< Book of Gears (3.5e Sourcebook)

Book of Gears (3.5e Sourcebook)/Mechanics with Class

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Mechanics with Class

Many players want to play characters whose primary way of defeating their enemies involves using magical or technological items to crush them and do crazy magical things - but so far, all official attempts at doing so have been horrible messes that are simultaneously far too weak and game-breaking. The classes listed here allow those players to be satisfied without destabilizing the world.

Base Classes


When my Armageddon Clock is complete, no-one will ever again laugh at me!

Playing a Gadgeteer

The Gadgeteer builds things, then activates those things so as to use them to solve problems. Often using them in combat, in fact. It has quite a few recipes, and can have a bundle of things active at any one time, so is sort of a problem solver (much like a rogue or utility wizard), but is likely to stick with a few main shticks for many encounters.

Making a Gadgeteer

Alignment: Whatever you like. Machinery can be made by people actually allied with Mechanus and Mad Scientists alike, and guns don’t care whether you're good or evil when they shoot you dead.

Races: Tinker Gnomes and races with lots of access to metals tend to produce the most Gadgeteers, but you sometimes get the odd Orc or Bugbear who slaps together unstable devices from scrap left on the various battlefields of D&D land.

Starting Gold: 6d6 x 10 gp (210 gold).

Starting Age: As Fighter.

Table: The Gadgeteer

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Blueprints
FortRefWill DailyCharged
1st+0+2+2+0 Gadgetry, Coax Device12
2nd+1+3+3+0 Invention22
3rd+2+3+3+1 Evasion23
4th+3+4+4+1 Good Gadgets34
5th+3+4+4+1 Invention, Duct Tape44
6th+4+5+5+2 Confuse Magic Device45
7th+5+5+5+2 Specialty Field55
8th+6/+1+6+6+2 Greater Gadgets66
9th+6/+1+6+6+3 Invention67
10th+7/+2+7+7+3 Crafted Companion77
11th+8/+3+7+7+3 Rapid Rebuild87
12th+9/+4+8+8+4 Giga Gadgets98
13th+9/+4+8+8+4 Invention, Percussive Maintainence99
14th+10/+5+9+9+4 Specialty Field910
15th+11/+6/+6+9+9+5 Command Magic Device1010
16th+12/+7/+7+10+10+5 Galactic Gadgets1111
17th+12/+7/+7+10+10+5 Invention, Throw a Spanner At It1112
18th+13/+8/+8+11+11+6 Stronger, Faster, More Expensive1212
19th+14/+9/+9+11+11+6 Cybernetic Soldier1312
20th+15/+10/+10+12+12+6 The Grand Contraption1313

Class Skills (Skill Points::6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), |Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the gadgeteer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gadgeteers are proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons built as a Gadget. Gadgeteers are proficient with light and medium armor but not shields, as well as any armor built as a Gadget.

Gadgetry (Ex): The Gadgeteer is able to create Gadgets. As he gains levels, he learns more blueprints (according to the table). Some are "Daily" - the preparation involved means they are set up at the beginning of the day (requiring an hour in total) and then once used, are unavailable for the rest of the day. Others are simpler, and can be used essentially at will, as long as they are charged (covered in the item description). Making multiples of the same thing does not allow more uses, for reasons unknown.

Devices can be handed to other people to use, however they are not automatically considered proficient (anyone with "All Martial Weapons" proficiency should be considered proficient with weaponlike Gadgets), and the Gadgeteer must continue to maintain the items (as part of his "pool" of Gadgets) for them to continue functioning.

Any save DC is 10 + half level + Int modifier. Anything that scales with level uses the character level of Gadgeteer.

The Gadgeteer has six slots to fill with their inventions. Some inventions might take up more than one slot depending on the size of the invention.

Blueprints for inventions are acquired through exploration or merchant.

Starting at first level, you may pick from this list:

  • Flamethrower [Daily]
  • Shotgun [Daily]
  • Mining Drill [Daily]
  • Hover Pack [Daily]
  • Dynamite [Daily]
  • Extend-O-Fist [Daily]
  • Helper [Charged]
  • Shock Staff [Charged]
  • Glider [Charged]
  • Launch Boots [Charged]
  • Harpoon [Charged]
  • Steam Spray [Charged]
  • Wind-up Flare Lantern [Charged]
  • Proximity Detector [Charged]

Coax Device (Su): The Gadgeteer can always take 10 on Use Magic Device and Disable Device checks, even if threatened, rushed or on fire.

Inventions (Ex): Any time the Gadgeteer becomes able to make an Invention, he may base it on anything he currently holds a blueprint to - at the time of gaining the ability (so they cannot be stored up for later levels to cash them all in for Galactic Gadgets). An Invention takes twice as long to build, but grants one of the following benefits when equipped, not counting as a magic item for the limit:

  • +1/3 levels Enhancement bonus to Int (round up)
  • +1/4 levels Deflection bonus to AC (round up)
  • +1/3 levels Resistance bonus to saving throws (round up)
  • +1/4 levels Enhancement bonus to all Damage rolls (round up)
  • Damage Reduction 1/2 levels, overcome by Adamantine (round up)

Additionally it may be used twice per day if a Daily, or truly at will without charging if Charged.

Evasion (Ex): At third level, when a Gadgeteer makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A helpless Gadgeteer does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Good Gadgets: At level 4, the Gadgeteer starts to learn blueprints for Good Gadgets:

  • Pressure Jetpack [Daily]
  • Oil Spray [Daily]
  • Gatling Gun [Daily]
  • Cannon [Daily]
  • Defibrillator [Daily]
  • Spy Balloon [Daily]
  • Static Blade [Charged]
  • Cog Powered Fist [Charged]
  • Pump-Action [Charged]
  • Frost Blaster [Charged]
  • Lightning Rod [Charged]
  • Jetskates [Charged]
  • Fuel-Efficient Flamethrower [Charged]
  • Flashbang Generator [Charged]

Duct Tape (Sp): At level 5, the Gadgeteer gains the ability to perform quick repairs on things. He may cast mending, make whole and repair light damage at will, with a caster level equal to his character level.

Confuse Magic Device (Su): At level 6, the Gadgeteer gains the ability to confuse magic items with an Abuse Magic Device check. If it possesses charges, adding +10 to the DC can activate the item without using a charge (this does not apply to single-use items). If it casts a spell that deals a type of damage, or grants protection against a type of damage, this can be changed for that use by adding +5 to the DC. It can be Widened or Extended by adding +5 to the DC as well. Finally, traps that use a magic form of detection are not triggered by the Gadgeteer.

Specialty Field (Ex): At levels 7 and 14, the Gadgeteer gains a specialty field. This is an area of expertise with the type of Gadget in question. The benefits depend on the field chosen:

  • Energy: all Fire/Electricity/Light damage dealt by Gadgets is Empowered (multiplied by 1.5)
  • Locomotion: any movement speeds or teleport ranges are doubled
  • Durability: any Gadget has twice as many HP and +10 to Hardness, which means fuck-all for ray guns but is awesome for steam tanks.
  • Efficiency: any non-instantaneous duration is multiplied by 1.5 (round up)
  • Destruction: all damage (except for Fire/Electricity/Light) dealt by Gadgets is Empowered.
  • Overcharge: any areas of effect are doubled in size.
  • Homing: Gadgets ignore soft cover and any Concealment less than total, and may re-roll failed Miss Chances.

Greater Gadgets: At level 8, the Gadgeteer starts to learn the blueprints for Greater Gadgets:

  • Cog Staff [Daily]
  • Teleport-Pump [Daily]
  • Fume Engine [Daily]
  • Boiler-Powered Armour [Daily]
  • Turbine Laser [Daily]
  • Wand-Gatler [Daily]
  • Makai Cannon [Daily]
  • Elemental Microwave [Charged]
  • Aero-Amplifier [Charged]
  • Simple-Ammo Gat [Charged]
  • Turbo Boost [Charged]
  • Clockwork Chainsaw [Charged]
  • Buggy [Charged]
  • Perpetual Pressure Jetpack [Charged]

Crafted Companion (Ex): At level 10, the Gadgeteer may build a cohort, mount or familiar - a Construct with a CR at least 3 less than his level. As he levels, he may add to it, to keep the creature's CR up - or outright disassemble and rebuild into a new form. It takes 8 hours to construct. If it is destroyed, all he needs to do is repair it or build a new one.

Rapid Rebuild (Ex): At level 11, the Gadgeteer becomes faster at making things he is familiar with. As long as he has built something once in the past, he may rebuild it in half the time it would take to build normally (including his cohort), and can use a full round action to restore 150 HP to any Gadget or Invention.

Giga Gadgets (Ex): At level 12, the Gadgeteer begins to learn blueprints for Giga Gadgets:

  • Hurricane Device [Daily]
  • Disintegration Torch [Daily]
  • Mechanical Suit [Daily]
  • Mind Control Helmet [Daily]
  • Shadowcrank [Daily]
  • Aero-Barrier [Charged]
  • Scalding Mist Generator [Charged]
  • Anti-Magic Pressure Generator [Charged]
  • Prism Flash Bulb [Charged]
  • Airship [Charged]
  • Steam Tank [Charged]

Percussive Maintainence (Su): At level 13, the Gadgeteer learns how to fix (and damage) objects with a solid kick. With a melee attack that must hit the AC of the target, he may duplicate a Heal or Harm effect that only works on Constructs (ignoring any usual immunities to Heal/Harm or supernatural effects in general).

Command Magic Device (Su): At level 15. the Gadgeteer knows how to command magic devices that don't even belong to him: no Construct will ever attack him, even sentient ones, unless he attacks them first. Furthermore, with a DC (15 + CR of Construct) Abuse magic Device check, he may control it (as per Dominate Monster, except it affects the Construct despite immunities, and allows no save) for one minute, after which it cannot be controlled by him again that day.

Additionally, as a standard action he may activate a magic item somebody else is using or holding, from up to 50 feet away, as long as he is aware of it and targets it. This adds +10 to the activation DC. He may also make an Abuse Magic Device check as an immediate action (DC = base DC to activate) to prevent it from being used, wasting the attempt.

Galactic Gadgets: At level 16, the Gadgeteer begins learning blueprints for Galactic Gadgets:

  • Mechanical Globe [Daily]
  • Doomsday Cannon [Daily]
  • Gate-Gun [Daily]
  • Timestop Clock [Daily]
  • 20MT Bomb [Daily]
  • Dragonmech [Daily]
  • Storm Treadmill [Charged]
  • Gravity Pump [Charged]
  • Boiler of Untouchability [Charged]
  • Binding Box [Charged]
  • Turbine of Death [Charged]
  • Fusion Torch [Charged]

Throw a Spanner At It (Ex): At level 17, the Gadgeteer learns how to affect Constructs at a distance. The Percussive Maintenance ability can work with any ranged attack, though actually throwing a construction tool gives a +5 Circumstance bonus to the attack roll.

Stronger, Faster, More Expensive (Ex): At level 18, the Gadgeteer learns how to make impressive golem bodies for people. With 24 hours and some amount of planar currency, he may transfer someone (even himself) into a body of iron, granting them the following benefits:

  • Type: Construct (Augmented (former type) as Subtype)
  • Leave BAB, HP, ability scores (even Con) etc. all the same
  • +6 Enhancement bonus to Strength
  • Double one movement speed
  • Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine
  • Natural weapons overcome DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantine (they are)
  • Not immune to Mind-Affecting Effects
  • Always counts as Exhausted (ignore the immunity to such). A full round action spent winding them up (they can do this to themselves) negates this for one minute.

Cybernetic Soldier (Ex): At level 19, the Gadgeteer adds pieces of gadgetry to himself to become a sort of cyborg. Don't think sleek Shadowrun stuff, he probably has a key in the back of his head. He gains the following benefits:

  • Immune to Mind-Affecting Effects
  • Medium Fortification
  • -3 Circumstance Penalty to all Int-based skills unless a standard action is spent winding up or whatever, which turns it into a +3 Enhancement Bonus for one minute.
  • Low-Light Vision and Darkvision 120 ft.
  • Always-on detect magic effect

The Grand Contraption (Ex): At level 20, the Gadgeteer Has to do a will save of 26 to make anything.


Flamethrower [Daily]: This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. This creates a 30' cone or 60' line of fire, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Those who fail the save catch fire. Additionally, the area is filled with thick smoke that causes Concealment and forces a Fort save to all in the area, against being Nauseated for one round due to choking. It dissipates after 1d4 rounds.

This also ignites any unattended flammable objects in the area.

