Canin Breeds (3.5e Race)

Canin Breeds

Physical Description

The Canin are a massively varied race. Like their canine cousins, Canin can be divided into breeds and there are as many different breeds of Canin as there are dogs. When creating a Canin character, choose a breed at character creation. You breed will have an effect on whether you are a Toy, Miniature, Standard, or Giant Canin and will also effect your character’s personality, appearance, etc. Mechanically, there is no real difference in effect of different breeds, but different breeds could have abilities other than those listed under the main Canin listings. A few will have new abilities listed below. Feel free to add additional abilities as appropriate to the breed. This list is not necessarily extensive. Some breeds may be missing from the list. If you know of a dog breed you would like your Canin to be and it is not on the list, feel free to use it with your DM’s approval. If you like, you can also work with your DM to create a new breed or even use mixed breeds. For more variety, every breed can have the Canin Bully Breed Template added if desired. For the hounds, you can either leave them as is or add on the Canin Scent Hound or Canin Sighthound Template. For these two, check the information on your chosen hound breed to determine whether they are considered a scent hound or sighthound in the real world and apply the appropriate template based on that. Some of the names may need to be changed due to including names of real world locations. Just use whatever name would be most appropriate for your setting


Affenpinscher: The Affenpinscher doesn’t have the full chip on its shoulder attitude of other toy breeds. However, if threatened or attacked, they are completely fearless and will not back down from a challenge, but otherwise they are very friendly and affable, gaining +2 Charisma and -2 Wisdom,

American Eskimo Dog (Toy): American Eskimos are friendly, intelligent, and inquisitive. They are wary of strangers and take time to warm up to people they don’t know, but quickly make friends once they do. They love to work, learn, and investigate. American Eskimos gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Gather Information checks and Investigator and Cold Endurance as a bonus feats,

American Hairless Terrier (Toy): Toy American Hairless Terriers are intelligent and curious Canin. They are also stronger and more athletic than most Toys, and are quite graceful, doing well in activities requiring agility. However, they retain a strong primitive prey drive, causing them to be rather aggressive at times, which can be off putting to people. Their Ability Modifiers at character creation change to +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, and -2 Charisma instead of the basic Toy Breed modifiers. Additionally, they are not strong swimmers at all. They do not add their strength modifier to Swim checks and take a -10 Racial Penalty to Swim

Brussels Griffon: Brussels Griffons are known for their big hearts. They are alert, inquisitive, playful, and highly affectionate and love to snuggle (much to the discomfort of some of their companions). It is best to not reject a Brussels’ need for snuggling, because they are emotionally sensitive and won’t take the rejection well. However, they display a visible air of self-importance and are fairly impatient. They get along well with others, but have no concept of their own relative size and may attempt to dominate creatures much larger than themselves. Brussels Griffons gain an additional +2 Intelligence and -2 Wisdom. They also get a +2 Racial Bonus to Bluff and Intimidate checks, and Iron Will and Persuasive as Bonus Feats. Their Favored Class changes to Wizard,

Chihuahua: Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of Canin, but they do not acknowledge their own small stature. In fact, they seem to have the biggest chip on their shoulders of all the Toy breeds. They are quick to anger and even quicker to attack. They are quite quick though, able to dodge a lot of strikes. Due to these, they gain an additional +2 Dexterity and -2 Wisdom. If properly befriended, this temper can be mitigated somewhat. Chihuahuas are born with a molera, a soft spot in the skull. Their skulls finish developing over time, with the molera filling in after their first six months. However, there is a 20% chance that the molera does not close completely (roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if this happens or not). If this happens, they are exceptionally vulnerable to head trauma. If a Chihuahua with an unclosed molera is subject to a critical hit, there is a 20% chance that the attack strikes them in their weak spot. If this happens, most of the time they take quadruple damage, but there is a 10% chance that the attack will kill them outright. Chihuahua Canin love to create private dens and safe spots, whether in a trash pile, pile of clothing, bed sheets, or in the dirt. They gain a Burrow Speed of 10 feet.

