Beast Shepherd (5e Class)

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Beast Shephard

A man stumbles into a cold, darkened hallway, his head stained with soot. Behind him rose an army. But not an army of men, but one of the forests, and trees. Animals stalk beside him, treading towards the cold town. And, the man, holding a long, curled stick, with intricat carvings, smiled; he was a Beast Shepherd.

Wait… so basically, he's a man with an army of creatures? Does that mean I get to eat all of them? - Vorhilx the beholder

You idiot! You summoned a kraken right in the middle of the forest! Are you crazy! - Etta the hag, to her Shepherd

<!-Introduction Leader->

A Beast Shepherd has devoted their life to the creatures of the wild. From the smallest rodent to the fiercest kraken, all creature are like weapons to a tamer. They spend so much time studying creatures that they feel more at home in a forest or cave, than in any town or city, so much so that rumors of hate spread about them, but all they care about is their flock.

Creating a Beast Shepherd

Quick Build

You can make a <!-class name-> quickly by following these suggestions. First, <!-Ability score-> should be your highest ability score, followed by <!-Ability score->. Second, choose the <!-background name-> background. Third, choose <!-elaborate on equipment choices->

Class Features

As a Beast Shepherd you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Set parameter to Hit Dice per level, e.g. 1d10


Saving Throws:


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

    Table: The Beast Shepherd

    1st+2Beast Companion, Tamer's Bond, Confidante of The Flock
    2nd+2Exclusive Flock
    3rd+2Style of Raising
    4th+2Ability Score Improvement
    5th+3Guardian Beast
    7th+3Gained Coeomancy
    8th+3Ability Score Improvement
    11th+4Flocking In
    12th+4Ability Score Improvement
    14th+5Alpha Presence
    16th+5Ability Score Improvement
    19th+6Ability Score Improvement

    Beast Companion

    A Beast Shepherd starts with a beast creature of ranking 1/4 or lower.

    The beast natural attacks go up by one dice level at levels 4, 12, and 15.When you gain a level increasing you Primary stats you may also increase one stat of one of your herd creatures by 1.

    Tamer's Bond

    As long as the Beast Shepherd is within 20 ft of their beast they can feel the emotions of the beast. Within a 100 ft the Beast Shepherd can tell the beast's location. This requires concentration and a charisma score of over 14.

    Confidante of The Flock

    At this level, any member of a Shepherd's flock will follow him, if he asks them to. However, if injured they will still run away.

    A Beast Shepherd may also try to tame any beast it encounters with their handle animal skill with the DC depending on the beast's original attitude, and whose charisma score is greater.

    DC: 10 + Attitude + CR(min 1)

    Hostile DC = 10

    Annoyed= 9

    Indifferent = 7

    Friendly = 1

    A Beast Shepherd can control an unlimited amount of beasts.

    Exclusive Flock

    At 2nd level, the Beast Shepherd may choose one of the following monster types.








    They can now tame monsters with that type as well.Choose an additional type at level 10 and 18.

    Also, any monster of another type becomes that type.


    At this level, if you find any creature with a challenge of 2 or less, and of the type you chose, you may add it to your herd, if it's constitution is lower then your own.

    Style of Raising

    At the 3rd level, you chose a style. Choose between Strict and Discipline, Love and Protective, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd, and again at <!-list all the levels the class gains subclass features->.

    Ability Score Increase

    When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

    Guardian Beast

    At 5th level the Beast Shepherd may appoint one of its Beast as a Guardian. The Guardian's AC will increase by 2 and it will gain 1 HD + the Beast Shepherd's Con per 2HD in temp health while adjacent to the Beast Shepherd or mounted by the Beast Shepherd. The creature gains two size categories, unless already at the limit, and will also protect and herd the rest of the flock when the Beast Shepherd is missing.

    Gained Coeomancy

    At seventh level, you gain abilities depending on the type of monster you picked, changing (adapting) your own race:

    Rodent: Natural bite attack: 1d3 base piercing damage plus disease, if the Shepherd bites a humanoid

    Disease(ex): A creature bitten by a rodent-based Beast Shepherd must make a fortitude save (dc:11+1/2 the Beast Shepherd's levels+the Shepherd's charisma modifier) or contract cackle fever (see under). Incubation period 1 hour, save dc:15, damage 1con and 1dex Low-light vision

    Speak with rats(sp): Once per day for 1 minute, as speak with animals but only functions on rats, dire rats, and rat-like creatures (such as ash rats or fiendish dire rats) +2 bonus to jump and tumble checks

    +1 bonus to balance checks

    Humanoid: Adapt Climbers. Your natural agility allows you to climb at full speed, rather than half. You can also climb across ceilings, but must succeed on either a DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics check; failing causes you to lose your grip and fall.

    Empty Stomach. You burn through your energy faster than most humanoids and must eat twice as much as a normal human requires each day.

    Heavy Slumber. During a long rest, anyone trying to wake you up must make a DC 10 Charisma ability check. Taking damage will wake you up as will being thrown into or splashed with water.

    Limit Break. Humanoid-based Beast Shepherds are always striving to push themselves. As a reaction, when you fail Strength, Dexterity or Constitution ability check or saving throw, you can remake the check and take the new result. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.

    Skills of the Primate. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skills.