Shotgun [Daily]: This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires an attack action to activate. It can be activated twice before being used up for the day. Each activation deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage per level to a 20' cone (Ref half). Additionally, everyone within 30' must make a Fort save or be Deafened for 1 minute.

Mining Drill [Daily]: This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then lasts for one minute, though requires a Standard action to utilise each round. With a Standard action it can destroy an adjacent 5' cube of anything softer than stone, or deal 1d6 piercing damage per 2 levels (round up), ignoring material DR or DR/magic, to a target.

As a steam-powered device, this is quite noisy and grants a -10 penalty to Move Silently checks when activated.

Hover Pack [Daily]: This must be worn on the back, and requires a Swift or Immediate action to activate. it then lasts for one hour, causing the wearer to fall slowly (as feather fall), and hover up to 20' above the ground (though only able to move up to 15' per round in a given direction).

Dynamite [Daily]: This device is small enough to be carried or stored in a pocket, and requires a Swift action to activate. Three rounds later, hopefully with the user nowhere near it, it explodes in a 50' radius spread. This deals 1d10 Fire/Sonic damage per level to all in the area, Ref half, and anyone who fails the save is knocked prone. Additionally, it specifically affects all objects and structures in the area (including individual 5' cubes of terrain), dealing double damage and ignoring Hardness less than that of Steel.

Extend-O-Fist [Daily]: This device is worn like a glove, and uses rocket fuel to launch off. It allows you to, with a Swift action, make a Ranged Attack out to 50' that deals Bludgeoning Damage to foes (2d6 for a Medium character). Additionally, foes are shoved back 15' unless they pass a Fort save(DC is 10 + Hit Dice + Str Modifier).

Helper [Charged]: This Construct resembles a snake or centipede, is Tiny sized, and crawls along after you with a Move speed of 20'. Spending a Full Round action winding it up powers the brain enough to allow it to take cover, make attacks of opportunity, and make Aid Other attempts (Str 8 Dex 12 Int 10, has no skill ranks but a BAB equal to the creator's). It reaches out 5' and its Bite/Sting/Slam attack deals 1d4-1 damage, +1 per 3 levels. It can also carry half a dozen potion-sized objects, and when charged up, can understand commands and hand them to/use them on people, or even fling them at enemies.

Shock Staff [Charged]: This device can be wielded in one hand, and has reach. It requires a Move Equivalent action to charge up by winding, then holds the charge for up to a minute or until used. A melee touch attack activates it, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage per level and requiring the target to make a Fortitude save. If they fail the save, they are Dazed for 1 round.

Glider [Charged]: This device can be folded up to take little space, but must be worn in the Cloak slot to be used. It is effectively charged by any rush of air, so any time you would want to use it, it is going to be charged anyway. This causes the wearer to slowly fall instead of plummeting to their death, at the rate of 10' per round, but they may also move up to 20' per round in any other direction except for up.

Launch Boots [Charged]: These bulky boots must be worn on the feet (duh), and require the user to move 30' or more in order to charge, at which point they remain charged until used, which requires a Move action. Doing so launches them up to 50' in the air (this can be adjusted on use in 10' increments so as to only go, say, 20' up). The jumper may move as far forward as upward. The fall afterwards is treated as though 10' less for the purpose of working out falling damage.

Harpoon [Charged]: This weapon must be wielded in both hands to activate. it requires a Full Round action to fully wind up, and can then be activated at any time with a Swift action, firing out to 60' away. It deals 1d6 piercing damage per level, and if it deals any damage (after DR/Hardness), sticks in firmly, requiring a DC 20 Strength check to remove. A cable attached can be wound up as a Move-equivalent action, allowing the user to either pull himself towards the landing point, or drag a target towards him with an opposed Strength check.

Steam Spray [Charged]: This weapon must be wielded in both hands to activate. It requires one minute to charge up, but will then boil away happily for up to 8 hours or until used up. Charging it provides 3 activations, each one requiring a Standard action. Doing so creates a 20' cone of steam, dealing 1d4 Fire damage per level (Ref half) but also really cleaning the targets, though they may not appreciate it. Failing the save causes a -2 morale penalty to attacks and a -4 morale penalty to AC for 3 rounds.

Wind-up Flare Lantern [Charged]: This device may be freely worn on the shoulder or even on top of a helmet, but takes a free hand to activate or adjust the settings. Winding it up for one minute provides a charge to keep it providing light (as per a Light) spell for one hour or a Daylight effect that even reveals Ethereal/Incorporeal creatures for 10 minutes. At any time a Standard action may be used to end this effect, suddenly using up all the remaining power in one flash. This forces all in 50' to attempt a Fortitude save or be rendered Blind for 1 round per level. Those warned may cover their eyes with a Reflex save.

Proximity Detector [Charged]: This device takes up no slot, whirling around the wearer. If it is moderately windy (enough to potentially knock a lightweight travelling hat off a head or lift a summer dress), this requires no charging at all, otherwise it requires the use of a Swift action every turn to turn a crank that helps the wheels spin.

Using sonar echoes, it grants Blindsense out to 15' and Trapfinding to the wearer.

Good Gadgets

Pressure Jetpack [Daily]: This device must be worn on the back, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then fires a blast of steam, lifting the wearer into the sky and allowing them to Fly with a speed of 40' (Average). This lasts for 1 hour before it runs out of water and overheats, used up for the day. It will sputter and slowly lower to the ground when this happens.

Oil Spray [Daily]: This device can be carried and fired with just one hand, and firing it takes a Standard action. A 40' cone is filled with a fine mist of oil - the ground is affected as though by Incendiary Slime, as are all people in the area, and all in the area must additionally make a Fortitude save or be Nauseated for 1d4 rounds.

Gatling Gun [Daily]: This device must be carried in both hands when activated, requiring a Full Round action to do so. It then fires for that entire round, and the next two rounds (Standard actions are required to keep control of it for this duration) before finally running out of ammunition. Each round of use, one target of choice within 60' takes 1 hit per 3 levels that each deal 4d6 Piercing damage (Ref negates). For every save passed, the next target behind them (providing they are also in range) is hit and must save, and so on until you run out of targets/range/hits.

Cannon [Daily]: This device can be assembled or taken apart with a Full Round action, but must otherwise be rolled or carried about. To activate, it must be set on the ground, braced and lit, requiring a Full Round action. On the following round it fires, Bullrushing the user with a bonus of +10, and deafening all in 30' on a failed Fort save. However even more damage happens at the other end, where the shot lands: one 40' radius blast is designated up to 250' away, dealing 2d6 Fire/Bludgeoning damage per level to all in the area (Ref half). Those who fail the save are knocked prone, and Stunned for 1 round.

Defibrillator [Daily]: This device can fit inside a regular backpack (barely), but to activate, one component must be held in each hand (assuming two hands), and a Standard action used on an adjacent ally. This causes an incredible bolt of electricity, burning out the mechanisms. This duplicates a Raise Dead spell, but with no level loss, or can stabilise anyone who is Dying.

Spy Balloon [Daily]: This device can easily be stored in a pouch when not in use, then takes only one Full Round action to activate. A small balloon fills with air and starts to drift at the speed of 50' per round, assisted by small nozzles controlled via wire attached to the control box. It has a glass ball connected to a long fibre leading back to a "screen" on the control box, as well as a basic speaker system: two horns connected by string. Effectively, it can be controlled out to 1000' and requires a Spot check of DC 10 + class level + Int mod in order to spot. It allows the user to see and hear through it, and pass messages on as well. After two hours of use, however, it runs out of air and must be rewound and stored away, to be refilled and the wires repaired the next day.

Static Blade [Charged]: This is a two-handed melee weapon, usually a Great Sword. It can be charged by dragging it along the ground, and loses the charge when used or at the end of the round (basically meaning you have to move to use it as a Gadget). It can be wielded as a regular Masterwork weapon of its type (with the usual Tome magic weapon rules applying), however if charged it also deals 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die on a successful hit.

Cog Powered Fist [Charged]: This device must be worn on one hand, like a bulky gauntlet, and provides a -3 penalty to skill checks involving that hand. It must be wound up to be activated, requiring a Standard action to provide enough power for five rounds. When powered, it can be used to make Slam attacks that deal 2d6+Str for a Medium creature, with a critical value of 20/x3. It also adds a +6 Enhancement bonus to the wearer's Strength, and grants a Constrict attack of automatic Slam damage.

Pump-Action [Charged]: This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires an attack action to activate. It can be activated eight times before being used up, needed 10 minutes to make another 8 shells, and one Full Round action to load them all in. Each activation deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage per level to a 20' cone (Ref half). Additionally, everyone within 30' must make a Fort save or be Deafened for 1 minute.

Frost Blaster [Charged]: This device is worn as a back-pack, but to be used it also has an attachment that must be wielded in one hand. It has three uses per charge, with a minute required to re-fill it. With a Standard action, it unleashes a very cold spray in a 20' cone. This deals 1d4 Cold damage per level (Fort half), and all who fail the Fortitude save become Entangled for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat. Anyone already Entangled instead becomes Slowed for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat, and anyone already Slowed becomes Paralysed for one minute or until exposed to a strong source of heat.

Lightning Rod [Charged]: This device can be carried in one hand quite easily. It can be charged either by winding it up to generate power (requiring one Standard action per charge) or by being hit by a source of electricity that would do at least 5d6 Electricity damage (providing one charge). it can hold one charge at a time, and can be discharged with a Standard action. Doing so unleashes a Lightning Bolt (as per the spell), except the damage is uncapped. Additionally, if it is not charged, it will automatically absorb any electricity-based attacks aimed at the wielder (until it is charged).

Jetskates [Charged]: These are worn on the feet like bulky boots. To create a fuel charge requires a minute of work, and they can hold up to three charges at a time. Activating them requires only a Swift action, and allows the user to move at 100' per Move action and skim over water, but they cannot fly. Turning is possible but difficult and stopping is out of the question, as though flying [Clumsy]. Each charge lasts for one round.

Fuel-Efficient Flamethrower [Charged]: This device must be wielded in both hands to be used, and requires a Standard action to activate. This creates a 30' cone or 60' line of fire, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Those who fail the save catch fire. Additionally, the area is filled with thick smoke that causes Concealment and forces a Fort save to all in the area, against being Nauseated for one round due to choking. It dissipates after 1d4 rounds.

This also ignites any unattended flammable objects in the area. Refilling the device with fuel takes three full rounds.

Flashbang Generator [Charged]: This device is carried as a staff, and holds one charge at a time. It takes three rounds to mix up another charge to load in, but only a Move equivalent action to activate. Activating it creates a bright flash of light (as the Flare Lantern, double the duration) and a loud "bang", causing those who pass the save to be Deafened for 2d6 rounds, and those who fail to be Stunned for 1 round and Deafened for 2d6 minutes.

Greater Gadgets

Cog Staff [Daily]: This staff must be held in two hands to use properly. It requires a Standard action to activate by twisting, the cogs turning and grinding to produce a charge of energy similar to magic. This burns the cogs out, but creates an (Ex) effect from the following list:

  • Shadow Evocation
  • Eyebite (2 or more HD more than inventor: Sickened, within 1 HD of inventor: Panicked and Sickened, 2 or more HD less than inventor: Comatose, Panicked and Sickened)
  • One 10' radius burst in 60' takes 2d6 Fire damage per level (Fort half), with those who fail the save becoming Nauseated for one round
  • Maximised Lightning Leap

Teleport-Pump [Daily]: This fold-out device can be carried in one hand or stored in a pack until unfolded (a Swift action). It then takes a Full Round action to pump up until it sparks, frying the fuse and teleporting the user as per Teleport Without Error.

Fume Engine [Daily]: This device is bulky, but fits in a backpack. It also comes with a gas mask that can be worn on the face to provide immunity to inhaled Poisons and Diseases, as well as gases and smell-based effects. The main device, however, can only be used once per day, with a Swift action to activate. One round later, the engine starts, running for one minute before being empty. For the duration, it creates a 20' radius spread of Poison gas. It obscures vision, granting Concealment to all, but also poisons all who breathe it in (Fort negates). Primary and Secondary damage are both 2d6 Con.

Boiler-Powered Armour [Daily]: This armour must be worn all over the body, except the hands, feet and head. It is treated as Adamantine Full Plate normally, but when activated (a Standard action to start the boiling process, then a one minute wait), it provides 4 hours of uninterrupted power. When powered, the user gains a +6 Enhancement bonus to Constitution, and replaces the Armour bonus with a Deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, they gain a +10 bonus to Break checks and their melee attacks ignore Hardness. As long as at least one full hour remains the remainder may be used up in one burst, granting a +10 Enhancement bonus to Strength and treating the wearer as two size categories larger, both for only one round. It is a Swift action to do this.

