Architect (3.5e Class)

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This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Just looking at level 1 I see problems. It doesn't cost anything to make the small construct, just 8 hours. So I can make one per day. If I have a month of downtime between adventurers, I now have 30 of these assistants. I now have 30 attacks per round.

Reply: If you read the Army Outfitter ability, it implies you can't. On that logic I made this class for a player in my campaign and so far we have run from level 1 to level 8 with average gold gain and everything seems ok.
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Architects are Masters at creating constructs to work for them and do various tasks in battle which makes it easier for them to move around and keep supporting the party they're working with, as well as keeping themselves safe and sound while at the same time making sure that the enemy can't escape the party while in battle. Later on as their magic connection with her Constructs increases, they are able to sport a small party on their own that can assist the adventurers in most possible cases.

Making an Architect

An Architect isn't the best at close combat as they prefer to remain at a distance however this often leaves her very weak against fighters that can close the distance rather fast and strike at her when her Gear Constructs are not in place.

Abilities: INT, Charisma and DEX are all Abilities to have good scores in since it helps them to make them a great back up.

Races: Usually self-conscious constructs however other races tend to pick this classes like Humans do pick this class, sometimes Elves.

Alignment: Any

Starting Gold: 5d4×10 gp (200 gp).

Starting Age: Complex.

Table: The Architecture

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+0+0+0 Visionary, Code of the Architecture, Small Gear Assistant, Defensive Commander
3rd+2+1+1+1 Medium Gear Bodyguard
4th+3+1+1+1 Weapon Upgrade
5th+3+1+1+1 Army Outfitter
6th+4+2+2+2 Craft Geardendrite
8th+6/+1+2+2+2 Gear Spitter Upgrade
10th+7/+2+3+3+3 Battle Armor
15th+11/+6/+1+5+5+5 Huge Gear Devastator
20th+15/+10/+5+6+6+6 Artificial Apotheosis

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Craft [Weaponsmithing] (Int) , Use Magic Device (Cha), Knowledge [History] (Int), Knowledge [Architecture & Engineering] (Int), Ride (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft [Anything] (Int)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Architect.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Architects aren't proficient with any armor other than normal clothing. They are also proficient with all Simple weapons.

Visionary (Ex): An Architect doesn't just benefit from the experience of an adventure but manages to expand her own ideas in ways in which she can improve her constructs. Every time the Architect levels up she gains a Visionary Point. On levels where she gets an additional Feat she gets a bonus Visionary Point. An Architect starts the game with 1 Visionary Point. At any time that she can go through the process of creating one of her constructs(see below), she can opt to use her Visionary Points. Using a Visionary Point requires materials worth of 150gp. Applying a Visionary Point to a construct confers the following upgrades: +1 HD/+1 Base Attack Bonus/+1 on Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves, +1 to a chosen Ability Score. The Architect's Constructs also get a feat(Architect's choice) for every 3 Hit Dice they have. The Architect can opt to apply a Visionary point to a construct that is not granted to her by her class abilities in which case the cost for applying one such is doubled and so is the time needed to work on it. Treat the size increase of any construct by virtue of HD as the effect of a permanent enlarge person spell for the target construct.

An architect remembers part of her designs so if one of her constructs perish in combat, she can rebuild it with half its original Visionary points applied rounded up. However though she must spend 300gp for every Visionary Point that was applied to it. This is optional if she lacks the gold.

The maximum Visionary Points an Architect can have applied on a construct at any given time is equal to her class level divided by 2 rounded down. For constructs outside of her class's field of specialty, she can have up to 3 Visionary Points in them.

DISCLAIMER: The following construct details for the following class features do not follow the normal D&D wiki links and I apologize but they are meant to be able to cover what you need to know about the class without many tabs open. Feel free to make them better.

Small Gear Assistant (Ex): The first thing she can make is an orb-like hovering construct that can help her in various needs and a small amount of combat. The creation of such a construct doesn't require any specific materials and gold cost, but it requires the Architect to be in a civilized area(usually a secluded town or a city landscape) and to spend 8 hours in meditation in a workshop. Appropriate workshops can be any locations with tools and metalwork, even a blacksmith's store, for Architects are trained to make do with whatever they have in handy. An architect with access to raw materials but away from civilization(For example camping in a dungeon with plenty of weapons and metalwork lying around) can create a construct in the same manner but it would take her 16 hours instead. Use the following stats for the Gear Assistant:

Size/Type: Small Construct

Hit Dice: 1d10+10 (15 hp)

Initiative: +1

Speed: Fly 20 ft. (good)(4 squares)

Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3

Attack: Crafted Talon +1 melee(1d4/x2) or Bullet +3 ranged(1d6+1)

Full Attack: No difference than above.