    Dragon: Draconic Resistance. You are resistant to fire damage.

    Red Dragons Eye. You are aware of all items of monetary value in your possession at all times and can assess the value of items you see at a glace. Even if you are sleeping you become aware of the removal of one of your items and can wake up instantly.

    Scorching Fire. As an action, you can exhale a scorching flame in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 fire damage and is frightened. On a successful save the creature only takes the fire damage. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save. The damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level and 4d6 at 16th level. After you use your breath weapon, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

    Aberration: Scrutiny. You are proficient in the Insight skill.

    Understanding. You are proficient in the Persuasion skill.

    Forewarning. You can faintly sense the presence of impending danger before it is upon you. You cannot be surprised.

    Third Eye. You read the mind of any creature you are currently perceiving visually as per the detect thoughts spell, as long as that creature is within 60 feet of you and has an Intelligence of 4 or higher. You cannot read any creatures' minds while you are unconscious.

    Plant: Green Thumb. There are many plants that grow around the world, and a few grow faster when near a Plant-Based Shepherd. You are proficient in the Nature skill.

    Photosynthesis. When you roll hit dice and you are in bright sunlight you gain a bonus to the number of hit points recovered equal to your proficiency bonus times the number of hit dice rolled. In addition, if you spend an hour resting in bright sunlight you are considered to be fed for the next 24 hours.

    Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and Plant-Based Shepherd. A Plant-Based Shepherd's peculiar biology makes speaking Common difficult but not impossible for them, their speech is often filled with over pronounced words and a heavy grass whistle-like lisp. Plant-Based Shepherd is a sibilant language that uses the Elvish script, on the rare occasion it is written.

    Oozes: Dehydration Prone. You are composed of a large amount of liquid and as such, you fare poorly in the burning environments. You have disadvantage on saving throws against Extreme Heat.

    Dilution. For Ooze-Based Shepherds, water is both an essential part of life and a death sentence. If you start your turn in a body of water, such as a lake, an ocean, or even outdoors in the rain, you take 1 necrotic damage at the start of each of your turns, the damage doubles for each cumulative turn you take damage from this trait. If your hit points are less then half of your hit point maximum when you take damage from this trait your speed is halved and you are considered to be poisoned until your hit points are restored to over half your hit point maximum. Finally, if you are reduced to 0 hit points by this trait you die.

    Ooze Nature. Your creature type is both humanoid and ooze. You don't require sleep and by moving across surfaces you can break down otherwise inedible substances to garner nutritional value.

    Versatile Molds. Ooze-Based Shepherds are known for the various forms that they can take, appears to be tall and lean one day, and then the next, being short and curvy. Their skin could be repelling arrows one day but get pierced by them by the next. At the end of a long rest, you can change simple miscellaneous details about yourself such as your "hair's" length or shape, make yourself a bit taller, smaller, wider or thinner. In addition, at the end of a long rest, you can also gain a resistance of your choice from, non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. This resistance lasts until you pick another damage type with this trait.

    Mollusk: Splatter. When you drop to 0 hit points but aren't killed outright, you spread ink in a 20-foot radius around you.

    Natural Armor. Because of your anatomy, you've adapted to become independent of armor. As a result, your Armor Class is always equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.

    Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7, Swim +10

    Feats: Alertness, Endurance

    Also, any Guardian beast you decided upon gains these abilities as well, depending on the type you chose.

    Flocking In

    At 11th level the Beast Shepherd becomes more attuned to the nature around him. When not in a "man-made" area the Beast Shepherd may blind in with their surroundings. You gain a +5 bonus to Stealth checks based on Sight as long as you are 10 ft or more away. You may move at half your normal speed but cannot attack or cast spells, doing so will reveal you. This feature can be used for 1 + your Wisdom modifier before needing a long rest.

    This also grant the Beast Shepherd/Guardian a +1 AC when not in "Man-made" areas.

    Alpha Presence

    At 14th level the Beast Shepherd can expel an overpowering aura of dominance. All non-friendly creatures (with CR lower then Beast Shepherds level + charisma modifier + proficiency bonus) in 100 ft radius loss your wisdom modifier to hit, while friendly creatures gain your proficiency bonus to hit for 1 minute.


    At 17th level the Beast Shepherd may choose one beast to form a life link with. This makes the Beast Shepherd and beast share one pool of combined health, if reduced to zero they both fall unconscious but the link remains making them share death saves. This effect can be used once right after a long rest however the Beast Shepherd can only be linked to one beast at a time. A new connection will terminate the previous connection. (The Guardian may be selected)

    Who Says We cant Flock Together?

    Lifelink: Gains lifelink with one other creature

    Aura of intimadation: All creatures with less charisma then the Shepherd lose a turn, and people feel frightened easily while in your aura and intimidation checks made against any creature with 3 or more intelligence get a +1 bonus while in it

    Summon Nature's Ally IX::Calls Creature to fight.

    Sympathy::Object or location attracts certain creatures.


    Cackle fever: This disease Targets humanoids, although Gnomes are strangely immune. While in the grips of this disease, victims frequently succumb to fits of mad laughter, giving the disease its Common name and its morbid nickname: “the shrieks.” Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and include fever and disorientation. The infected creature gains one level of Exhaustion that can’t be removed until the disease is cured.


    Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

    Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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