Turbine Laser [Daily]: This weapon must be held in two hands, with an additional mount on a shoulder or on the head, consisting of a turbine. It requires some form of breeze to charge, providing one charge per two rounds unless in strong winds where it provides a charge every round, or hurricane force winds, where it provides three charges in one round. It may store up to three charges at a time, and requires an Attack action to fire - however it can only be fired once per day, the power destroying the laser components.

Once activated, it makes a Ranged Touch Attack with a maximum range of 200'. This deals 1d6 untyped energy damage per level and has a regular critical hit (20/x2). If two charges are stored when it is fired, it deals 2d6 damage per level. If three charges are stored when it is fired, it deals 3d6 damage per level.

Wand-Gatler [Daily]: This device can be wielded in one hand, though a second hand is needed to actually turn the handle. One to five wands must be slotted in before use. Turning the handle is a Standard action, and activates all wands at the same time, with the same target/targets/area of effect (or closest match). The magical overload burns the engine out.

Makai Cannon [Daily]: This bulky bazooka houses an angry ghost of some description, and every time it is fired, a new Gasket Engine Thrombulator must be configured, with a new set of Grub-Nuts to hold a spirit in. It can be fired with a Standard action, unleashing a 60' Cone of ghost energy. Everyone in the area takes 1d4 Force damage per HD (no save), and must pass a Will save or Panic for 5 rounds.

Elemental Microwave [Charged]: This is a sort of gun that houses a trapped Fire Elemental. To charge, it must be vigorously shaken for a Full Round, to make the elemental energetic (but not actually angry: they happily burn away in the container). It can then be fired with a Standard action within 3 rounds, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d6 Nonlethal Fire damage per level and 2 Int damage, with a Fort save for half (both). On a failed save, they also burst into flames, catching fire, and must make a Will save or become Confused for 3 rounds as their brain is fried.

Aero-Amplifier [Charged]: This device can be held in both hands or worn around the shoulders. It resembles a giant brass instrument, with one handle. As long as there is even a light breeze or source of sound, a Standard action can be used to squeeze the handle, opening the valves and amplifying the noise and airflow. This creates a 30' cone that deals 1d6 Sonic damage per level (Fort half). All who fail the save are knocked prone and hurled 50' backward, +/- 10' for every size category smaller/larger than Medium. Those who pass the save are merely shoved back 10'.

Simple-Ammo Gat [Charged]: This device must be carried in both hands when activated, requiring a Full Round action to do so. It then fires for that entire round, and the next two rounds (Standard actions are required to keep control of it for this duration) before finally running out of ammunition. Each round of use, one target of choice within 60' takes 1 hit per 3 levels that each deal 4d6 Piercing damage (Ref negates). For every save passed, the next target behind them (providing they are also in range) is hit and must save, and so on until you run out of targets/range/hits.

Once it runs out of ammunition, it takes only 10 minutes to make a new chain of ammunition, and a Standard action to load in.

Turbo Boost [Charged]: This device is worn like a vest, clamped onto the torso. It has a key which must be wound to power it up. One Full Round action of winding supplies one minute of power, treating the wearer as though under a Haste effect.

Clockwork Chainsaw [Charged]: This bulky melee weapon must be wielded with two hands, and requires one Full Round action to provide power for three rounds. Up to 9 rounds of power can be charged up at a time. Using it is as simple as making a melee attack, where it has the following profile (treated as a magic weapon):

  • +1 Adamantine Chainsaw, 3d6+1 (+ Str*1.5) Magical Slashing, 18-20/x3
  • Flesh Tearing: anyone hit by the Chainsaw takes 1 point of Ability Damage to each of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. This is tripled on a critical hit.
  • Romero Effect: this weapon can score critical hits against corporeal Undead.

Buggy [Charged]: This device cannot be carried (save by a very strong character) but can instead carry four Medium creatures (or any mix that equals the same amount of space). It requires one minute to power up via turning the handle and pouring more basic fuel in, in order to keep it moving for one straight hour. This device has 200 HP and Hardness 15, and provides Full Cover to everyone inside. It trundles along at 100' per round (and cannot run, make double-move actions etc.)

Spells such as heat metal have an especially intense effect on those inside, causing double damage. Being rammed (requiring a "ranged" attack by the driver that does not benefit from Rapid Shot or whatever) deals 2d8+10 bludgeoning damage and a Bullrush at +13 (+8 size, +5 Strength)

Perpetual Pressure Jetpack [Charged]: This device must be worn on the back, and requires a Standard action to activate. It then fires a blast of steam, lifting the wearer into the sky and allowing them to Fly with a speed of 40' (Average). This device somehow recharges itself, using steam power at first, which also turns turbines to store up power, letting it be used at will.

Giga Gadgets

Hurricane Device [Daily]: This device requires ten minutes of assembly (if the user doesn't wish to carry around a 20' long pole with a rotor on top), and must be placed on the ground before use. Activating it simply requires turning the handle for one minute, at which point the storm begins. It creates a hurricane with a 2 mile radius, lasting for 6 hours, with a safety zone in the eye of the storm - a 50' radius spread originating from the device itself. If the device moves, the storm moves, and if the device is disassembled or destroyed, the storm will simply remain in place for the duration.

Disintegration Torch [Daily]: This device can be carried in one hand, and requires only a Standard action to activate. The fuel ignites, sending out a blast of plasma that is hot enough to effectively annihilate whatever it torches. One creature, object or 15' cube of material must be hit with a melee touch attack and, if hit, must succeed on a Fortitude save that affects objects. If they fail the save, they are reduced to a carbon shadow (this is not a [Death] effect). If they succeed, they still take 2d6 Fire damage per level. Should this be enough to kill them, they are also completely destroyed. The heat is even sufficient to destroy [Force] effects.

Mechanical Suit [Daily]: This suit is very similar to the Steam-Powered Armour (above), but is powered by a fuel engine and cogs, and more powerful. It is treated as +3 Adamantine Full Plate normally, but when activated (a Standard action to start the engine), it provides 4 hours of uninterrupted power. When powered, the user gains a +10 Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution, and replaces the Armour bonus with a Deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, they gain a +10 bonus to Break checks and their melee attacks ignore Hardness.

The wearer is also treated as two size categories larger, gains a 4d8+2*Str Trample, and pumps out smoke. All creatures adjacent to the wearer must pass a Fort save each round or be rendered Nauseated for the round. Additionally, the furnace can blast excess fire out from large shoulder-mounted pipes, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per level in a 30' cone (Ref half, those who fail the save catch fire) as a Standard action.

The suit of armour has 300 Hit Points, and only stops functioning when reduced to zero.

Mind Control Helmet [Daily]: Although it isn't subtle, the device is still effective: it consists of a bulky remote that must be held in two hands, and a bulky helmet with an antenna and a key. The helmet, if placed on the head of a creature not immune to [Mind Affecting] effects, must then be activated with a Standard action by turning the key. The wearer is then under the control of whoever has the remote, for up to 4 hours or until the helmet is removed or destroyed, whichever happens first.

There is no saving throw against this effect initially, but any time the controller attempts to make them do anything particularly against their personal beliefs/ethics/morality/code, they are entitled to a Will save to resist that command. It requires a Standard action to input a command, and commands cannot be received from further than 100' away.

Shadowcrank [Daily]: This device could fit into a small backpack, and has a large crank attached to a pipe, in turn attached to the device by a cable. Turning the crank for three rounds activates it, sucking darkness in through the plane of shadow and squeezing it out to replicate any of the following effects as an (Ex) ability:

  • Mass Invisibility
  • Shadow Conjuration, Greater
  • Shadow Evocation, Greater

Aero-Barrier [Charged]: This device can be worn as a backpack, and has a mouth-piece for activation. Activating it requires a Move-Equivalent action each round, and prevents speaking. Each round that it is activated, it provides a bubble of protection for one full round (thus allowing it to be maintained indefinitely). This bubble extends out to 5' in each direction past the space occupied by the user, and prevents anything from getting in, like a [Force] effect. An opposed check (Strength of intruder against Int of user) can break past this to force entry, though this requires a Standard action. If attacked from outside the Bubble, anything not requiring an Attack roll automatically fails, and against things that do require an attack roll, it is treated as a +10 Deflection bonus to AC.

Scalding Mist Generator [Charged]: This bulky device must be carried in both hands to be activated, and as such, comes with protective clothing in the form of a thick, water-resistant sheet and goggles. Those who forego the goggles, feeling they do nothing, are not protected from the effects.

To activate, a mere Swift action is needed to switch it on, however it will take two full rounds for steam to start pouring out. Once this happens, it keeps going for a full minute, creating a 75' radius spread of mist that obscures vision. Additionally, all in the area who are not protected take an automatic 5d4 Fire damage every round (though no ignition occurs). Anyone not wearing protective goggles must also pass a Fort save or be rendered permanently blind as well as suffering a -2 Morale penalty to attacks and -4 Morale penalty to AC for 10 minutes. Those wearing goggles need only save against the penalties. The penalties are a [Pain] effect.

Anti-Magic Pressure Generator [Charged]: This large pump can be carried in one hand, but needs two hands to use. It can be activated with a Standard action, using incredible pressure to force magic out of the area. This creates a 30' radius Anti-Magic Field, however it will reduce by 15' radius per round until ended. Every round that the device is activated, the radius extends by 25', allowing it to slowly grow in size if kept up.

Prism Flash Bulb [Charged]: This device can be mounted on a shoulder or on the head and looks quite pretty, though looking pretty is not the main use. Powder must be loaded into it (a Move-Equivalent action) before it can be activated (a Swift action), and creating the powder only requires a minute of work.

When activated, it duplicates an (Ex) prismatic spray effect. I know it can banish people to other planes, that sounds pretty extraordinary to me.

Airship [Charged]: This device cannot feasibly be carried, and actually requires 6 full hours to build. Once built, however, it is built to last, with 300 HP and Hardness 10 for the main section of it. It has an engine that must be stoked and filled every 10 minutes to retain power, and generally requires somebody to pilot it, spending a Standard action every round. When active, this device flies with a Fly speed of 150' (Average), and provides Full Cover for those inside, although it does have arrow slits. People may elect to climb up onto the roof so as to leap off, throw things etc. however this requires a Balance check to avoid falling off (10 if sailing smoothly, 15 for some turbulence, 20 for clouds and heavy turbulence, 25 for hurricanes or snowstorms, +10 for being in active combat).

It can carry six Medium creatures inside, or any other combination equating to the same.

Steam Tank [Charged]: This device requires 4 hours to build, and only carries up to two Medium creatures. It provides Full Cover to those inside, though it has arrow slits that can be closed, and rumbles along at up to 40' per round. it has 300 HP and Hardness 20, and a +8 Stability bonus to avoid being knocked over. Every ten minutes, the boiler must be attended to (a Standard action) or it will run out of steam and stall. Best of all, a large cannon sits on the top, and can be rotated and fired at any angle, treated as the Good Gadget: Cannon. Crafting more shot and powder takes a full minute, and loading it from inside takes another full minute, so it is a slow process but a safe one.

Galactic Gadgets

Mechanical Globe [Daily]: This big world globe has very special cogs and wheels that somehow connect to the world, likely by magnetising tiny pieces of Arbitrarium and aligning them to poles in the real world or something. When used, the magnetic fields break down, but it can cause any one of the following effects:

  • One land mass/continent is shifted anywhere else that it could reach without ramming another land mass out of the way.
  • One land mass/continent is wracked by earthquakes for an hour, and suffers a tsunami on every coast.
  • One island sinks below the ocean or rises above the ocean.
  • A mountain range topples or is formed.

Doomsday Cannon [Daily]: This device is similar to the Cannon, except three times as large in each dimension, and thus involves more effort to trundle it around. Firing it requires one round to simply get it aimed in the right general vicinity, then a Standard action to fire it afterwards. It can be fired anywhere out to 1 mile away, however cannot be fired at a point within 200 feet of itself. Everything within 500' of the point of impact has an extremely bad day. Everything - including objects and the ground itself - must make a Fort save or be obliterated. Even those who pass still take 2d6 Fire/Bludgeoning damage per level and are Stunned for 1 round and permanently Deafened. The terrain is also obliterated, effectively becoming a giant, cracked, smoking crater.

Gate-Gun [Daily]: This device involves a one-handed gun attached to a belt. When fired (a Standard action), the point designated opens up into a Gate, as per the Gate spell. This can be the travel kind or the broken kind.

Timestop Clock [Daily]: This looks like a simple watch, however a Standard action to halt it shows otherwise. Time is stopped for all but the one who activated it, as per the Timestop spell. If the watch then breaks or is destroyed, the effect ends. Otherwise, in 10 pseudo-rounds, time will resume as the tightly wound springs snap, smashing the watch to pieces.