Chinese Crested Canin: Chinese Cresteds actually come in 2 varieties: Hairless and Powderpuff. However, they are the same breed as both variations can be found in the same litters. Chinese Cresteds are naturally hairless, but when born, each individual has a 25% chance of having a long silky coat. Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine whether your Crested Canin is a Hairless or Powderpuff. Many consider the Hairless Crested to be rather ugly, but think the Powderpuff is quite cute. As such, Hairless Chinese Cresteds have -2 Charisma, whereas Powderpuffs have a +2 Charisma. Chinese Cresteds in general are very quick and agile, gaining an additional +2 Dexterity. They are known for having nervous and neurotic personalities, giving them a -4 penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive. Additionally, they are vulnerable to cold temperatures and neither variation does well in cold weather. An unprotected Crested in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude save every 10 minutes (DC 15, + 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill Description). In conditions of severe cold or exposure (below 0° F), an unprotected Crested must make a Fortitude save once every minute (DC 15, +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill description). Characters wearing winter clothing only need check once per hour for cold and exposure damage. A character who takes any nonlethal damage from cold or exposure is beset by frostbite or hypothermia (treat her as fatigued). These penalties end when the character recovers the nonlethal damage she took from the cold and exposure. Extreme cold (below -20° F) deals 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute (no save). In addition, a character must make a Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wearing metal armor or coming into contact with very cold metal are affected as if by a chill metal spell. Despite this, Chinese Crested Canin emit so much body heat that they are like living space heaters. While this does nothing for them, any companions who maintain physical contact with a Crested are treated as having the Cold Endurance Feat for the duration of the contact. They emit so much body heat though, that those maintaining contact may begin to feel too hot, even starting to sweat. After 10 minutes of physical contact, those who have been maintaining it must begin making Fortitude Saves DC 10+1 for every minute after 5. If the save fails, they have gotten too hot and must break the contact to cool down for a number of minutes equal to however long they maintained contact after the first 5. Breaking contact may not be that easy though, since the Crested will have been enjoying the warmth from their companion and will attempt to close the distance to maintain the contact. Cresteds do not have this same problem with heat. They gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat

English Toy Spaniel: The English Toy Spaniel, also known as the King Charles Spaniel, is a very friendly creature who lacks the issues of some of the other Toys. They love being around others, doesn’t like being left alone, and enjoys just staying in and conversing with company. They have an aristocratic bearing, but are not snobbish at all. Their bodies are squat and compact, slowing their reflexes slightly. Their Abilities Modifiers at character creation change to +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -4 Strength, -2 Wisdom. They also gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Diplomacy checks. Their Favored Class changes to Noble (any version) or Bard.,

Havanese: The Havanese is a very friendly Canin and most consider them to be incredibly cute. They are somewhat squat in stature and their arms are slightly shorter than normal for most breeds of their size, which dampens their reflexes and slows them down. Their Ability modifiers at character creation change to +4 Charisma, +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom. They gain a +2 Racial bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks and Persuasive and Puppy Dog Eyes as Bonus Feats. Havanese Canin have been known to make a living as circus performers. As natural showmen, their Favored Class changes to Bard,

Italian Greyhound: Italian Greyhounds automatically apply the Canin Sighthound Template at character creation, granting them a +1 Level Adjustment

Japanese Chin: The Japanese Chin Canin is a very friendly breed, lacking the aggressive need to prove themselves of the other Toys, and are also quite intelligent. Like their canine namesake, they are remarkably cat-like in that they are alert and independent creatures, but also in their preference for heights, remarkable balance, and tendency to hide in unexpected places. They are known for several health problems, though. As such, the Japanese Chin gains an additional +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, and -4 Constitution. They also gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks. They are natural entertainers and are well known for the Chin Spin, in which they turn around in rapid circles; dancing with their hands clasped together, in the air; and some even "sing", a noise that can range from a low trill to a higher, almost operatic noise. They always have Performance (Chin Spin) as a Class Skill. Instead of Barbarian, Japanese Chin have Bard as their Favored Class.,

Maltese: Maltese Canin are incredibly happy-go-lucky and exceptionally friendly. They do not posses the same chip on their shoulder, need to prove themselves attitude as other Toy Breeds, granting them a +2 Charisma. Their Favored Class changes to Bard,

Manchester Terrier (Toy)

Miniature Dachshund qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired): Miniature Dachshunds gain Favored Enemy (Badgers), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, then they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy. They are also excellent diggers, gaining a Burrow Speed of 20,

