Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend


Sometimes, a Robot Girl gets too clingy. She sees one person as the whole of their existence, and will outright kill anyone or anything that threatens this person. It's scary.

Becoming a Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend

Only Robot Girls can take this class, although any class can lead into it - though typically those who rely on martial prowess lead into it most seamlessly. It's also a good way to add combat prowess to a Gadgeteer without completely giving up on inventions and gadgets.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Race: Robot Girl.
Special: A special attachment to someone, or a tendency to get too attached to people even if you aren't at this very moment.
Table: The Golem-Knight

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Inventions
1st+1+2+0+2 Inventions, Cyber Eye, Charm Machine Spirits1 Good
2nd+2+3+0+3 Razor hair, Turbo Driver, Levitation Unit
3rd+3+3+1+3 Manipulate Machine Spirit, Spine-Crushing Glomp
4th+4+4+1+4 Invention, Seduce Machine Spirit, Titan Commander1 Greater
5th+5+4+1+4 Turbo Boost,Arm Cannon
6th+6/+1+5+2+5 EYE BEAMS!,Confuse Magic Device
7th+7/+2+5+2+5 Invention,Empower Device1 Giga
8th+8/+3+6+2+6 Electrifying Kiss,Electrical Discharge
9th+9/+4+6+3+6 Amplifier,Neutronic Asplodey Death Cannon
10th+10/+5+7+3+7 Invention,Vengeance1 Galactic

Class Skills (6 + Int) modifier per level.

Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Listen (Wis) Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features

Proficiencies: The Execution Girlfriend is proficient with any weapon-like or armor-like inventions she gains, but otherwise gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Inventions (Ex): at the levels shown in the chart above, the Girlfriend may select one Gadget of the appropriate kind. She gains this, built into her body (unless that would be considered stupid, in which case she builds it or can transform or suddenly call forth four other Robot Girls who combine-transform with her) as an Invention (as per the Gadgeteer).

Cyber Eye (Ex): the Girlfriend has extra-special Cybernetic Eyes, allowing her to see in complete darkness, and rendering her immune to Blindness and Dazzle effects.

Charm Machine Spirits (Su): when activating a charged item, a Girlfriend may attempt to talk it into accepting her own inner power. By adding +5 to the Use Magic Device DC, a successful check causes the item to be used without spending a charge.

Razor Hair (Ex): the Girlfriend's hair is replaced or supplemented with long strands of razor-wire. This may be used as a regular melee weapon (2d4 Slashing Damage, ignores Damage Reduction, 18-20/x2 critical, reaches to 10'), or can be used to attack all enemies within 5' as a Standard action. At level 6, her body can provide enough extra energy to add 1d6 Electrical damage plus her Constitution modifier.

This also provides a +4 bonus on Climb and Grapple checks, and can reach out to 15’ to perform actions such as Sleight of Hand, Repair, Heal and Disable Device. They may even be used to grapple foes at a distance, although she does not add her own Strength bonus in this case.

Turbo Driver (Su): a number of times per day equal to her Con modifier (minimum 1), the Girlfriend may activate a turbo driver, gaining the benefits of a Haste effect for one round per hit die.

Levitation Unit (Su): once per hour, the Girlfriend may levitate (as per the spell) for a number of rounds equal to her Con modifier (minimum 1).

Manipulate Machine Spirit (Su): when activating an item that casts or emulates a spell, a Girlfriend may talk the device into granting more powerful effects, by applying Meta-magic feats (she need not possess these feats). Doing so increases the UMD DC by +4 per level. As a swift action, this may be used on construct: it may make a level check, opposed by the Girlfriend’s UMD roll, or be under a Suggestion effect (caster level is the Girlfriend’s character level). This ignores their immunity to such effects.

Spine-Crushing Glomp (Ex): the Girlfriend gains a Constrict attack that deals 3d6 + Str*1.5 Bludgeoning damage and causes the victim to, if they fail a Fortitude save (Str-based), become Fatigued. If already Fatigued they become Exhausted, and if already Exhausted they pass out until 1d4 rounds after being released. If used on an ally, they take 1d6 nonlethal damage but got a +3 moral bonus to attacks and saves for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma bonus, and any morale penalty or fear effect is removed. She may stay glomped onto an ally, providing Cover for them.

Seduce Machine Spirit (Su): by this stage the Girlfriend can talk magic items into doing anything. With a Standard Action, they can be activated or deactivated (as though held in an Anti-magic field for 1d4+1 rounds, then requiring reactivation) up to 50' away with a Use Magic Device check, the DC being the Caster Level + 15. This may also be done to deactivate Golems for 1d4+1 rounds.

Titan Commander: starting at 4th level, a Girlfriend can spend a Full Round action talking to the spirit of a construct. It gains a modified Level check +5 (or a Caster Level check using the CL of its creator) to oppose the Use Magic Device check. If the Girlfriend wins, she gains control of the construct. This effect is permanent until they move more than 100 feet away from the construct, or until they command another construct.

Turbo Boost (Su): the Execution Girlfriend is overclocked, gaining an extra Move Action every round.

