Armament Mage (3.5e Class)
<Armament Mage>
Armament mages are warriors that have made a pact with the god of the planes, allowing them to enchant, store, and equip armors and weapons in and from other planes.
Making an Armament Mage
Armament mages are often front-line damage dealers, though some use specialized armors for healing,subterfuge, or channeling powerful magic.
Abilities: Strength, Constitution, and Intelligence are extremely important for this class, though they also benefit from a high dexterity score.
Races: Humans are often the only non-planar beings that take up the call of the Armament Mage, but the title is available to any race except for those of Orcish blood.
Alignment: Any Lawful. Armament Mages must follow the creed set by their governing deity, which includes their sacrificial pact.
Starting Gold: as fighter
Starting Age: as fighter
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | Armaments Known (+Int) | Armaments Per Day (+Con) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +2 | +0 | Exotic Training +1, Holding Pact, Planar Holding, Armament, Armament Milestone 1 | 2 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +0 | Exotic Training +2 | 2 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | Armament | 3 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Sword Storm | 3 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Armament, Armament Milestone 2 | 5 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6/+1 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Exotic Training +3 Sword Storm+2 | 5 | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7/+2 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Armament | 6 | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8/+3 | +6 | +6 | +2 | Exotic Training +4 Sword Storm+3 | 6 | 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +3 | Armament | 7 | 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10/+5 | +7 | +7 | +3 | Exotic Training +5, Armament Milestone 3 | 8 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +7 | +3 | Armament | 9 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +8 | +4 | Exotic Training +6 Sword Storm+4 | 9 | 9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +8 | +4 | Armament | 10 | 9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +9 | +4 | Exotic Training +7 | 10 | 10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +9 | +5 | Armament, Armament Milestone 4 | 12 | 11 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +10 | +5 | Exotic Training +8 | 12 | 12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +10 | +5 | Armament | 13 | 12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +11 | +6 | Exotic Training +9 | 13 | 13 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +11 | +6 | Armament | 14 | 14 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +12 | +6 | Exotic Training +10, Armament Milestone 5 | 15 | n/a | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level; ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features
The Armament Mages abilities stem from their pact with the Planar Gods. Whilst some choose loyalty to a single deity, increasing the potency of their abilities, many choose not to specify, leaving them with much more versatility. All of the following are class features of the Armament Mage.
EXOTIC TRAINING (ET) (Ex): At the first level, and every even level after, the Armament Mage may choose an exotic weapon to become proficient with.p
PLANAR HOLDING (Ex): The Armament Mage holds all of their equipment within another plane, or pocket dimension. Items that can be stored include weapons,armor,outfits,tools,and ammunition. the number of items that you can hold within that space is twice your level + your CON modifier.
SWORD STROM (Ex): The sword storm is a storm of 4 swords that floats around the player waiting for the command to attack. The blades deal 1d6 damage each. Over time, after leveling up, the player will start to have the ability to summon 1 more sword for every time they level up in the Sword Storm skill category. The Sword Storm is when the player emits an invisible, undetected area of affect around the summoned swords, making them float and be completely under his/her control. The distance the weapons can reach is 40 ft. Roll 1d4 to see how long you have to wait before you can do Sword Storm again.
HOLDING PACT (Su): The blessing received from your sacrificial pact, the Holding Pact grants you availability to a host of enchanted outfits, complete with weapons designed for the outfit. These outfits are known as Armaments. There are 5 levels of armor sets, each an upgrade from the last. These sets take up a slot of your Planar Holding ability, and are armaments forge in their respective plains. The look may be customized by the wearer, as each armament is made specifically for the Pact Bearer. The player is granted an armament at the first level, and every other level after the first. If the player's INT mod is above 15, she can choose 2 armaments at each Armament milestone level. (1,5,10,15,20) if it is 18 or above, she can choose 3. Most Armaments are not like the Armament Mages mundane armors, and channel a massive amount of magical energy. Therefore, starting at Armaments of the 2nd Level and higher, she can only sustain an armament whilst in combat for a limited period of time. the time roll is made upon executing the Re-quip. If only a weapon type for an armament is specified, then the user may choose a specific weapon with that type range to use as part of that Armament. However, once the weapon has been chosen, it becomes the permanent weapon for that Armament.