Miniature Pinscher,

Norwich Terrier: Norwich Terriers lack the aggressive tendencies of some of the other Toys. They are actually quite friendly and intelligent. They are also incredibly courageous to the point of being overconfident and highly energetic. As a result, Norwich Terriers gain an additional +2 Intelligence +2 Charisma, and -2 Wisdom. They are constantly hungry and will eat anything edible, granting them a +4 to Fortitude Saves versus spoiled foods. Their Favored Class changes to Sorcerer,

Papillon: Papillons are friendly and confident, mostly lacking the aggressive tendencies of some other Toys, although they do appear if the individual in question had a rough puppyhood. They gain a +2 Charisma. Papillons gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat. However, they are highly susceptible to cold, taking 4 additional points of damage from failed saves in cold environments.


Pomeranian: Pomeranians are friendly and intelligent creatures, but still possess the need to prove themselves that other Toys suffer from. They are fairly territorial and not afraid to defend their perceived territories from threats, real or imagined. Despite the aggressive tendencies, many people find them incredibly cute due to their fluffy coats and fox-like faces. They gain an additional +2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence and -4 Wisdom. Pomeranians are sociable and extroverted. They love being the center of attention, changing their Favored Class to Crusader (although Barbarian is still a close 2nd),

Poodle (Toy): Poodles are highly intelligent. In addition to their ability bonuses and penalty from being Canin (of whichever version), they also gain an additional +4 Intelligence,

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno,

Pug: Pugs lack the aggressive tendencies and need to prove themselves that other Toys posses. They are very friendly, charming, strong willed, and sociable creatures. They are fairly muscular, making them stronger than other Toys, but they have pretty squat bodies and are known to be lazy. They are also known to suffer from several health problems. As a result, Pugs gain an additional +6 Strength (net gain +2), +4 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -6 Dexterity, and -6 Constitution. Pugs gain Iron Will as a bonus feat. Their Favored Class changes to Factotum,

Shih Tzu: Shih Tzu’s are friendlier than many other Toys, mostly lacking their more aggressive tendencies. They are, however, incredibly stubborn and getting one to do something it doesn’t want to is incredibly difficult. They are also less agile than some others. Shih Tzu’s gain an additional, +2 Charisma, +6 Wisdom (net gain +2), -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence. Additionally, they gain Iron Will as a Bonus Feat. Shih Tzu’s are very trusting of others, granting them a -8 Racial Penalty on Sense Motive checks. Their Favored Class changes to Druid

Silky Terrier,

Tibetan Spaniel,

Toy Fox Terrier,

Xoloitzcuintli (Toy): The Xoloitzcuintil, also known as the Mexican Hairless, is a naturally hairless breed, although there is a 25% chance of them being born with a short fuzzy coat. Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if they are hairless or not. In either variation, they are considered to be rather ugly creatures, granting them an additional -4 Charisma

Yorkshire Terrier: Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are not as aggressive as other Toys, lacking the need to prove themselves that some exhibit. However, they are very overprotective of those they care about and the aggressive tendencies come out when they are defending against a perceived threat. They are also intelligent and quick learners, picking up skills easily. As a result, they gain an additional +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, and -2 Dexterity. They gain Jack of All Trades as a bonus feat and their Favored Class changes to Factotum,


American Eskimo Dog (Miniature): American Eskimos are friendly, intelligent, and inquisitive. They are wary of strangers and take time to warm up to people they don’t know, but quickly make friends once they do. They love to work, learn, and investigate. American Eskimos gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Gather Information checks and Investigator and Cold Endurance as a bonus feats,

American Hairless Terrier: American Hairless Terriers are intelligent and curious Canin. They are also stronger and more athletic than most Toys, and are quite graceful, doing well in activities requiring agility. However, they retain a strong primitive prey drive, causing them to be rather aggressive at times, which can be off putting to people. Their Ability Modifiers at character creation change to +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, and -2 Charisma instead of the basic Miniature Breed modifiers. Additionally, they are not strong swimmers at all. They do not add their strength modifier to Swim checks and take a -10 Racial Penalty to Swim

American Water Spaniel (Miniature),

Australian Terrier,

Basenji (qualifies for Canin Sighthound Template if desired): Basenjis are incredibly stubborn and standoffish, granting them an additional +4 Wisdom and -2 Charisma. They love to climb and are quite good at it with a +6 Racial Bonus to Climb checks,

