College of Divination (5e Subclass)

College of Divination

Bard Subclass

Bards of the College of Divination have a more direct hand in the tellings of what fate and the world has in store for them and those around them. Weaving magic and knowledge together, they are able to divine and change the tides of a person's outcome at the drop of a hat - or perhaps more specifically, a card. Using a deck of magic cards that is unique to each member of the college, they can change the course fate has in store for them and those around them to a degree.

The primary motives of these bards lie in the power of knowing what is to come and using that understanding to take a stand against their future - for better or for worse. The members of this college are so few and far between, its rare for anyone to find another. Or perhaps they simply actively avoid one another, so as not to intertwine twisted fates in a karmic knot of misfortune upon both.

Call to Fortune

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to call forth cards from a magic tarot deck. This deck can be used as your spellcasting focus for your bard spells. Alternatively, you can spend 1 minute to separate the deck into its Major and Minor Arcana. At this time, it can no longer be used as a spellcasting focus. Instead, you can use your action to draw from the split deck, to a variety of effects. The split deck can be combined and shuffled at any point to be used as a spellcasting focus again as an interaction.

While your deck is split, you can use your action to draw one Major Arcana and one Minor Arcana. While you have cards drawn, you cannot draw any more. As part of the same action, or as an action during another turn, you can choose to Play, Redraw, or Return the drawn cards.

  • Play. You activate the magic of the cards drawn, triggering their effect, then returning them to your split tarot deck, or simply return the drawn cards to your deck without using their effect.
  • Redraw. You return the cards you currently have drawn to your deck, before drawing a new set of cards as normal. You can only Redraw once per turn.
  • Return. You return the cards you currently have drawn to your deck to no effect.

To determine your minor arcana, roll a d4 to determine the suit as listed below, followed by a d6 to determine the value of the minor arcana drawn.

Minor Arcana
Minor Arcana SuitD4 Die rollD4 Die rollMinor Arcana Suit

To determine your major arcana, roll a d22 (3d8 - 2) to determine the card as listed below.

Major Arcana
Major ArcanaD22 Die rollD22 Die rollMinor Arcana
I - The Magician112XII - The Hanged Man
II - The High Priestess213XIII - Death
III - The Empress314XIV - Temperance
IV - The Emperor415XV - The Devil
V - The Heirophant516XVI - The Tower
VI - The Lovers617XVII - The Stars
VII - The Chariot718XVIII - The Moon
VIII - The Hermit819XIX - The Sun
IX - Strength920XX - Judgement
X - Wheel of Fortune1021XXI - The World
XI - Justice11220 - The Fool

The properties of your cards are listed at the end of the page. A roll that is a repeat of a card otherwise not in your deck for whatever reason, is instead rerolled to determine a new card. Additionally, the effects granted by Major Arcana last 10 minutes, unless a specific duration is specified.


At 6th level, you learn two Divination spells of your choice from any classes. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the bard spellcasting table, or a cantrip. The chosen spells count as bard spells for you but don’t count against the number of bard spells you know. Additionally, Divination spells you cast have their duration doubled, and saving throws you make to maintain concentration on a Divination spell are made with advantage.

Furthermore, you draw one additional Minor Arcana whenever you draw for Minor Arcana for a total of two, and the value of your Minor Arcana is now determined by a d8. The value of each Minor Arcana is determined independently of each other. If you draw multiple cards of the same suit, you can only use the card with the highest value.


At 14th level, your perception of what is to come proceeds you, granting you ephemeral foresight. You cannot be surprised, and you gain proficiency in perception if you don’t already, or expertise if you do.

Furthermore, you draw one additional Minor Arcana whenever you draw for Minor Arcana for a total of three, and the value of your Minor Arcana is now determined by a d10. As a bonus action during your turn, you can expend one Bardic Inspiration to replace any one of your currently drawn cards with any other card available to you of the same type, of your choice. For example, you can swap your drawn Major Arcana for any other Major Arcana of your choosing. If you do so immediately after Drawing or Redrawing cards, you can play those cards as part of your action as normal.