Level 5: 1d10 rounds
Level 10: 1d12 rounds
Level 15: 1d20 rounds
Level 20: Indefinite
It takes a full turn to re-quip into a different armor. However, the player may choose to acquire these feats to change the time required.
Quick Re-quip - Re-quipping now only requires a standard action (requires level 3)
Adept Re-quip - Re-quipping requires only a move action (requires level 5)
Lightning Re-quip - Re-quipping can now be done as a free action (requires level 10 and "Quick Re-quip")
These armaments are basic outfits that grant the user some type of minor abilities. None of them have advanced magical properties, nor are they considered masterwork.
Rogue's Inhibition: a lightweight, shady garb, often with a hood.
- AC: +3
- Weapon: Any dagger (poison)
- Abilities: Sneak Attack 1d6, +2 to all hide/move silently, sleight of hand, and disguise checks. Damage is dealt with poison is on a successful strike with the dagger, and is 1d6 damage over 1d4 rounds.
Ranger's Guile: a basic hunter's outfit
- AC:+4
- Weapon: Longbow/Shortsword
- Abilities: Animal Companion of choice, +2 to all Acrobatics,Athletics,Perception Checks.
Brawler's Moxy: a shirtless fighter's outfit with gauntlets or bandage wraps.
- AC: +3
- Abilities: +2 to Strength, +1 on all att/dmg rolls, +5 to all Athletics checks
Orc Bane: a powerful set of armor that grants bonuses against Orcs and orc-type creatures. (goblins, bugbears, etc.)
- AC: +4
- Weapon: any axe
- Abilities: +4 on all rolls against orc type creatures.
Cleric's Grace: A white robe that grants the user access to divine abilities.
- AC:+2
- Weapon: Quaterstaff
- Abilities: access to all level 0 and level 1 Cleric spells.
Apprentice Craftsman: a garb appropriate for the user's chosen craft of choice.
- AC: +1
- Abilities: +2 to all craft checks.
Apprentice Performer: a garb appropriate for the user's chosen profession/performance of choice.
- AC: +1
- Abilities: +2 to all profession/perform checks.
Armaments of the 2nd level are specialized armors and are considered masterwork quality. Each armor provides a +3 to AC, and each weapon is a +2, unless otherwise specified, along with their respective enchantments.
Knight's Vigor: A stalwart half-plate armor and Heavy Steel Shield perfect for defense.
- AC: +11
- Weapon: Any Bludgeoning/heavy steel shield
- Abilities: -2 DEX
- Feats: Hindering Opportunist, Shield Slam
Rogue's Prowess: An upgraded version of the Rogue's Inhibition armor.
- AC: +6
- Weapon: any light weapon/poison
- Abilities: Sneak attack +3d6, +4 to all hide/move silently, disguise, and sleight of hand checks, poison damage is 1d8 over 1d6 rounds.
- Feats: Tumbling Feint
Twin Serpents: a medium armor accenting the dual swords that are the highlight of this armor.
- AC: +6
- Weapon: any dual 1h sword
- Abilities: +2 DEX
- Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense
Holy Visage: an ornate robe that grants divine abilities
- AC: +4
- Weapon: Staff
- Abilities: Access to divine spells as Cleric of the same level
Vault Arcana: a light, flexible armor designed to repel magic damage.
- AC: +5
- Weapon: any. may switch freely.
- Abilities: +5 magic damage reduction
Giant's Bane: a rough nordic armor that gives the user and advantage against giant type creatures.
- AC: +7
- Weapon: 2h weapon type
- Abilities: +4 AC/+4 on all rolls against giant type creatures.
Level 3 Armaments are highly specialized armors dealing with specific situations, and grant the user devastating abilities for those situations. Base AC bonus is +6 unless otherwise stated. And based Weapon bonus is a +3.