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Explosion

Explosion(Ex): As a full-round action, a Gear Assistant can explode under the combat of its Architect. Everyone within 20 ft from the Gear Assistant take 1d4 points of fire damage for every Hit Dice of the Gear Assistant(Maximum 20d4). Characters caught in the explosion radius can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. Reflex DC: 12.

Special Qualities: Construct traits, Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Bullet Storage

Bullet Storage(Ex): A Gear Assistant holds 50 bullets inside its body by default. It can be sent to retrieve and sharpen stones from the ground using its talon, which is a process that takes 1 hour but refills his Bullet Storage.

Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1

Skills: Search +3

Feats: Point Blank Shot(included above) Environment: Anywhere

Organization: With Architect

Challenge Rating: 1

Advancement: See above/ 4-6 HD (Medium); 7-10 HD (Large)

Code of the Architecture (Ex): An Architect knows how to take apart a construct without having to worry about it, as she can get more information out of just looking at the intended Construct or Gear Assistant and figure out what their tasks are. +2 to Spot checks against Constructs.

Defensive Commander (Ex): An Architect can command constructs she can created using an immediate mental command that is the outcome of the magic involved in her creation process. While that is beneficial for her and the constructs use her own Intelligence modifier to determine personal preferences, this ability can be clouded by an anti magic field, in which there is a 30% chance that an Architect's construct will not receive a new command on its turn and will just repeat the previous command given or stay motionless for the turn. In addition Architects get trained in having to survive the perils of a battleground while their Constructs fight for them. An Architect gains the following bonuses depending on the number of allied Constructs(Not necessarily his own) within 30 ft of her.

1-3: The Architect gets a +2 dodge bonus to her Armor Class.

4-6: The Architect doesn't count as flat-footed even while surprised thanks to the Constructs relaying information around him. She also gains an additional +2 dodge bonus to her Armor Class.

7+: The Architect is coated in a swarm of assisting Constructs. All ranged attacks against her have a 40% chance to miss as it gets harder to aim in the thick of mechanical warfare. This includes spells that need a ranged attack of any sort but doesn't include spells that just select a specific target.

Medium Gear Bodyguard (Ex): As her expertise increases, the 3rd-level Architect can create a construct called a Gear Bodyguard to aid her in times of need. It looks like a humanoid in all terms clad in steel armament. The creation of such a construct doesn't require any specific materials and gold cost, but it requires the Architect to be in a civilized area(usually a secluded town or a city landscape) and to spend 8 hours in meditation in a workshop. Appropriate workshops can be any locations with tools and metalwork, even a blacksmith's store, for Architects are trained to make do with whatever they have in handy. An architect with access to raw materials but away from civilization(For example camping in a dungeon with plenty of weapons and metalwork lying around) can create a construct in the same manner but it would take her 16 hours instead. Use the following stats for the Gear Bodyguard:

Size/Type: Medium Construct

Hit Dice: 2d10+20 (31 hp)

Initiative: +2

Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)

Armor Class: 17 ( +2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 15

Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6

Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d4+3/x2)

Full Attack: 2 Slams +6 melee (1d4+3/x2)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Explosion

Explosion(Ex): As a full-round action, a Gear Bodyguard can explode under the combat of its Architect. Everyone within 20 ft from the Gear Assistant take 2d4 points of fire damage for every Hit Dice of the Gear Assistant(Maximum 20d4). Characters caught in the explosion radius can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. Reflex DC: 16.