20MT Bomb [Daily]: This bomb is as large as a Medium creature, and weighs about 500lbs, so may be difficult to carry, but using it is worth the effort. To activate, one merely needs to strike the end of it (a Standard action, or dropping it from a height). At this point, everything within 500' takes 2d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half) and 2d4 Negative levels (Fort half), and everything out to 1 mile takes 1d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half) and 1 Negative level (Fort negates). The 0-500' radius area is then obscured completely by thick smoke for one minute.

Dragonmech [Daily]: This Colossal device can carry only one Large or smaller pilot inside, sadly, and requires a minute to activate. Once activated, it can be controlled for a full hour, with a Fly speed of 100' (Poor). It has Hardness 20, an Armour Class of 35 (+0 Dex, -8 Size, +28 Armour, +5 Deflection), and 300 Hit Points. If used to attack, use the BAB of the pilot, plus the Strength (50) of the Dragon. It has one Primary Bite (4d6+Str*1.5), two Secondary Claws (2d6+Str*.5) and one Primary Tail (3d6+Str*1.5), as well as a breath weapon once per 3 rounds: a 100' cone of fire that deals 2d6 Fire damage per level (Ref half). Additionally, the eyes may fire one Lightning Bolt per 3 rounds, and once per minute it may create an Acid Fog effect beneath it with a Standard action.

It also has a payload of six bombs, any number of which can be dropped as one Standard action. They explode like Dynamite upon hitting the ground. The bombs may instead be replaced with a pair of Gatling Guns, though they may not be used if the dragon is unpowered.

When unpowered, it still lumbers along with a Fly speed of 50 (Clumsy) and provides the basic protection, but lacks the Deflection bonus, lightning, acid fog and fiery breath, and only has a Strength of 30.

Storm Treadmill [Charged]: This device is fairly large and bulky, taking up most of a 5' square, but being only 1 foot tall. The user may activate it by setting it down and running in place atop it (a Full Round action). Doing so causes a Whirlwind or Storm of Vengeance effect, though the effect ends on the round the user stops running.

Gravity Pump [Charged]: This device can be carried in one hand, but requires both hands and a Standard action to activate. Doing so creates a Reverse Gravity and Vertigo Field effect in a 100' spread, though the user can elect to not include his own occupied space (at time of use) in this area. This lasts until undone by a second activation, or for 10 minutes, whichever comes first.

Boiler of Untouchability [Charged]: This boiler is big and heavy, but can still be carried in both arms. It must be set down to be used, and requires a Swift action to activate, though there is a three round wait as the boiler gets going. It then remains active for one minute, though towards the end of this, a Full Round action can be spent adding more water and fuel to extend it for another minute.

While active, a force field is created, creating a safety bubble of 30' radius. Nothing is able to pass through it, and it blocks line of effect.

Binding Box [Charged]: This box is about 1' cubed, and can be carried with little difficulty. Activating it is a Full Round action, twisting the cogs to make them spin. The box opens and whirls, and one designated target within 100' is sucked inside despite the size, and trapped there as though by an Imprisonment effect.

Only one creature at a time can be stored there, and when released (a Standard action or the destruction of the device), there is a 50% chance that they will be dead and a 50% chance that they will be alive. This is only revealed when actually released - until that moment they are in a quantum state and cannot be affected by any effect that targets only the dead/undead (such as Resurrection) or only the living.

Turbine of Death [Charged]: This device can barely be carried in both arms, and is quite heavy. To activate, it must be set down and a Swift action spent pulling a lever. It then charges up for three rounds if there is a breeze (two rounds if in strong winds, one round in a hurricane, impossible if there is no breeze). After it has charged, it unleashes on the following round: everyone within 100' except for those actually touching it must pass a Fort save or die instantly.

Fusion Torch [Charged]: This device works exactly like the Disintegration torch, aside from being Charged, except where noted below:

  • It is effectively unlimited in use, always charged.
  • It can be used with an Attack action.
  • Passing the save still bestows a Negative level on top of the damage.

Mana Alchemist

Some make magic, others make war. I make tea.

Playing a Mana Alchemist

A Mana Alchemist creates and later uses alchemical concoctions, so you will essentially be a wizard with magical potions instead of spells. Also bombs.

Making a Mana Alchemist

Alignment: Any. There is absolutely no correlation between making potions and whether you like angels or demons more, or whether ant-men or giant frogs strike your fancy.

Races: Any culture with a medicinal tradition will have at least a few Mana Alchemists. That means all of them.

Starting Gold: 6d6 x 10 gp (210 gold).

Starting Age: As Fighter.

Table: The Gadgeteer

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Recipes Known
1st+0+2+2+2 Mana Alchemy, Recipes3
2nd+1+3+3+3 Mana Infusions (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water)4
3rd+2+3+3+3 Secret Ingredients5
4th+3+4+4+4 Tasty Recipes7
5th+3+4+4+4 Toxin-Free8
6th+4+5+5+5 Rapid Steeping9
7th+5+5+5+5 Mana Infusions (Stone, Plant, Aroma, Metal)10
8th+6/+1+6+6+6 Delicious Recipes12
9th+6/+1+6+6+6 Lead to Gold!13
10th+7/+2+7+7+7 Dual Infusion14
11th+8/+3+7+7+7 Brew Potions15
12th+9/+4+8+8+8 Mouth-Watering Recipes17
13th+9/+4+8+8+8 Real Mnemonic Extract18
14th+10/+5+9+9+9 Alchemical Blood19
15th+11/+6/+1+9+9+9 Mana Infusions (Life, Illusion, Song, Poison)20
16th+12/+7/+2+10+10+10 Divine Recipes22
17th+12/+7/+2+10+10+10 Secret Recipe23
18th+13/+8/+3+11+11+11 Elixir of Life24
19th+14/+9/+4+11+11+11 Transmute Any Object25
20th+15/+10/+5+12+12+12 Good Strong Hot Strong Warming - But Not Hotting - Good Fresh Fresh Good Tea26

Class Skills (Skill Points:4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Concentration}} (Con), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex) Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex) Jump (Str), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex) Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Rope}} (Dex)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Mana Alchemist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mana Alchemists are proficient with all Simple Weapons. Mana Alchemists are proficient with Light and Medium Armor, but not Shields.

Mana Alchemy (Su): Starting at first level, the Mana Alchemist learns how to create consumable items out of raw mana power. Doing so takes one minute, which is a lot faster than one might expect these things to be made. Only one of each item may exist per Mana Alchemist at any one time - they cannot create ten of the same thing all in one batch. Other than that, they last for 24 hours or until consumed.

To use an edible or potable item is a Standard action - or a Full Round action to force down the throat of another. Other items simply require a Standard action either way. If an item involves a saving throw, the DC is 10 + half the Mana Alchemist's HD + the Mana Alchemist's Int modifier.

Recipes (Ex): At first level, the Mana Alchemist knows three recipes. Every level, he learns a new recipe, except for levels where he unlocks a new tier of recipes, where he gains two. Once deciding on the effect you want, flavour it and give it a name, or roll on the chart at the bottom. The Alchemist decides if a given recipe is edible, potable or thrown at a target up to 30 feet away as a ranged touch attack (unless specified otherwise). The ones marked with an asterisk must be consumed (edible/potable).

  • *Restore 1d6 HP per level
  • Gain 3 Temporary HP per level (lasting 1 minute)
  • Gain a Featherfall effect for one hour
  • Target becomes Confused for 1 minute per level
  • Gain +1 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armour per 4 levels, DR = half level, overcome by one material type (selected when recipe is made), for 1 minute per level
  • Gain one type of Energy Resistance (selected when recipe is made) equal to level * 2, for one minute per level
  • Target takes a -6 penalty to one ability score (selected when recipe is made) for one minute
  • Once used, all spells cast within 30' of the point of use require Concentration checks (DC 15 + Alchemist level + Spell Level) to successfully cast, for 3 rounds
  • Gain Concealment for one minute, or create an Obscuring Mist effect (selected when recipe is made)
  • Gain a bonus on Escape Artist checks equal to double the Alchemist's level, and the ability to squeeze through any gap, no matter how small, as a Full Round action at only a -10 penalty, for ten minutes

Mana Infusions (Su): Starting at level 2, the Mana Alchemist gains the ability to force elemental mana power into an item. Doing so takes a Standard action, and lasts for 12 hours. No item may hold more than one mana at a time. At level two he gains access to Earth, Fire, Water and Wind. At level seven, he gains access to Stone, Plant, Aroma and Metal. At level fifteen, he gains access to Song, Life, Illusion and Poison.

Element:Infused Weapon:Infused Armour:
EarthTarget must make Fort save or fall ProneSuffers no drawbacks when Prone (foes do not get bonus to hit etc.)
FireDeals Fire Damage and sets target on Fire on failed Ref saveCold Resistance = 2*HD, Immune to Slow
WaterDeals Cold DamageNatural Swim speed equal to Land speed, Immune to being set on Fire and Fire Resistance = HD
WindCan reach out to 5' further and ignore cover less than fullFeatherfall effect
StoneTarget must make Fort save or drop what they are holdingPowerful Build
PlantHitting activates an Improved Grab with Constrict (weapon damage)Attackers must make Ref save or be Entangled 2 rounds
AromaTarget must make Fort save vs Daze 1 roundAttackers must make Will save or be Slowed 1 round
MetalAugmented Critical, AdamantineHeavy Fortification, DR 15/Adamantine
SongDeals Sonic Damage and affects incorporealAttackers must pass Will save or be Charmed
LifeRegain lost HP equal to damage dealt, never kills a living target*Gain Fast Healing 10
IllusionMay deal nonlethal damage and 1d6 Int damageProvides 50% Miss Chance and Disguise Self
PoisonTarget must make a Fort save against Dragon Bile PoisonAttackers must make a Fort save against Bebilith Poison

Any effects that require a save will only trigger once per target per round, and has a save DC of 10 + 1/2 Mana Alchemist's HD + Mana Alchemist's Int Modifier.

*Stops 1HP short of doing so if damage would kill them - and stabilizes.

Secret Ingredients (Su): Starting at level four, the Mana Alchemist may add a single secret ingredient to any given recipe when making something. All secret ingredients are learned, but only one may be used on a given recipe at a time. Enjoy your Chocolate Chocolate with a side of Chocolate and just a hint of Strychnine.

Doughy FillerWidens the effect50 GP
Rare SpicesChanges damage/Resistance type to Fire50 GP
Copper ShavingsChanges damage/Resistance type to Electric70 GP
Nevermelt IceChanges damage/Resistance type to Cold50 GP
Never Fading FlowerExtends the duration100 GP
Pixie DustRemoves or adds a descriptor from/to the effect500 GP
A hint of strychnineEmpowers any random variables200 GP

Tasty Recipes (Ex): Starting at level four, the Mana Alchemist can learn Tasty Recipes.

  • The following afflictions are removed from the consumer/target: Poison, Disease, Daze, Stun, Confusion, all [Fear] effects, Ability Damage and negative levels
  • Gain immunity to [Fear] effects, or Poisons and Diseases, or Critical Hits for 1 hour (selected when recipe is made)
  • *Gain a Breath Weapon that can be used once per 5 rounds for 1 minute per level: 30' cone of Fire, 2d6 Fire damage per HD (Ref half)
  • The target square takes 1d6 Acid damage per level (no save), and every adjacent creature takes 1d6 Acid damage per 2 levels (Ref half)
  • The target falls asleep for 1 minute per level on a failed Fort save
  • The target is paralyzed for 1 minute on a failed Fort save
  • All creatures within 30' of the target are Fascinated for 1 minute on a failed Will save
  • Creates a glitterdust effect
  • The target is afflicted by a Poison with primary damage 2d6 ability damage to one ability score (selected when recipe is made) and secondary damage of 1d6 damage to any two other ability scores (selected when recipe is made)
  • Creates a Caustic Mire effect

Toxin-Free (Ex): Starting at level five, the Mana Alchemist is immune to Poison.

Rapid Steeping (Su): Starting at level six, creating items via Mana Alchemy only takes a Full Round action per item.

Delicious Recipes (Ex): Starting at level eight, the Mana Alchemist can learn Delicious recipes.