Adamantine Tower: This armor is the Ultimate in defensive abilities. A masterwork fullplate complete with dual adamantine tower shields that lock together to become a single front shield. This armor protects not only the wearer, but any allies in a 10ft line behind her when in lockdown position.
- AC: +20/25
- Abilities:lockdown position
- Feats: Impenetrable, Unmovable
- Detriments: Player cannot move but 1 square during a turn, and cannot attack.
Disciple of Light: A chainmail raiment suited for warrior clerics
- AC: +6
- Weapon: Staff or Mace
- Abilities: access to all cleric spells of the same level
Beastmaster: a huntsman's outfit that grants the user control over the beasts of the wild. the number of creatures that a player can control is equal to her CON modifier.
- AC: +8
- Weapon: type of whip or knife
- Abilities: wild familiars
- Feats:
Purgatory Armor: This armor is a tough, black armor that retains mobility, and grants the user barbarian-like abilities.
- AC: +13
- Weapon: 2h Sword
- Abilities: Rage as a barbarian of the same level, +4 to att/dmg rolls, Rage Strike
- Feats: Monkey Grip
Specter's Bane: the specter's bane armor is a sleek, wispy outfit that grants the user advantages against incorporeal creatures.
- AC: +7
- Weapon: +3 Rapier
- Abilities: +4 AC/+4 on all rolls against incorporeal creatures.
LEVEL 4 ARMAMENTS Level 4 armors are exquisite quality items, handmade by the finest smiths in all the planes.
Heaven's Raiment: An armament crafted for the Archangel Micheal, this golden raiment is made from the finest metal known to man,angel, or demon. Sporting twin masterwork longswords blessed with the Spirit of God, And a set of Angelic wings, it is understandable why mortal men hide their eyes from such a terrifying visage.
- AC: +14
- Weapons: Twin +6 MW longswords
- Abilities: Flight (12 squares), +6 on all rolls against undead,demons,daemons,devils,and hellspawn, access to healing spells as cleric of same level
- Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense
Magic Breaker: This Armament was crafted by the Knights Templar to combat the Magi. It features a brilliant sapphire breastplate, and a forearm buckler of the same material.
- AC: +9
- Weapon: a +5 Spatha
- Abilities: +20 AC against magical attacks
Black Wing: "And so, the assassin takes to the sky..." This armor is a sleek, onyxian armor with black wings
- AC:+12
- Weapon: Any. may be switched freely. while wearing this armor, any equipped weapon gets a +2 bonus
- Abilities: +2 Dex, Sneak Attack +8d6, Poison damage 3d6 over 1d12 rounds, flight (12 squares), +8 on all hide/move silently and sleight of hand checks.
Sylvan Grace: A combination of mythril and the finest leather, this armament grants the user mastery over the bow.
- AC:+16
- Weapon: +6 MW longbow
- Abilities: +3 DEX, +8 on all Athletic/Acrobatic Checks
- Feats: Run
Purgatory MkII: An upgraded form of the Berserker armor. The Berserker's weapon is now bound to the armor via a heavy chain or cloth, allowing the user to wield the blade like a whip.
- AC:+18
- Weapon: 2h Sword with chain/cloth (20ft range)
- Abilities: Rage, +6 att/dmg rolls, Rage Strike,Devastating Blow
- Feat: Monkey Grip, Power Attack, Slashing Fury
Agni & Rudra: Named for the dual scimitars which the user wields, this light middle-eastern garb grants the user the ability to unleash devastating elemental vortexes.
- AC:+13
- Weapon: Agni - +8 scimitar of flame. (deals +1d12 fire damage,20% to catch fire)
- Rudra - +8 scimitar of wind. (deals +1d8 wind damage,20% to knock prone)
- Abilities: +6 att/dmag rolls, Vortex of Flame, Cascade of Blades
- Feat: Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Bane of the Dragon King: This armor was created by Bahamut himself. Forged to destroy the evil dragon Tiamat, and made from the golden scales of Bahamut himself, any dragon to lay eye upon this armor has also laid eye upon his last sunrise.
