Clugs (3.5e Race)

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Have you heard the phrase, "Two Heads Are Better Than One"? Well, it's true. Most of the time.

Physical Description

Clugs are very strange looking to most other races, with their dark blue skin, 4 arms, and 2 heads. Clugs have almost monstrous strength. Their two heads sometimes are a hindrance, one head having different personality to the other. But most times the heads have an intelligent coexistence with each other.


No one knows where the Clugs came from for sure; Some say that they were a mad mage's experiment to combine two orcs together; Some say that they were originally 1 single orc who sold his soul to demons for power and knowledge; And some say that they're just a freak of nature.


Clugs are shunned in societies run by Humans and Elves for their strange appearance. Most live in Dwarvish or Orcish society because they are praised for their great mining strength or their strength in battle. Clugs do not have their own society, preferring not to socialize with each other.

Clugs Names

Clugs generally don't have names specific to their own kind. They mostly choose names of the society that they live in.h,

Male: Names from Dwarvish or Orcish society.

Female: Names from Dwarvish or Orcish society.

Clugs Traits

Clugs are intelligent and strong, with their 4 arms and 2 heads.
Ability Score Increase. +2 Strength
Age. Clugs mature usually around 40 years old and can live as long as 250 years.
Alignment. Many Clugs are Chaotic, if their heads argue with each other constantly. Otherwise, they are mostly neutral, and never lawful due to their treatment in civilized societies.
Size. Clugs can be from 6 to 8 feet tall, and can weigh up to 300 lbs. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. With your four arms, your climbing speed is 40 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 100 feet of you as if it was bright light, and 50 feet in darkness as if it was dim light. You cannot discern colors in darkness, only shades of grey.
Two Heads. Each of your heads has its own set of eyes, nostrils, and ears. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight, smell, and hearing.
Four Arms. You can wield up to four single-handed weapons or up to two two-handed weapons. If you use all of your arms to attack a creature, you have disadvantage on all your attack rolls. Also, you have advantage on grapple checks
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Clug, and one of your choice from Dwarf, Orc, and Troll. Clug is a language with many slurred vowels and hard consonants. It is written in the Dwarvish script.
Subrace. There are two types of Clug: Magickish Clugs and Brutish Clugs. Choose one.

Magickish Clugs

Ability Score Increase. +2 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
Innate Spellcasting. Choose two 1st-level spells from the spell list of a class that uses the ability you chose to increase your ability scores with this subrace (For example, Wizard for Intelligence, Druid or Cleric for Wisdom, and Bard, Sorcerer or Warlock for Charisma). You can cast each of these spells once each short rest. Starting at 3rd level, choose two 2nd-level spells from the same spell list, and at 5th level, choose two 3rd-level spells from the same spell list. You can cast each of these spells once each long rest. Your spell save DC for these spells is 6 + your proficiency modifier + the ability that you chose to increase with this subrace and your spell attack modifier is the same, minus 6.
Multiple Magickal Hands. During your turn, if you use a spell of 1st level or below as your action, you can cast the same spell as a bonus action, and you do not expend a spell slot (if you have spell slots).
Additional Proficiency. You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill.

Brutish Clugs

Ability Score Increase. +1 Constitution
Barrage Of Fists. You can make four unarmed attacks per turn. Your damage die with unarmed strikes is a 1d4. When you reach 3rd level, your unarmed strikes become 1d6, and when you reach 5th level, they become 1d8.
Arguing Heads. You cannot make decisions easily. You take twice as long to travel over long distances through poor conditions such as extreme cold or heat, as well as traveling through a maze.
Dual Personality. Each of your heads has its own personality traits and flaws.

Random Height and Weight

Table: Clugs Random Height and Weight
Base HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
5′10″+1d10 and +1d12 feet200 lbs.×1d10 lb.

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gollark: That was a joke.
gollark: If you don't know how it works, people trying to exploit it won't either!
gollark: Sounds great!
gollark: Perhaps there are test vectors somewhere.
gollark: So random shoved together implementations are okay as long as the results are the same.
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