Chain Cloak (3.5e Equipment)
This is a man-sized sheet made of tiny interlocking metal rings, fit beneath two layers of quilt and wrapped in strong dark fabric. The cloak includes a thick collar of the same material, folded around the wearer’s neck and secured by a discreet, yet elegant silver clasp. The cloak can be entirely wrapped around a Medium-sized humanoid body. The chainmail sheet is crafted in such a way as to remain unnoticed by casual observers, although a successful Listen check (DC 15) discovers the clinking mail rings inside the apparently normal cloak.
A chain cloak gives the wearer a +1 armor bonus to his Armour Class. This bonus stacks with other armour bonuses.
A character with Shield Proficiency and at least one hand free can wrap the chain cloak around his arm, letting it hang in front of him. A chain cloak used in this fashion counts as an improvised shield, giving a +1 shield bonus to the wearer’s Armour Class in addition to its armour bonus. This shield bonus does not stack with other shield bonuses. A character using achain cloak in this fashion suffers a –2 penalty on all attack rolls for the same round. A chain cloak cannot be used to perform a shield bash attack.
Notes: A chain cloak is not an armor suit per se, so it does not have an associated maximum Dexterity bonus. Instead, wearing a chain cloak reduces the maximum Dexterity bonus imposed from other armor suits by one. If the character wears no armor imposing a maximum Dexterity bonus, assume the chain cloak’s maximum Dexterity bonus to be +6.
Armor Type | Cost | Armor Bonus | Maximum Dex Bonus | Armor Check Penalty | Arcane Spell Failure Chance | Speed | Weight |
Light | 100 gp | +1 | -1 of max or +6 | -1 | 0% | — | 6 lb. |
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