- AC: +15
- Weapon: +6 Polearm of Choice/Heavy Shield
- Abilities: +12 on all rolls against Draconic creatures
The Level 5 armaments have been crafted by the Gods themselves. Each holding incredible power, truly earning the title of Legendary. However, due to the immense amount of magical energy released by these armaments, the user may not yet don these armors indefinitely as they can with levels 1-4 at this point. They must first complete a Ritual of Binding, specific to each weapon. Only one Ritual of Binding may be attempted each level.
Micheal's Raiment: The armor meant for Micheal in the final battle against the forces of darkness. Denizens of darkness beware, for none cant hide from the hand of God. This upgraded version of the Heaven's Raiment is extremely devastating. The armor givens the user telekinetic power over an arch of 7 swords over her head. these swords can be used as projectiles, and are known as the Trumpets of the Apocalypse.
- AC:+20
- Weapon: Twin +10 mw longswords, Trumpets of the Apocalypse
- Abilities: +6 Con, Flight (24 squares), +10 against all Undead,Demons,Daemons,Devils, and Hellspawn, access to healing spells as a cleric of same level
- Feat: Two Weapon Mastery
- Ritual: The user must be crucified atop the largest hill in the holy city for three days. During which time meditating on what it means to wield the hand of God. After your time has elapsed, offer your blood to the Raiment, sealing yourself as it's wielder.
Ebony & Ivory: a strange style of garb, this Armament is a simple open-chest crimson trench-coat with black breeches. Though the garb is nothing special, it is the arms that matter here. Each of your arms is that of a dragon. left is pure onyxian, while the right glows a brilliant ivory. not only do they grant you amazing strength and claws, but each has it's own projectile attacks.
- AC:+16
- Weapon: Ebony & Ivory Arms
- Abilities: +6 Str, Draconic Fist, Bala, Cero, Claw, Of Mice and Men, Access to Warlock abilities of the same level.
- Feat: Crushing Blow, Fiery Fist
- Ritual: The user must consume the hearts of both a black and white dragon of Colossal size.
Dirge of Cerberus: a lightweight blue garb that wields a 4-prong nunchaku, shaped to resemble claws, and made completely form ice.
- AC:+14
- Weapon: Dirge of Cerberus (+10) mw nunchaku (50% to freeze)
- Abilities: +6 Dex,immune to cold damage, access to all ice spells as a sorcerer/druid of the same level
- Ritual: The user must seek out the cavern at the base of the world's tallest mountain, and drink from the waters of the lake that resides within
Flame Emperor: a black medium armor adorned with flames. Created by the god Hephaestus, it grants the user control over flame.
- AC:+15
- Weapon: +8 Scythe (1d12 fire damage, 50% to set alflame)
- Abilities: immune to fire damage, access to all fire spells as a sorcerer/druid of the same level
- Ritual: User must soak the armor in the flames of the infernal plane.
Sea Emperor: a lightweight armor adorned with the scales of a mighty sea serpent and created by the god Poseidon.
- AC:+14
- Weapon: +8 Trident (+1d6 water dmg)
- Abilities: immune to water damage, underwater breathing, swim (24 squares), access to all water spells of a sorcerer/druid of the same level
- Ritual: User must receive a blessing from the great temple in the city of Atlantis.
Lightning Emperor: Created by Zeus himself, the lightning emperor armor gives the user immunity to lightning type attack, and allows devastatingly explosive blows by charging the large shield-like compartment on the haft of the spear, just below the blade, with electricity in the air and releasing it in a violent blast.
- AC:+18
- Weapon: +10 Daisenso (great battle spear)
- (1d100 dmg chart for Daisenso)
- 1-25: 1d12 dmg, blast 3
- 26-50: 1d20 dmg, blast 5
- 51-75: 1d100 dmg, blast 5
- 76-100: 1d100 dmg, blast 7
- (1d100 dmg chart for Daisenso)
- Abilities: immune to lightning damage, access to lightning spells as a sorcerer/druid of the same level.
- Ritual: User must survive three lightning strikes
Assassin's Legacy: "The wisdom of our Creed is revealed through these words. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins. Nothing is true, everything is permitted." A sleek, master assassin uniform.
