Ball and Chain (3.5e Equipment)

A Ball and Chain is a heavy round weight attached to a chain, 5 feet in lenght (per size). The Ball and Chain has reach, so you can strike opponents, at a distance equal to the chain, with it. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be used against an adjacent foe.

Ball and Chain
Martial Two-Handed Melee
Critical: 20/x4
Range Increment:
Type: Bludgeoning
Hardness: 15
Fine*1d25 lb.1
Diminutive*1d310 lb.2
Tiny*1d420 lb.5
Small40gp1d650 lb.10
Medium40gp1d8100 lb.20
Large60gp1d12150 lb.40
Huge*4d6300 lb.80
Gargantuan*6d8650 lb.160
Colossal*8d121250 lb.320
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

The wielder of a Ball and Chain who also has the Power Attack feat may make a special attack action (A building of momentum strike as the Ball and Chain whirls around the wielders head gathering force.) if he has a base attack bonus of 6: As a full round action, the wielder may make a power attack of at least a -5 penalty (He still gets the benefits of Power Attack.) to add an additional 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage for a medium Ball and Chain (1d12 for a large Ball and Chain and so on...), and an expanded Critical of 19-20/x4. The additional bludgeoning damage is multiplied on a confirmed threat. If the wielder misses the attack he must make a Fortitude > Reflex save (DC 14) or fall prone due to a loss of balance. You can continue to build momentum if you desire increasing the critical multiplier and threat range by 1 each for every round spent building momentum. If you are attacked while building momentum you must make a Reflex save (DC 12) or lose the built up momentum and fall prone.

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