Cannabinoid (4e Creature)

Adult cannabinoids stand between 8 to 15 feet tall, depending on age, often weighing between 300 and 500 pounds. Physically they resemble hulking humanoid forms comprised of highly compressed plant matter. Their eyes are large reddish-black spheres that have no lids of any sort, as well cannabinoids have no mouth or nose whatsoever. Although they may appear to have the latter because of a huge vine-like growth that bisects their faces. They also lack conventional ears of any type. Most cannabinoids also have various colorful striations throughout their bodies. These stria range from bright green to yellow, red, or purple. Cannabinoids are able to communicate with each other, and other creatures, by using a form of natural telepathy.


Level 11 Brute
Large Fey Animate (Plant)
XP 600
HP 146; Bloodied 73 Initiative +4
AC 23; Fortitude 31, Reflex 22, Will 24 Perception +13
Speed 6 (forest/swamp walk), swim 2 low-light vision
Immune Poison, charm, sleep, immobility, stun
The cannabinoid deals an additional 2d6 damage to dazed targets, and an additional 2d8 damage to stunned targets.
Standard Actions
Poisonous Claws ♦ at-will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). First Failed Save: Target is stunned (save ends).
Enamor ♦ Recharge
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated by the cannabinoid (save ends). Saves against this effect suffer a -2 penalty. Only one creature at a time can be dominated by a cannabinoid. Aftereffect: Target is dazed (save ends).
Triggered Actions
Poisonous Body ♦ at-will
Trigger: The cannabinoid takes fire damage.
Effect: (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 2; the burst creates a zone of smoke that lasts until the end of its next turn. Squares in the zone provide concealment, and breathing creatures that end their turn in it take 5 poison damage.
Skills Nature +11, stealth +9
Str 26 (+13) Dex 8 (+4) Wis 12 (+6)
Con 26 (+13) Int 5 (+2) Cha 10 (+5)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Telepathy 10
A Cannabinoid.

Cannabinoid Tactics

Although normally peaceful, cannabinoids are quick to defend themselves, other intelligent plant creatures, or natural habitats. They are particularly wary of humanoids and will always attempt to drive them away from areas they call home. Cannabinoids will attempt to sneak in as close as they can get to their targets and then attempt to surprise them. Once engaged they will attempt to rip their target apart with their claws, while using their enamor ability to get others to aid it. If a cannabinoid is protecting the lands near it's enclave it will fight to the death, otherwise most cannabinoids will flee combat once they drop to 36 hit points or less.

Cannabinoid Lore

A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.

DC 20: Cannabinoids are a sentient plant creature that comes from the Feywild. It is said they are endlessly curious and so they migrated to our world to see what they could discover. Cannabinoids feed like any other plant, drawing water and nutrients from the soil while converting sunlight into energy, and they have a keen natural ability to find the richest soil with the best growing conditions. Although they can be fully active in the night, most cannabinoids prefer to root into the ground and remain motionless in the evenings. Some will even spend this downtime floating in shallow pools of muck filled water. Many will remain rooted or floating for days on end, others will wander the immediate area examining things and pondering them for hours on end. Cannabinoids live in small enclaves, doing their best to avoid outside contact. Most cannabinoids would rather remain within their enclave’s region, but every so often cannaboids get a wanderlust and travel the world looking to see what lies beyond the confines of his enclave’s region. As well, once an enclave reaches a certain size some cannabinoids will be sent out from the enclave in order to find other suitable locations for new enclaves that the group can establish.

