Aura Archer (3.5e Class)

Aura Archer

A ranged Aura user.

Making an Aura Archer

Aura Archers are ranged characters with some versatility.

Alignment: Any

Starting Age Simple.

Starting Gold: 4d8 x 10.

Table: The Aura Archer-

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+1+0+0+2 Aura Bow (1d8), Weapon Focus (Aura Bow), The Aura, Gentle Touch
2nd+2/+1+0+1+3 Point Blank Shot, Aura Throwing Knife (1d10), Weapon Focus (Aura Throwing Knife), Aura of Detection
3rd+3/+2+1+1+3 Medic Shot, Aura of movement, Aura's Mark, Bonus Feat
4th+4/+3+1+2+4 +1 Aura Bow, Rapid Shot, Aura Bow (1d10)
5th+5/+4+1+2+4 Aura of Drowsiness, +1 Aura Throwing Knife, Aura Throwing Knife (1d12), Bonus Feat
6th+6/+5/+1+2+3+5 Manyshot, Guiding Aura, Endurance Aura, Aura Ward
7th+7/+6/+2+2+3+5 Aura of Cleansing, Double Team, Bonus Feat
8th+8/+/7/+3+2+4+6 +2 Aura Bow, Aura Bow (1d12), Greater Manyshots, Wise Shots
9th+9/+8/+4+3+4+6 Aura Sense, +2 Aura Throwing Knife, Aura Throwing Knife (2d8), Greater Weapon Focus (Aura Bow), Bonus Feat
10th+10/+9/+5/+5+3+4+7 Medic Shot +, Aura Regen, Aura Drain
11th+11/+10/+6/+6+3+5+7 Aura Armor, Aura Heal, Concussive Shot, Bonus Feat
12th+12/+11/+7/+7+4+5+8 +3 Aura Bow, Aura Bow (2d8), Aura of Drowsiness +
13th+13/+12/+8/+8+4+5+8 Aura of Cleansing +, Aura Ward +, +3 Aura Throwing Knife, Aura Throwing Knife (2d10), Bonus Feat
14th+14/+13/+9/+9+4+6+9 Aura Sense+, Aura of Dismissal
15th+15/+14/+10/+10/+5+5+6+9 Aura Armor+, Aura Heal+, Bonus Feat
16th+15/+15/+10/+10/+6+5+6+10 +4 Aura Bow, Aura Bow (2d10), Aura of Memory
17th+15/+15/+10/+10/+7+5+7+10 Aura Revive, +4 Aura Throwing Knife, Aura Throwing Knife (2d12), Bonus Feat
18th+15/+15/+10/+10/+8+6+7+11 Aura Barrier, Aura Regen +
19th+15/+15/+10/+10/+9+6+7+11 Double Team+, Bonus Feat
20th+15/+15/+10/+10/+10+6+8+12 +5 Aura Bow, Aura Bow (2d12), True Aura

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Autohypnosis, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Magical Device.

