Circle Of Fae (5e Subclass)

Circle Of Fae

The Circle Of Fae at its core is the pure manifestation of the Fae’s magic. As a result only natural born fae may use this power as it lies within them. There are however rumors of non fae who are granted this power by being in an arch fae’s favor or through befriending a Fairy. The power of the Fae is filled with whimsical delight however some Fae twist their power and turn delight into horror. (Dev note some numbers and features might be changed around but everything is pretty solid)


At 2nd level choose a court to serve as typical for most Fae. Your court will determine extra features you will receive down the line. Once you gain access to these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you. If you already know one of the given cantrips you may choose a different one from the druid spell list.

Seelie Court- A whimsical court at the heart of the feywilds ruled by the beautiful kind Titania. The majority of fae are in this court and mostly live carefree lives in the glade and are generally very friendly, helpful ,and curious. Fae in this court are usually kind tricksters who live in harmony with nature.The Seelie court has a strong affinity with light ,nature ,and enchantment.

Unseelie Court- A dark jagged distorted version of the seelie court, this court is ruled by the Queen Of Air and Darkness whos name is lost to history, once sister to Titania and duchess to the Seelie court her heart desired darkness and evil, she represents the corrupted and evil buried the heart of the fey, the once kind pranks pulled by the fae are turned to misery and torture, fey who turned evil seek her out to be in her court and serve her as she allows them to embrace their inner darkness. Fae in this court are mostly evil with little regard to life and don’t respect nature but rather force their will upon it. The Unseelie court has an affinity for darkness, illusion and frost.

The Wild Court -The wild court, not necessarily a court but rather a term for Fae who don’t really align with a court and rather live in the wild and have a strong connection to animals as well as nature, despite not being in a court wild fae hold a respect for Titania and even call her for aid sometimes much like the members of the seelie court. The wild court specializes in being resourceful and using local animals for aid.

Seelie Spells
Druid LevelSpells
2ndGuiding Bolt,
3rdMirror Image, Blur
5thAura of vitality, spirit guardians
7thGrasping Vine, Death Ward
9thDream, Dawn

You also know the Dancing Lights Cantrip

Unseelie Spells
Druid LevelSpells
2ndSilent Image,
3rdInvisibility, Darkness
5thEnemies Abound, Fear
7thGreater Invisibility , Ice Storm
9thMislead, Cone of Cold

You also know the Ray Of Frost Cantrip

Wild Spells
Druid LevelSpells
2ndFind familiar,
3rdBeast Sense , Flock of Familiars
5thTongues, Conjure Animals
7thConjure Woodland Beings , Locate Creature
9thGeas, Seeming

You also know the Friends Cantrip


  • Upon choosing this circle you gain the ability to change/prepare cantrips each day along with your regular spells. In addition Polymorph and True Polymorph are druid spells for you and you may add them to your prepared spells for the day if you have the appropriate spell slots these count against your number of prepared spells.
  • You have the ability to use your wild shape ability on a willing creature.
  • You can only have 1 person other than yourself transformed at a time. Upon becoming an arch druid you can have up to 2 other people transformed not including yourself at a time. If the limit is exceeded the wildshape will not effect the newest target
  • The rules still apply as normal however the target can only change back when the time runs out or you if expend an action for them to turn to normal, they can’t revert on their own. Also you can’t turn them into a beast they’ve seen but you haven’t.
  • You also gain a telepathic link with who you cast Wild Shape on if you share a language.
  • You may also attempt to use wild shape on an unwilling creature, if so they must succeed on a wisdom saving throw against your spell save dc or be transformed.
  • Upon gaining beast shapes you and whoever you cast wild shape on gain the ability to speak in animal form.
  • You are able to revoke any benefit someone you cast Wild Shape receives as a will action or upon initial transformation.
  • The casting and dispel range of wild shape is 120 feet and the telepathic link range is 300 feet. Wild Shape persists on the target regardless of distance or plane.
  • The limit an unwilling creature remains under the effects of normal wildshape is capped at 3 hours. The cap doesn't apply to a creature who is now unwilling after being willing when the wildshape was cast on it.
  • Upon becoming an arch druid you may only perform a number of wilds shapes on willing targets equal to your wisdom modifier per long rest.
  • Upon becoming an arch druid you may only attempt a number unwilling transformations equal to your wisdom modifier per long rest.
  • The limit of wildshapes per long rest on willing and unwilling targets are separate values and don't effect each other.
  • Any type of wildshape transformation you perform doesn't require concentration.