- AC:+14
- Weapon: Dual hidden blades with firing mechanism (30ft), smoke bombs, weapon of choice, sleep darts, rope darts, zipline/grappling hook
- Abilities: +6 Dex, Sneak Attack (10d6), +10 on all hide,move silently,disguise,sleight of hand, and use rope checks, double sneak attack damage if base roll is 15 or more
- Feats: Free-run, Two weapon mastery, fleet footed
- Ritual: Must take on the Assassin's creed, and have performed 100 silent kills.
Santoryu: This is the most devastating armament available to an Armament Mage. The user gives up armor for the Earth-rending attack power of using the katana of 3 legendary samurai. one in each hand, and one gripped in the mouth.
- AC:0
- Weapon: 3 (+12) katana
- Abilities: Double Dex bonus, +8 att/dmg rolls, O Tatsumaki, Rengoku Oni Giri, 1080lb Cannon, Great 3000 Worlds
- Feats: Two Weapon Supremacy, Weapon Finesse
- Ritual: Must train for 3 years under the world's greatest swordsman
Purgatory Armor MkIII: The embodiment of death and rage, Purgatory mkIII Purgatory MkIII instills the meaning of true horror within any enemy to lay eyes upon it. All whilst wielding Bane (2h Greatscythe) and Burden (the onyxian 2h sword of ealier choice)
- AC:+22
- Weapon: Burden (+10 2h sword with arm cloth/chain (30ft)) & Bane (+10 great scythe that gather's souls and releases them to deal damage)
- Abilities: Rage, +8 att/dmg rolls, Rage Strike, Devastating Blow
- Feat: Monkey Grip, Two weapon mastery, Power attack, Slashing Fury
the following are the types, descriptions, damage, and range details for abilities detailed in the Armaments section of this page. All major abilities are considered Daily Powers, and the user must receive a full rest before using them again, unless otherwise specified. Once the user's Con modifier reaches +10, then the user may use each major ability twice before resting. Minor abilities may be used as often as the user chooses. All damage is to include any and all outside modifiers unless the damage is specified as absolute. Abilities are in alphabetical order.
1080 Pound Cannon The user prepares her swords on the first turn, and releases a deadly blast of pure energy forward, slicing the air itself.
- Type: Major
- Damage: 4|W|
- Range: 60ft extended line
Access to Spells When a player is granted access to spells, they gain all of the spell traits of that class, including spells per day.
Bala The user releases an orb of energy (either light or dark) as an attack upon a foe.
- Type: Minor
- Damage: 1|W| (+1d10 light or dark damage)
- Range: 120ft
Cascade of Blades The user loses herself in her relentless attack, rending all flesh in a continuous barrage of strikes, until she either misses, or has no target within reach.
- Type: Major
- Damage: 2|W|
- Range: melee
Cero A charged beam of light or dark energy that deals a colossal amount of damage to all within its range.
- Type: Major
- Damage: 200
- Range: 120ft line
Claw A clawed attack that deals slashing damage to an opponent
- Type: Minor
- Damage: 1|W| (50% to cause 1d6 bleeding over 1d6 rounds)
- Range: Melee
Devastating Blow A massive strike that shatters armor and bone.
- Type: Major
- Damage: 4|W| (deals damage to target's AC equal to users Str mod)
- Range: Melee
Draconic Fist The user channels the strength of the dragon, dealing a blow so powerful that the very Earth beneath the user shatters and shakes beneath its force.
- Type: Major
- Damage: 7|W|
- Range: Melee
- Special: the earth beneath the caster in a 15x15 square breaks and becomes difficult terrain, and all within the area must make a Reflex DC save of 25 to avoid being knocked prone
Ebony & Ivory This ability transforms the arms of the User into the clawed appendages of powerful dragons. Darkness in the left, Light in the right. Each wielding devastating draconic power. The use may not wield any other weapons while in this transformed state.
- Type: Weapon
- Damage: 1d20 +10
- Range: Melee
Great 3000 Worlds The user unleashes 3000 strikes in the blink of a eye, resulting in a single strike that is capable of slicing through steel walls as though they were paper.