  • Creates a Fly effect
  • The target becomes very hard to hurt, gaining DR X/- where X is the Alchemist's Level + Int modifier, as well as a bonus to Fort saves equal to the Alchemist's Int modifier, for one minute
  • Explodes in a 20' radius on use. All in the area take 2d6 Fire/Sonic damage per level of the Alchemist and are knocked Prone and Stunned for one round. A successful Ref save halves the damage, and a successful Fort save negates the Prone and Stunned - however only one save may be taken, each victim must decide what to try
  • The target catches fire, the flames a weird colour and scorching their soul. Every round that they burn (until put out), they take 1d6 Fire damage per level of the Alchemist and 1d6 Cold damage per level of the Alchemist. Additionally, they take 1 Charisma damage each round, and when first targeted they must pass a Will save or Panic until the flames are put out. Anyone who at any point occupies the same square as them must make a Ref save or catch fire as well
  • Poison Gas is released in a 15' spread, lingering for 5 rounds. It obscures vision, but more importantly everyone in the area must make a Fort save vs Poison each round or take 1d6 Con damage and be Nauseated for the round
  • *This grants a +4 Alchemical bonus to all ability scores for one minute
  • Creates a Disintegrate effect on target
  • A 20' radius cloud of glue forms and lingers for 3 rounds before solidifying. All in the area must make a Fort save against becoming Slowed and a Ref save against becoming Entangled. If both saves are failed, they become Helpless. Once the glue solidifies, all in the area are automatically Helpless, and begin to suffocate
  • *Gain a Breath Weapon that can be used once per 5 rounds for 1 minute per level: 45' cone of poisonous electric gas, 2d6 Acid/Lightning damage per HD (Ref half), and Poison (Fort negates, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str)
  • The target's morale is improved, granting the effects of good hope, divine favor and divine power, all for three rounds

Lead to Gold! (Su): Starting at level nine, the Mana Alchemist can, with one minute of work, turn up to 1 pound per level of any nonmagical metal into an equal weight of gold.

Dual Infusions (Su): At level ten, the Mana Alchemist gains the ability to infuse items with two Mana elements with the same action, and they can hold any two Mana elements at a time. If two conflicting abilities are given ("Deals Fire damage" and "Deals Cold damage"), then take the average ("Deals half Fire and half Cold damage") if possible. Otherwise select one to be ignored.

Brew Potions (Su): At level eleven, the Mana Alchemist gains the ability to make potions, as per the feat. He can create Potions of any spell of level 0-3 from the Cleric, Druid or Sorcerer/Wizard lists, as though he knew the spells. He needn't pay any XP costs for this, though they go bad if not used in one week.

Mouth-Watering Recipes (Ex): Starting at level twelve, the Mana Alchemist may learn Mouth-Watering recipes.

  • Heals target or is splashed into a 20' radius spread that provides a Cure Critical Wounds effect on all in the area, or released as a gas in a 15' radius cloud that hangs around for 1 minute, with a Cure Moderate Wounds effect on all in the area (select when designing the recipe).
  • All in a 15' radius spread gain the benefits of Good Hope, Divine Favor and Divine Power, all for three rounds.
  • A 15' radius spread is splashed with Liquid Fire, dealing 2d6 Fire damage per level to all in the area (Ref half) and setting them on fire. All wearing armour add three times their Armor bonus to the damage. The area also counts as a Grease spell, applying the damage each round, for one minute.
  • Materials are polymorphed - change the material that one weapon or armour is made from, permanently. Can also be used to make general changes such as turning skulls into skull-shaped jewels or turning one 5' cube per level of castle wall into sand or Diamond-studded Ceramite-Adamantium Blend.
  • Creates a Bottled Soul, that restores any lost levels and removes any negative levels, or can be fed into an element to create an Elemental (must be of roughly same size, maximum CR is 3 less than Alchemist's character level) for 1 minute or into an object to create an Awakened Animated Object for one minute.
  • A Demon, created from chemicals and mana power, is forged, existing for one minute before fizzling out. It can be any Tanar'ri with a CR at least 2 less than the Alchemist's character level. The Alchemist can probably spend some relevant resource (talk with DM) to make it permanent, having a permanent ally made out of sulphur and tea.
  • Poison Gas is released in a 30' radius spread, lingering for 10 rounds. It obscures vision, but more importantly everyone in the area must make a Fort save vs Poison each round or take 2d6 Con damage and be Nauseated for the round. Even after leaving, those who failed a save against it are Nauseated for one minute.
  • *The target gains the ability to Fly, as per the spell, benefits from a Greater Blur effect, and can hurl Lightning Bolts as a Standard action (2d6 per level of the Alchemist, damage not capped).
  • A 10' radius spread of air is turned into either a solid (stone) or a liquid (acid) - decide which when creating the recipe. In the former case, all in the area are instantly held immobile and suffocating, requiring a Strength check (use the Alchemy DCs) to break free. In the latter case, all in the area are counted as being fully immersed in acid: 10d6 Acid damage and 1d4 Con damage instantly, and again every round if they remain in the area.
  • A 15x15x15' cube of earth/stone is turned into magma. Anyone standing on top immediately begins to sink, and takes 20d6 Fire damage. Every round they spend in the area, they count as Slowed and Entangled, and take another 20d6 Fire damage.

Real Mnemonic Extract (Ex): At level thirteen, the Alchemist has learned enough about the chemicals of the mind to physically extract memories. By spending one minute with the proper tools and an appropriate subject - one who is either alive or has not been dead longer than one day/Mana Alchemist level - the Mana Alchemist may extract up to 5 minutes of the subject's memories, from any time in the past up to 1 year/Mana Alchemist level distant. This results in a potion which can be imbibed, implanting the memories in the imbiber. Both the extraction and the implanting of memories are [Mind-Affecting].

Alchemical Blood (Ex): Starting at level fourteen, the Mana Alchemist's body starts producing chemicals which are usually beneficial. With a Swift action, the Mana Alchemist can gain the effects (good and bad) of any drug, and with a Standard action he can produce it in his saliva, to create a dose to bottle (though it turns to water after one day) or to spit out, delivering as a ranged touch attack to 15 feet. The save DCs are 10 + half HD + Con.

Divine Recipes (Ex): Starting at level sixteen, the Mana Alchemist may learn Divine recipes.

  • *The consumer is transformed into another creature, which is chosen when the recipe is first created. The target creature must have a CR no higher than the level of the Alchemist. The target is transformed into the new creature, via 100% character sheet replacement, no fuck you, for 10 minutes.
  • A spray is released from the holder of the item, in a Cone (30' + 5' per level). All in the area take 3d6 negative levels (Fort half), which go away at the end of the day, just before one would normally have to save against permanent level loss. All in the area are also Entangled by the darkness for a number of rounds equal to the number of negative levels suffered.
  • *Whoever consumes it becomes a Lich, permanently, as long as they are not a Construct or Undead already. If they don't actually want this to happen, they get a Fort save to resist. There is always some form of residue left over from this, which becomes the phylactery, or maybe it's a potion and the bottle is the phylactery. You decide.
  • Whoever consumes this, or is in the square this is thrown into, must make a Fort save or be possessed by Mana power imbued with a fragment of the Alchemist's mind. Essentially, they are possessed as per Magic Jar, except the Alchemist is still active and suffers no drawbacks if they wander too far, die or get an exorcism performed. However his concentration is not infinite: he can only possess one person at a time while also having control over his own body.
  • A Gate (travel version) is created as the creation burns a hole between the planes.
  • A 50' radius cloud of burning icy doom is unleashed, lingering for 10 minutes or until dispersed. It functions like a Solid Fog, except all in the area take 1d6 Cold damage per level and 1d6 Fire damage per level every round they remain. When this is created, either the user of the item must be inside the area of effect, or one part of the circumference of the area must be in an adjacent square. If it is dispersed by strong winds, it will first drift in a 100' wide, 300' long line, dealing damage to all in the area (Ref half).
  • When the item is used, it begins to magnetically draw meteors in. Starting on the following round, a meteor will hit, centered on that square it landed in or the target who consumed it, every round for 1 minute. Each meteor deals 10d6 Bludgeoning damage and 10d6 Cold damage, automatically to the square/target. Those within 15' are affected but get a Ref save for half. Naturally, chunks of broken meteor will start to fill the area, turning into Difficult Terrain.
  • The target is killed (a [Death] effect), and Disintegrated (the body destroyed except for tiny specks of dust), and replaced with/surrounded by beautiful crystals, essentially creating a statue of the target. There is no save involved, but for the purposes of Resurrection, the statue counts as the corpse.
  • Adding water to this creates 2d4 instant Beholders that are loyal to the Alchemist and hang around for 10 minutes before dissolving. They get an Alchemical bonus (equal to the Alchemist's level minus their CRs) on Attack rolls, Damage rolls, Saving Throws, Save DCs and Armour Class.
  • A 30' radius cloud of smoke is released, which fills its area with all the planar traits of a plane of the Alchemist's choice (chosen each time the item is made). Effectively, all in the area are actually in the plane in question, and if they fail a Ref save when first inside the effect, will actually be grabbed by denizens and dragged there, effectively Gated into the plane. With a Standard action, the user can cause the smoke to tumble back into the vial/bottle and place a cork in, pulling all inside with it. This traps them inside, the only way to release them being to break or open the vial.

Secret Recipe (Ex): At level seventeen, the Mana Alchemist develops a secret recipe, which does something. If I told you what it does, it wouldn't be much of a secret, now would it? It's awesome, though. Really.

The Mana Alchemist gains a spell-like ability usable 3/day from the Cleric list.

Elixir of Life (Su): Starting at level eighteen, the Mana Alchemist can produce the Elixir of Life. Doing so takes a full day, and when complete, it will last for seven days or until consumed, whichever happens first. When poured down someone's throat, they are restored to life with no level loss, even if killed by things that prevent Raise Dead or Resurrection from working (though if it prevents True Resurrection from working, you're SOL). They are also cured of all negative levels, ability damage, ability drain, HP damage, nonlethal damage, Vile/Frostburn damage and debilitating conditions.

Transmute Any Object (Su): At level nineteen, as a full-round action, the Mana Alchemist may turn anything into almost anything else - so long as it could be produced with a wish. Creatures transformed into things which are normally objects retain their mental attributes, though are unable to move. Objects transformed into "creatures" are soulless and perpetually unconscious, and cannot be a creature with higher than 5 CR.

Good Strong Hot Strong Warming - But Not Hotting - Good Fresh Fresh Good Tea (Ex): At level twenty, the Mana Alchemist wins the game.

Recipe Name Table:

d20 rollAdjectiveIngredientCreationWith a side of
6Faerie-SweetRosehipJamPixie Dust
10InfernalIronAcidTrapped Ghost
13BlissfulCyanideSludgeLiquid Gold
19HerbalFlowerShardsShadow Essence

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Monster Tamer

I choose you!

Monster Tamers are a group of people who, instead of gaining innate power, learn to bind the souls of monstrous beings and command them to fight in the Tamer's stead. They are often feared by most of the smarter beings among these Monsters, who don't relish the prospect of being an attack dog on a leash for mortal Tamers.

Making a Monster Tamer

Monster Tamers are most often defined by the Monsters they have at their command. Some choose to have a varied and even haphazard collection, some choose to focus on Monsters of a particular type or subtype, and some choose to go along other themes, such as Monsters with particular schools of spell-like abilities or tough bruisers.

Abilities: Charisma determines how many Monsters a Monster Tamer can control. A Monster Tamer is also somewhat dependent upon ranged combat, which is highly influenced by Dexterity. Most Monster Tamer class skills (see below) are based on Charisma, Intelligence, or Dexterity.

Races: Monster Tamers are usually Human, although there is a sizable number of Halfling Monster Tamers as well. Monster Tamers are usually not well thought of in Elven communities, and many turn to the road. In the depths of the Dwarven mountain halls Monster Tamers are seen as a valuable method of removing dangerous Monsters from the caverns but are also frequently shunned if they are seen training their Monsters. Gnomes are more likely to be scholars of Monsters than to attempt to capture any themselves. Amongst the savage humanoids Monster Tamers are usually laughed at and scorned until they can capture something large enough to frighten compliance out of others.

Alignment: Most Monster Tamers have an extreme alignment, although many are kindly masters, others are vicious and cruel. Monster Tamers tend to shy away from neutrality as their constant battles of will with Monsters generally make them quite accustomed to choosing sides.

Starting Gold: 3d4×5 gp (37.5 gp). Monster Tamers also start with an empty soul prison and one CR 1/2 monster.

Starting Age: Simple. Monster Tamers often start young, and the player can simply elect to take the youngest possible age for her race.

