Blade Domain (3.5e Cleric Domain)

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Blade Domain

Summary::A domain of swords and axes.

Granted Powers

You are proficient with all weapons that can deal slashing damage, and gain a +1 bonus on all attack and damage rolls with slashing weapons.

Blade Domain Spells

  1. body blades[1]/persistent blade[1]*
  2. daggerspell stance[1]/whirling blade[1]**
  3. steeldance[1]
  4. sword of deception[1]
  5. blade barrier
  6. sword of light/sword rain/sword of darkness[1]***
  7. Svarog's sword/axe of Perun/mage's sword****
  8. black blade of disaster[1]

* If the sum of your Strength and Constitution is greater than the sum of your Dexterity and Charisma, the 1st-level domain spell is body blades. If not, the 1st-level domain spell is persistent blade.
** If your race is one renowned for its grace (such as elf, half-elf, feline, nymph, dryad, viverrae, etc.), the 2nd-level domain spell is daggerspell stance. If your race is one renowned for its power (such as orc, dwarf, gnoll, half-orc, bugbear, troll, etc.), the 2nd-level domain spell is whirling blade. (Generally, races that get racial bonuses to Dexterity and/or Charisma have a reputation for grace, and races that get racial bonuses to Strength and/or Constitution have a repuation for power.) If your race is not particularly well-known for grace or power (such as human, goblin, kobold, gnome, hedgehog, etc.), then you may choose which of the possibilities is your 2nd-level domain spell. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
*** If you are good, the 7th-level domain spell is sword of light. If you are neutral, the 7th-level domain spell is sword rain. If you are evil, the 7th-level domain spell is sword of darkness.
**** If you worship Svarog, the 8th-level domain spell is Svarog's sword. If you worship Perun, the 8th-level domain spell is axe of Perun. If you worship any other deity, the 8th-level domain spell is mage's sword.

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gollark: So Avraitai is not on?
gollark: That is not a config option.
gollark: Set ` B:radiation_enabled=true` to `false`.
gollark: If it is left on, someone will *inevitably* irretrievably irradiate someone's base, mark my words.
gollark: For obvious reasons.
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