Assulter (3.5e Prestige Class)

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When I run I move my arms in the deadly arcs of damage. It's natural.
—Ivan Vick, Human Barbarian/Assaulter, The White Book

The Assaulter can run down any enemy and slice them to bits at they flee. Each Assaulter still uses their starter class to benefit their assault skills, and wreck more havoc on the battle field. There are numerous types of assaults, most Assaulters prefer to use a specific type of assault, and often will switch between two schools in order to become more versatile.

Becoming a Assaulter

Assaulters can move across the battle and hit anything in their path. Any profession can become an Assaulter, but rangers, rouges, fighters, and barbarians are the best at their roles. Each Assaulter needs high dexterity. They use their class attributes for other skills.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +10
Race: Medium size.
Skills: Run
Table: The Assaulter

Hit Die: d<8>

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+ 1+ 1+ 1+1 Base Assault
2nd+ 2+ 1+ 1+1 1st Assault
3rd+ 3+ 2+ 2+2 2nd Assault
4th+ 4+ 2+ 2+2 3rd Assault
5th+ 5+ 3+3+3 4th Assault
6th+ 6+ 3+ 3+3 5th Assault
7th+ 7+ 4+4+4 6th Assault
8th+ 8+4+4+4 7th Assault
9th+ 9+5+5+5 8th Assault
10th+ 10+5+5+5 9th Assault
11th+ 11+6+6+6 Master Assault

Class Skills (5 + Int modifier per level)
Climb (Str), Swim (Str), Ride (Dex), Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Heal (Wis), Survival (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perform(Cha)

Table: The Epic Assaulter
12thBonus Feat
13thBonus Feat
14thBonus Feat
15thBonus Feat

Class Features

Assaults: All assaults are move actions, and require the character to be able to run. All assaults only hit foes in front of the assaulter unless otherwise specified, and are in straight lines. Assaults can end if you reaches the maximum movement (+10ft. to their race's base land speed.), if an Assaulter hits a wall, or if the Assaulter decides to end it early. Assaults are based on the highest attribute of the character receiving the assault. Assaults use the ability that they are linked to, instead of strength modifiers in order to attack, so if it requires Charisma, then Charisma is pitted against the targets' AC. The standard assaults are chosen from the list below. The Master Assault, gives the character 2d8 extra assaults, which are combined.

Base Assaults: Strength: Beserking Assault- Applies berserk to the user - With each hit the damage increases by 2d12. The extra damage stacks, but ends when the assault itself does.

Dexterity: Slippery Assault - When you are assaulting, you are unaffected by difficult terrain, and can change directions. If you run into an obstacle, you automatically change directions, unless otherwise specified.

Constitution: Siphoning Assault - When you hit you gain 40% of the damage dealt to the target of your attack. When you activate this skill, you lose 1d20 hit points. This cannot kill you if you have more than 1 hit point, but if you activate while you have one hit point, death is instantaneous.

Intelligence: Magic Assault - You use a level 0 spell instead of normal attacks. Spells used this way don't require you to prepare.

Wisdom: Perception Assault - Your strikes decrease enemy perception by 1d12, while negating up to 50% of the enemy's AC (2d8 + Your level in Assaulter). Dexterity bonuses have no effect against this assault.

Charisma: Full Assault- Each time you attack, you add an additional 1d10 damage for every 2 allies you have.

Standard Assaults: Deadly Assault - Each Hit with this ability increases your critical by +1, but ends when the turn does. Usable equal to your Str Mod + Level in Assaulter, daily)

Whirling Assault - You also strike enemies in squares adjacent to you. Prerequisite - Whirlwind Attack

Barrage - Ranged Assault, Your ranged attacks hit through targets and decrease by 1d4 damage each hit. Fires 2d10 shots, + Your Dex Mod. Prerequisite - Bow Mastery

Aerial Assault - You jump over enemies and obstacles. Prerequisite - Parcour

Bull's Assault - You knock enemies in your direction of travel. When you finish the assault, all enemies still surrounding you are sent flying equal to your own speed, + 1d12. Prerequisite - Improved Charge