Basset Hound: Basset Hound Canin automatically have the Canin Scent Hound Template applied at character creation, giving them a +1 Level Adjustment,

Beagle (qualifies for Canin Scent Hound Template if desired): Beagles are friendly, personable, and intelligent, but are known for being stubbornly determined and single-minded. They can be standoffish with strangers at first, but warm up very quickly and make friends easily. They are also considered by many to be cute. As a result, they gain an additional +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, and -2 Wisdom. They gain Alertness, Endurance, and Iron Will as bonus feats. Their Favored Class changes to Ranger,

Bedlington Terrier: Bedlington Terriers are strange creatures, both in looks and behavior. Appearance wise, they have a bizarre resemblance to a lamb. They are very friendly with humans and other humanoids, but are known to express jealousy and aggression toward other Canin. Bedlingtons are remarkably fast both on land and in the water and have remarkable endurance. They love to fight and will challenge just about anybody, especially other Canin, and not necessarily at the best of times. As a result, Bedlington Terriers gain an additional +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, and -2 Wisdom. They also gain +20 Base Speed and a Swim Speed of 30. Bedlingtons gain Endurance, Great Fortitude, and Iron Will as Bonus Feats. Their Favored Class changes to Barbarian, Fighter, or Warblade,

Bichon Frisé,

Border Terrier,

Boston Terrier: Boston Terriers are friendly and sociable. They have a sense of humor comparable to that of gnomes and enjoy a good joke or prank, resulting in them being considered the clowns of the Canin world. They do, unfortunately, suffer from several health problems. As a result Boston Terriers gan an additional +2 Charisma and -2 Constitution. They gain a +4 Racial Bonus on Perform checks. Their Favored Class changes to Jester (Dragon Compendium page 36),

Cairn Terrier,

Cardigan Welsh Corgi,

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an exceptionally friendly Canin Breed and many consider them to be incredibly cute. Cavaliers gain an additional +4 Charisma and Puppy Dog Eyes as a Bonus Feat,

Cesky Terrier,

Cirneco dell'Etna,

Cocker Spaniel,

Coton de Tulear,

Dachshund (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired): Dachshunds gain Favored Enemy (Badgers), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, then they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy. They are also excellent diggers, gaining a Burrow Speed of 20,

Dandie Dinmont Terrier: The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a rather unusual body structure. It looks like it should be slightly taller than other miniature breeds due to a long torso, but its arms and legs are short compared to the rest of its body (leading some to call them Dwarf Canin). They are friendly, but tough creatures and are very game to challenge other creatures, including other Canin, to contests or even fights. As such, Dandie Dinmonts gain an additional +2 Constitution and -2 Wisdom. Additionally, due to their short limbs they are not as quick as other miniature breeds, granting them a -5 Base Speed. However, they are expert diggers and known for digging very large holes in a surprisingly short time. They gain a Burrow Speed of 15.,

French Bulldog: French Bulldogs are extremely friendly and fun-loving creatures with a sense of humor to match the Boston Terrier or gnomes, which makes them quite endearing to others. However, their flattened faces often cause breathing problems and contribute to other health issues. As such, Frenchies gain an additional +2 Charisma and -2 Constitution. They also have difficulty efficiently regulating their body temperatures and do not do well in extreme temperatures. An unprotected Frenchie in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude save every 10 minutes (DC 15, + 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill Description). In conditions of severe cold or exposure (below 0° F), an unprotected Frenchie must make a Fortitude save once every minute (DC 15, +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill description). Characters wearing winter clothing only need check once per hour for cold and exposure damage. A character who takes any nonlethal damage from cold or exposure is beset by frostbite or hypothermia (treat her as fatigued). These penalties end when the character recovers the nonlethal damage she took from the cold and exposure. Extreme cold (below -20° F) deals 1d6 points of lethal damage per minute (no save). In addition, a character must make a Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wearing metal armor or coming into contact with very cold metal are affected as if by a chill metal spell. Additionally, a Frenchie in very hot conditions (above 90° F) must make a Fortitude saving throw each 10 minutes (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Frenchies wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a -8 penalty on their saves. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (see the skill description). Characters reduced to unconsciousness begin taking lethal damage (1d4 points per half hour). In severe heat (above 110° F), a Frenchie must make a Fortitude save once every minute (DC 15, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a -8 penalty on their saves. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. Characters reduced to unconsciousness begin taking lethal damage (1d4 points per each 5-minute period). A character who takes any nonlethal damage from heat exposure now suffers from heatstroke and is fatigued. These penalties end when the character recovers the nonlethal damage she took from the heat. Extreme heat (air temperature over 140° F, fire, boiling water, lava) deals lethal damage. Breathing air in these temperatures deals 2d6 points of damage per minute (no save). In addition, a character must make a Fortitude save every minute (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Those wearing heavy clothing or any sort of armor take a -8 penalty on their saves. In addition, those wearing metal armor or coming into contact with very hot metal are affected as if by a heat metal spell. Their Favored Class changes to Jester or Bard,