Class Features

The Aura(Su) The Aura is a natural energy source that all things have (even inanimate objects), but few know of its existence; Fewer know how to use it. The Aura Archer has a pool of Aura Points (AP for short) that they can use for their abilities. An Aura Archer's AP recovers at the roll a d4 (Wis Mod) times, at the beginning of each turn. The Aura Archer can also spend one hour Meditating to recover all of his AP. The Aura is a naturally produced energy and as such, it will also be restored if the Aura Archer has a long rest (even if the Aura Archer is unconscious). Starting at level one the Aura Archer has 5 + 1d10 + Wis Mod AP (The bonus from Wis Mod is retroactive. If the Aura Archer later gains a higher Wis Mod, it is added to his total AP. The Aura Archer will also lose AP if he loses Wis Mod). Every level afterwards the Aura Archer gains 1d10 more AP. At increments of five levels (aka lvl 5, 10, 15, and 20) the Aura Archer gains an additional 5 + Wis Mod AP.
Aura Passives Any of the Aura Archer's abilities that have the passive descriptor can activated as a free action at the beginning of their turn. The Aura Archer can use as many of these free actions as they choose, but these abilities can ONLY be activated or deactivated at the start of the Aura Archer's turn before they have made any other actions. If the Aura Archer uses any of these abilities they cannot use any other free actions that round. If the Aura Archer cannot pay the upkeep costs for a passive ability it is automatically deactivated. This does count as using a free action and applies the penalties for no other free actions this round. Thee Aura Archer can choose which abilities are deactivated and which are kept active in a situation where only a few can be kept active that round.
Aura Bow (Su) An Aura Archer’s main weapon is the bow they form out of their own Aura. This bow is similar in size and shape to a composite longbow of the creature's size category. The bow has the same critical as a composite longbow of their size category, and it can shoot up to 110 feet +10 feet every level. Because it is made out of pure energy, the Aura bow has no weight. Rather than carry the bow, an Aura Archer can manifest and dissipate it as a swift action. There is no ammunition to carry, as the arrows are formed from aura as the string is pulled, this costs no AP. At first level, the Aura bow only does 1d8 damage, but the damage increases every four levels (1d10 at 4, 1d12 at 8, and so on). Only the Aura Archer who formed the bow can carry or use it. Because everything has it's own aura, even other Aura Archer's cannot take another's bow. Because the Aura is an energy source, arrows made out of it can hit Incorporeal creatures(as per ghost touch). At 4th level, the bow naturally gains a +1 enchantment, which increases every four levels (+2 at 8th, +3 at 12, etc.).
Aura Throwing Knife (Su) An Aura Archer's secondary weapon are throwing knives they form out of their own Aura. These knives are similar in size and shape to a typical throwing knife of the creature's size category. They are perfectly balanced and can be thrown up to 30 feet away. Because it is made out of pure energy, the Aura throwing knives have no weight. Rather than carry the throwing knives, an Aura Archer can manifest and dissipate them as a swift action. At second level, the Aura throwing knives only does 1d10 damage, but the damage increases every four levels (1d12 at 5, 2d8 at 9, and so on). Only the Aura Archer who formed the knives can carry or use them. Because everything has it's own aura, even other Aura Archer's cannot take another's throwing knives. Because the Aura is an energy source, knives made out of it can hit Incorporeal creatures(as per ghost touch). At 5th level, the throwing knives naturally gains a +1 enchantment, which increases every four levels (+2 at 9th, +3 at 13th, etc.).
Aura Weapon Enchants (Su) An Aura Archer's weapons gain enchantments as they level up. These enchantments can be re-chosen every time the weapon is manifested. An Aura Archer may add extra enchantments by rendering some AP unusable while the weapon is manifested. When the weapon is dismissed or destroyed, the AP is used up rather than unlocked (ie if 5 AP are used from a max AP of 20, then only 15 will be usable while the weapon is manifested. Then when the weapon is dismissed/destroyed, you'll have 15 out of 20 AP and must regenerate the 5 used). Cost for extra enchantments are next to their name.
  • Alert (1) The weapon senses any creatures within a 120 feet radius who intend harm to its possessor. Immediately, thereafter. the weapon sends forth a mental alert to friendly creatures also within 120 feet (does not give the exact location, only compass directions), warning them of the possible danger from the unfriendly creature or creatures. If the Aura Archer is not carrying or wielding the weapon, the effect only lasts for 10 turns (is renewed if the weapon is picked up), and all allies and himself must be within 120 feet to still receive the warning.
