Buff Mimic (5e Subclass)

Buff Mimic

Fighter Subclass (Restriction: Mimic Race)

As a buff mimic you assume the form of a chest with huge buff arms and legs.

Buff Arms

Beginning at 3rd level you are no longer able to wield traditional weapons but you gain the following benefits in exchange:

• Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier. This damage increases at later levels to 2d6 at 10th level and 2d8 at 18th level.

• You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

• When making a high jump you can add your proficiency bonus to the distance of your jump and double your proficiency bonus to the distance of your long jump.

• You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple and shove.

Chest Plate

Starting at 3rd Level you lose the ability to wear normal armor. While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 13 + your Constitution modifier + half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

In addition you may also choose a resistance from the below damage types. You gain a second resistance at 7th Level and a third at 14th Level. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one resistance you gain from this feature with another.

  • Fire
  • Acid
  • Cold
  • Lightning
  • Thunder
  • Necrotic
  • Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing (requires 7th Level or higher)

Bonus Maneuvers

Starting at 7th level your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

In addition, you gain the ability to use powerful maneuvers to aid you in combat. You learn one maneuver from the list below. You learn an additional maneuver at 15th and 18th level.

  • Hey! Why'd you hit me?!

    When a creature you can see within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed attack

    against them. The number of attacks you can make with this ability increases to two attacks at 18th level.
  • Mimical Regeneration

    You can use your powers of shape-shifting to regenerate and slowly heal your wounds. At the start of each of your turns you regain hit points equal to 1d4 + 1. The hit points gained increases to 2d4 + 2 at 15th level and 4d4 + 4 at 18th level.

  • Ground Slam

    Once per turn you can use an action to leap into air and come crashing down with great force. Each creature on the ground within 15 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, the DC equals (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a failed save each creature takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. A creature more than one size larger than you automatically succeeds on the save.

  • Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 15th level, you can use it twice between rests and the damage increases to 4d10 bludgeoning damage and starting at 18th level you can use it three times between rests and the damage increases to 6d10 bludgeoning damage.
  • Whirlwind

    Once per turn you can use an action to put yourself into deadly spin forming a whirlwind of destruction. While spinning you must move up to half your movement speed and make unarmed attacks against any creature you pass that is within your reach. You can make a maximum of 3 attacks while spinning in this way. The whirlwind ends when you run out of movement or have made the maximum number of attacks possible.

  • Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 15th level, you can use it three times between rests and the maximum number of attacks you can make increases to 5 attacks and at 18th level you can use it five times between rests and the maximum number of attacks you can make increases to 7 attacks.
  • Chest Retreat

    You gain the ability to retreat into your chest and while doing so you look indistinguishable to a normal chest. While retreated into your chest you add your proficiency bonus to your AC. You revert to your normal form when you use an action, bonus action, or reaction or when you take damage greater than four times your fighter level.

Elemental Strikes

Starting at 10th level, you choose one damage type from the list below to imbue your fists with. Your unarmed strikes deal extra damage equal to 1d4 + your proficiency bonus of the element's type.

  • Acid
  • Cold
  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Thunder

Lenghthy Strikes

Starting at 15th level when you make a unarmed strike on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.

Vicious Grab

Starting at 18th level, whenever you start your turn and are grappling a creature you may use a bonus action to make 2 attacks against the grappled creature at advantage.

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gollark: Anyway, yes, they're surprisingly good at real-looking text generation.
gollark: Fascinating.
gollark: I don't know if there's a GPT-1.
gollark: I mean GPT-2 and GPT-3.
gollark: ... wait, is "the GPTs" accurate?
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