health, strength, and courage.

Cosmic Dragon Names

Cosmic Dragons have personal names given at birth, but they put their clan names first as a mark of honor. A childhood name or nickname is often used among clutchmates as a descriptive term or a term of endearment. But after a Cosmic Dragon does something of worth of honor or in some cases something idiotic they receive a new name based on what they did in some very rare coincidences two or even three Comic Dragons share the same first name this is where a clan names comes in a Cosmic Dragons puts there clan before anything else although all Cosmic Dragons clan names come from the legendary Arkanos after arriving in this new world the Cosmic Dragons took their immediate family and begun to make houses or clans for themselves and nothing is more beautiful than the joining of two houses.

Male: Uaxakmor, Tazcrath, Cimronkullaath, Aliroth,Urolin,Nyambian,Xarsashi Kildraalumer, Qelqull Darjucok Troujhan Kummirish Zralin,Kruulduush, Qelxan, Macceash, Vorvarax

Female:Emtec,Kokaryn, Thadalynn, Nisteshtaac, Erlirina, Kelmeanthuc Yrshann, Guccacmoc, Grigwen, Damtandruumic, Aripatys

Clan Names: Clethtinthiallor, Daardendrian, Delmirev, Drachedandion, Fenkenkabradon, Kepeshkmolik, Kerrhylon, Kimbatuul, Linxakasendalor, Myastan, Nemmonis, Norixius, Ophinshtalajiir, Prexijandilin, Shestendeliath, Turnuroth, Verthisathurgiesh, Yarjerit

Cosmic Dragon Traits

Built like other dragons Cosmic dragons are much larger and stronger than most humans
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Cosmic Dragons are known to live long and healthy lives and reach maturity at the same rate as humans but are not considered mature until they are married which is after about 100 years and usually die of old age around 900 years sometimes longer.
Alignment. While Cosmic Dragons rarely deal in the law they due have a code of honor and family tending to a more chaotic sort of alignment.
Size. Standing over 12 feet Cosmic Dragons are pretty tall your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and a flying speed of 20 feet Cosmic Dragons don’t fly much due to the fact that their wings are very dark and looks like the night sky and stand out during the day.
Superior Darkvision. Always active in the night your eyes have always been able to see in the dark even the darkest of caves. You have Darkvision up to 120 ft and can discern color if in complete darkness.
Cosmic Breath. Your very body like most dragons have the ability to exhale a destructive energy like all dragons do. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of a 15 ft. cone (con save) of exhalation must succeed a 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Cosmic Resistance. You are born with scales that provide you protection from magical harm. You have resistance to force damage.
Cry Of The Cosmos. All Cosmic Dragons have a cry that can render nearby enemies useless. As an action you can give a cry in a 25ft., a hostile creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw the same as your breath weapon, on a successful save the creature is unaffected and a failed save the creatures have disadvantage on their saving throws for the next minute. Once you use this ability you can not do so again until you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


Random Height and Weight

′ ″+lb.× () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8Personality Trait
(2 votes)

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gollark: I don't know how that happened.
gollark: Also, it then proceeded to stop my shell prompt running, because that calls out to external processes too.
gollark: `thread 'main' panicked at 'Could not spawn the process.: Os { code: 1, kind: PermissionDenied, message: "Operation not permitted" }'` after a lot of tput runs.
gollark: Were you not also making a term reimplementation for actual terminals? Which ended up inefficiently calling out to tput constantly? Which according to my benchmark was incredibly slow and also eventually crashed?
gollark: Lua would kind of make more sense.
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