  • Volley (2) An enchanted weapon with this special ability splits when fired or thrown. The wielder of the weapon chooses a 20 foot radius, and makes an attack with their primary attack bonus against all creatures in the area selected. Applying this enchantment again increases the area by 10 feet, for a max of max of 50 feet.
  • Seeking (2) The weapon veers toward its target, negating any miss chances that would otherwise apply, such as from concealment. (The wielder still has to aim the weapon at the right square. For example, arrows mistakenly shot into an empty space do not veer and hit invisible enemies, even if they are nearby.)
  • Keen (3) This ability doubles the threat range of a weapon. A threat range of 20 (1) becomes 19-20 (2), a threat range of 19-20 (2) becomes 17-20 (4), and a threat range of 18-20 (3) becomes 15-20 (6). This enchantment can be applied only once more, to go from double to triple. A threat range of 20 (1) becomes 18-20 (3), a threat range of 19-20 (2) becomes 15-20 (6), and a threat range of 18-20 (3) becomes 12-20 (9).
  • Distance (3) This ability doubles the range a weapon can be shot or thrown. (For Aura bow only) If the range is farther than what the person can see, the weapon gains an enchanted scope that shows the pov of as if they were 50 feet away around where they are aiming to shoot (30 feet from where the arrow would land). Applying this enchantment again increases the range even further (from double to triple, and so on) up to a max of 5 times.
  • Poisonous (2) A poisonous weapon can either poison the target, dealing initial (1d10) and secondary (1d8) temporary Constitution damage for 1d10 turns, or paralyze the target for 1d6 turns. The Fortitude saves to negate the damage or paralysis.
  • Disruption (4) A weapon of disruption is the bane of all undead. Any undead creature struck in combat must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be destroyed.
  • Electrified (4) When the weapon strikes an opponent, they become dazzled for 1 round and must make a Fortitude save DC 15 or be blinded for 1 round instead. The weapon gains +4 electric damage and also half the weapon's normal damage becomes electric damage instead. The weapon gains shocking burst ability, dealing an extra +2 electric damage per d10 the ability grants. This enchantment can be applied again, to double the effects.
  • Frozen (4) The weapon gains +4 cold damage and half of its normal damage becomes cold damage instead, also each hit creature receives an additional 1d6 cold damage at the beginning of the next round. The weapon gains icy burst ability, dealing an extra +2 cold damage per d10 the ability grants. This enchantment can be applied again, to double the effects.
  • Flame Touched (4) The weapon gains +4 fire damage and half of its normal damage becomes fire damage instead, also each hit creature receives an additional 1d6 fire damage at the beginning of the next round. The weapon gains flaming burst ability, dealing an extra +2 fire damage per d10 the ability grants. This enchantment can be applied again, to double the effects.
  • Penetrating (3) Any time extra damage from precision damage would be ignored this weapon has a 75% chance (1d4, rolling 1 fails) to deal the extra damage. The Precision damage can come from any piercing damage attack. This ability does not allow you to deal ability damage, death attacks, or any effect other than extra hit point damage.
  • Weakening (3) A Weakening weapon does not deal any physical damage. Instead, it gives a -1 penalty to damage on hit. This stacks: 2 hits is -2 penalty, and so on. Enchanting a weapon with this multiple times stacks the penalty amount (-2 per hit, -3 per hit, and so on). Maxes at -5 per hit.
  • Volatile (5) A Volatile weapon deals no physical damage, unlike most weapons. Instead, it deals 5 points of damage on the first hit against a creature and reduces the target's AC by 2. On every hit after, this damage increases. Two hits in a row deals 5 acid damage and reduces the target's DR and AC by 3, and stuns the target until the beginning of your next turn (Fortitude DC 18 negates). The third hit deals 8 acid damage and reduces the target's AC by another 3. Four hits deals 10 acid damage and slows the target for 2 rounds. The fifth hit hits deals 15 acid damage and reduces the target's AC by 7, to a total of -15 AC. On the fifth hit, the acid spreads out and deals 5 extra acid damage every round for 5 rounds. After five subsequent hits, you deal 10 points of acid damage plus one per hit you have made in a row (The sixth hit would deal 16 damage, ect). If you miss, you restart at the first hit. You cannot reduce a single target's AC by more than 15. If you reduce a creature's AC by fifteen, reduce DR and SR by 1 point per hit. None of these scores can be negative. Creatures immune to acid are entitled to a save (Reflex DC 15 + effective enhancement bonus) to avoid the damage and a DC 20 + enhancement bonus reflex save to avoid the side effects. Resistance to acid only allows the save against the damage.
Gentle Touch (Su) The Aura Archer is able to use some of his Aura to accelerate healing in a creature that has hit points. At a cost of 3 AP, the Aura Archer can use a standard action to touch a creature and restore 1d6 per two class levels (minimum 1d6) + 1/2 WIS mod (max 10) hit points.
