Bladesinger Paragon (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Bladesinger Paragon

Can you hear it? The Bladesong; it's beautiful and efficient, graceful and deadly. In these moments I feel truly one with the Weave."
—Venatus Ambergold, Half-Elf Bladesinger

Elves have long been steeped in magic, and many of the more martially adept chose to become Bladesingers. A time honored tradition, often taught by previous masters, the Bladesinger Paragon is a combination of both new and old traditions, blending martial prowess with spellcasting skill.

Becoming a Bladesinger Paragon

If an Elf-blooded adventure seeks to further their magical aptitude without sacrificing their fighting ability (or vice versa) the Bladesinger is an excellent choice that complements both.

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any Nonevil
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Race: Elf or Half-Elf
Skills: Concentration: 4 ranks, Tumble: 4 ranks, Perform(Dance): 2 Ranks, Perform(Sing): 2 Ranks
Feats: Dodge, Combat Expertise, Combat Casting, Weapon Focus(Longsword or Rapier)
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st Level Arcane Spells
Patron: Any Deity
Domains: None
Special: None
Table: The Bladesinger Paragon

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
1st+0+0+2+2 Bladesong +1 Level of existing arcane spellcasting class |
2nd+1+0+3+3 Bonus Feat
3rd+2+1+3+3 Lesser Spellsong +1 Level of existing arcane spellcasting class |
4th+2+1+4+4 Bonus Feat
5th+3+1+4+4 Song of Celerity +1 Level of existing arcane spellcasting class |
6th+5+2+5+5 Bonus Feat
7th+6+2+5+5 Greater Spellsong +1 Level of existing arcane spellcasting class |
8th+7+2+6+6 Song of Greater Celerity
9th+9+3+6+6 Bonus Feat +1 Level of existing arcane spellcasting class |
10th+10+3+7+7 Song of Fury

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)
Balance, Concentration, Jump, Knowledge(arcana), Knowledge(history), Perform, Spellcraft, Tumble

Class Features

The Bladesinger Paragon's class features focus on combining spellcasting with duelist-style melee combat. All of the following are class features of the Bladesinger Paragon.

Spellcasting: At Every other level (starting with 1st, 3rd, etc.) you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a Bladesinger Paragon, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Spells: You cast spells exactly as your previous spellcasting class would.

Bladesong (Ex): When wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other), a bladesinger gains a dodge bonus to Armor Class equal to his/her class level, up to a maximum of their Intelligence bonus. If the bladesinger wears medium or heavy armor, they lose all benefits of the bladesong style.

Lesser Spellsong (Ex): When wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other), a bladesinger of 2nd level or higher can take 10 when making a Concentration check to cast defensively.

Song of Celerity (Ex): Once per day, a bladesinger of 5th level or higher may quicken a single spell of up to 2nd level, as if they had used the Quicken Spell feat, but without any adjustment to the spell’s effective level or casting time. They may only use this ability when wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other).

Greater Spellsong (Ex): Starting at 7th level, the bladesinger ignores arcane spell failure when wearing light armor. If this ability is already possessed through other means, they instead take a bonus feat.

Song of Greater Celerity (Ex): Starting at 9th level, the bladesinger may quicken a single spell of up to 5th level once per day, whilst wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other).

Song of Fury (Ex): When a 10th-level bladesinger makes a full attack with a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other), they can make one extra attack in a round at their highest base attack bonus, but this attack and each other attack made in that round take a –2 penalty. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the bladesinger might make before her next action.

Bonus Feats: Any Metamagic Feat, Combat Reflexes, Mobiility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Critical(longsword or rapier), Improved Disarm, Quick Draw, Bladesong Symmetry, or any Combat Form feat.

Ex-Bladesinger Paragons

If a Bladesinger Paragon commits a grievous crime against the Elvish people, they will be hunted by other Bladesingers until killed or brought to justice, which usually involves being seperated from the Weave(loss of all arcane spellcasting and spell-like abilties for 2d6 years)

Playing a Bladesinger Paragon

Combat: Bladesingers are able to combine spellcasting and melee combat incredibly well, and thus often fill an empty role where they feel most effective, perhaps as a ranged blaster and support mage or an agile swordsman, capable of holding their own in combat, especially with their ability to deflect blows with supernatural grace and fluidity.

Advancement: Typically those who become Bladesingers are fighter-wizards or duskblades.

Resources: While Bladesingers occasionally group themselves into overlapping Lodges and Knighthoods as an institution, they normally do not travel together in groups, but instead wander separately to better spread the ways of the Tel'Quessir(Elven for "the people") and defend the ways of elvenkind, roving from one elven settlement to the next as troubleshooters, and dealing with whatever problems they come across, honor-bound to come to the aid of any elf in distress . Elven communities look up to bladesingers as heroes, and will gladly provide one shelter, and often (rightfully so) will request their aid if they require it.

Bladesinger Paragons in the World

I will do whatever it takes to strike you down, fiend, through means actual or arcane you will fall. For the glory of Cormanthyr!
—Quenya Sorrowleaf, Elf Bladesinger

Bladesingers seek to further the cause of elvenkind, be that in it's current state(whatever that may be), or their own personal ideal of what Elves should be. Outside of elvish lands, bladesingers often seek the thrills of adventure to increase their own abilities, keep the peace, and improve opinion of Elves in general

NPC Reactions: Non-elves will simply view bladesingers as they would other adventurers, perhaps fighters or wizards, depending on the individual bladesinger's appearance, but Elves will treat you with honor and respect.

Bladesinger Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge(history) can research bladesingers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

11Bladesingers are elves who are talented at both casting spells and fighting in melee.
16Bladesingers use the a style of fighting known as the Bladesong, which is graceful fighting that produces a unique tune that accompanies the swing of their blades, often complemented by the bladesinger's own voice.
21Bladesinger Paragons blend old and new styles of Bladesong as they blend Magic and swordplay into one, and are less common than traditonal(3.0) and renaissance(3.5) bladesingers.
26One of the greatest heroes of Elven lore was a bladesinger: Spell-Major Josidiah Starym, who perished in a magical explosion while defending the Elf capitol of Cormanthyr.

Bladesinger Paragons in the Game

Typically this class could be introduced in a setting with a primarily elvish population, and might be used to create a distinct school of bladesingers, alongside the Traditional Bladesingers(3.0 Races of Faerun) and Renaissance Bladesingers(3.5 Complete Warrior).

Adaptation: This class could apply to any magically inclined race, or perhaps remade with divine spells instead of arcane.

Sample Encounter:

EL whatever:

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gollark: Fortunately, UK power grids are very reliable.
gollark: ++bee apioforms of class λ
gollark: It's clearly 19-21, I don't care enough to narrow it further.
gollark: I thought it was the MT thing.
gollark: Did they?
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