Arm Cannon (Ex): One of the Execution Girlfriend's arms is altered to make a big energy cannon; the hand flips over the wrist revealing the mouth of the weapon, and it flips back after it's fired. It takes a standard action to fire, with a 250' range, it does 10d6 Light damage, and is only usable every four rounds.

EYE BEAMS!: the Girlfriend's Laser Eyes' damage bumps up to character level * 3.

Confuse Magic Device (Su): anyone using a magic item to target the Girlfriend with a spell they don't want to be hit by must make a Modified Level Check against the Use Magic Device or Bluff of the Girlfriend. If they fail, the item targets the user instead. Additionally, any construct that is to attack the Execution Girlfriend is automatically treated as Charmed (ignore their immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects). There is no save against this.

Empower Device (Ex): by whispering sweet nothings to it, the Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend may Empower the effects of any magic item she wields, or one of her own (Su) or (Sp) abilities. A Swift action must be spent doing this, and it lasts for the remainder of the round.

Electrifying Kiss (Su): The Execution Girlfriend can kiss someone (part of Spine-Crushing Glomp) and give them the BEST DAMN KISS OF THEIR LIFE. If they fail a Fort Save (DC 10 + ½ the Girlfriend’s character level + her Con or Charisma modifier), it is also the last kiss of their life. If they pass the save, they still take 1d6 Electric damage per hit die.

Electrical Discharge (Su): the Execution Girlfriend constantly benefits from a Call Lightning effect (Su). This can be suppressed at will.

Amplifier (Ex): any Construct the Execution Girlfriend has control over (including her and/or Vengeance, below) gains an additional Standard action each round.

Neutronic Asplodey Death Cannon (Ex): The Girlfriend’s Arm cannon gains an additional option: Once a day, she may use the Neutronic Asploding Death Ray, which is a ranged touch attack with 1000' range, 100' radius blast, 25d6 Light damage, Ref Half (DC 35). Anything hit directly must make a Fort Save (DC 15 + ½ Character Level + Con Mod), or be outright asploded to death, leaving nothing behind.

Vengeance (Ex): should the Execution Girlfriend ever be slain and Reincarnated, the enemy will rue the day they crossed her, AND RUE IT HARD! The Girlfriend gets to inhabit the body of a Vengeance Titan Shell. Oh Shit Yes.

Vengeance Titan Shell
Size:Changes to Colossal (Tall), do not apply regular size-based ability/natural armour changes
Ability Scores:Strength becomes 50, Dexterity becomes 10, all other ability scores are unchanged
Speed:60 ft.
Skills:Unable, under any circumstances, to Swim.
Armour Class:+30 Natural Armour bonus, -8 Size penalty, +6 Deflection Bonus
Trample:DC 10 + half HD + Str, 10d6 Bludgeoning Damage.
Apocalyptic Explosion:When destroyed, the Vengeance Titan Shell explodes, going nuclear. This creates a 500' radius, 1000' tall column, dealing 50d6 damage to anything in the area (Reflex Half, DC 40). Anything reduced to 0 or less HP is instantly annihilated. The ground beneath the explosion turns to magma for 2d6 rounds.
Weaponry:Each arm has one of the following attached:
  • Killification Cannon (Ex): as a Standard action, this may be fired with the following profile: 1000' range, 30' radius blast, 2d6 Light Damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con). Can either be fired Twin-Linked with +2 to the DC, or spread out as a 50' blast.
  • Genocide Gatler (Ex): is fired as a Standard action with the following profile: 500' range, may either focus fire on one target or cover an area.
-Focus: ranged attack, 1d8 Fire/Sonic Damage per HD, critical 14-20/x3, ignore Regeneration and halve Damage Reduction, re-roll a failed hit.
-Area: 20' burst, 1d8 Fire/Sonic Damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con), ignore Regeneration.
  • Pyrophonic Blaster (Ex): is fired as a Standard action with the following profile: 200' cone of flame, 1d10 Fire Damage per level, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con). Those who fail the save continue to burn for 6d6 Fire damage per round.
  • Fusion Mega-Cannon (Ex): has two settings:
-Rapid Fire: fired as an Attack action with the following profile: 700' range, 50' radius blast, 1d6 Fire/Electricity damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 10 + half HD + Con).
-Optimal: fired as a Full Round action with the following profile: 1000' range, 100' radius blast, 2d6 Fire/Electricity damage per HD, Ref Half (DC 12 + half HD + Con). Vapours caused from the blast cause an Obscuring Mist effect for 1d4 rounds in the entire area, and all in the area need to make a Fortitude save (same DC) or be blinded for 1 hour.

Ex-Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend

Playing an Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend




Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriends in the World

NPC Reactions:

Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriend Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Arch-Golem Execution Girlfriends in the Game


Sample Encounter:

EL whatever:

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gollark: I'm sure you'd like to think I'd like to think I'd like to think you'd like me to think so.
gollark: I'm sure you'd like me to think so.
gollark: muahahahaha,implosion,generation,is,to,occur.
gollark: What if I don't?
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