Special Qualities: Construct traits, Damage Reduction 2/Adamantine, Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision

Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will -5

Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1

Skills: Search +6, Intimidate +2

Feats: Power Attack

Environment: Anywhere

Organization: With Architect

Challenge Rating: 2

Advancement: See above/ 6-8 HD(Large); 9-11 HD(Huge)

Weapon Upgrade (Ex): The 4th-level Architect has learned how to fashion weapons into the body and reasoning of one of her constructs. The weapon must be of the same size as the construct. By spending 1 hour in a workshop, or 3 hours with tools outside of one such, the Architect can replace one of the melee attacks of one of her constructs through a process that requires a weapon, and an additional cost of 150gp if the weapon is Simple, 300gp if the weapon is Martial or 500gp if the weapon is Exotic. However though the construct counts proficient with it as it technically becomes one of its Natural Weapons and it can use actions appropriate to the weapon type(for example a Gear Bodyguard with a Whip replacement can do Trip attacks as a character with one). A construct cannot have more different attacks than its initial total number of attacks but see below. An exception is that a weapon crafted in one such construct can be used to attack more than once for a construct whose base attack bonus is higher than 5. The rest of the attacks that are not benefiting from Weapon Upgrade are treated as normal Natural Weapons.

At 8th level she can create ranged Weapon Upgrades on place of any single natural weapons of a construct. One such weapon will require double the extra cost because of an internal ammunition storing device that would be able to store up to 30 pieces of ammunition. On the upper side, the weapon doesn't need any physical reload.

Army Outfitter (Ex): As she rises in levels, the 5th-level Architect can add more constructs under her command. At the following levels she can create additional constructs:

5th Level: +1 Gear Assistant (with 1 Visionary Point applied)

10th Level: +1 Gear Bodyguard (with 1 Visionary Point applied)

15th Level: +1 Gear Assistant (with 2 Visionary Points applied)

20th Level: +1 Gear Bodyguard (with 2 Visionary Points applied)

Craft Geardendrite (Ex): An Architect of 6th-level learns how to craft small artificial constructs called Geardendrites. The Geardendrite resembles a clockwork thin arm that is crafted onto a small plate with a crystal fragment that allows it to receive commands from a construct or Architect. The construction of a Geardendrite requires materials worth of 1000gp and 4 hours of work in a workshop, or 8 hours outside of one with appropriate tools. The Architect has two choices then:

She can either apply it to one of her constructs, conferring it with an additional Slam attack(1d4+Str damage for a Medium sized construct). This can also make the construct viable for more Weapon Upgrades and also gives the construct a +2 stacking bonus on grapple checks. In addition, a construct can opt to grapple an enemy with its limbs, or its Geardendrite, moving the enemy freely during its turn and not taking the penalties for being in grapple, but taking a -20 penalty on its next grapple check.

She can either apply it to herself. She gets the same Slam attack which she is proficient with but her mind is not capable of using the Geardendrite for grapple maneuvers. She can still apply a Weapon Upgrade on it, and if the weapon has any special properties she can use them for herself(for example she can Trip an enemy as if wielding a Whip if she has grafted a Geardendrite to herself with a Whip Weapon Upgrade). While an Architect is not normally proficient with most weapons, she is proficient with weapons crafted in her Geardendrite through Weapon Upgrade.

An Architect can create 1 Geardendrite at level 4, and 1 more at levels 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 with a maximum of 9 Geardendrites active on herself and her constructs at level 20. However she can only have up to 2 Geardendrites on herself, while the Geardendrite limit for any one construct is half its current Hit-Dice.

Gear Spitter Upgrade (Ex): An Architect of 8th-level learns a complex technique of logic through a certain set of crystals that allow her to make a small device called the Gear Spitter, which can be applied on herself or her constructs. With a quick process of 1 hour, tools and 1000gp she can create the device that works identically to the Stone Spitter Maug Graft(Fiend Folio pg. 214) except as noted here. The Gear Spitter can be made to fire every round in addition to its owner's actions using the owner's highest base attack bonus, and the owner's Strength modifier for the pressure with which the bullet is launched. Since the device uses a form of divination magic to assume logic, it takes advantage of its owners feats and qualities that improve ranged attacks. However though because of its complex design, only one Gear Spitter can be outfitted at a creature at any given time.

Battle Armor (Ex): An Architect of 10th-level learns that she can no longer assume her constructs carry out her orders perfectly and requires a way to stay safe while commanding them. With the same process with which she can create a Gear construct, she can craft a Battle Armor for herself that she is proficient with. The Battle Armor counts as Plate Mail with no penalty to her movement speed or to her maximum Dexterity bonus. It can be enchanted as normal armors can and it gets double the hardness and hit points of a normal armor of its design. On the exterior it looks like a bulkier version of Plate Mail although it is surprisingly soft and easy to bend from the inside, without penalizing its utility.