Minor Arcana
  • Swords

The Swords add value to the cards you draw, increasing the variables of a card, as specified as part of the major arcana drawn. For example, a card that deals 1d4 damage might deal additional damage equal to a number of d4 equal the value of a swords card drawn.

  • Wands

The Wands add prominence to the cards you draw, increasing the range and radius of a card, as specified as part of the major arcana drawn.

  • Pentacles

The Pentacles add prevalence to the cards you draw, increasing the number of times the card effect can be used, or the number of targets the card can target on use, as specified as part of the major arcana drawn.

  • Cups

The Cups add versatility to the cards you draw. Whenever you draw a Cups card, you choose either Swords, Wands or Pentacles, and apply the effect of that suit to your drawn Major Arcana card, at the same value of the Cups card drawn.

Major Arcana
  • 0 - The Fool

The Fool is a unique card that is unaffected by Minor Arcana. Instead, draw a number of Major Arcana equal to 1 + the number of Minor Arcana you drew with this card. Choose one of the drawn Major Arcana, returning the others back to your deck, and either cast or hold it along with the Minor Arcana already drawn as normal. Once cast or held, you return The Fool to your deck and regain one spent Bardic Inspiration.

  • I - The Magician

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. The next spell that creature casts is instead cast at a spell slot level equal to or less than 1st + the value of any Swords cards drawn (maximum 9th level) or lower, without expending a spell slot.

  • II - The High Priestess

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. That creature gains a bonus equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn, to the next AC bonus, heal or temporary hit point bonus it receives. If the target would receive damage, end the effect of The High Priestess, and reduce the damage it would take to 0.

  • III - The Empress

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes Charmed for a number of minutes equal to 10 + (10 x the value of any Swords cards drawn). Creatures immune to being charmed are unaffected. At the end of each its turns, a creature can repeat this saving throw, ending its effects on a success.

  • IV - The Emperor

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets gain a bonus to their next attack roll and damage dice or heal dice equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn.

  • V - The Hierophant

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets gain a number of d4 in temporary hit points equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn.

  • VI - The Lovers

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are healed for a number of d4 in hit points equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn.

  • VII - The Chariot

You summon a number of spirits in the forms of loyal steeds, as per Find Steed, equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles cards drawn, into an unoccupied space within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you.

If you draw a 6 of Swords or higher, this can be cast as if Find Greater Steed instead.

  • VIII - The Hermit

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are granted invisibility, along with anything it is carrying or wearing for a number of minutes equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn. If a creature under this effect makes an attack or casts a spell, the effect ends.

  • IX - Strength

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets gain a bonus to all ability scores equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn (maximum of 30).

  • X - Wheel of Fortune

You conjure a number of ephemeral Wheel of Fortunes equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles cards drawn, within 10 + (10 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you. A wheel of fortune costs three of the same type of currency to play. Upon paying, the Wheel of Fortune spins, rewarding you 1d4 + the value of any Swords cards drawn of the same currency in return. The wheel of fortune lasts for 10 minutes after its most recent use, or until it is destroyed (10 AC, 1 HP). When the Wheel of Fortune is used, roll a d8. If the result is a 1 or 8, the Wheel of Fortune is immediately destroyed without dispensing a reward.

  • XI - Justice

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are granted one set of armour, a shield or a weapon they are proficient with of their choice, along with 5 x (a number of d4 equal to 1 + the value of any swords cards drawn) of any ammunition their weapon requires.

Equipment granted by XI - Justice is not magical, and cannot be shared with or given to another creature. Equipment granted by XI - Justice immediately disappears once it is no longer being wielded by the target.

  • XII - The Hanged Man

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are granted a fly speed of 20 + (10 x the value of any Swords cards drawn) feet for the duration.

  • XIII - Death

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you to make a constitution saving throw against your target's spell save DC (8 + proficiency bonus + charisma modifier if the creature doesn’t have spellcasting). If they fail the saving throw, they take 5d4 + (1d4 x the value of any Swords cards drawn) necrotic damage, or half as much on a success.