While cannabinoids can see perfectly well in both dark and light with their unique eye structures, and they are able to sense sound vibrations from the world around them through the complex nerve structure that embeds their bodies, they can have problems dealing with other non-cannabinoid beings. As they rely upon Telepathy as their main form of communication, spoken words have little meaning to them, any creature attempting to convey something to a cannabinoid by speech alone will find that only the most simple of ideas can be expressed to them. Even then it often takes exaggerated physical mimicry of the idea (ie. pretending to eat from a plate to show the concept of food) in order to drive the point home. While they have problems with the spoken word cannabinoids are fully capable of associating particular sounds with certain events (ie. metal weapons clanking, thunder, animals, etc.). Most cannabinoids prefer to spend their time admiring nature, thinking about how any particular thing relates and interacts with the world around it. And sometimes this may involve other sentient plant creatures or wild creatures. By nature cannabinoids express a curiosity about the world around them and have no concept of privacy or personal space. If attacked they will defend themselves by any means they can. They will also always go to the aid of any cannabinoid member of their enclave that is threatened or harmed. Tools and humanoid made structures are the things that puzzle cannabinoids more then anything else. They do not see the need to reshape and change natural things into something else for a being’s use.

Not all cannabinoids grow into sentient creatures. Both sentient and non-sentient cannabinoids live together within a small grove-like area that they call their enclave. Once per year any cannabinoid can allow themselves to be germinated. That is all sentient and non-sentient cannabinoid plants begin releasing pollen, and during that time they can choose to reproduce by cross pollinating with another cannabinoid (sentient or not). If they accept germination they produce 1 to 4 large seed pods. These pods look like golf ball sized greenish-black spheres. Each seed has a slight (25%) chance of growing into a fully mobile and sentient cannabinoid. The others become non-sentient bush-like plants that form into thick heaping pillar shapes. These non-sentient cannabinoids are tended and looked after by the other cannabinoids, and are treated as full members of their enclave. During the reproductive cycle each non-sentient cannabinoid, in the surrounding area, has a chance (50%) of becoming germinated. Non-sentient cannabinoids, that become germinated, will produce 1 or 2 seed pods. Each of these has a slight (25%) chance of growing into a fully sentient cannabinoid. Sentient cannabinoids remain non-sentient and immobile for the first 2 years of their lives. At that time they have reached a height of about 4 to 6 feet tall, and are able to begin moving about. These young cannabinoids have some of the basic memories and knowledge of it’s parents. They quickly learn more of the world around them as they begin communicating with the rest of the enclave. Cannabinoids are asexual, having neither male nor female divisions. Sentient cannabinoids live for approximately 150 years, while non-sentient cannabinoids live for about 75 years. Sentient cannabinoids are able to reproduce starting from the age of 2 years until they are about 70 years of age. Non-sentient cannabinoids begin reproducing at around 2 years of age and continue to do so throughout their entire lives. When a sentient cannabinoid “dies” it roots itself into the earth and becomes very much like a standard non-sentient cannabinoid. Most will continue to exist in this form for another 50 years or so before slowly withering and decaying into the ground beneath it. Non-sentient cannabinoids begin withing as soon as they die, rotting into the ground within a few years.

Encounter Groups

Many cannabinoids will be found near other sentient plants, watching them as they go about their daily lives, even if there is no formal alliance cannabinoids will always fight to help defend a plant creature from other creatures. Still others will study animals, or natural habitats, in the wild. Again in these instances they will be quick to protect their subjects from being molested. Cannabinoid enclaves will have no more then 20 sentient cannabinoids living together, they are fiercely territorial and the entire population will converge upon a threat if they feel threatened.

Level 11 Encounter (XP 3000)

  • 1 Cannabinoid (level 11 brute)
  • 1 Stormrage Shambler (level 11 elite controller)
  • 2 Shambling Mounds (level 9 brute)
  • 1 Dryad (level 9 skirmisher)

Level 15 Encounter (XP 5400)

  • 2 Cannabinoids (level 11 brute)
  • 1 Treant (level 16 elite controller)
  • 1 Dusk Unicorn (level 12 elite controller)

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gollark: Computronics isn't available from curseforge, xaero's is, electromagic tools no idea.
gollark: No.
gollark: There are mods for that.
gollark: I hate the ender pearl requirements of **everything**.
gollark: Seems reasonable, we could set that up.
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