Huge Gear Devastator (Ex): An Architect of 15th-level manages to create one of the most deadly constructs in the arsenal of Architects, the Gear Devastator. The hulking construct resembles a some sort of animal on 4 legs, with huge stone spitters from the start of each limb and a huge cylindrical device on its back. While it is a golem in its form, it resembles a mounted device on four legs that assists the Architect in her combat needs, and in defending herself. Because of the unique construct, a Gear Devastator cannot be upgraded with Geardendrites or a Gear Spitter. Use the following stats for the Gear Devastator:

Size/Type: Huge Construct

Hit Dice: 8d10+66 (118 hp)

Initiative: -1

Speed: 40 ft. (4 legs) (8 squares)

Armor Class: 21 ( -2 size, -1 Dex, +14 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 21

Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+22

Attack: Slam +15 melee (2d6+7/x2) or Stone Cannon +11 ranged(80ft) (1d8+7/x3 plus Stagger)

Full Attack: Slam +15 melee (2d6+7/x2) or 4 Stone Cannons +11 ranged(80ft) (1d8+7/x3 plus Stagger)

Space/Reach: 15 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Explosion, Shrapnel Launcher, Inferno Mortar

Stagger(Ex): Targets hit from the Stone Cannon projectile are struck heavily and need to make a Fortitude save of DC 19 or become dazed for one round.

Shrapnel Launcher(Ex): A Gear Devastator that takes a full round action can opt to fire all its Stone Cannons in a wave of crushing debris in a 60 ft cone in front of the construct. This attack deals 6d8 points of damage and applies the Stagger effect to targets damaged by it, but affected characters can attempt a Reflex save of DC 20 to halve the damage.

Inferno Mortar(Ex): A Gear Devastator always holds one very powerful projectile labelled as the Inferno Mortar. Firing one such is an action that takes 3 full-round actions(2 for the setup and 1 for the firing). During the 2 setup rounds the Gear Devastator cannot move, do a melee attack or use any of its other Special Attacks. It doesn't threaten squares in its reach but it can use its ranged attacks normally. Upon firing, the projectile is launched on a 300 ft area that needs to be at least 100ft away from the Gear Devastator but no longer than 1000 ft. Enemies in the area take 20d6 fire damage. They can attempt a Reflex save of DC 25 for half damage but unless one move action would allow them to move out of the affected area they cannot possibly negate the final damage they take. The projectile contains magically enhanced fire that burns black and is considered vile damage in addition to fire damage. A Gear Devastator comes outfitted with one Inferno Mortar Shell, but an Architect will have to construct more. Their construction costs 5000gp and takes 12 hours of work with simple tools in a workshop(and a necessarily heavy amount of scrap metal at the GM's discretion)

Explosion(Ex): As a full-round action, a Gear Devastator can explode under the combat of its Architect. Everyone within 20 ft from the Gear Devastator take 30d4 points of fire damage. Characters caught in the explosion radius can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. Reflex DC: 24.

Special Qualities: Construct traits, Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine, Overseer's Seat, Ruinous Consumption, Null-Magic Shield, Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Fast Healing 2(Astral Repair feat) Overseer's Seat(Ex): There is a special opening in the head of a Gear Devastator where an Architect can sit to command her constructs. The opaque cover that separates her from the battlefield can be turned on or off as a free action. A Gear Devastator can regenerate its destruction on a 24 hour period. Attacks and targeted spells at the cover naturally target the Gear Devastator for all effects that come to effect, if it is turned off however the Architect can be attacked naturally. Since it still has openings for air, any effects that can realistically affect the Architect or any such creatures that can move to the interior can do so.

Ruinous Consumption(Ex): The ammunition for the Gear Devastator's stone cannons comes from debris and materials(mostly crushed rocks and trees) from the land itself. Traditionally every Stone Cannon can fire up to 50 shots before needing to reload. When that happens, the construct plants its legs through stone and dirt and drains the nearby surroundings in a vacuum. It takes 1 hour for the construct to reload completely, in which duration all land within 400ft of it becomes slowly drained of most of its vegetation and ends up in a flattened state.