German Pinscher: German Pinschers are very friendly and highly intelligent creatures, gaining an additional +2 Intelligence. They are known to be fast learners, granting them a +4 Racial Bonus on all Knowledge Skills and Jack of All Trades as a Bonus Feat. They hate water and, with the exception of an occasional bath out of necessity, avoid it at all costs. As a result, they gain a -8 Racial Penalty to Swim checks, since they almost never swim. Their Favored Class changes to Wizard, Archivist, or Factotum.,

Icelandic Sheepdog,

Irish Terrier,

Lakeland Terrier,

Lhasa Apso,


Manchester Terrier,

Miniature American Shepherd,

Miniature Australian Shepherd,

Miniature Bull Terrier,

Miniature Schnauzer

Norfolk Terrier,

Norwegian Lundehund,

Parson Russell Terrier,

Pembroke Welsh Corgi,

Poodle (Miniature): Poodles are highly intelligent. In addition to their ability bonuses and penalty from being Canin (of whichever version), they also gain an additional +4 Intelligence,


Pyrenean Shepherd,

Rat Terrier: Rat Terriers are sleeker in muscle and finer of bone than some other breeds. While they do have the typical terrier energy and personality, they also have an “off switch” and love lounging around the house when in doors. Rat Terriers are cheerful creatures and more sensitive to changes in their environment and other people’s moods than other terriers. Rat Terriers gain an additional +4 Wisdom and -2 Constitution. They also get a +2 Racial Bonus on Listen, Spot, and Survival Checks as well as Favored Enemy (Rats), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, then they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy.,

Russell Terrier,


Scottish Terrier,

Sealyham Terrier: Sealyham Terriers are stubborn creatures known to be vocal and full of personality. They are hard workers, especially when it comes to getting rid of rats. Sealyham Terriers gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Survival checks. They also get Favored Enemy (Rats), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, then they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy. ,

Shetland Sheepdog,

Shiba Inu,

Smooth Fox Terrier,

Swedish Vallhund,

Tibetan Terrier,

Welsh Terrier,

West Highland White Terrier,

Whippet: Whippets automatically apply the Canin Sighthound Template at character creation, granting them a +1 Level Adjustment

Wire Fox Terrier,

Xoloitzcuintli (Miniature): The Xoloitzcuintil, also known as the Mexican Hairless, is a naturally hairless breed, although there is a 25% chance of them being born with a short fuzzy coat. Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if they are hairless or not. In either variation, they are considered to be rather ugly creatures, granting them an additional -4 Charisma


Airedale Terrier,

Afghan Hound (qualifies for Canin Sighthound template if desired),

American English Coonhound (qualifies for Canin Scent Hound template if desired),

American Eskimo Dog (Standard): American Eskimos are friendly, intelligent, and inquisitive. They are wary of strangers and take time to warm up to people they don’t know, but quickly make friends once they do. They love to work, learn, and investigate. American Eskimos gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Gather Information checks and Investigator and Cold Endurance as a bonus feats,

American Foxhound (qualifies for Canin Scent Hound Template if desired),

American Staffordshire Terrier,

American Water Spaniel,

Australian Shepherd,

Azawakh (qualifies for Canin Sighthound Template if desired),

Bearded Collie,

Belgian Malinois,

Belgian Sheepdog,

Belgian Tervuren,

Berger Picard,

Black and Tan Coonhound (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound template if desired), Black and Tan Coonhounds gain Powerful Build

Bluetick Coonhound (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired), Bluetick Coonhounds gain Powerful Build