Table: The Monster Tamer

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+0+2+0 Control Monster, Caster Levels, Train Monster, Dread Lore, Craft Soul Prison
2nd+1+0+3+0 Heal Monster
3rd+2+1+3+1 Subtype Specialization
4th+3+1+4+1 Increased Awareness, Double Team
5th+3+1+4+1 Speak with Monsters
6th+4+2+5+2 Craft Greater Soul Prison
7th+5+2+5+2 Type Specialization
8th+6/+1+2+6+2 Transfer Control
9th+6/+1+3+6+3 Advanced Monster Healing
10th+7/+2+3+7+3 Craft Leaden Seal
11th+8/+3+3+7+3 Store Monster, Recall Monster
12th+9/+4+4+8+4 Second Subtype Specialization
14th+10/+5+4+9+4 Second Type Specialization
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+5 Craft Master Prison
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5 Fast Recall Monster
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+6 Third Subtype Specialization
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+6 Third Type Specialization
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+6 Subtype Mastery

Class Skills (Skill Points:4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (special), Survival (Wis)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Monster Tamer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Monster Tamers are proficient with all simple weapons, nets, bolas, Orcish Shotputs, Halfling Skiprocks, harpoons, shuriken, and whips. Monster Tamers have proficiency only with light armor. Monster Tamers are considered proficient with using any bludgeoning weapon they are normally proficient with for inflicting subdual damage (thus, they do not duffer a -4 to-hit penalty when attempting to inflict subdual damage with any bludgeoning weapon they are proficient with).

Caster Levels: Even though Monster Tamers do not gain spells per day or have spell levels – Monster Tamers have many caster level dependent abilities. A Monster Tamer gains a Monster Tamer caster level for every Monster Tamer level. If a Monster Tamer gains a Prestige Class which adds to Caster levels – she may choose to raise Monster Tamer caster levels instead of other caster levels.

"Monster": A Monster is any Aberration, Dragon, Magical Beast, Ooze or Shapeshifter which advances by "Hit Dice" rather than "By Character Class." Creatures which can advance by hit dice or character class – like Beholders – are unable to be controlled. Deity level creatures, including unique dragon types and unique arch-fiends, are not Monsters regardless of creature type. A Monster Tamer can use the Animal Empathy skill on any Monster as a normal Diplomacy attempt to influence NPC attitudes if the monster has no base language.

Soul Prisons and Monsters: When a Monster is caught with a Soul Prison (see Craft Soul Prison below) it is shrunk down and placed in stasis like in Gloves of Storing. While in a Soul Prison, Monsters do not to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. A Monster can be returned to its Soul Prison or removed from its Soul Prison as a standard action by the Monster Tamer which owns it – with a range of 25’ + 5’ per 2 caster levels. If a Soul Prison with a Monster is traded, given, or sold to another person, ownership of the Monster is also transferred. A Monster heals rapidly while in its Soul Prison. Subdual damage heals at the normal rate while in its Soul Prison.

Control Monster (Ex): A Monster Tamer can have a number of Monsters in Soul Prisons equal to her Charisma Modifier be “Controlled.” A Controlled Monster behaves like a summoned monster when released from its Soul Prison, and is essentially under the control of the Monster Tamer. A Monster Tamer cannot control a Monster whose Challenge Rating is equal to or greater than the Monster Tamer’s Caster Level. Remember the rubric for increasing challenge rating based on extra hit dice or class levels to determine if the Monster is controlled. An uncontrolled Monster will act as it sees fit, possibly going on a rampage, running away, or simply sleeping until it is returned to its Soul Prison. Furthermore, Dragon type Monsters are harder to control than other Monsters, and use twice their CR (or their own CR + 4, whichever is less) to determine whether they will obey their Monster Tamer. A Controlled Monster cannot use any Summoning ability to summon uncontrolled Monsters.

More than one controlled Monster can be out of their balls at any one time – but only the first one released behaves like a summoned monster – any subsequent released Monster will act normally, usually standing around and watching events transpire, or sleeping (extreme events can cause them to take direct action at DM’s option).

Increases to Charisma does not affect the number of Monsters which can be controlled, such as effects like Eagles Splendor do not increase the number of controllable Monsters. Once a Monster Tamer has reached the limit of the number of Monsters which can be controlled, the Monster Tamer cannot control any more until one or more of the controlled Monsters are released from control or killed. Releasing a Monster from control takes about 10 minutes. Control can be reasserted, but only if the Monster Tamer has the ability to control that many Monsters.

Losing Monsters: A Monster Tamer can, at any time, release their Monsters into the wild. This is a process that takes about 10 minutes during which the Monster Tamer says her goodbyes to the Monster. The Monster is then free to do whatever it wishes, its current intellignce, alignment, and abilities do not inherently change from this release. The Monster’s Soul Prison is broken in the process, and is no longer attuned to that Monster. Monsters who were treated especially well or poorly by their Monster Tamer will not forget that treatment and may, at the DM’s discretion, act accordingly either immediately or at some time in the future.

Death and Monsters: Sometimes, Monsters die, this causes a great loss to the Monster Tamer, both emotionally and spiritually. A Monster Tamer whose controlled Monster dies immediately loses 200 XP times the CR of the Monster (zero XP for Monsters below CR 1). A Monster Tamer can make a Will save (DC 15) to halve the XP loss. XP lost in this way are recovered if the Monster is raised from the dead by any means (usually Raise Dead or Resurrection). The XP is recovered if the Monster is Reincarnated, but the new body breaks the Monster Tamer to Monster link and the Monster is no longer controlled, and may no longer be a Monster (depending on its new type).

Train Monster (Ex): A Monster Tamer can train or evolve their Monster with their Handle Animal skill. As an extraordinary ability, a Monster Tamer need not choose specific animals as trainable and can use Handle Animal on any Monster. Training a Monster takes 8 hours and has a DC of 15 + Monster’s (new) CR. The effects available from Training Monster are based on the number of Ranks in Handle Animal the Monster Tamer has:

  • 3 ranks – Learn Trick: This is just like teaching to an animal companion (see DMG page 46). Note that some Monsters are intelligent enough so that they are able to perform “tricks” without being specifically taught – and all Monsters are able to learn at least 4 tricks even if their intelligence would not normally be high enough.
  • 6 ranks – Grow Monster: This causes the Monster to advance 1 Hit Die, if it would not cause the Monster to exceed its advancement limit. This may cause the creature to grow in size category, see the monster description. This may also cause the Monster to become uncontrolled, if this raises its CR to past the maximum CR the Monster Tamer can control. You select what skills, if any, a Monster Tamer gains for its level, and if this would cause a Monster to gain a feat you may select the feat.
  • 9 ranks – Evolve Monster: This causes the Monster to evolve to a more advanced form. The Monster gains a template of your choice. Note that this may cause the Monster to become uncontrolled, if this raises the CR to past the maximum CR the Monster Tamer can control. The Monster remains a Monster even if its type changes to a type which is not normally a Monster. Monsters who become Dragons in this way are not harder to control than natural dragons are. You select what skills, if any, a Monster gains with its template, and if this would cause a Monster to gain one or more feats you may select the feat(s). At the DM’s option, a Monster may be evolved into a similar but more powerful form that is normally represented by a separate entry. For example: a DM might allow a Monster Tamer to evolve her Red Slaad into a Green Slaad, or a Fiendish Horse into a Nightmare.
  • 12 ranks – Inspire Monster: You may be an especially kind or cruel master to your Monster, giving it a permanent +2 Sacred or Profane bonus to any statistic. You may only give this bonus once to each Monster, and you cannot give different bonuses (Sacred or Profane) to different Monsters.

Dread Lore (Ex): A Monster Tamer accumulates significant knowledge about the Monsters that they face. The amount of knowledge a Monster Monster Tamer has on an encountered wild monster is linked to the Monster Tamer’s Survival skill. The abilities granted depend upon how many ranks the Monster Tamer has in the relevant skill:

  • 3 ranks – Identify Monster: A Monster Tamer can automatically identify the name, type, and subtype of any Monster encountered.
  • 6 ranks – Full Monster Entry: A Monster Tamer’s player can open the Monster Manual (or other relevant source material) to the appropriate page and read the Monster’s entry. If the Monster Tamer’s player chooses, she may read the relatively uninformative descriptive text at the beginning of the entry to other players out loud. In addition, a Monster Tamer may note whether a Monster encounterred in the wild has extra advancement hit dice and/or class levels – though not necessarily what kind or how many.
  • 12 ranks – Fully Identify Monster: The Monster Tamer is able to instantly identify any Monster’s advancement hit dice and class level (if any).

Craft Soul Prison (Su):: A 2nd level Monster Tamer can craft Soul Prisons. A Soul Prison costs 100 GP and 8 XP to make. Alternately, it costs 200 GP to buy one if it is available. A Soul Prison acts as a thrown weapon, which is used as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 15’. Using a Soul Prison is considered to be using a spell like ability. If a Soul Prison thrown by a Monster Tamer hits a Monster it inflicts 1 point of subdual damage per caster level – if the Monster is unconscious after being hit by the Soul Prison it is sucked into the Soul Prison and now belongs to the Monster Tamer who threw the Soul Prison – the Soul Prison is now sitting in a square formerly occupied by the captured Monster. If a Soul Prison hits a Monster it is attuned to that Monster and cannot be used on any other Monster – ever.

Heal Monster (Su): A Monster Tamer may attempt to accelerate the healing of a Monster in its Soul Prison. By spending a fullround action, a Monster Tamer can attempt a Heal Check (DC 15) to either convert all regular damage suffered by the Monster into subdual damage, or to confer the benefits of 1 day of rest to the Monster (2 Hit Points per hit die, 1 day worth of repaired Ability damage, the recovery of any limited uses/day abilities, and the healing of all subdual damage). This ability may be used on each Monster 3 plus the Monster Tamer’s Wisdom bonus (if positive) times per day.

Subtype Specialization (Ex): A Monster Tamer can choose a subtype which is her specialty. A Monster Tamer gains a +1 bonus on all Bluff, Animal Empathy, Handle Animal, Knowledge, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival, checks when using these skills on or about such creatures for every 3 caster levels she has. A Monster Tamer can choose a second Subtype to be equally proficient with at 12th level, and a third at 18th. A Monster Tamer can Control one extra Monster which must be of a subtype that she specializes in. Subtypes include: Air, Aquatic, Chaotic, Cold, Earth, Electricity, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Reptilian, and Water.

Increased Awareness (Ex): At 4th level and above, a Monster Tamer’s Monster become more intelligent and aware. After the Monster Tamer has owned her Monster for at least 1 week, its intelligence changes to the Monster Tamer's ranks in Handle Animal if that is more than its normal intelligence. In addition, a Monster Tamer can make her Monster gradually see things her way – a Monster’s alignment shifts one degree towards the Monster Tamer’s each week if she can succeed in an Animal Empathy check at a DC of (10 + the Monster’s CR). The DM decides whether it moves Law/Chaos or Good/Evil first depending upon circumstances. So if a Lawful Good Monster Tamer captured an Imp (lawful evil Monster), the Imp could become Lawful Neutral after one week, and could be Lawful Good after 2 weeks. Monster subtypes are unaffected – so an Evil Monster such as an Efreet would stay subtype [Evil] even if it subsequently became of Good alignment.

Double Team (Ex): Upon reaching 4th level, the Monster Tamer is able to control two Monsters out of their balls simultaneously, even in battle. This ability only functions so long as both Monsters are more than 2 CR less than the Monster Tamer's caster level. For example, a 5th level Monster Tamer could command a single CR 4 Monster in battle or two CR 2 Monsters, but could not command a CR 1 Monster and a CR 3 Monster simultaneously.

Speak With Monsters (Ex) At fifth level a Monster Tamer has tongues – always on, which only affects Monsters. Even though a Gorgon’s speech still sounds like “Groarrough” it is perfectly intelligible to the Monster Tamer. Further, the Monster Tamer’s speech is understandable by Monster even if they do not normally have a language – even Oozes and other Monsters not normally capable of communicating at all.

Craft Greater Soul Prison (Su): A Monster Tamer can craft a Greater Soul Prison, which is a more powerful form of Soul Prison. It behaves just like a Soul Prison except that it costs 1000 Gold and 80 XP to craft – and inflicts d4 subdual damage per caster level.

Type Specialization (Ex): At 7th level, you can choose a single creature type to gain the same skill bonuses as your subtype specialization with a creature type instead. You are not limited to normal Monster types. You may choose a second type to Specialize in at 14th level, and a third at 19th. You may have an additional controlled Monster, which must be of a type you are specialized in. Type and Subtype Specialization bonuses are cumulative.

Transfer Control (Ex): At 8th level a Monster Tamer can choose to change which Monster she controls, up to her regular limit of controlled Monsters. All newly controlled Monsters must be in Soul Prisons possessed and owned by the Monster Tamer. Transfer Control is a full-round action. Normally transferring control takes 10 minutes per Monster so transferred.

