Arcane Bolt (4e Power)

Arcane Bolt Warmage 4e Power Type::Attack 17
You channel the arcane through your weapon, blasting away an enemy and anything behind it.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Force, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 20
Special: Upon reaching the primary target, the bolt explodes in a Close blast 3 in the bolt's direction, using the primary target's location as the origin square for the area of effect. An Arcane Bolt can be redirected in a desired direction by using a Mystic Orb, Empowering it in the process as per the Warmage class feature 'Empower Orb'.
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence Vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage
Secondary Target: Each creature in blast
Secondary Attack: Intelligence Vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage and target is pushed a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier
Miss: Half damage
Special: This power counts as a ranged basic attack. When a power allows you to make a ranged basic attack, you can use this power. Any active effects on your weapon also apply upon a successful hit as if you struck the target with a melee attack.
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