Null-Magic Shield(Ex): The construction of a Gear Devastator makes it resistant to magic effects. It has a Spell Resistance of 20 + 1 for every bonus HD applied to it through Visionary Points.

Saves: Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8

Abilities: Str 23, Dex 8, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1

Skills: Intimidate +12

Feats: Augmented Construction, Advanced Construction(Tough), Advanced Construction(Astral Repair), Advanced Construction(Super Buff)

Environment: Anywhere

Organization: With Architect

Challenge Rating: 12

Advancement: See above/ 14-22 HD(Gargantuan); 22+ HD(Colossal)

Artificial Apotheosis (Ex): A 20th-level Architect can opt to do a process that takes tools, enough metallic material and 24 hours that will create part of her into a construct. Upon completion, she raises all her Hit Dice to d10s and re-rolls her hit points, with a +5 bonus per Hit Dice. Although most of her body parts are artificial she still retains certain humanoid organs and limbs to function properly. She counts as having the Racial Traits of a Warforged(except the Favored Class), and the number of Geardendrites she can apply to herself increases to half her current Hit Dice.

Epic Architect

Table: The Epic Architect

Hit Die: d4

23rdItem Creation Feat
26thItem Creation Feat
29thItem Creation Feat
30thA Beautiful Mind

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

A Beautiful Mind (Ex): The epic level Architect develops a sentience higher than a normal human or construct. From now on she gets 1d4+1 Visionary Points per week to use.

Bonus Feats: The epic Architect gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of Item Creation Bonus Feats) every 3 levels after 20th.

Human Architect Starting Package

Weapons: Longsword (1d8, 19-20/×2, 4 lb., Slashing) .

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Craft [Weaponsmithing]4Int
Use Magic Device4Cha
Knowledge [History]4Int
Knowledge [Architecture & Engineering]4Int
Craft [Anything]4Int

Feat: Endurance.

Bonus Feats: Diehard.

Gear: Backpack, Bedroll, Fishing net, Flint and steel, Waterskin, Oil, one days trail of rations.

Gold: 200 GP.

Playing an Architect

Religion: They don't tend to follow any religions however those that do follow a religion tend to follow a religion when they want to.

Other Classes: This class can be taken as bit socially awkward as they may come from higher parts of societies then their fellow party members.

Combat: In combat they work like the backbone that supports the entire group with their assistants and prototype weapon.

Advancement: The most typical of advancement for them are mostly Mage or fighter classes.

Architects in the World

My assistants will always help me and my friends in the heat of battle.
—Teila Moont'ra, Elf Architect

Architectures tend to be the social elite most societies and they tend to act very high and mighty as their assistants do most of the work however they aren't that stupid to leave their assistants and their own prototype weapons

Daily Life: They take part of most things such as contests to show off their skills and how efficient their assistants are, however they are quite capable even with just their basic Assistants and prototype weaponry.

Notables: Teila Moont'ra, Ophelia Clarefield.

Organizations: They usually meet up at yearly meetings and parties as well as on some occasions in guilds or bases set up by their contractors.

NPC Reactions: As most of this class tend to be from the social elite they often looked up to or frowned upon from the poorer people.

Architect Lore

Characters with ranks in History can research Architectures to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

5Geniuses at play with their constructs.
10Highly skilled creators of various types of constructs.
15They are often support of most heroes and generals on the battlefield.
20Their skills that they learn and perfect are legendary.

Architect in the Game

An Architect is often to the long range support of every party in open areas with a clear line of sight to spot targets for both the Architecture herself or her Gear Assistants to attack several opponents at the same time to cause major confusion for the enemy and help her allies to great victory.

Adaptation: Well the easiest adaptation to make for this class is a mixture of Paladin/fighter with this class to allow the Architecture to wear armor so she isn't as a easy target for her and her allies enemies.

Sample Encounter: Ophelia Clarefield has asked the party to help her clear out a Village that has been invaded by bandits, however she does mention that it might be dangerous task and wouldn't risk other people's lives just to help her clean out the village of bandits.

EL 4

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gollark: Well, you could blind their sensors too, although those are more replaceable than human eyes.
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gollark: There are other ways but they mostly need root access and such because Android is annoying that way.
gollark: There is! Use Firefox for Android™ and install uBlock Origin™™!
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