Medic Shot (Su) The Aura Archer Can now shoot a healing arrow. At the cost of 5 AP the Aura Archer can use a standard action to fire a healing arrow at a target that is within his attack range. The Aura Archer does not need to make an attack roll for this action unless the target creature is hostile or does not want to be hit by the arrow. If either of those things occur the Aura Archer must make an attack roll against the creature to hit it. The arrow cannot pass trough a solid object to get to its target. This arrow will heal 1d8 per class level (max 10) + 1/2 Wis mod (max 15).
Medic Shot + (Su) This functions as an upgraded Medic Shot and functions the same except in the following ways: It costs 10 AP. The healing becomes 1d10 per class level + Wis mod. After firing, the arrow can split to effect up to four targets (including the Aura Archer themselves if they so choose). If this is done then the healing is split up evenly between the targets. These arrows are homing and will find their targets with only a few exceptions. If the target is unwilling the Aura Archer still must make an attack roll to hit. The arrows cannot leave the Aura Archer's attack range on their path to the target.
Aura's Mark (Su) The Aura Archer can use his aura to tag a target or object, allowing him to trace its location with ease. This costs 5 AP and will last for 1 day/level (Swift action). This functions like a tracer, and the Aura Archer will always know its location so long as the tracer is active. For an extra 5 AP, the Aura Archer may also listen through the tracer. The Aura Archer can have the tracer show up on any map he chooses (free action) to show its location to others. The tracer will be invisible to all but the Aura Archer who casts it, but others can see it via detect magic, see invisibility, true seeing, gem of seeing, or a robe of eyes.
Aura of Movement (Su) The Aura Archer uses his control over aura to move objects around them. This has a cost of 5 AP and functions like the Mage Hand spell.
Aura of Drowsiness (Su) The Aura Archer uses his Aura to knock out his target. This has a cost of 10 AP and functions like the sleep spell.
Aura of Drowsiness+ (Su) This ability now functions like the deeper slumber spell instead.
Aura of Detection (Su) The Aura Archer uses his Aura to detect his surroundings. Because aura is similar to the arcane magics, the Aura Archer is able to sense them. This has a cost of 5 AP. This ability functions like detect magic.
Aura of Cleansing (Su) The Aura Archer uses his Aura to cleanse a creature of his choosing. This has a cost of 10 AP. As a standard action, this ability can remove poison or one magical condition from a touched creature.
Aura of Cleansing+ (Su) This functions like Aura of Cleansing with the following changes: This has a cost of 15 AP. This ability can now remove the effects of a curse or ability drain.
Aura Drain (Su) The Aura Archer releases a black ray of crackling negative energy that drains the aura of any living creature it strikes, healing himself and replenishing his AP. This costs 20 AP and functions as the energy drain spell, except the Aura Archer is healed by 4 hp and regains 4 AP for each negative level the target gains.
Concussive Shot (Su) The Aura Archer looses an arrow that is forceful than damaging. This ability costs 8 AP. This is a standard action. If the Aura archer lands this attack it does half normal damage. The target is then knocked back up to 15 feet on a failed Fortitude save. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + class level + Wis mod.
Double Team (Su) The Aura Archer is good at fooling their foes who think they have them cornered. This ability costs 15 AP to use. When the Aura Archer is struck by a melee attack, they can use immediately react with the following (even if the opponent has a full round of attacks left): The Aura Archer takes half damage from the melee attack and can then immediately teleport up to 40 feet in any direction. This ability has a cooldown of 10 rounds.
Double Team+ (Su) This ability functions like Double Team with the following exceptions: The Aura Archer can now immediately take a standard action to attack the foe that hit them with a melee attack.
Aura of Dismissal (Su) The Aura Archer uses his aura to try and disrupt the flow of mana in an area. This ability costs 20 AP. This ability functions as either Greater Dispel Magic or Null Psionics Field.
Aura Barrier (Su) The Aura Archer manifests his aura into physical form and uses it to create a barrier. This has cost of 20 AP and will function like either Wind Wall, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice, or Wall of Stone spells (chosen when cast).
Aura of Memory (Su) The Aura Archer uses his aura to play with a creature's mind. This has a cost of 15 AP and functions as Modify Memory.
Aura Revive (Su) The Aura Archer uses a vast amount of Aura to revive a fallen ally. This ability has a cost of 50 AP. It functions like the spell True Resurrection. Afterwards the revived ally is exhausted and this ability cannot effect the same creature for another full 24 hours.