Boon Of The Court

Upon reaching 10th level your power of whimsy grows giving your wildshape additional effects which aren’t restricted by your court choice. But you gain one free charge of the effect that matches your court allowing you to cast it once per long rest without using a wildshape charge.Upon becoming arch druid you gain the ability to cast the court whimsey matching your court as a bonus action

Seelie Court: Enchanted Growth

Use your magic to enchant yourself or allies

  • You can use wild shape to increase the size of a target by one value and anything tiny or small by two values as shown below.

Tiny (Small,Medium) Small (Medium,large) Medium (large) Large (huge) Huge (gargantuan)

  • If the target has become larger than medium they gain advantage on Strength Checks , Strength Saving Throws, and Intimidation while that size. However they have disadvantage on stealth.
  • The target's Weapons are also enchanted, allowing the target's Attacks with them to have your wisdom modifier added to its damage regardless of what size the target becomes.
  • Any growth larger than medium last for 2 mins
  • Any growth medium or smaller has the same duration as wild shape.
  • If the creature is in an enclosed area it will either grow the max amount of room it’s allotted or it could or break through the structure (DM’s discretion)
  • If a small or tiny target’s weapon suffers damage reduction due its size, the reduction is removed for the duration they are grown, they also gain extra attack damage of your wisdom modifier regardless.
  • This cannot be cast on a creature while it is already under its effects meaning it can’t be stacked.
  • You may also choose to bestow just the weapon damage enchant cause the target to not growing in size.
  • Targets under the effect of Enchanted Growth count towards the wildshape limit. (You may only have 1 target not including yourself be affected by wildshape at a time, 2 targets not including yourself upon becoming arch druid)
  • Casting enchanted growth counts towards the number of willing wildshapes you may perform per long rest.

Unseelie Court: Sweet Shape

You can use wildshape to turn your enemy into a helpless treat.

  • Roll a 3d10 and choose any creature in a 120 feet range that’s in your line of sight, no attack roll needs to be made. If the roll matches or exceeds that targets hp they are transformed into a treat.
  • If the roll doesn't meet or surpass the targets hp they take half the damage rounded down of bludgeoning damage from the roll.
  • The roll is increased to 4d10 at level 17.
  • If you trick a creature into becoming a willing target the roll will be maximum value and you add your wisdom modifier and druid level to it.
  • Upon successfully transforming a target into a treat their inventory, armor and weapons drop
  • You must roll a 1d8 to determine the effect and how many servings the treat has or you may just choose d1 for the effect.

1: 1 serving, the eater gains 5 extra speed for 1 hour

2: 4 servings, the eater gains 10 extra speed for 1 hour

3: 1 serving, the eater coughs up 3d8 gold

4: 4 servings, the eater coughs up 2d8 gold

5: 1 serving, heals the eater for 4d4+(Wis Mod)

6: 4 servings, heals the eaters for 4d4+(Wis Mod)

7: 1 serving, restores spell slots to the eater. They choose what kind of effect 3 1st level spell slots, 2 2nd level spell slots or 1 3rd level spell slot.

8: 4 servings, The eater gain a shield of 3d4+4 in temporary hit points. The shield disperses after they take a long rest or 24 hours have past. Each eater can only have this effect once per long rest.