- Type: Major
- Damage: 6|W|
- Range: 20ft
Lockdown Position The users locks her shields into position and braces herself for the coming onslaught. the user may not move while in this position.
- Type: Minor
- Damage: n/a
- Range: n/a
O Tatsumaki Translating to "Great Dragon Twister", this ability creates a massive vortex to suck up enemies and deal damage. Lasts for 1d10 rounds.
- Type: Major
- Damage: 1|W| each turn
- Range: Blast 7
Of Mice and Men Arguably the most powerful ability in the Armament Mage's arsenal, Of Mice and Men is the embodiment of the light and dark power within the Ebony & Ivory Armament. The Hand of Ebony has the power to drive it's victims mad, or release their darkest inhibitions. The Hand of Ivory has the power to Exorcise the Demonic, Burn its victim with holy light (known as the Hand of Righteousness, and can only be used if target is pinned,helpless, or surprised), or reveal the true nature of a target, leaving their hearts laid bare.
- Type: Minor
- Damage: Ebony- target must succeed in a Will save (DC 25 + users Con mod) to avoid
- Ivory- target must succeed in a Fortitude save (DC 25 + users Con mod)to avoid. if the target fails this check against Hand of Righteousness, the user is kill instantly.
- Range: all 30ft except for Hand of Righteousness, which is melee.
Rage Strike The user channels her primal rage into an attack
- Type: Major
- Damage: 10th level- 5|W|
- 15th level- 6|W|
- 19th level- 7|W|
- 25th level- 8|W|
- 29th level- 9|W|
- Range: melee
Rengoku Oni Giri The user attacks with all three blades at once, leaving an X shaped wound with a third horizontal slash across it.
- Damage: 10|W| (inflicts bleeding 1d10 for 1d6 rounds)
- Range: as a charge attack
Trumpets of the Apocalypse An arch of seven swords matching the ones wielded by the wearer of Micheal's Raiment. these swords can be use as projectiles, and for defense. however, they each only grant a single use. The wearer is granted +1 to AC for each Trumpet still active, and loses that AC point whenever the wearer launches a sword.
- Type: minor
- Damage: 2|W|
- Range: 60ft
Vortex of Flame A searing twister of fire
- Type: Major
- Damage: 4|W|
- Range: Blast 5
Wild Familiars A mass of wild fury breaks through the foliage and descends upon unsuspecting prey. As a Beastmaster, you may have a number of animal companions equal to your Charisma modifier (max 6) these animal companions are treat as that of a druid of the same level, and remain companions of the Beastmaster until they die or are released. All companions vanish along with the Beastmaster Armament.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Armament Mages are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and all armor and shield types.
Ex-Armament Mages
The Armament Mage is an Ode to peace amongst the Gods. Their presence is a universal symbol of peace between the planes, at least for the sake of universal balance. To break the Sacrificial Pact and throw down one's oath is to spit in the face of all the Gods. Therefore, one who breaks such a sacred vow is cursed for all time. The guilty receives a permanent -5 to all ability scores, and cannot choose another class for one year. After that, the user may not choose a class that is governed by the Gods, so those who are especially gift in magic often turn to serving the demonic as warlocks. Those who aren't often try to find work as a sell-sword or pirate, and some choose the path of a fighter or rogue. However, almost all who attempt these paths die a very horrible death not long after, having offended one God or another by making a living from their domain of rule.
Armament Mage Starting Package
Weapons: .
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.
Skill | Ranks | Ability | Armor Check Penalty |
Feat: .
Bonus Feats: .
Gear: .
Gold: .
Playing a Armament Mage
Religion: .
Other Classes: .
Combat: .
Advancement: .
Armament Magi in the World
“ | ” | |
—, |
Daily Life: .
Notables: .
Organizations: .
NPC Reactions: .
Armament Mage Lore
Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
DC | Result |
5 | . |
10 | . |
15 | . |
20 | . |
Armament Magi in the Game
Adaptation: .
Sample Encounter: .
EL : .
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