Guiding Aura (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer uses his Aura to help guide his shots.Using this ability will render 8 AP unusable for as long as the Aura Archer keeps this ability active. Essentially, if the Aura Archer Archer has a total of 28 AP, their new total AP becomes 20 AP until they deactivate this ability. This allows the Aura Archer to use his WIS mod to hit on his attack rolls instead of his DEX mod.
Endurance Aura (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer uses his Aura to endure the elements. Using this will render 5 AP unusable for as long as the Aura Archer keeps this ability active. Essentially, if the Aura Archer Archer has a total of 25 AP, their new total AP becomes 20 AP until they deactivate this ability. The Aura Archer can exist comfortably in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves, and his equipment is likewise protected. This can be used to aid allies as well, rendering an additional 5 AP unusable per person. They must stay within 50 feet of The Aura Archer to keep this effect.
Aura Ward (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer creates a warding on his aura, protecting himself from dark powers. This has an initial cost of 5 AP and an additional upkeep of 2 AP every turn that the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. This functions as the Death Ward spell.
Aura Ward+ (Su) (Passive) This functions as Aura Ward with the addition of it also being able to function as the Guards and Wards spell instead. This will now have an initial cost of 10 AP and an additional 5 AP upkeep every day.
Wise Shots (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer packs more of his aura into his arrows when he shoots them. This has an initial cost of 4 AP and an additional upkeep of 1 AP ever turn that the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. This allows the Aura Archer to use his Wis mod for damage rolls instead of his STR mod.
Aura Armor (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer uses his Aura to help shield himself. This ability has an initial cost of 6 AP and an additional upkeep cost of 2 AP every turn that the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. This allows the Aura Archer to add 1/2 Wis Mod + 1/4 class level to his AC. Because the aura is closely related to mana, this bonus also applies to touch AC.
Aura Armor+ (Su) (Passive This ability functions like Aura Armor with the following changes: The initial cost is 10 AP and has an additional upkeep cost of 3 AP every turn that the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. The bonus to AC becomes Wis Mod + 1/2 class level.
Aura Heal (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer uses his Aura to heal himself and allies around him. This ability has an initial cost of 6 AP and an additional upkeep cost of 2 AP every turn that the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. This heals the Aura Archer and his allies for 1/2 Wis Mod +1/4 class level every turn.
Aura Heal+ (Su) (Passive) This ability functions like Aura Heal with the following changes: The initial cost is 10 AP and has an additional upkeep cost of 3 AP every turn that the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. The heal becomes Wis Mod + 1/2 class level.
Aura Sense (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer uses their knowledge of aura to sense their surroundings. This ability has an initial cost of 8 AP and an additional upkeep cost of 4 AP every turn that the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. This allows the Aura Archer to sense incoming magic and projectile attacks and gives them a chance to react to them. While this is active magic and projectile attacks against the Aura Archer have a 2 per class level + Wis mod miss chance. Breath weapons count as projectiles for this ability.
Aura Sense+ (Su) (Passive) This ability functions like Aura Sense with the following exceptions: This ability costs 12 AP and an additional upkeep of 5 AP every round the Aura Archer does not deactivate this ability. As an immediate reaction, the Aura Archer now gains the ability to try and shoot down any incoming projectile attacks. The Aura Archer can make an attacking roll against the projectiles attack roll. If the Aura Archer beats the attack roll, then the projectile is deflected. This ability cannot be used to shoot down breath weapons or magic abilities that do not require the user to make an attack roll. The Aura archer can still make an attack roll against these attacks however. If the Aura Archer's attack roll beats the spell's or breath weapon's DC then the damage is halved. If the Aura Archer beats the DC by 15 or more, then the ability's damage is halved for all targets. If the magic ability has some sort of quantifiable effect other than damage (i.e. the target is stunned for x number of rounds) this will can also be halved. In order to use this on magic abilities and breath weapons, the Aura Archer must be one of the targets for the attack, otherwise his Aura sense wont warn him about it.