Advanced Monster Healing (Sp): A Monster Tamer can, at 9th level, use heal as a Spell-like ability a number of times a day equal to her wisdom modifier, with a minimum of once a day. A Monster Tamer can only Heal Monsters she controls, but can heal them whether they are in their Soul Prisons or not.

Craft Leaden Seal (Su): A Monster Tamer can craft a Leaden Seal. A Leaden Seal is a much more powerful form of Soul Prison. It costs 5000 GP and 400 XP to make. When used, it inflicts d8 points of subdual damage per caster level.

Store Monster (Sp): Starting at 11th level, as a move equivalent action, a Monster Tamer can send a Soul Prison with a Monster in it to a completely safe extra dimensional space. A Soul Prison must be within Close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 caster levels) to be stored. Store Monster cannot be combined with a normal move. Store Monster is a spell-like ability.

Recall Monster (Su): Starting at 11th level, as a full-round action, a Monster Tamer can transport a Stored Soul Prison from her extradimensional space to her hand.

Craft Master Prison (Su): A Master Prison is the ultimate expression of the Monster Hunter – it costs a hefty 10000 GP and 800 XP to manufacture, and subdues the first Monster it hits, if that Monster does not have more than 2 hit dice for every caster level of the Monster Tamer who threw it. If a Monster is too strong to be captured automatically it may yet succumb as it still suffers d12 subdual damage per caster level.

Fast Recall Monster (Su): As Recall Monster, but Recalling Monsters is a free action.

Subtype Mastery (Ex): The Monster Tamer chooses one subtype that she is already specialized in to Master. All her Leaden Seals function like Master Prisons against Monsters of that subtype, there is no limit to the CR of Monsters of that subtype that she can control – and she can control one extra Monster of that subtype, in addition to her bonus controlled Monsters from type and subtype specialization.

Ex-Monster Tamers


Epic Monster Tamer

Monsters: The Monster Tamer’s caster level is equal to her class level. She can still only control a Monster of a CR less than her caster level (unless she has an appropriate mastery ability).

Bonus Feats : The epic Monster Tamer gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Monster Tamer bonus feats) every third level after 20th.

Epic Monster Tamer Bonus Feat List: Augmented Alchemy, Combat Archery, Construct Monsters, Craft Epic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Deific Monsters, Distant Shot, Double Team, Efficient Item Creation, Energy Resistance, Epic Leadership, Legendary Commander, Epic Monster Control, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Monster Mastery, Fey Monsters, Forge Epic Ring, Improved Manyshot, Legendary Rider, Legendary Wrestler, Polyglot, Swarm of Throws, Uncanny Accuracy, Undead Monsters, Unusual Specialization.

Human Monster Tamer Starting Package

Weapons: Sling with 20 bullets.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 5 + Int modifier.

Handle Animal4Cha
Knowledge (arcana)4Int
Sleight of Hand4Dex

Feat: Point Blank Shot.

Bonus Feats: Precise Shot.

Gear: Leather armor, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, 7 days trail rations, 50 ft. hemp rope, 3 torches, waterskin, one empty Soul Prison, one Soul Prison with a CR 1/2 Monster of the player's choice.

Gold: 18.67 gp.

Campaign Information

Playing a Monster Tamer

Religion: Monster Tamers have no special ties to particular deities. However, powerful Monster Tamers have significant dealings with the outer planes – and many become Clerics. Gods of Elemental or Alignment domains are frequent choices – as are Gods of Plant or Animal.

Other Classes: Monster Tamers do not make good front line fighters, although their short range thrown weapons can be devastating. They frequently need Fighting characters to soften up powerful Monsters for capture as well as to distract powerful Monsters long enough for a Monster Tamer to capture it. Sometimes a Monster Tamer will be attacked by creatures or adversity that are not Monsters, in such cases the abilities of Wizards and Sorcerers are invaluable – a Monster Tamer’s relative dominance over Monsters can allow conventional spellcasters to save their powers for use against non-Monster foes. Monster Tamers can eventually heal their own Monsters fairly effectively – thus limiting their use for Clerics, however they cannot heal themselves. As a result Monster Tamers are sometimes seen to be both cowardly and ungrateful by their non-Monster companions.

Combat: Monster Tamers are similar to Summoners, in that most of their power comes from the abilities of their controlled Monsters. What role any individual Monster Tamer varies heavily depending on what monsters they control, and are as varied as the number of Monsters out there.

Advancement: Monster Tamers rarely multiclass - however, if they multiclass into another spellcasting class and have access to domains, the Spellcaster levels stack for purposes of controlling Monsters of a type or subtype sharing a name with those domains. So a Monster Tamer 6/Cleric 5 with the domains of Evil and Fire would control Monsters as Caster level 6, but would control Evil or Fire Monsters as a Caster Level 11 Monster Tamer.

Monster Tamers in the World


Daily Life: .

Notables: .

Organizations: .

NPC Reactions: .

Monster Tamer Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) can research Monster Tamers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Arcana)
5A number of creatures in the world can be classified as Monsters - inhuman beings which have supernatural power.
10Sometimes, these monsters can be bound to serve mortal beings, through magic or coercion.
15People called "Monster Tamers" are able to use throwing weapons and soul storage devices to capture and control Monsters.
20Monster Tamers are able to advance their minions beyond what is normally possible, and some of them even command divine power.

Monster Tamers in the Game

Most Monster Tamers dedicate their lives to training Monsters very early in life. Monster Tamers generally come from single parent homes or are orphans. Many Monster Tamers learn their skills because they love Monsters or are simply competitive – while others see Monsters as a relatively easy path to power and dominate their Monsters in order to fuel their lusts for eternal acquisitiveness. Such Tamers may turn to theft or extortion to attempt to steal the Monsters of other Tamers.

Monster Tamers are often called upon by society to handle powerful monsters and seal them away, and find a similar calling in adventuring parties. They are often shunned due to the fact that they command the very monsters that they were called to deal with, so they often take to the road.

Adaptation: Monster Tamers can be used to represent people who summon specific monsters they have encountered before, such as the Biblical King Solomon or Callers from Final Fantasy.

Sample Encounter: The players may be called in to deal with a Monster which has been seen near the town, only to find out that it is under the command of a Monster Tamer. Perhaps the townsfolk are reacting preemptively to the presence of a perceived threat - or perhaps the Tamer is actually trying to extort them using her minion as an incentive to go along with it.

EL : .

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Prestige Classes

Golem-Knight of Mechanus


Golem-Knights are to be feared. Their armor is massive, and they know secrets about iron and metal and chemicals and what they can really do. Also, keep in mind that sufficiently advanced technology kicks as much ass as magic.

Becoming a Golem-Knight

Golem-Knights can come from Knights, obviously. However, a lot of craft-oriented Fighters feel the pull of using the teachings of Mechanus.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Skills: 10 ranks in Knowledge (Engineering)
Feats: Juggernaut
Special: must have spent time learning the art of construction in Mechanus. A Knight who is of an appropriate Order need not possess the ranks in Knowledge (engineering) or spend time learning in Mechanus.
Table: The Golem-Knight

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+1+2+0+0 Craft Mechanus Armor, Amplifiers
2nd+2+3+0+0 Mechanus Mount, Rocket Lance
3rd+3+3+1+1 Artificer's Secret Weapon,Fuel Lines
4th+4+4+1+1 Craft Grenades, Boomstick
5th+5+4+1+1 Golem Body,Servo Arm

Class Skills (6 + Int) modifier per level.

Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis) Open Lock (Dex), Ride (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex).

Proficiencies: the Golem-Knight is proficient with any weapon that they craft.

Craft Mechanus Armor (Ex):the Golem-Knight can, given about a day and enough scrap materials, construct a suit of Mechanus Armour. This is extra heavy Adamantine Full Plate that has an Enhancement bonus equal to one quarter of the Knight's character level. However, it only gains this effect when worn by the Knight who crafted it.

Additionally, the wearer gains all Construct traits (but ability scores remain unchanged), along with the ability to add the armour's Enhancement bonus to all Break attempts and damage rolls.

Amplifiers (Ex): the Golem-Knight has a booming voice that can carry on for miles. Additionally, they may cast Command at will as an Extraordinary ability.

Mechanus Mount (Ex): the Golem-Knight may, given enough scrap material and about a day, craft a mighty steed that looks like a warhorse with too many layers of plate barding. This counts as a Cauchemar Nightmare of the Construct type (ability scores are unchanged) and no actual alignment. It loses its Spell-like abilities (but retains the smoke, breath weapon and fire damage) and Subtypes, and has hit dice equal to the Knight's character level.

It possesses a Natural Armour bonus of +0 but an Armour bonus equal to its hit dice and an Enhancement bonus to Strength and Armour equal to the class level of the Golem-Knight. It is completely loyal to the Golem-Knight, but when not being ridden, it stands motionless, unable to act.

It can be crafted to any size that the Golem-Knight could ride, and the Knight can see through its Smoke.

Rocket Lance (Ex): the Golem-Knight may, with an hour of work, modify a lance to be fired as though from a cannon. It can be used as a ranged weapon with range increments of 15' and counts as charging when fired. It still adds the Strength modifier of the Knight to damage, but does not multiply the Strength by one and a half.

Artificer's Secret Weapon: (Ex): with a day of hard work, the Golem-Knight can craft special weapons. They are treated as though magical (with a Greater Magic Weapon effect), though may trade the bonuses out for special abilities, however they are in no way magical and thus function normally in an AMF and cannot be disjoined. They still bypass DR/magic and can strike incorporeal targets.

Fuel Lines (Ex): special fuel pipes can be built into the Mechanus Armour with a whole hour of work. This allows the Golem-Knight to drink any potion they have as a Swift Action.

Craft Grenades (Ex): with an hour and some random materials, the Golem-Knight may craft 1d4+1 special grenades. Sadly, they are unstable and will be unusable after 24 hours. Until then, they may be thrown as grenade weapons (duh), exploding in a 30' radius. The save DC is 10 + half the Knight's HD + their Int modifier. The Golem-Knight may choose the effects upon creation:

Incendiary: all in the area take 1d6 Fire damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A successful Ref save halves this damage, but those who fail the save catch fire.
Frost Cloud: all in the area take 1d6 Cold damage per character level of the Golem-Knight and are Slowed for 1 round. A successful Fort save halves the damage and negates the Slow effect.
Flash Bang: all in the area are Blinded and Deafened for 1d4 rounds on a failed Ref save.
Concussion: all in the area are knocked prone automatically, and Dazed for 1 round on a failed Fort save.
Electro Pulse: all in the area take 1d6 Electricity damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A successful Ref save halves this, but those who fail the save count as Entangled for 1 round as their limbs spasm.
Sleep Gas: all in the area become drowsy for 2 rounds on a failed Fort save. Drowsy characters count as Fatigued and take a -6 penalty on saves against Sleep effects.
Corrosive Gas: all in the area take 1d6 Acid damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A Ref save halves this. Those who fail the save take damage equal to the Golem-Knight's character level on the following round.
Disruption Pulse: all Constructs and Undead in the area take 1d8 untyped damage per character level of the Golem-Knight. A Fort save halves this, and they are not immune to this effect.

Grenades are not magical.

Boomstick (Ex): with half a day of work, the Golem-Knight can craft a double-barrelled shotgun of sorts. Firing this two-handed weapon is an Attack action and it takes a Partial Action to reload (Swift with Rapid Reload or Sleight of Hand 10 ranks, Free with both of the above), but can fire twice before needing to be reloaded. 1d6+1 rounds can be crafted with an hour of work.

Solid Shot: 40' range increments, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, critical 20/x4.
Scatter Shot: 40' cone, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, Ref half (same DC as grenades). Those who fail are knocked Prone.
Incendiary: 40' cone, 2d6 Fire damage, Ref half. Those who fail catch fire.
Flash-Bang Powder: 40' cone, all in the area are Blinded and Deafened for 1 round, Ref negates.
Explosive Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Fire damage, sets the target on fire. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).
Meltdown Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Acid damage, with 2d6 Acid damage the following round. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).
Executioner Seeker Rounds: creates a non-magical Magic Missile (try not to think too hard about it) effect with a CL equal to the class level of the Golem-Knight.

This weapon is not magical.