Border Collie: The Border Collie is the most intelligent of all the Canin breeds. They gain an additional +8 Intelligence and a +2 Racial Bonus to all Knowledge checks. They also gain Education as a Bonus Feat. Their Favored Class changes to Wizard or Factotum,

Boxer: Boxers get an additional +2 Strength Bonus, Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, and Powerful Build. Additionally, their Favored Class changes to Monk,

Boykin Spaniel,

Braque Francais


Bull Terrier,

Bulldog: Bulldogs have a bizarre body structure with a big head, large upper body, and slender hips and legs. Due to this, they are a bit clumsy, taking an additional -2 Dexterity. They also gain Powerful Build,

Canaan Dog,

Chinese Shar Pei,

Chow Chow: Chow Chows (or Chow for short) are stubborn creatures. They are suspicious of strangers and have a reputation for being aggressive, especially with other Canin. They are strong, but have a somewhat stocky build under all that hair. As such, they gain an additional +4 Wisdom, +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, and -2 Charisma. Chows excel at intimidating others. They always get Intimidate as a Class Skill, can use their Strength Modifier instead of Charisma on Intimidate checks, gain Persuasive and Skill Focus (Intimidate) as Bonus Feats and Powerful Build. Their Favored Class changes to Barbarian, Fighter, or Warbled,

Dalmatian: Dalmatians gain Powerful Build

English Springer Spaniel,

Entlebucher Mountain Dog,

Field Spaniel

Finnish Lapphund: The Finnish Lapphund is a highly intelligent breed known for thinking through problems to come up with a solution. They are known to suffer health issues related to their eyes in later years. They are also friendly, alert, and highly resistant to the cold. A Finnish Lapphund gains an additional +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Constitution. Additionally, they get a -4 Racial Penalty to Spot checks and Alertness and Cold Endurance as Bonus Feats.,

Finnish Spitz,

Glen of Imaal Terrier,

Harrier (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired),

Ibizan Hound: Ibizan Hounds are intelligent and agile creatures, known for their problem solving abilities. They are known for their sense of humor and are often described as clown-like (although not quite to the extent of Boston Terriers or French Bulldogs). They are also quite stubborn and often refuse to listen to reason if they have set their mind to something. They are not quite as strong as other Standard Breeds, but are agile enough to make up for it. Ibizan Hounds gain an additional +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, and -2 Wisdom. Ibizan Hounds have a reputation as escape artists. They can jump incredible heights from a standstill, are very good climbers, and are quite skilled in getting locks open. They gain +10 Base Speed, and a +6 Racial Bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump, and Open Lock checks. They also get Acrobatic, Agile Athlete, Leap of the Heavens, and Skill Focus (Jump) as Bonus Feats. Their Favored Class changes to Rogue

Irish Red and White Setter,

Irish Water Spaniel: Irish Water Spaniels gain Powerful Build

Keeshond: Keeshonds are friendly, playful, and intelligent creatures. They love to learn and pick up on things quickly, including subjects that teachers, friends, and others are not expecting them to do. They gain an additional +2 Intelligence and +4 Wisdom. They have remarkable quick reflexes, as well as a strong jumping ability. Keeshonds are also very intuitive, picking up on the moods and emotions of others with ease and helping to comfort those who are sad or upset. As such, Keeshonds gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Jump and Sense Motive checks. They also gain Lightening Reflexes, Acrobatic, and Jack of All Trades as Bonus Feats. Their Favored Class changes to Any. Keeshonds enjoy learning and trying new things and love to cross class as part of that experience.,

Kerry Blue Terrier,

Lagotto Romagnolo,

Norwegian Buhund,

Norwegian Elkhound,

Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever: Called Tollers for short (because who wants to say the full name all the time), these Canin are intelligent, affectionate, highly energetic, and patient. They love to swim (even in icy cold water) and are resistant to cold weather. They gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Swim checks, Cold Endurance as a Bonus Feat, and Favored Enemy (Ducks), even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, then they gain it as a bonus Favored Enemy. They are also the smallest of the Retriever Canin, granting them Slight Build as a Racial Feature