Aura Regen (Su) (Passive) The Aura Archer Augments his own body to faster produce aura. This ability costs 10 AP. For the next 10 rounds, The Aura Archer regenerates 5 AP at the start of every round. This ability has a cooldown of 5 rounds after it ends. For some strange reason that has absolutely nothing to do with balancing issues (;p), this ability can only be used in combat.
Aura Regen+ (Su) (Passive) This ability functions like Aura Regen but instead costs 15 AP, regenerates 10 AP over 15 rounds, and has a cooldown of 10 rounds. Aura Regen and Aura Regen+ have independent cooldowns and can be used even if the other is on cooldown, but they cannot be used at the same time.
True Aura (Su) The Aura Archer channels what's left of his AP (this uses up all of the Aura Archer's current AP) into a single arrow for a whole turn, this provokes an attack of opportunity, once he's done channeling he shoots the arrow up into the air. As it reaches the peak of it's arc, then explodes out into a shower of arrows hitting every enemy in a 150 feet radius sphere around the epicenter of the explosion (one arrow per enemey, they cannot miss, and if the target puts up a protective barrier/shield, the arrow will go around if possible, if not the target takes any left over damage (total damage minus the barrier/shield's durrablity) if the barrier/shield breaks). This attack has a minimum cost of 10% (rounded up) of the Aura Archer's total AP and he must rest for a turn after using it. The attack deals 10d12 base piercing damage + 1d12 piercing damage for every additional 1% (rounded up) of his total AP spent (max damage is 100d12). This damage is for 100 targets. For every 10 targets (rounded normally to the nearest 10) less, the damage is gains 50% bonus damage (x1.5 at 90 targets, x2 at 80, x2.5 at 70, and so on for a max of x5). Likewise, for every 20 targets (rounded normally to the nearest 10, if its) over, the damage is weakened by removing 1d12 from the roll (minimum of 5d12 piercing damage). If there is only one target for this attack, the damage is multiplied by the Aura Archer's total AP. This attack takes 3 full turns total: 1 to channel, 1 to attack and move, 1 to rest. All aura passives are canceled at the start of this attack, but their effects still last until the end of the attack and aura skills cast before the attack are unaffected. (dm nerf at will ;p)
Point Blank Shot (Ex) At 2nd level, the Aura Archer gains the feat Point Blank Shot, even if they do not meet the requirements.
Rapid Shot (Ex) At 4th level, the Aura Archer gains the feat Rapid Shot, even if they do not not meet all the requirements.
Manyshot (Ex) At 6th level, the Aura Archer gains the feat Manyshot, even if they do not meet all the requirements.
Greater Manyshot (Ex) At 8th level, the Aura Archer gains the feat Greater Manyshot, even if they do not meet all the requirements.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Aura Archers are proficient with no weapons other than their own Aura bow, Aura throwing daggers, and light armors.

Ex Aura Archer

In order to stop being an Aura Archer would be to somehow lose your connection to the Aura. Even undead have aura, so becoming a zombie or another undead will not cause this. If the Aura Archer loses memories of the fact that they are one, they still would not lose levels in Aura Archer. They simply would not know how to use their powers. Essentially nothing short of divine intervention (like a wish or miracle spell) could do this. Once the damage is done, it would take something equally powerful to restore the levels.

Epic Aura Archer

Table: The Epic <-class name->

Hit Die: d10

21st<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
22nd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
23rd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
24th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
25th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
26th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
27th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
28th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
29th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
30th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

<-existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-another existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-Lather, rinse...->

<-... repeat.->

Bonus Feats: The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-number of feats per level-> levels after 20th.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.

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gollark: This isn't really much of an explanation.
gollark: Those are separate.
gollark: And I can't see why people go around doing gambling and failing to understand basic statistics and probability, and yet.
gollark: No, they buy things because they (think they (should)) value them for some reason, which is not the same thing.
gollark: Fungible basically means that you can have multiple interchangeable units of a thing. Currencies are fungible because all "£5 notes" are worth £5 and it doesn't matter much which unit you have.
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