Beastfolk, Lutrin (3.5e Race)

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(Note: The Lutrin are based on Ollie Canal’s Lutrai). The Lutrin were originally natives of the shores of the River Oceanus that runs through the Upper Planes. However, after an unfortunate shift in planar alignment around a series of tropical island archipelagos on the Prime Material Plane, the Lutrin slipped through the planar cracks, and were forced to set up new homes in a world of lesser light but greater possibility. They are still filled with the incredible positive energy of their former homes near the shores of the River Oceanus, and because of this, the ever-cheerful and energetic Lutrin are able to resist the wearing down and depression that too-often comes as a part of life in the world of mortals.


One would be hard-pressed to find a race more trusting, accepting, and cheerful than the Lutrin. Lutrin are a loving people, curious and full of a love for life that is seldom found anywhere on the Prime Material Plane. Visitors among the Lutrin are accepted with open arms, and then engaged with extensive questioning and curious observation.

Physical Description

Standing between four and five feet tall, the otterlike Lutrin are lithe and well-built, seemingly made for aquatic life thanks to their strong, rudderlike tails, webbed hands and feet, and thick, oily, waterproof fur which comes in shades of brown ranging from a light tan to almost black, with the underbelly usually being a lighter color. Lutrin often use extensive body painting as their major form of decoration, as they prefer to wear as little as possible, due to their preference for an amphibious lifestyle, where clothing would only get in the way.


Because of their outlook and the isolated nature of their homeland, Lutrin do their best to get along with just about everybody, and have a hard time understanding the nature of evil, or that there might actually be evil races at all. If a race, however vile under normal circumstances, does not threaten the Lutrin directly, then the Lutrin automatically consider that race to be a friendly one, and react accordingly. Lutrin are not foolish, though, and while they are a trusting people by nature, if given good reason to fear or distrust a group or class of outsiders (such as ships flags dentifying them as slavers) then they take steps to avoid or neutralize these threats, though flight is the preferable option in most cases. Slavers are actually the greatest threat to the Lutrin, because of their trusting natures, and races and nations who engage in this practice, especially those who take Lutrin as slaves, are some of the few groups that can draw down the fury of the Lutrin on their heads, culminating in full tribal warfare, with word spread all along the archipelago that this race or group must be wiped out for the sake of freedom, peace and happiness, in a battle to the death. Another exception to the normally peaceful nature of the Lutrin is their hatred of undead, which they regard as an abomination to the natural order that must be corrected at all costs.


Peaceful, cooperative, trusting and loving, the Lutrin race are almost completely Neutral Good, though there are a fair number of Chaotic Good Lutrin who constantly seek for new thrills and to push the already quite flexible envelope of Lutrin society.


Largely isolated island archipelagoes are the places where the Lutrin can be found on the Prime Material Plane. They live in tropical paradises, where the essentials of life are easily obtained, and clean, healthy living is the order of the day. These archipelagoes are too far removed from other lands, and too lacking in easily-exploitable resources to be of great value to most other races, and so the Lutrin are able to live out their lives in peace and contentment, save for their struggles with the dangers of nature itself, and occasional encounters with explorers, pirates, and slavers.


The deities that most appeal to the Lutrin are peaceful nature deities and gods of sun and healing. Ehlonna is the common D&D nature goddess that best appeals to the Lutrin, and Pelor a perfect example of a god of sun and healing that suits the needs of the Lutrin perfectly.


Lutrin speak a primitive form of Celestial as their native language, and most of them also know a smattering of accented Common as well. They can also select bonus languages from Avian, Elven, Feline, Gnoll, Halfling, Squeak Speak, and Wolfen.


Names among the Lutrin are made of forename and surname, like with many other peoples, except that among the Lutrin the surname is taken from the first name of the mother, as in “daughter of Meesha,” or “son of Lei.” First names are very tropical and tribal in nature, and are often composites of words, with girls often having names after flowers, fruit and graceful animals, while boys are given names after objects, such as mountains or aspects of the sea, or animals noted for their strength and virility. Female names include Orchid, Softfawn, and Dolphinlaugh, and male names include Swiftspray, Osprey, and Thunderrock. These names are often in the Lutrin dialect, and so they can sound quite different from these more literal translations.


Lutrin do not generally adventure not so much because they are not interested in adventuring as because they live so far away from everybody else. Lutrin seeking to sate their curiosity about the world, usually younger Lutrin who have no responsibilities to family or tribe, do occasionally take passage aboard ships passing through their tropical archipelagoes or even build their own seagoing craft, or else are forced into service by press gangs or slavers seeking to fill quotas. Once they discover the rest of the world, Lutrin are quickly taken up with the idea of exploration and adventure, and most greatly enjoy life of the open road, with new discoveries around every corner.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
  • Monstrous Humanoid (aquatic)
  • Medium-size
  • Lutrin base land speed is 30 feet: Swim speed 30 feet
  • +2 to Spot and Listen checks
  • Aquatic Grace: Lutrin can move in water without any reduction in speed or penalties to armor class and attacks, beyond the normal restrictions of using items, armor and spells underwater.
  • Iron Lungs: Lutrin can hold their breath for four times longer than normal.
  • Free Soul (Su): The Lutrin are an incredibly vibrant race, filled with the energy of life and growth and health, stemming in large part from a racial closeness to the Positive Energy Plane. Because of this, they never suffer permanent level or attribute loss from negative energy damage. Lutrin also cannot be turned into undead. This vibrancy of life does not protect them from mundane attribute draining, though, such as from poisons or disease.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial. Bonus Languages: Avian, Elven, Feline, Gnoll, Halfling, Squeak Speak, Wolfen.
  • Favored Class: Ranger or Favored Soul.
  • Level Adjustment: +1
  • At level 8 anyone under 13 intelligence considers you a God.