Golem Body (Ex): with a week of work and enough materials, the Golem-Knight may construct their very own actual golem body. This can be a giant chunk of baked clay that looks like a few rocks stacked together, or it could be an intricate suit of many plates of armour. Whatever. It takes a whole hour to don this "body", or to escape it, but when worn, the following benefits are gained, in addition to those that would be gained if the Knight was wearing their Mechanus Armour (they can't wear armour while wearing this):

Size: 1 category larger (you may wish to construct a bigger horse)
Ability Scores: +8 Strength, -4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution
Speed: remains the same
Reach: extends by 5'
Armour: as the Mechanus Armour +5
Attacks: may wield weapons, or gains 2 slams (2d6+Str for a Large creature). May also use a Bite attack (3d6+1/2 Str for a Large creature).
Trample (4d6 for a Large creature)
Improved Grab
Spell Resistance equal to 10 + hit dice
Furnace Blast (Ex): 50' breath weapon deals 2d6 Fire damage per hit die, Ref half (Con-based). Can be used once per minute, and those who fail the save catch fire. May instead be focused on a character hit by a Bite attack, as a Swift action. This hits automatically as though they had failed the save, but no-one else is affected.

This "armor" is not magical.

Craft Servo Arm (Ex): the Golem-Knight may, with a day's work, craft an additional arm to connect to a mount, Mechanus Armour, or the Golem Body. This arm reaches out to 10' further than the subject normally could, and can manipulate objects like a Telekinesis spell (CL = HD), or may be used to attack foes like a Bigby's Crushing Fist spell (CL = HD). It also has a form of blow-torch and saw added, which helps it assist the Knight in creating items (halving the time), but also is very unfortunate for those grappled by the arm. They take an additional 2d6 Adamantine Slashing damage and 5d6 Fire damage per round.

The Servo Arm is also not magical.

Campaign Information

Playing a Golem-Knight

Combat: You are the bruiser of bruisers, and the tank against tanks. Your offense isn't bad, either, especially once you get your grenades and boomstick, allowing you to inflict status effects as well as do damage. The Boomstick makes it worthwhile to pick up feats like Point Blank Shot and Sniper.

Advancement: Fighter works well after this.

Golem-Knight in the World

Sure, I can make it. I'll need...fifty pounds of adamantine, a hundred of steel, fifty of mythril, and bring me a few logs of mature red oak, too. What, did you think I'd make it for you free? Hardly. But in this case, I'm short on materials right now and I wanted to do a trial of something to see if it'd work. Bring me all that and I knock out that sword and shield you wanted.

Golem-Knights are rare. They're naturally high level, and there's not many high level people in the world. They're also interested in technology, which makes them positively unique in the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons. They are, however, master craftsmen and that makes them worth seeking out. Many of them request unusual payment: Materials to continue their own work.

NPC Reactions: a Golem-knight in full regalia is impressive. And scary. The Amplifiers even moreso. But...Their crafting skills are universally admired.


Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Engineering) can research Golem-Knights to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Engineering)
11Golem-Knights are heavily armored warriors who can make non-magical items do things that seem...magical.
16Golem-Knights craft all their trademark gear. Be nice to them and they might make you stuff, too.
21Golem-Knights have learned the principles of machinery from the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus.

Golem-Knights in the Game

Golem-Knights make great warrior-types in a party, and they can also craft up weapons and gear. Outside of the party, they great make persnickety craftsmen to get to make the party's stuff.

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Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend


Sometimes, a Robot Girl gets too clingy. She sees one person as the whole of their existence, and will outright kill anyone or anything that threatens this person. It's scary.

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Becoming a Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend

Only Robot Girls can take this class, although any class can lead into it - though typically those who rely on martial prowess lead into it most seamlessly. It's also a good way to add combat prowess to a Gadgeteer without completely giving up on inventions and gadgets.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Race: Robot Girl.
Special: A special attachment to someone, or a tendency to get too attached to people even if you aren't at this very moment.
Table: The Golem-Knight

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Inventions
1st+1+2+0+2 Inventions, Cyber Eye, Charm Machine Spirits1 Good
2nd+2+3+0+3 Razor hair, Turbo Driver, Levitation Unit
3rd+3+3+1+3 Manipulate Machine Spirit, Spine-Crushing Glomp
4th+4+4+1+4 Invention, Seduce Machine Spirit, Titan Commander1 Greater
5th+5+4+1+4 Turbo Boost,Arm Cannon
6th+6/+1+5+2+5 EYE BEAMS!,Confuse Magic Device
7th+7/+2+5+2+5 Invention,Empower Device1 Giga
8th+8/+3+6+2+6 Electrifying Kiss,Electrical Discharge
9th+9/+4+6+3+6 Amplifier,Neutronic Asplodey Death Cannon
10th+10/+5+7+3+7 Invention,Vengeance1 Galactic

Class Skills (6 + Int) modifier per level.

Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis) Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features

Proficiencies: The Execution Girlfriend is proficient with any weapon-like or armor-like inventions she gains, but otherwise gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Inventions (Ex): at the levels shown in the chart above, the Girlfriend may select one Gadget of the appropriate kind. She gains this, built into her body (unless that would be considered stupid, in which case she builds it or can transform or suddenly call forth four other Robot Girls who combine-transform with her) as an Invention (as per the Gadgeteer).

Cyber Eye (Ex): the Girlfriend has extra-special Cybernetic Eyes, allowing her to see in complete darkness, and rendering her immune to Blindness and Dazzle effects.

Charm Machine Spirits (Su): when activating a charged item, a Girlfriend may attempt to talk it into accepting her own inner power. By adding +5 to the Use Magic Device DC, a successful check causes the item to be used without spending a charge.

Razor Hair (Ex): the Girlfriend's hair is replaced or supplemented with long strands of razor-wire. This may be used as a regular melee weapon (2d4 Slashing Damage, ignores Damage Reduction, 18-20/x2 critical, reaches to 10'), or can be used to attack all enemies within 5' as a Standard action. At level 6, her body can provide enough extra energy to add 1d6 Electrical damage plus her Constitution modifier.

This also provides a +4 bonus on Climb and Grapple checks, and can reach out to 15’ to perform actions such as Sleight of Hand, Repair, Heal and Disable Device. They may even be used to grapple foes at a distance, although she does not add her own Strength bonus in this case.

Turbo Driver (Su): a number of times per day equal to her Con modifier (minimum 1), the Girlfriend may activate a turbo driver, gaining the benefits of a Haste effect for one round per hit die.

Levitation Unit (Su): once per hour, the Girlfriend may levitate (as per the spell) for a number of rounds equal to her Con modifier (minimum 1).

Manipulate Machine Spirit (Su): when activating an item that casts or emulates a spell, a Girlfriend may talk the device into granting more powerful effects, by applying Meta-magic feats (she need not possess these feats). Doing so increases the UMD DC by +4 per level. As a swift action, this may be used on construct: it may make a level check, opposed by the Girlfriend’s UMD roll, or be under a Suggestion effect (caster level is the Girlfriend’s character level). This ignores their immunity to such effects.

Spine-Crushing Glomp (Ex): the Girlfriend gains a Constrict attack that deals 3d6 + Str*1.5 Bludgeoning damage and causes the victim to, if they fail a Fortitude save (Str-based), become Fatigued. If already Fatigued they become Exhausted, and if already Exhausted they pass out until 1d4 rounds after being released. If used on an ally, they take 1d6 nonlethal damage but got a +3 moral bonus to attacks and saves for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus, and any morale penalty or fear effect is removed. She may stay glomped onto an ally, providing Cover for them.

Seduce Machine Spirit (Su): by this stage the Girlfriend can talk magic items into doing anything. With a Standard Action, they can be activated or deactivated (as though held in an Anti-magic field for 1d4+1 rounds, then requiring reactivation) up to 50' away with a Use Magic Device check, the DC being the Caster Level + 15. This may also be done to deactivate Golems for 1d4+1 rounds.

Titan Commander: starting at 4th level, a Girlfriend can spend a Full Round action talking to the spirit of a construct. It gains a modified Level check +5 (or a Caster Level check using the CL of its creator) to oppose the Use Magic Device check. If the Girlfriend wins, she gains control of the construct. This effect is permanent until they move more than 100 feet away from the construct, or until they command another construct.

Turbo Boost (Su): the Execution Girlfriend is overclocked, gaining an extra Move Action every round.

Arm Cannon (Ex): One of the Execution Girlfriend's arms is altered to make a big energy cannon; the hand flips over the wrist revealing the mouth of the weapon, and it flips back after it's fired. It takes a standard action to fire, with a 250' range, it does 10d6 Light damage, and is only usable every four rounds.

EYE BEAMS!: the Girlfriend's Laser Eyes' damage bumps up to character level * 3.

Confuse Magic Device (Su): anyone using a magic item to target the Girlfriend with a spell they don't want to be hit by must make a Modified Level Check against the Use Magic Device or Bluff of the Girlfriend. If they fail, the item targets the user instead. Additionally, any construct that is to attack the Execution Girlfriend is automatically treated as Charmed (ignore their immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects). There is no save against this.

Empower Device (Ex): by whispering sweet nothings to it, the Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend may Empower the effects of any magic item she wields, or one of her own (Su) or (Sp) abilities. A Swift action must be spent doing this, and it lasts for the remainder of the round.

Electrifying Kiss (Su): The Execution Girlfriend can kiss someone (part of Spine-Crushing Glomp) and give them the BEST DAMN KISS OF THEIR LIFE. If they fail a Fort Save (DC 10 + ½ the Girlfriend’s character level + her Con or Charisma modifier), it is also the last kiss of their life. If they pass the save, they still take 1d6 Electric damage per hit die.

Electrical Discharge (Su): the Execution Girlfriend constantly benefits from a Call Lightning effect (Su). This can be suppressed at will.

Amplifier (Ex): any Construct the Execution Girlfriend has control over (including her and/or Vengeance, below) gains an additional Standard action each round.

Neutronic Asplodey Death Cannon (Ex): The Girlfriend’s Arm cannon gains an additional option: Once a day, she may use the Neutronic Asploding Death Ray, which is a ranged touch attack with 1000' range, 100' radius blast, 25d6 Light damage, Ref Half (DC 35). Anything hit directly must make a Fort Save (DC 15 + ½ Character Level + Con Mod), or be outright asploded to death, leaving nothing behind.

Vengeance (Ex): should the Execution Girlfriend ever be slain and Reincarnated, the enemy will rue the day they crossed her, AND RUE IT HARD! The Girlfriend gets to inhabit the body of a Vengeance Titan Shell. Oh Shit Yes.

Vengeance Titan Shell
Size:Changes to Colossal (Tall), do not apply regular size-based ability/natural armour changes
Ability Scores:Strength becomes 50, Dexterity becomes 10, all other ability scores are unchanged
Speed:60 ft.
Skills:Unable, under any circumstances, to Swim.
Armour Class:+30 Natural Armour bonus, -8 Size penalty, +6 Deflection Bonus
Trample:DC 10 + half HD + Str, 10d6 Bludgeoning Damage.
Apocalyptic Explosion:When destroyed, the Vengeance Titan Shell explodes, going nuclear. This creates a 500' radius, 1000' tall column, dealing 50d6 damage to anything in the area (Reflex Half, DC 40). Anything reduced to 0 or less HP is instantly annihilated. The ground beneath the explosion turns to magma for 2d6 rounds.
Weaponry:Each arm has one of the following attached:
  • Killification Cannon (Ex): as a Standard action, this may be fired with the following profile: 1000' range, 30' radius blast, 2d6 Light Damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con). Can either be fired Twin-Linked with +2 to the DC, or spread out as a 50' blast.
  • Genocide Gatler (Ex): is fired as a Standard action with the following profile: 500' range, may either focus fire on one target or cover an area.
-Focus: ranged attack, 1d8 Fire/Sonic Damage per HD, critical 14-20/x3, ignore Regeneration and halve Damage Reduction, re-roll a failed hit.
-Area: 20' burst, 1d8 Fire/Sonic Damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con), ignore Regeneration.
  • Pyrophonic Blaster (Ex): is fired as a Standard action with the following profile: 200' cone of flame, 1d10 Fire Damage per level, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con). Those who fail the save continue to burn for 6d6 Fire damage per round.
  • Fusion Mega-Cannon (Ex): has two settings:
-Rapid Fire: fired as an Attack action with the following profile: 700' range, 50' radius blast, 1d6 Fire/Electricity damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con).
-Optimal: fired as a Full Round action with the following profile: 1000' range, 100' radius blast, 2d6 Fire/Electricity damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 12 + half HD + Con). Vapours caused from the blast cause an Obscuring Mist effect for 1d4 rounds in the entire area, and all in the area need to make a Fortitude save (same DC) or be blinded for 1 hour.

Ex-Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend

Campaign Information

Playing an Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend




Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriends in the World

NPC Reactions:

Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriends in the Game


Sample Encounter:

EL whatever:

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