  • Each serving counts as a full meal and it takes 1 turn to eat a serving
  • Eaters can only stomach 2 servings per long rest, trying to have any additional will result in having to make a constitution save with a dc of 10, and each additional serving attempted increases the dc by 5. Failing the save results in 1 level of exhaustion.
  • The dc save reset back to 10 upon long rest.
  • Once transformed into a treat the target remains in that form forever.
  • If the creature is technically living you can dispel the transformation as an action in a 120 foot range, the creature returns to normal but has 1 hp and suffers the exhausted status.
  • After being transformed into a treat the creatures hp is 1 and its life span is 7 days. After 7 days have past it spoils and dies this death is considered old age. The creature is also considered dead if a serving has been taken from it this is considered unnatural death
  • Its Wisdom Intelligence and charisma remain the same but their constitution strength and dexterity are reduced to 1. Also It is immobile and has no limbs.
  • The creature can see and hear in a radius of 15 feet and you choose if it can speak and if it has a face. You may give and take this ability from it at will. If you allow it a face its hearing and vision are increased to match its original value.
  • Any intimidation against a target in this form automatically succeeds. However if the information you're trying to get from it is very important its form may crumble due to stress (dm discretion)
  • If crumbled it is still edible and eaters gain the effects but it is considered dead
  • Targets transformed into a treat by sweet shape don't apply to the amount of targets you may have transformed with wildshape at a time.
  • Casting Sweet shape counts against the number of unwilling wildshapes you may perform per long rest.

Wild Court: Wild Summon

Call to the wild for aid

  • You can use wildshape to summon a creature in 5 feet of you.
  • Follows normal wildshape guidelines.
  • The creature summoned isn’t sentient and you control it cannot be charmed.
  • You may only have one summoned creature attempting to summon a second one dispels the original creature summoned.
  • If its afflicted with blindness or deafness it draws from your senses allowing it to hear and see what you see.
  • You can also see and hear through the eyes of this creature without compromising your own senses.
  • If the summon is over 400ft away from you it is dispelled
  • You may dispel your summon at anytime without consuming any type of action
  • Upon gaining beast shapes you may talk through the summon
  • The summon acts on its own turn right after yours.
  • The Summon counts against the amount of targets that can be under wildshape.
  • Summoning a creature counts against the number of willing wild shapes you may perform

Fae Flesh

Upon reaching 14th level, Your affinity with transformation magic grows. You add your wisdom modifier a second time when performing saving throws against any type of polymorph or transformation effect targeted at you. In addition if you succeed the saving throw by any means, the spell targets the caster and they fall under the effects of the polymorph or transformation they tried to cast on you.

Twice per long rest you may expend a spell slot of 4 or higher to automatically succeed upon a saving throw against becoming polymorphed or transformed if you failed the throw/save for it.

You also gain extra features to the reincarnate spell

  • You gain the ability to either return as your original race you died as or the race rolled for you when reincarnate is cast on you.
  • If you had reincarnate cast on you before you gain this perk you may choose within the hour you gain this ability to transform back into your original race.
  • Targets you cast reincarnate on may add or subtract up to a maximum value of your wisdom modifier upon their reincarnate roll.
  • You may cast reincarnate on a living willing target but the gp cost is increased by 200 when cast this way.
  • When cast on a living target the spell doesn't make a new body and instead changes their existing body.
  • The living target also suffered level 1 exhaustion until they finish a long rest.

Blessing Of The Fae

Due to most fae not aging they have found a way to modify their timeless body perk. Upon reaching 18th level and gaining timeless body you may choose two different effects below.

You don't have to make the choices as soon as you reach level 18 and may wait as long as you want or you may make one and save the other for later. But while you're undecided you don't get the effects of timeless body.

The only effects you may pick twice is giving someone the timeless body perk or gaining access to wish, however a single target cannot receive timeless body twice. And upon choosing wish twice you lose the 33% chance to lose access to the spell penalty as well as the strength drop penalty when you cast wish in a unique way. However you still retain the necrotic damage debuff casting wish in a unique way causes.

  • Give yourself the timeless body perk.
  • Gain the ability to give one target in a 5 foot range the timeless body perk.
  • Add Wish to the list of spells you may prepare each day.
  • Double the amount of unwilling wildshapes you may perform per long rest upon reaching level 20
  • Double the amount of willing wildshapes you may perform per long rest upon reaching level 20.
  • Increase the limit of how many targets you may have transformed other than yourself by 1 .

Once you make your choices you may not undo them.

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gollark: Yes.
gollark: So stuff appears to still be mostly *functioning*, but I can't do much because something something load average of 15.
gollark: You're in Hong Kong. This is 3 distance → light speed latency.
gollark: is still working.
gollark: Good.
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