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired),

Pharaoh Hound,

Pit Bull: Pit Bulls have a bad reputation, but are actually very sweet natured. Unfortunately, the rare evil and aggressive Pit Bull Canin were among the first of their breed encountered, giving rise to a stereotype and reputation that the breed as a whole has been unable to shake off. Most people view them as having an alignment of Always Chaotic Evil. As a result, they gain an additional -4 Charisma and a -10 Racial Penalty to Diplomacy checks. However, they also gain a +10 Racial Bonus to Intimidate checks and Powerful Build. Despite their reputation, the Pit Bulls’ alignment is actually Usually Neutral Good or Lawful Good. Change their Favored Class to Paladin, Knight, or Samurai.,

Plott Hound (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired),

Polish Lowland Sheepdog,

Poodle (Standard): Poodles are highly intelligent. In fact, they are considered to be the second smartest breed of all the Canin. In addition to their ability bonuses and penalty from being Canin (of whichever version), they also gain an additional +6 Intelligence,

Portuguese Podengo Medio,

Portuguese Podengo Grande: Portuguese Podengo Grande Canin gain Powerful Build

Portuguese Water Dog,

Redbone Coonhound (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired),

Rough Collie,

Saluki (qualifies for the Canin Sighthound Template if desired),


Siberian Husky: Siberian Huskies are well known for their ability to rapidly travel long distances in cold weather. They gain a +10 Base Speed, a +4 Racial Bonus on Survival checks, and +2 Strength. Additionally, they gain Run, Endurance, Cold Endurance, and Improved Cold Endurance as bonus feats,

Skye Terrier,

Sloughi (qualifies for the Canin Sighthound Template if desired),

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier,

Spanish Water Dog,

Staffordshire Bull Terrier,

Standard Schnauzer,

Sussex Spaniel,

Treeing Walker Coonhound (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired),


Welsh Springer Spaniel,

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon,

Wirehaired Vizsla,

Xoloitzcuintli (Standard): The Xoloitzcuintil, also known as the Mexican Hairless, is a naturally hairless breed, although there is a 25% chance of them being born with a short fuzzy coat. Roll a percentile die at character creation to determine if they are hairless or not. In either variation, they are considered to be rather ugly creatures, granting them an additional -4 Charisma


Alaskan Malamute: Alaskan Malamutes are powerhouses, known for hauling heavy loads for long distances. They gain Powerful Build. Additionally, they gain Endurance, Cold Endurance, and Improved Cold Endurance as bonus feats, an additional +2 Strength and Constitution, and a +4 Racial Bonus on Survival checks,

American Bulldog: American Bulldogs are confident, social, and highly emotional creatures who form strong bonds with their friends. They are densely muscled and capable of incredibly high vertical jumps. They are prone to several health problems though and tend to be a bit goofy. American Bulldogs gain an additional +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution, and -2 Wisdom. They also get a +6 Racial Bonus on Jump checks.



Bernese Mountain Dog: Bernese Mountain Dogs gain Powerful Build

Borzoi (qualifies for Canin Sighthound Template if desired),

Bouvier des Flandres,

Briard: The Briard is an intelligent breed with an excellent memory. While they have strong bonds with friends and family, they are very leery and suspicious of strangers and have difficulty accepting change (even if that change is new furniture). As such, hey gain an additional +2 Intelligence and -2 Wisdom. They also obtain a -4 Racial Penalty to Sense Motive check and Perfect Memory (Traps & Treachery page 37) as a Bonus Feat.,

Clumber Spaniel: Clumber Spaniels are the largest of the spaniel Canin.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever,


Curly-Coated Retriever,

Doberman Pinscher,

English Foxhound (qualifies for the Canin Scent Hound Template if desired),

English Setter,

Flat-Coated Retriever,

German Shepherd Dog: German Shepherds are highly intelligent Canin, considered be the third smartest breed behind only the Border Collie and the Poodle. They are extremely loyal to those they care about, but are suspicious toward strangers and are known for being overprotective. This has lead to them having a reputation for being aggressive (not entirely true, but the general public is leery of them). As such, German Shepherds gain an additional +5 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, and -4 Wisdom. They often take jobs in law enforcement, either militia or city guards, changing their Alignment to Usually Lawful Neutral. Their Favored Class changes to Fighter.