  • XIV - Temperance

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are cured of all conditions and ailments. If they are grappled, they are freed from the grapple and move to an unoccupied space within 5 feet. If they are prone, they can use their reaction to get up. The target creature gains a bonus to their AC equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn for 10 minutes, or until a creature succeeds an attack roll against them.

  • XV - The Devil

You summon a number of Fiend companions equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles cards drawn, into an unoccupied space within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you. The maximum creature rating of the Fiend you can summon is equal to 1d4 + the value of any Swords cards drawn. Creatures conjured in this way otherwise follow the same rules as creatures summoned by Summon Greater Demon.

  • XVI - The Tower

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. You create an impervious, immovable dome of protection that remains in place for a number of hours equal to 1d4 + the value of any drawn Swords cards drawn. The dome can be up to 10 + (10 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet in radius, centered on your target’s location, and creatures the target allows can pass through the boundary of the dome. However, the spell ends if the target creature leave its area.

For its duration, spells, attacks, effects, enviromental and weather conditions, and disallowed creatures cannot pass through the dome by any means, nor target any space, item or creature on the other side of the border of the dome itself.

  • XVII - The Stars

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are granted darkvision for 30 + (10 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet if they don’t already have darkvision until they finish a short or long rest. While The Stars is in effect, they always know which way is north, and upon receiving the blessing, are granted a number of motes of starlight equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn. These motes of starlight then orbit the targets head for its duration. At this time, they can target a creature within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of themself as a bonus action, and make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes an amount of radiant damage equal to 2d4 + (2d4 x the number of Swords cards drawn). Whether the attack hits or not, the mote is expended.

  • XVIII - The Moon

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are granted darkvision for 30 + (10 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet if they don’t already have darkvision until they finish a short or long rest. While The Moon is in effect, they always know which way is north, and upon receiving the blessing, are granting a lunar ward, causing a small moon to suspend itself above the target’s head that emits dim light for 10 feet. At the start of your target’s turn, the moon fires a chilling blast at the nearest hostile creature within 30 + (10 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet for an amount of cold damage equal to 1d4 + (1d4 x the value of any Swords cards drawn) and reducing their speed by a number of feet equal to 5 x the damage dealt until the end of their next turn.

  • XIX - The Sun

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are granted darkvision for 30 + (10 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet if they don’t already have darkvision until they finish a short or long rest. While The Sun is in effect, they always know which way is north, and upon receiving the blessing, are granting a solar ward, causing a small sun to suspend itself above the target’s head that emits bright light for 10 feet, and dim light for a further 10 feet. At the start of your target’s turn, the sun fires a searing blast at the nearest hostile creature within 30 + (10 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet for an amount of fire damage equal to 1d4 + (1d4 x the value of any Swords cards drawn) and reducing their AC by 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn until the end of their next turn. This reduction is doubled against creatures that are vulnerable to fire damage.

  • XX - Judgement

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets are granted invulnerability for a number of minutes equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn. During this time, they cannot make an attack action, and any damage they would deal is reduced to 0.

You then choose the same number of creatures within range, including yourself. Targets are granted vulnerability to all damage for a number of minutes equal to 1 + the value of any Swords cards drawn. During this time, any damage they deal is doubled, ignores resistances, and deals half damage against immunities.

  • XXI - The World

Choose up to a number of creatures equal to 1 + the value of any Pentacles drawn, within 30 + (30 x the value of any Wands cards drawn) feet of you, including yourself. Targets gain truesight, as well as vision through terrain and structures, out to 30 + (10 x the value of any Swords cards drawn) feet for a number of hours equal to 1d4 + the value of any Swords cards drawn. If they already have truesight out to a range further than the effect listed by this card, increase the range of this cards effect to the same range as their truesight. While The World is in effect, targets can use their bonus action to teleport to an unoccupied space they can see within their truesight range.

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gollark: why.
gollark: Yes, mine too.
gollark: Well, yes.
gollark: I can charge my phone off my laptop, at least.
gollark: The cooling needed is quite triangular.
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