College of Boons (5e Subclass)

College of boons

All bards, regardless of race, gender or social class, start their career with one goal in mind; to master the art of music. However, nearly early every bard gets distracted by artless violence or uncultured magic, preferring to develop their skills in wielding swords or fire rather than music. Not the students of the college of boons. These bards never stray from the path of music and are masters of wielding magic with their instruments to shape the world around them and assist their allies.

Boon points Upon entering the college of booning at third level, you gain the ability to use boon points. The number of boon points you have is equal to twice your bard level plus your charisma modifier. You regain all boon points after a short or long rest. After a successful musical performance that lasts longer than fifteen minutes and is performed for an audience of more than ten willing participants, you regain all expended boon points and inspiration dice.

Musical magic You can use playing your instrument as a replacement for any somatic or verbal costs to any bard spell.

Level 1 Boons: You can use your boon points to perform a number of actions called boons. The target creature must be able to hear your music in order to benefit or be harmed by the boon effects.

  • Boon of inspiration: When a creature rolls an inspiration die, you may use your reaction and one boon point to play a inspiring tune on your instrument to add 1d4 to that roll.
  • Boon of booms: Whenever a physical projectile flies towards or past you, you can use your reaction and two boon points to make a crescendo of noise with your instrument to modify the the speed of the projectile. Roll 2d4, then take the larger of the two values and either add or subtract the value from the projectiles damage.
  • Boon of harmony: When a creature casts a damaging spell, you can use your reaction and three boon points to play a tune that harmonizes magically with the spell. Extend the range of the spell by half of its original range and add your charisma modifier to the damage.

Magical performance At level six you are able to start to understand the true relationship between magic and music. You can spend one hour weaving bardic magic into your instrument to turn it into a magical instrument. You must hold the instrument with both hands in order for the magic to be potent enough to make have any effect on the world.

You may spend one of your turns turn to start playing a song on your magical instrument and can continue to play until the start of your next turn, upon which you either chose to continue your performance with your bonus action or end the performance without the need of an action. When you start playing your magical instrument, you may cast the Druidcraft cantrip once. The effects created only last until you stop playing.

While you are making a magical performance, you are able to weave level one boons into your performance without the need of a reaction. You can do so however many times as you wish as long as you have the required boon points. You may not use the same boon twice on the same creature's turn.

Inspirational performance Every turn after the first that you take to play on your musical instrument, you may make a performance check. If the check is a 20 or higher you regain a single inspiration die.

Magical music Pick one of the following abilities to embune your instrument with. When you are making your magical performance, that ability is active to all friendly creatures that can hear your performance and is within twenty feet of you. An instrument may only have one magic ability at a time and you may only have one magical instrument at a time.

  • Sounds of defense: All non hostile creatures gain +1 to AC.
  • Sounds of strength: Add +1 to all damage dice rolled by non hostile creatures.
  • Sounds of courage: All non hostile creatures have advantage to rolls against being frightened and charmed.

level 2 boons: When you reach level six, you also learn three Additional boons.

  • Boon of the piper: For four boon points and your bonus action, you play an entrancing tune on your instrument to attract animals. Any small, non hostile creatures of 1\8th CR and of int of 4 or lower that can hear even the faintest bit of your music are attracted to you and are placed in a trance and are under your control. On your turn you can give them simple instructions to either attack or move. If these creatures takes any damage, they flee. If there are no eligible animals present, your performance goes dreadfully off-key.
  • Boon of rhythms: When a creature makes physical attacks on their turn, you may spend your reaction and five boon points to play a rhythmic tune. Each consecutive attack gets +1 to its attack roll for every attack that came before it and the boon lasts until a friendly creature makes any action other than attacking. The bonus can go no higher than +5.
  • Boon of heroes: As a reaction, you can spend six boon points to play a heroic tune alongside an attacking creature. When the creature makes a non magical melee attack you can add half your charisma modifier rounded down to any attack and damage rolls that the creature makes for that turn and any opportunity attacks made against that creature until your next turn have disadvantage.

Musical awareness At level 9, you better understand the connections between magic and music. You may perform level two boons freely while you are making a magical performance. You can do so however many times as you wish as long as you have the required boon points. You may not use the same boon twice on the same creature's turn.

Level three boons At level 14 you gain five extra boon points and are able to perform the following boons:

  • Boon of quickening: For seven boon points, you can use your action to play a powerful, magical tune on your instrument directed on a non hostile creature. If the creature takes their next action to cast a spell that takes an action to cast, it instead takes only one bonus action to cast.
  • Boon of action: If you take your action to cast a bard spell, you can use eight boon points to duplicate the spells magic with music so you can cast the same spell on a different target. (Only works with single target spells, no area of effect or a chance of hitting another creature like Eldritch Blast)
  • Boon of restoration: For nine boon points you can play a powerful song as your action that restores energy. Pick one creature, that creature gains all the effects from taking a long rest but the restoration of health and spell slots. Points (ki points, superiority die, inspiration die, etc.) equal to your charisma modifier are restored. The number of superiority die restored is equal to half your charisma modifier rounded down.

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