Colossus (5e Race)

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Physical Description

Colossus are construct creatures usually made of stone. They are all anthropogenic and shape in size, almost like an unfinished human.
They look like large humans but lack any reproductive organs. Usually, somewhere on their body,
typically on their shoulders or on their lower arms, is a weapon which the colossus can fire as an action.



Constructs are either animated objects or any type of artificially constructed creatures.
Most constructs are non-intelligent automatons with neither a soul nor a purpose beyond service to their creator.
Because few constructs are truly alive, usually operated only by a "spark" of life, most are immune to attacks that target the living.
Colossus are familiar to constructs; statues that are much bigger than life size that have been brought to life with powerful magic or by
extreamly creative minds, able to create the most innovative machines and creations.


Colossus Society is the end level of IQ test in the world.
Requirements for the Colossus Society is 180 point sd 15,
and be conducted or chaired by Markus Olympia / Markus Olympic / Markus Olympus.
My IQ point is 1/, much more than 250-300 points.

Colossus Names

Genderless because of no anatomy: The only limit is your imagination... Unity, Sekkya, Ushiku, Kannon, Jesus Christ...

Colossus Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 3, your Constitution score increases by 4, your Charisma score increases by 3, and your Intelligence score decreases by 4. Because of your insanity you can increase all ability scores above 20 using this feature.
Age. Depending on what subrace you chose, you either age as fast as the creature controlling the colossus, or you do not age at all.
Alignment. Colossus that have gained a free will, usually disagree with the abitions of their creator, thus your alignment varies.
Size. Colossus vary widely in height and build, from barely 4 feet to well over 16 feet tall. Your size is medium or large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet, but you are unable to benefit from the fly spell. Also you are unable to swimm, you walk on the bottom of any waters with a speed of 20 feet.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hardened Skin. Your natural AC is 10 + Con Mod + Wis Mod. Your base AC increases to 12 at 7th, and 14 at 14th level.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Awakened Colossus

Ability Score Increase. The Awakened Colossus was used for many decades untill it freed itself through some sort of anomaly. When chosing this Subrace you count as an aberration. Your Intelligence score increases by 7, your Strength score increases by 1.
Magic Reinforcement. You have advantage on saving throws against magical effects. It is often misunderstood, but to clarify; Dispel magic does one thing:"End spells on its target." It does nothing to other magical effects. Therefore you are not vulnerable to this spell. It's important to note that antimagic field is not permanent, and any magical properties return outside of the field.
Construct. Immune to mind-altering ,poison ,sleep ,paralysis ,stunning ,disease-related , and death effects. Neither do constructs require sleep or take part in any metabolic activities, such as eating or breathing.
Ultimate Defence. To activat/deactivate this trait you have to sacrifice half your movement and your bonus action. You can enter a stance which gives you resistance against all damage. While in this stance you cannot use your reaction to attack, and your Speed is reduced to 0. In addition you automatically fail all Dexterity saving throws as long as you are in this stance.

True Construct

Ability Score Increase. You are a nonmagical construct. Your Intelligence score decreases by 2, your Strength score increases by 4 and, your Charisma score increases by 1.
Construct. Immune to mind-altering, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease-related, and death effects. Neither do constructs require sleep or take part in any metabolic activities, such as eating or breathing.
Weaponized. Three times per day you can fire the weapon mounted to your body; Medium size: Heavy Crossbow (1d10+dex piercing) Large size: Medium Ballista (3d12+9 piercing)

Moloch of Scientific Inquiry

Ability Score Increase. Chosing this subrace you can ignore the standard ability score changes. Your Strength score increases by 1, your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 10.
Hellfire Orb (1/day). The Colossus hurls a magical ball of fire that explodes at a point it can see within 120 feet of it. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes 35 (10d8) fire damage and 35 (10d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can only use Hellfire Orb at 7th level. Hellfire Orb doesn't cost you a spell slot, nor is it a spell when determining the effects of counterspell.

Power House

Ability Score Increase. Chosing this subrace you can ignore the standard ability score changes. Your Strength score is set to 3, your Constitution score decreases by 4, and you can increase your spellcasting ability by 7.
Construct. Immune to mind-altering, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease-related, and death effects. Neither do constructs require sleep or take part in any metabolic activities, such as eating or breathing.
Magic Reinforcement. You have advantage on saving throws against magical effects. It is often misunderstood, but to clarify; Dispel magic does one thing:"End spells on its target." It does nothing to other magical effects. Therefore you are not vulnerable to this spell. It's important to note that antimagic field is not permanent, and any magical properties return outside of the field.

Random Height and Weight

4′ 0″+1d20120 lb.× (2*(heightmod^2)) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(e.g. Size is 4 + 1d20(rolled 14) = 18 feet. --> Weight is 120*(14^2)*2 = 120*196*2 = 47040 lb. :) yes you are heavy... very heavy.)

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a Colossus character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
Hahaha... Your Personality ranges from absolute maniac to butterfly lover, couldn't hurt a fly, guy. Thus your traits, ideals, bonds and flaws vary from Colossus to Colossus.

d8Personality Trait
Is an anarchist.|
Usually chews non-food items (pens, buttons, sleeves, etc).|
Snores when sleeping.|
Tells “stories” with no point or conclusion.|
Has a gravelly voice.|
Frequently makes religious gestures and incantations.|
Is Evil.|
Is Good.|
Respect. All people, rich or poor, deserve respect. (Good)|
Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. (Any)|
Family. Blood runs thicker than water. (Any)|
Power. If I can attain more power, no one will tell me what to do. (Evil)|
Self-Knowledge. If you know yourself, there're nothing left to know. (Any)|
Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Any)|
I will get revenge on the evil forces that destroyed and ruined my livelihood.|
I swindled and ruined a person who didn't deserve it. I seek to atone for my misdeeds.|
Something important was taken from me, and I aim to steal it back.|
I protect those who cannot protect themselves.|
I pursue wealth to secure my safety.|
My isolation gave me great insight into a great evil that only I can destroy.|
Is a very bad cook.|
I let my need to win arguments overshadow friendships and harmony.|
My pride will probably lead to my destruction.|
Once someone questions my courage, I never back down no matter how dangerous the situation.|
I have trouble trusting in my allies.|
Don't expect me to save those who can't save themselves. It is nature's way that the strong thrive and the weak perish.|
(2 votes)

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gollark: I should have spent the extra 50KST or so for a RX 570 or something...
gollark: How about `pjals-needs-your-money`?
gollark: abc
gollark: Anyway, I ask because I have a GTX 1050 and get weird inexplicable freezes/crashes.
gollark: Since that's... well, stealing.
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