Arcane Assault - You use level d6 spells to deal damage to foes instead of attacks. These spells don't need preparation, and consume level 0 spell limits. Prerequisite - Efficient Spell

Reflex Assault - You take up a defensive stance. It is activated when you are attacked next. If they fail a Reflex Save of 20 + Your Reflex Save, the damage is dealt back x2. After the counter, you move your full assault distance back towards your allies. Prerequisite - Lightning Reflexes

Leaping Assault - You chose up to d4 targets to be the targets of your assault. You leap from target to target and attack them. End when attack is blocked, or after 10 leaps. Prerequisite - Acrobatic

Feral Assault - You and your animal companion rampage together with the combined movement of both creatures as the maximum distance. Prerequisite - Wondrous Pet

Desperate Assault - You take up a defensive stance. Trigger - When you are reduced down to 0 hit points. Effect - You make a desperate assault in the direction of the nearest enemy. If you hit this assault ends and you gain 1d20% of your maximum hit points. Prerequisite - Vigor of the Stag

Soldier's Assault - You take up an offensive stance. Trigger - When an ally attacks. Effect - You leap to the target of the attack and add a second attack to your ally's first attack. You use your allies bonuses in the attack instead of yours. prerequisite- Pack Attack

Feats: The epic Assaulter gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Assaulter feats) every level after level 10 until level 15.

Epic Assaulter Bonus Feat List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Blinding Speed, Combat Archery, Damage Reduction, Epic Reflexes, Great Constitution, Instant Reload


Playing an Assaulter

Combat: Assaulters generally are in the middle of the team when it starts an encounter. The Assaulter would then rush over or around their allies to reach the center of combat where they will stay until they are dead or every thing else is dead.

Advancement: Almost any class can become an Assaulter, although any class that fights in the front lines is better suited for the role of Assaulter.

Resources: Assaulters form a tight bond with their allies and other Assaulters. In combat if two Assaulters fight, one will yield and betray their original side. Others will give any required equipment needed for a quest, but will expect something in return.

Assaulters in the World

We will fight until the end of our days, or until we run out of things to kill.
—Ivan Vick, Human Barbarian\Assaulter

Assaulters generally go to where the fights are. They are soldiers in combat, and may even be hunters of great beasts. The important thing is that they are always moving.

NPC Reactions: Most NCP's believe that Assaulters are wild. This is true most of the time. Due to this concept, most people try to avoid talking to Assaulters unless they are participating in combat with them.

Assaulters Lore

Characters with ranks in Concentration can research Assaulters to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

11Assaulters are known for their insane charges into the thick of battles.
16In combat Assaulters will often serve as rear guard in order to reach the enemies trying to flank the party.
21Information about an Assaulter guild.
26Most Assaulters tend to group around areas of great turmoil.

Assaulters in the Game

Adaptation: Assaulters can be used as a vanguard or rearguard for an army. In other scenarios, an Assaulter can be an adventurer looking for something to test their skills against. There is an obscure Assaulter guild, details are for the DM to decide.

Sample Encounter: Assaulters can be placed almost in any form of combat. Other encounters can be used as mercenaries to assist the party. As long as the assulters are in the thick of combat, they are fine.

EL whatever: Ivan Vick (X) Level 5 Elite Assaulter

Medium human XP 400

Initiative +6

Senses Perception +3

HP 200; Bloodied 100

AC 21; Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 15

Saving Throws +2

Speed 7;

Action Points 1

CD Vicious Broadsword (standard; at-will) • Weapon

+11 vs. AC; 1dl 0+4 damage (Critical +1d12) and slide target 1 square.

Assaults- Beserking Assault, Bull's Assault, Aerial Assault, Leaping Assault, Whirling Assault

Alignment Chaotic Evil languages Common, Elf, Dwarf

Str 18(+7) Dex 14(+6) Wis 13(+3)

Con 17(+6) Int 10(+5) Cha 12(+5)

Equipment +1 vicious broadsword, Brigandage armor

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gollark: I will be able to do that eventually, and I think others already can.
gollark: Technically, it's a droog.
gollark: <:smh:399440841401303040>
gollark: I have an inbread 31G aeon.
gollark: Not really. Inbreads trade cost for time.
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