Champion of the Light (Pathfinder Template)
Champion of the Light
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Pathfinder Summary::Champions of the Light, or Truthblades, are Champions of the Gods that were rewarded for their exceptional Service with the Same Power, Freedom and Authority as the Gods themselves.
The Champions of the Light, or commonly called Truthblades, are among the most righteous and driven towards goodness of all beings, and among the most powerful. The Truthblades inspire awe among those of good, and terror among those of evil. Neutral beings feel both. Woe to those who stand against them, as a Truthblade is a terrible foe in battle.
Creating a Champion of the Light
This can be either inherited or acquired. To inherit it, one must acquire it from their patron deity, and then he must be born into another form. To acquire it, one must simply earn it.
Size and Type
Size remains unchanged. Base Attack Bonus is equal to HD, and Saves all equal to Twice HD.
Hit Dice
All HD is increased to d12, and acquires the maximum HP per HP, and the Wisdom Modifier is added to HP per HD in addition to Constitution.
Land is 50 ft. Gains Burrow, Climb, and Swim Speeds equal to Land. Lastly, the Truthblade gains a set of wings made of light, per HD, granting a Fly speed of 200 x HD.
Armor Class
- Gains Natural Armor equal to HD.
- Gains a Competence Bonus to AC equal to HD x 3.
- Retains Any Natural Weapons, and the Ability to Use Manufactured Weapons.
- Gains an Additional Natural Weapon of your Choice per HD, dealing 1d6 Damage.
- Gains a +10 Competence Bonus on all Attack Rolls.
- Deals Maximum Damage x HD on all Damage Rolls.
Full Attack
Same as Attack.
Special Abilities
- Detect Alignment = Can Detect the Exact Alignment of a Target, at will.
- True Healing = Can Heal 1d4 x HD HP, at will.
- Will Supremacy = Can Cause Absolutely Any Effects Wished, Once per Day per HD. Per 5 Character Levels, the Limit is Reduced by 1 Time Unit.
Special Attacks
- True Smite (Ex) = Can Use the Smite Evil Ability of a Paladin, Save that the Ability Grants a Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls Equal to HD x 10. Can be used at will.
- Divine Wrath (Ex) = This Ability Triples Damage Reduction and Regeneration, along with Tripling Total Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls. Can be used once per day per HD.
Special Qualities
- Agelessness (Ex) = The Base Creature's Maximum Lifespan is Increased to Infinite.
- Damage Reduction (Ex) = Gains DR/- equal to HD x 3.
- Divinity (Ex) = Automatically gains the Mythic Type and Deity Ranks equal to HD, along with the positive traits of 1d4 + HD Races, Creatures, Templates or Classes, of HD And Levels Equal to Character Level.
- Immunities (Ex) = Becomes Immune to 1d4 + HD things per HD.
- Regeneration (Ex) = Gains Regen/- equal to HD.
- Self-Resurrection (Ex) = When Dies, Automatically Resurrects regardless of any and all Conditions, a number of times per Day equal to 1 + HD.
- Self-Sustenance (Ex) = A Single Bodily Need is Negated per HD.
- Other Qualities (Ex) = Gains 3 + HD Special Qualities, per HD.
- Gains a Bonus equal to (4 x HD) to all Ability Scores.
- All Ability Score Modifiers equal their Respective Ability Scores.
- All Skills are Class Skills.
- Gains a Bonus equal to HD on All Skill Checks.
- Gains 1d4 Bonus Feats per HD.
- Can Make a Single Modification Per HD to Each Feat.
- Can Ignore up to 1 Prerequisite per HD, per Feat.
Challenge Rating
As base creature.
Any Good.
Both by HD and Class.