College of Luck
College of Luck
Bards of the College of Luck enjoy the thrill of gambling, implementing it into their wild fighting style. Unlike other colleges, these bards do not seek to turn luck in their favor, nor do they hone their skill in gambling to minimize the effects of luck. Instead, they see randomness as a natural part of the known world and they wish to take advantage of that luck in order to make their lives as exciting as possible. Bards belonging to this college are often gamblers and chaotic students who live for the thrill of risking it all
- Double or Nothing
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to tamper with your inspiration magic, snuffing it out entirely or multiplying it tenfold. As a reaction, you can double an inspiration dice. When doing so, roll a d20. Rolling an 11 or higher will double the inspiration dice but rolling a 10 or lower will get rid of it.
- Gambler's Fallacy
- Complete Randomness
At 6th level you gain the ability to snuff out skill, subjecting everything to the will of randomness. As an action, you can curse a creature within 30 feet of you, nullifying its skill. The affected creature cannot benefit from any modifiers to their roll for 10 minutes. You can use this ability once every short or long rest