German Shorthaired Pointer: German Shorthaired Pointers are incredibly quick, great swimmers, and have an astounding jumping ability. They gain +15 to their Base Speed, a +10 Racial Bonus to Swim and Jump checks, an additional +2 Dexterity, Acrobatic, Agile Athlete, Athletic, Leap of the Heavens, Skill Focus (Jump) and Skill Focus (Swim) as Bonus Feats

German Wirehaired Pointer,

Giant Schnauzer,

Golden Retriever: Golden Retrievers are known for being kind, friendly, and confident. They are extremely personable, making them popular with humanoids of all races. They are also highly intelligent. They are considered to be the fourth smartest Canin breed overall, but the intelligence of individuals varies wildly. In fact, Golden Retrievers have two levels of intelligence: Super Smart and Dumb as a Brick. To determine which one your character is, roll a 50/50 chance at character creation and apply the result. Golden Retrievers of either intellect level love to work and do not know their own limits. In fact, if allowed to they will work until they collapse from exhaustion. Golden Retrievers gain an additional +2 Charisma and -2 Wisdom. Super Smart Goldens gain an additional +4 Intelligence. Dumb as a Brick Goldens gain an additional -8 Intelligence. Golden Retrievers love to swim, gaining a +4 Racial Bonus on Swim Checks

Gordon Setter,

Greyhound: Greyhounds automatically apply the Canin Scent Hound Template at character creation, granting them an additional +1 Level Adjustment,

Irish Setter,

Labrador Retriever: Labradors are very friendly and intelligent creatures. They are fun-loving, strong willed and, virtually fearless. Labs gain an additional +2 Wisdom and a +4 Racial Bonus on Will Saves against Fear Effects. Labs have a voracious appetite and will eat virtually anything, edible or otherwise, granting them a +2 Racial Bonus on Fortitude Saves versus ingested poisons. They love the water and have a +2 Racial Bonus on Swim checks.

Old English Sheepdog,

Otterhound (qualifies for Canin Scent Hound Template if desired): Otterhounds gain Powerful Build


Rhodesian Ridgeback: Rhodesian Ridgebacks gain Powerful Build. Additionally, despite their size, they are uncannily stealthy. They gain Move Silently as a Class Skill and a +8 Racial Bonus to Move Silently. Their Favored Class changes to Ranger or Rogue. They also gain Favored Enemy (Lions) even if not a Ranger. If they are a Ranger, this is a bonus Favored Enemy

Rottweiler: Rottweilers gain Powerful Build

Scottish Deerhound (qualifies for the Canin Sighthound Template if desired),

Spinone Italiano,




Anatolian Shepherd Dog,

Black Russian Terrier,

Bloodhound: Bloodhounds automatically apply the Canin Scent Hound Template at character creation, granting them an additional +1 Level Adjustment



Cane Corso,

Dogue de Bordeaux,

Great Dane,

Great Pyrenees,

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog,

Irish Wolfhound (qualifies for the Canin Sighthound Template if desired),




Mastiff: Mastiffs are the largest of all Canin breeds. They are immensely strong, but have one of the shortest life expectancies of all Canin. They gain an additional +2 Strength, -2 Constitution, and Powerful Build,

Neapolitan Mastiff,


St. Bernard: St. Bernards are known for their ability to find people trapped in dangerous mountain regions, especially in heavy snow. They are well respected for their search and rescue operations, having saved countless lives over the centuries. They gain an additional +4 Wisdom, +2 Constitution, a +4 Racial Bonus on Survival and Heal, and Endurance, Diehard, Cold Endurance, and Improved Cold Endurance as Bonus Feats. Additionally, they gain Acclimated and Mountain Movement (see descriptions under Goliath racial features in Races of Stone page 56). Instead of the usual Favored Class of Giant Breeds, the St. Bernard has a Favored Class of Rescue Ranger: a variation of the Ranger class. The only real difference is that Rescue Rangers lose Favored Enemy and gain Favored Patient, which grants bonuses to finding specific types of people who have gotten lost or trapped equal to the bonuses granted by Favored Enemy. St. Bernards have an additional +1 Level Adjustment,

Tibetan Mastiff

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gollark: `d-r-a-g-o-n-5-0-0-0`
gollark: `B-O-B-T-H-E-D-R-A-G-O-N`
gollark: Or dashes!
gollark: ward (stupidly limited)fog (not possible for trades, stops people looking at stuff anyway, ineffective against existing sickness)
gollark: There are two viable methods:
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