Lutrin Subrace: Finfoot

While the same planar upheaval that deposited the Lutrin on the Prime Material Plane worked its way down the River Oceanus all the way to the River Styx (where it is believed to have picked up the sharklike bloodseekers), it passed through an intermediate area, in a realm of frigid planar cold. The inhabitants of this region were a related species to the Lutrin that had broken off so long ago that they were no longer able to interbreed, but there was a bare connection anyway. This surly Neutral-aligned, cold-dwelling race soon found themselves living in isolated fjords and distant realms of frosty cold on the Prime Material Plane, hunting and surviving in the depths of the frigid waters of these places, and keeping largely to themselves, barring the occasional adventurous soul that would set off for points unknown, either because of curiosity or because of getting pulled away in a powerful ocean current. These are the finfeet, or sealfolk, a race that takes after most of the traits of seals and walruses, fitted to a humanoid form, complete with floppy, webbed feet that often serve to hinder their movements on land. The females of the race are noted for being quite kind and hospitable, but the males are noted for being incredibly fierce and territorial, though the males will often allow the females to decide who the males get to attack. They are related to the thanoi (a race from Dragonlance), who are a barbaric offshoot of their race.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
  • Monstrous Humanoid (aquatic)
  • Medium-size
  • Finfoot base land speed is 20 feet: Swim speed 40 feet
  • Low-light Vision
  • +2 to Spot and Survival checks
  • Blubber: +4 on Fortitude saves versus cold weather effects.
  • Keen Scent: Finfeet can take Scent as a racial Feat if Wisdom is 11 or higher.
  • Aquatic Grace: Finfeet can move in water without any reduction in speed or penalties to armor class and attacks, beyond the normal restrictions of using items, armor and spells underwater. In addition, they can hold their breath for four times as long as normal, and are able to go twice as deep underwater as normal characters before suffering penalties.
  • Tusks: Finfeet can take Tusks as a 1st-level racial Feat, giving them a bite attack as per the Feral Bite racial Feat found in the “Feats of the Beastfolk” document. This can take the form of either actual tusks, or just very sharp teeth and strong jaws.
  • Walrus Size: Finfeet can take the Gigantism Racial Feat (detailed in the “Feats of the Beastfolk” document) at 1st level without penalty. This generally makes the Finfeet in question take on an appearance similar to that of either a walrus or one of the larger varieties of seal, such as leopard seals.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial. Bonus Languages: Avian, Elven, Feline, Gnoll, Halfling, Squeak Speak, Wolfen.
  • Favored Class: Barbarian.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Lutrin Subrace: Surf Rider

Arriving on the Prime Material Plane through the same strange shift in planar alignment, the Surf Riders are actually a different race from the Lutrin (and they cannot interbreed with them), though they are similar enough in habits and activities and behavior to be considered a subrace by those who know them. The Surf Riders, unlike the Lutrin, often live their entire lives in the water, though they often come near shore to interact with land creatures, who they find fascinating and a constant source of entertainment. With smooth, sensitive skin that has the same patterns expected of a dolphin or other sea mammal, an extended ‘beak,’ a protruding bulge of the upper forehead housing the sonar apparatus and a blowhole for breathing, and often sporting a tail as well as webbed hands and feet, Surf Riders look like a perfect fusion of humanoid traits with those of a dolphin or other cetacean. The Neutral Good Surf Riders are as fun-loving and free-spirited as the Lutrin, though they are more explorative, and often seek out and interact with a variety of other races in the world, enjoying the company of land dwellers the most. Surf riders are the natural enemies of bloodseekers and other evil aquatic denizens, and they take an active stance against such menaces, as well as doing battle against evil pirates and slavers whenever they get the chance.

Racial Traits

  • +4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
  • Monstrous Humanoid (aquatic)
  • Medium-size
  • Surf Rider base land speed is 30 feet: Swim speed 40 feet.
  • Low-light Vision
  • +2 to Spot and Listen checks
  • 120-foot blindsight when underwater, 10 feet when out of water.
  • Aquatic Grace: Surf riders can move in water without any reduction in speed or penalties to armor class and attacks, beyond the normal restrictions of using items, armor and spells underwater. In addition, they can hold their breath for eight times as long as normal and are able to go twice as deep underwater as normal characters before suffering penalties.
  • Orca’s Might: A Surf Rider can take the Gigantism Racial Feat (detailed in the “Feats of the Beastfolk” document) at 1st level without penalty; most who do so also look more like larger whales such as orcas than dolphins.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial. Bonus Languages: Avian, Elven, Feline, Gnoll, Halfling, Squeak Speak, Wolfen.
  • Favored Class: Ranger.
  • Level Adjustment: +1

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
yearsyearsyears+ years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male' "+lb.× () lb.
Female' "+lb.× () lb.

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Back to Main Page 3.5e Homebrew Races Beastfolk (3.5e Race)

gollark: Basically!
gollark: Also a salt per password.
gollark: Basically, with passwords, you want a hashing algorithm which is somewhat slow so that it can't be bruteforced.
gollark: SHA256/MD5/etc are not acceptable password hashing algorithms. This is because they are very fast.
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